Chapter 330 the devil is back (2)

“Uh, how did Ginyu’s chains that even restrained Adam Fort…”

“Huh? Ah, the one that drew mana.”

Hyunmoo glanced at Albert and put his hand in his pocket.

“The mana is oversaturated. Then the strength of her muscles is sufficient for the rest.”

What Hyunmoo pulled out of his pocket was Albert’s cell phone. Hyunmoo checked the date on his cell phone and was speechless when he realized that he had been asleep for three days.

He never slept more than an hour in a single day while in Difficulty: Hell.

Then, as soon as I breathed in the clear sky and the air without a single fine dust, the tension seemed to be relieved.

“Huh. That’s a big deal. Wait, where are you? Hey, foreigners. Where are you?”

Albert, the former president of the United States, was called a ‘foreigner’ and had a puzzled expression on his face. But when Hyunmoo’s face was about to show a tinge of irritation, he quickly opened his mouth.

“Romania. It’s on the Bakou side…”

“Romania? You’ve come a long way. Oh, Mr.”

Hyunmoo eventually gave an annoyed look.

It was in the western United States that Hyunmoo was forcibly returned to Difficulty: Hell, so he had traveled 1/3 of the way to Geojin.

He’s three years old, so he thought his error rate was going to be huge, but he should have thought he was lucky he didn’t fall into the sea.

While Hyunmoo was contemplating returning to Korea, Albert slyly backed away.

I wondered if other hunters would come back with reinforcements, but there was no sign of that. They really ran away.

As soon as he turned his back and tried to run away, he felt an intense pain in Albert’s thigh.

“Oh, come to think of it, what were you guys doing? Why did you hold me?”

“Uh-huh, heh…”

I didn’t even know what was right.

His bones were not broken, but there was no force in the thigh that had been beaten.

When Albert was unable to speak because of the pain, Hyunmoo raised his feet again. Albert hurriedly raised his hands and said,

“Come on, wait. I’m Albert Cromford, former President of the United States. You don’t want to touch me!”

“What? Former President of the United States?”

Hyunmoo recalled Albert’s face in a hazy memory. Although their hair styles were different, they seemed to have similar appearances.

For a moment, Hyunmoo’s eyes twinkled.

Hyunmoo grabbed his thigh and squatted in front of the grunting Albert, subtly asked.

“Wow, if you were such a precious person, you wouldn’t have come this far on foot, would you?”


Hyunmoo looked out of his window as the plane left the runway as it slowly moved away.

In the seat opposite him, Albert was watching Hyunmoo with a stiff expression on his face.

He tried to run away or quickly signal his ally when he had the slightest chance, but Hyunmoo didn’t give him the slightest chance.

Fortunately, Hyunmoo didn’t seem to have any intention of covering his face.

Albert had no choice but to expect that someone must have recognized Hyunmoo and contacted the alliance.

But in fact, Hyunmoo paid little attention to Albert. Albert was suffering from paranoia of persecution. For Hyunmoo, Albert was just a convenient prepass card.

In fact, the status of former president of the United States made it possible to pass through without blockages, even at airports.”Hey, I like planes. There’s a living room inside the plane. Do you think the US treats former presidents well?”

“…This is the asset of the alliance. After all, I am the former president and the uncle of the Republican Party, so even incompetent people are among the highest-ranking officers of the alliance.

“Oh, yes. That’s right. What did the alliance say?”

Hyunmoo smiled and bowed down.

“But what happened to the teacher? He’s still alive?”

“Yeah. After the battle with you, he was seriously injured, but he’s still alive. But seeing you come back like this, he’ll be resurrected soon. Then…”

“Have the frivolous stories gone? So where are you now?”

“Do you think I’ll say that?”

“It’s up to you.”

The moment Albert knew what Hyunmoo was talking about, he found himself clutching his fingers.

Without time to dry, Albert folded his little finger back completely.

He tried to scream, but his mouth didn’t open even the slightest bit. His breathing became intense, and sweat was just gushing out.

“I don’t like this skill very much. That’s why I only use it for torture.”

Finally, when he folded his third finger, Albert opened his mouth.

“Ugh… I don’t know, damn it! No one knows where you are!”

“Are you saying that you are an executive of the alliance?”

“Park Do-ryeong hid the teacher’s location with the highest secret. Only Park Do-ryeong himself and his closest aide called the Four Heavenly Kings will know.”

“The Four Heavenly Kings… I just named it in case it wasn’t No-Tang.”

Hyunmoo did not doubt Albert’s words. If it was Park Do-ryeong, whom he knew, he couldn’t have exposed his teacher so easily.

Moreover, it seemed that Albert had already been far removed from the mainstream of the alliance.

Anyway, Park Do-ryeong was on the list of people Hyunmoo would meet in the future. Then he had to ask him directly.

Hyunmoo took a potion from his inventory and threw it at Albert.

Albert looked startled for a moment, but soon his trembling hands sprinkled his broken fingers. For a moment, his fingers were restored as if they had never been broken.

“What effect…”

“It’s expensive.”

Hyunmoo smiled and beckoned Albert for a puppy.

“So let’s hear another story. Tell me about what happened in the past three years.”


Hyunmoo heard about the world situation through Albert.

As the borders became vague due to the appearance of monsters, the existing national system collapsed, and the fight became a group-oriented faction fight.

As a result, the world is currently dominated by four large factions: Chrome, the Almighty Alliance, the South China Alliance, and the Alliance, and countries are vying for which faction to join.

And Hyunmoo also heard an unexpected name in the meantime.

“The ‘Demon King’ Kazat?”

“Yes. Kang Hyunmoo As you disappear, Pyongyang’s blockade weakens, and the Demon King Kazat escapes from Pyongyang. He is threatening mankind with his evil minions Ha-hyeon, Yerdan, and Kirson.”

Albert gritted his teeth and burst out in anger.

“Actually, there are evaluations that humanity is a strong enemy that we must unite and fight against, but humanity is still focused on being hostile to each other. As expected, there should have been a teacher…”

‘Demon King’ Kazat and his three evil servants. Ironically, the weakest of the four was Kazat.

They seemed to be happily adjusting to this world in their own way.

Albert continued his speech by grinding his teeth.

“I’ve even heard that the South China Confederacy is willing to use nuclear weapons against you Almighty Alliance. Your fanatical followers and nuclear-warranted maniacs are at odds with you! And yet Chrome is just waiting and your only hope, Sir. He doesn’t even show any signs of waking up…”

Hyunmoo heard Albert’s words and remembered the prophecy the teacher had made.

‘But at some point, the future was distorted. Lee Ji-tae was no longer a star, the game was still going on, hordes of monsters were still running rampant, and your extreme followers were aiming guns at all of humanity, creating catastrophe.’


Hyunmoo could only say that.

Anyway, the teacher’s prophecy has come true. Perhaps the future he saw is the world right now.

The only thing that has changed is that the teacher is in a state that is no different than a vegetative person.

“But isn’t it as bad as you think?”

“…isn’t it the worst?”

“Well, isn’t it that bad? It’s not really a nuclear war, it’s a threat. However, you see the world in a very negative way. You guys need to know what a real hell is like.”

Albert sharpened it.

Of course, the ‘best future’ that the teacher thought was a utopia among utopias.

An enchanting world where a teacher could not give up despite countless injuries.

If Hyunmoo had seen that world, he might have struggled to face the ‘best future’.

But Hyunmoo didn’t see such a heaven, and he had no interest in a heaven he could not even live in.

Hyunmoo was now feeling lukewarm even in hell.

“Hmm. Anyway, if the situation is going so urgently… it would be better to turn around a bit rather than go straight to Korea.”


“Did you say Romania? Turn to Russia, yes. To Moscow. Because I have someone to meet.”

“No, wait. This plane is a diplomat plane. You can’t just go there like that…”


Albert found himself standing up against his will. And he found his right hand clutching the little finger of his left hand, which he had just healed.

Whether he accepts what Hyunmoo says or not, in the end he will do what he tells him to do.

Albert mumbled his profanity and headed for the cockpit.

Just then, the stewardess opened the door and stepped inside.

The stewardess was embarrassed to see the ex-president head towards the cockpit, muttering an unspeakable swear word, but calmly approached Hyunmoo.

“Excuse me. The meal is being prepared. The menu you want is…”


Interrupting the stewardess, Hyunmoo answered without hesitation.

The stewardess looked at Hyunmoo with a bewildered expression. She soon opened her mouth carefully.

“For in-flight meals, top-quality filet mignon, French chicken dishes, sea bass, and caviar are prepared. Vegetarian meals are also available, so feel free to…”

“No ramen?”

“…I will prepare.”

The stewardess went straight to the kitchen without asking any more questions.

She thought Hyunmoo’s face was somehow familiar, but she didn’t think deeply.The crew members working here were trained not to think deeply about the identity of the passengers.

A little later, Albert came back.

Returning with a slightly absurd expression, he sat down in the seat opposite Hyunmoo again.

He said, “I was making ramen. I heard that he has a greedy personality, but his taste is simple.”

“When people are really hungry, they often miss the most common food rather than the well-prepared food.”

After a while, the stewardess came back with well-boiled ramen.

He thought that Japanese or Southeast Asian-style ramen could not be helped, but surprisingly, Korean-style ramen came out with ramen and green onion.

“Huh, what’s going on? Oh, I said that the representative of the alliance is Park Do-ryeong. Then I’ll keep this in stock at all times.”

“have a good meal.”

Hyunmoo swallowed the ramen with one chopstick. But in an instant, his expression darkened.

Hyunmoo tilted his head for a while and then put down his chopsticks. His face was full of dissatisfaction.

Hyunmoo put the bowl of ramen aside without saying a word. Albert asked with a frown.

“You seem to want to eat like that, don’t you think the chef’s skills aren’t good enough?”

“No, it’s just… the taste is a little different from what I expected. Hmm.”

Hyunmoo tried to recall the taste of ramen in his memory. Then soon Hyunmoo realized what the problem was.

What Hyunmoo was expecting was the situation, not the ramen.

It’s not just ramen that’s boiled anywhere.

It was the taste of ramen he cooked while watching the news with her in Yumin’s officetel, where he first settled.

What Hyunmoo wanted for all three years was that quiet and comfortable moment.

But I couldn’t go right away.

If you go, then the minimum preparation is complete.

Hyunmoo pulled out Albert’s cell phone.

Hyunmoo, who was entering a number that he can’t remember, realized that there was Yumin’s number in Albert’s cell phone address list.

“…why do you have a Yumin number?”

“Yu-min? Are you talking about the general manager Yu-min? She’s the Almighty Ryeon representative. Of course, she should have a number. If a nuclear war breaks out right now or tens of thousands of people are killed by monsters, who should I call?”

This is Director Yumin.

Hyunmoo nodded his head. He wasn’t sure if he remembered the number correctly, but for this reason, he didn’t seem to worry about making a mistake if the number was entered.

Hyunmoo left a message on Yumin’s cell phone.

[Coming soon.]


“Director Min Yu, I got a text message from former President Albert.”

“Huh? What?”

“I’m leaving soon…”

“What do you mean all of a sudden?”

“Do you think that you can meet the general manager at any time if you want to see Ji? Or is it a threat?”

“I was ignoring it, but it seems that Almighty Ryeon has looked down on me. The next time we meet, he’ll say hello to the extent that it will remain as a trauma.”

Albert Cromford was forced to feel a sudden and unfamiliar chill.

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