Chapter 328 go away (2)

“What to say?”

The caramel in his mouth was a little squishy, ​​but Hyunmoo decided to wait a bit.

She would never have returned on her own without the help of Isaiah Wren.

It wasn’t difficult at all to listen to a few words.

“First of all, congratulations on your sooner-than-expected return. The stars seem to have taken you quite unlucky.”

“It’s something I’m confident in. It’s also something I’m good at.”

The recipient of the star turned and left with a desperate hope for the future of all mankind, but Hyunmoo was cursed, scorned and hated, and was driven out.

Either way it doesn’t matter

If only the results were good.

“But what do you mean?”

At that, Isaiah Ren smiled and raised her hand.

“This hearthstone is a little different.”

Following Isaiah Ren’s hand gestures, the hearthstone in front of Hyunmoo’s chest came to mind.

It was much smaller than the hearthstone Hyunmoo had in the past and had a simple pattern.

“This time, the stars made the hearthstone for the purpose of banishing you. Since you were already from the outside world, neither the strength nor the process was too difficult. It just returns to your original world. It serves one purpose. .”

The hearthstone had an O-shaped circle drawn on it.

“This isn’t a star turned around. It’s literally a hearthstone. Mr. Kang Hyunmoo will now return to his original world. The stars were made to banish you, but… with a personal favor.”

Isaiah Ren swung her O circle with her finger and erased half of her to make her C.

“Now this hearthstone can only be used once.”

“Only once?”

“Three years have passed.”

Isaiah Ren looked at Hyunmoo silently and said.

“No one knows what has happened to your world in the past three years. It may have happened beyond your control, and perhaps the same tragedy is unfolding in this world. But Kang Hyunmoo has already gotten used to this place. Yes. No, in three years, it might be right to call them a resident of this place.”

“If you can’t stand it, use it again and come back, right?”


Hyunmoo quickly noticed the hidden meaning of Isaiah Ren’s words. It was not a simple favor.

“If you want to bring about an apocalypse, do it here, that’s it.”

“Because that world doesn’t have to follow the same path.”

Isaiah Ren was concerned that Kang Hyunmoo would become an apocalyptic star just like her teacher.

“No, to be honest, I think this is the end of the world, but I think the world has to come to a complete end. The end of the world has come and gone and it has become even more dangerous. It’s our first time in a case like this, so we don’t know what to do.”

“Well… I don’t think so, but thanks anyway.”

There was no unnecessary consideration. Anyway, there might be moments when you need them.

“Oh, and.”

Isaiah Ren turned her head and spoke to her back.

“There are people who want to say hello to you.”

She saw someone behind him.

The first to appear was Lee Seo-yeon, the agent of the whispering star.***

“After all, I couldn’t put it in my harem.”

Seo-yeon Lee was dressed like the CEO of an ordinary large corporation.

It seemed that her father-in-law’s rise in difficulty had escaped her. However, the nameplate was a little peculiar.

Taesung Group Chairman Lee Seo-yeon.

As far as Hyunmoo knows, Seo-yeon Lee did not hold the post of chairman until the very end.

‘The Taeseong group probably won’t remain until now anyway.’

“What, it might be the last time you’ve seen it, but are you only looking at other people’s breasts?”

“It’s not a chest, it’s a nameplate.”

Hyunmoo responded without a commotion, and Seo-yeon Lee crossed her arms with an annoyed expression on her face.

“Well, it’s okay. It’s not like we’re going to be able to greet each other and cry anyway.”

There were certainly a lot of things that were related to the Whispering Star, and in some ways, there was a part that I was very fond of.

There were even times when we owed our lives to each other, and there were times when we had an unusually high number of interactions with other stars.

Both were partly because they were the underdogs on this difficulty: Hell.

Even so, it is merely a business relationship that was established with a purpose.

Seo-yeon Lee knew that no matter how far their relationship went, it would remain the same.

And the fact that this Kang Hyunmoo is not the Kang Hyunmoo he knew.

“If I had known about that earlier, I wouldn’t have put on a show to flirt…”

“What are you talking to yourself?”

Seo-yeon Lee returned to her business-like attitude and opened her mouth, staring at Hyunmoo.

“Let’s make one deal, Kang Hyunmoo.”

Even in the midst of the destruction of the world, she was facing Hyunmoo with the attitude of the president of a large corporation.


“As you know, I invested a lot in you. And I also contributed to this return. But it doesn’t seem like I was paid properly, did I?”

Hyunmoo grinned.

That tenacious starving star was driven to that point trying to settle his debts from him.

However, Seo-yeon Lee is still trying to force her to pay the debt.

But she didn’t want to be a starving star.

“Well, would you like to share some of the items I have?”

“I don’t need that crap. I invested in you to turn it around in one shot.”

Seo-yeon Lee pondered for a moment and then opened her mouth.

“I have some of my stuff that’s passed on to your world. Send it back.”

Seo-yeon Lee approached Hyunmoo and whispered into her ear.

Hyunmoo’s eyes widened for a moment, but it was a convincing suggestion.

It didn’t seem like it would be too difficult, so Hyunmoo nodded his head.

“Yeah. Well, if you want.”


With a satisfied expression on her face, Lee Seo-yeon stepped back.

“Then, let’s not see each other again. Kang Hyunmoo.”

Lee Seo-yeon’s figure disappeared.

And right after that, Hyunmoo discovered a strangely shaped beast that vibrated like a haze.

The beast came in the form of all kinds of animals, then it all came together, then it became nothing, and finally it arrived before Hyunmoo in the form of Adam Fort.

“You really did it. Kang Hyunmoo. I don’t think I helped much.”

“No… to be honest, if you helped me, it would have been more difficult to get things done.”

Adam Fort raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

‘You’re laughing too.’

Difficulty: Hell’s Adam Fault is definitely Difficult: It seems to be a little more free from bondage than normal Adam Fault.

‘After all, every time I meet Maria Keller, I kick it with her feet like a ball, so maybe that’s why.’

It was an understandable reason.

Hyunmoo thought about what he would do to Adam Fort if he returned to Difficulty: Normal.

As if grasping Hyunmoo’s intention, Adam Fort opened his mouth.

“Difficulty: Was I a Faithful Dog on Normal?”

“Uh, yes. You listened very well. Even the order to poke the master was done without asking. I was hoping that he would hesitate a little.”

“Well, if the owner was Maria Keller, she would never have done anything to hurt her. In that sense, you might be a more masterful owner.”

What Hyunmoo coveted was Difficulty: Hell’s Adam Fault, but has now given up. She was already a finished being on her own.

No matter how crooked or misaligned the shape is, the finished product is the finished product.

However, it was fortunate that even a piece could be coveted.

“By the way… that the owner of the Hearthstone wasn’t Lee Ji-tae?”

“Yeah. Everyone seems to have been deceived by Lee Ji-tae.”

“Yeah. I was fooled all the time. There were a few odd things, though.”

Adam Fort was silent for a moment. But she soon nodded her head and spoke to her.

“But it’s Lee Ji-tae. We trusted Lee Ji-tae and entrusted him with the hearthstone, so whoever he passed it on and how he used it must be Lee Ji-tae’s heart. He must have made the right decision. But…”

Adam Fort tapped Hyunmoo’s hearthstone.

“I want to meet the person who turned around and accepted the star instead. I want to have a slightly serious conversation. What the hell was he thinking of sending a selfishly crazy person like Kang Hyunmoo into this world?”

Hyunmoo laughed.

Adam Fort turned his back, as if that was enough.

It seemed that he still had the personality of not saying goodbye for a long time. However, Hyunmoo did not forget one thing he was curious about.

“Adam Fort, what color dog collar do you like?”

“Gold. A splendid thing decorated in a Middle Eastern style.”

Adam Fort answered, raising his middle finger behind her back.

Soon she disappeared too.

Where Adam disappeared, this time Maria Keller appeared. She still looked like a broken crystal.

She didn’t say anything, just looked at Hyunmoo in silence, and disappeared without leaving her greeting or curse.

The genius who planned the ‘best future’ before the teacher had to accept hell so calmly. That was her best.

No one appeared after that.

This was all that Hyunmoo had built up in hell.

The rest only cursed, despised, or hated Hyunmoo.

I don’t know if there were any family members, but it was impossible to summon the family members after the star that they turned to was destroyed.Probably Kirson, Kazat, Yerdan, and Hahyun will all remain in Difficulty: Normal.

‘The newly created family members just used them.’

However, there was still one opponent Hyunmoo had to face.

Hyunmoo called out the name of the person who did not show himself until the end.




Hyunmoo felt a light weight on his head. Without warning, Lenian was sitting on his shoulder as if riding a horse.

“Are you going to the butler too?”

Her voice was very muffled. She looked like she was about to burst into tears.

“Are you one body with me?”

“It’s not the end star.”

Lenian said, pulling Hyunmoo’s hair.

“I can’t show myself in front of the butler. Like I did when the owner was there before, unless I forcibly tear it off and take it out. It could be the owner.”

Hyunmoo liked Lenny Ahn, but she didn’t want to see her face so far.

It is probably the same for anyone in the world.

In other words, although conversation may be possible, it could be said that this is the last time Lenian can appear in front of Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo knew what Lenian desperately wanted.

Lenian is not what Hyunmoo wants to leave behind. She wants Hyunmoo to hold hands and laugh and destroy the world.

But Hyunmoo couldn’t give Lenian what he wanted.

And if Hyunmoo leaves, the end of his life will never come.

The lost beast will remain lonely forever.

“Um… Lenian.”

Hyunmoo doesn’t know what kind of expression the thirsty Lenny Ann might have, but she cautiously opened her mouth.

“I never leave my dog.”


“Yeah. I don’t want to disappoint.”

Lenian tilted his head, not knowing what Hyunmoo was talking about.

“I’ll send you a present that will satisfy you. Surely.”


3 years after the showdown at Leviathan.

A woman who was enjoying the sun at the rooftop observation deck of the mobile giant fortress city ‘Tianru’ woke up.

She hummed as she approached the railing and looked down at her ground.

The name tag ‘Director Yu-min’ hanging from her chest swayed in the wind.

The ground was covered with dark clouds, but she was staring at a distant place that no one else could see.

just foreshadowing.

It’s okay to ignore, it’s the kind of premonition that I’ve passed over several times up to this point.

But the moment it comes out of her mouth, it has a premonition that it will become a reality.

“You’re finally here, brother.”

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