Chapter 320 best future (8)

“Teacher, at least release Kang Hyunmoo’s restraints…”

Lee Ji-tae looked at the teacher’s expression. The teacher was shivering, exuding a dreadful life.

Lee Ji-tae wondered if she had made a mistake, and she was nervous. She had never seen a teacher so angry.

The point in the past that the teacher decided to turn was the situation ‘just before Lee Ji-tae died’.

That was the point the teacher thought, ‘the least possible time to turn back time and correct the situation’.

“Teacher, sir? Are you all right……”

Imprisoned in the abyss, Hyunmoo noticed the ‘transcendence’ soon before Lee Ji-tae’s words were finished.

Realizing that the teacher had been injured and ‘returned’, he immediately moved into the abyss and attacked the teacher.

And when the spear of the abyss pierced the teacher, Lee Ji-tae stood in the way as if it was natural.

“Get out of the way, you idiot.”

Just as the same situation was about to repeat, the teacher quickly grabbed Lee Ji-tae and pulled him back.

The abyss, which had barely deviated, broke the track and entered the teacher tenaciously.

“go away!”

However, at the teacher’s shout, the abyss dispersed with a popping sound.

Hyunmoo regretted not injuring himself, condensing the abyss to prepare for battle.

Lee Ji-tae looked at him with a surprised expression at the fact that the teacher had saved him, but the teacher didn’t care.

“We have to get out of here. Lee Ji-tae.”

“Yes? But…”

“Where are you going?”

Hyunmoo quickly moved the abyss and unleashed an attack. The teacher quickly wrapped his hand around the tentacles that rushed at him and pulled them.

Hyunmoo’s abyss began to be taken away like a thread.

Hyunmoo quickly cut the engulfing abyss before losing more.

Anyone can see that the teacher was more overwhelming than Hyunmoo. But the teacher kept pushing Lee Ji-tae.


“All right.”

If the teacher is like that.

Ji-tae Lee still had no doubts that the teacher would take everyone to the best possible future.

Lee Ji-tae quickly wrapped around the teacher with the wings of brilliance and left the seat. Hyunmoo couldn’t keep up with Lee Ji-tae, who flew quickly.

“Go over there.”

Lee Ji-tae meekly took the teacher and flew in the direction instructed.

In an instant, Kang Hyunmoo moved away until he looked like a dot on the horizon, and Lee Ji-tae cautiously opened his mouth.

“By the way, sir, if I can’t kill Kang Hyunmoo like this, the Leviathan mission…”

“If that’s your concern, why didn’t you kill Kang Hyunmoo?”

Lee Ji-tae didn’t answer.

The teacher felt his stomach churn.

The just and moral character of Lee Ji-tae was the future that the teacher dreams of, but at the same time, it was also the cause of his upside down.

“Everyone has thoughts. Lee Ji-tae. Stop here.”

The place where the teacher stopped was where the monster he brought, ‘Giraffe’ was.

Although not recorded in history, he was the strongest of the few monsters the teacher could bring into his family.

The giraffe was knocked down by Adam, but simply fell, in order to disguise the accident and dispose of those who might interfere with its future purpose.

Lee Ji-tae forgot his words when he saw the tragic sight of the dead bodies slaughtered by giraffes.

The teacher said that it was the path he had chosen for the best future, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn’t help but be shaken.

The teacher painstakingly persuaded Lee Ji-tae.

“Wait. Lee Ji-tae. It’ll be over soon.”

The teacher approached the giraffe. And he pushed the handful of abyss he had brought into the giraffe lying face down.

The abyss quickly engulfed the giraffe and sublimated it into the beast of the end. It was as if the bacteria were turning the host into a gigantic organism.


Then Lee Ji-tae opened his mouth. A look of tension was evident.

The teacher turned his head. I could feel the popularity around me. They were also quite powerful.

The teacher could immediately recognize the popularity.


Hyunmoo’s Difficulty: The Fellows Brought From Hell.

They were chasing Park Do-ryung, but suddenly they surrounded and surrounded the teacher.

“Uh-huh, heh…”Then someone rolled down the slope of the hill.

It was Park Do-ryung, who became a wreck.

The teacher could not understand the situation. Obviously, in the future, Park Do-ryung was sniping while surviving in a relatively intact form.

But why?

She said, “This guy suddenly ran away, so he did something and he followed you again.”

One of the monsters opened their mouth. It was Ha-hyeon, a spider spider, wearing a fancy dress that was not suitable for battle.

She knew that Song Yeo-Woon would become a member of the Monstrill family in the future, but she still didn’t look alike at all.

“This guy was pretty sure you were running away, but he’s stopping here? What’s his plan?”

The teacher sighed.

It is not difficult to deal with the monsters he has brought after awakening them as the beasts of the end.

But the problem is that it gets stuck here.

The teacher looked up at the sky.

How far the tower was, and where she had come from, she did not know.

“…there must be time to kill all of you and prepare.”


the sky was smashed

A tangled sky tower, tearing apart the storm, fell on the teacher.

The teacher roared as he saw it.

Hyunmoo’s torn family members were scattered all around him.

Ji-tae Lee and Do-ryeong Park were also killed in the process.

But now, while he was blocking the tower, there was no one to stand in his way.

“Are you going to kill me with something heavy?”

The teacher laughed and raised the power of the beast of the end.

It wasn’t an improvised fusion like before, it was a state of being completely united with the giraffe through battle.

The teacher felt the seething power and pierced the falling superstructure with a horn like a blade with all his might.

The abyss, which was shaped like a deer’s horn, swelled long and gigantic within the massive body of the tower.

The blood vessels and nerves of the canopy were cut and cut, and the horns grew even bigger than their master’s torso.

“I won’t crush you, Kang Hyunmoo!”

Destroying only one base, the remaining power will be enough to kill Hyunmoo.

When the teacher poured out all his power, the shape of the apocalyptic beast swelled up like it was about to explode.


Tentacles of the canopy, which had been entangled like the roots of thousands of years old trees, began to separate.

There was a lot of pressure, but the teacher was convinced.

can do.

Rip the canopy apart, and now it’s your turn to smash the bastard’s head.

However, as soon as the tower began to split in half, the teacher realized that something was wrong.

The two tangled towers were splitting too easily.

Moreover, the fact that Kang Hyunmoo did not appear until this situation made the teacher anxious.

blah blah

The tower, which had been split from top to bottom, suddenly stopped standing tall.

The teacher realized that she was completely caught between the two towers.

Like a little bird that has slipped between the jaws of a crocodile.

Whirly Lyric.

Black abyss spread like a web in all directions. The teacher realized the situation later.

Hyunmoo and Lenian had turned the tower into the beast of the end while the teacher ran away.

The Tianru, who became the beast of the end, sewed its torn body into the abyss, and immediately began to press down on the teacher.

“Hello, Master!”

Then I heard a voice that shook my spine.

“Say regards to the fairy of the past!”

Just before being crushed by being caught between the two towers, the teacher screamed in anger once more and turned back time.


The wind blew like crazy.

The teacher was on top of the sky tower.

The method the teacher chose this time was to make the tower itself her own.

If Kang Hyunmoo can make the Sky Tower the beast of the apocalypse, then of course he can too.

Lee Ji-tae, who threw Kang Hyunmoo aside and followed him, looked around with a worried expression.

“I’ve definitely seen Kang Hyunmoo send the superstructure into space. But how…”

“I don’t have time to think about it. We have to hit the player before he gets this under control.”

The teacher headed towards the heart of the tower without hesitation.

It was the only way to control the tower.

Kang Hyunmoo also thought he had something crafty in his heart.

There were a few monsters guarding the heart, but they couldn’t withstand the pincer attacks of the teacher and Lee Ji-tae.

Eventually, in the heart of the arrival, I was able to find a heart that had been dyed black.

“Hey, you’ve been working on a similar trick.”

The teacher put his hand on the heart.

The sky tower has already become a semi-apocalyptic beast. However, the subject that encroached upon the sky tower was in an inexperienced state of handling this power.

It was simple for the teacher to seize the initiative.

The teacher set out to find the subject who had the initiative in the heart.

In the vast and unknown depths of the sea, a tremendous amount of water pressure was felt.

And there, the teacher felt a familiar presence.

The teacher’s eyes widened.

[Wow! master! and! End Star! For those of you who don’t know what the Star of the End is, I’ll give you a brief explanation. I’m level 99 and Himchemin is 99. Jean. sep. you. all.]

“God damn it.”

The teacher quickly took his hand away, but the abyss quickly wrapped his arm around him.

At that time, Lee Ji-tae hurriedly swung a sword surrounded by lightning and cut the abyss. But he couldn’t help it as much as his hand was in direct contact with his heart.

However, the teacher didn’t mind the peeling of his arms and hands, and pulled them out at once.

Crimson blood was dripping out of it, and some were even visible to the bones, but I was able to get out of it completely.

“Are you okay?”

Despite Lee Ji-tae’s concerns, the teacher did not answer and was in trouble.

The personality of a ‘beast’ was covered in the heart of the tower.

However, it did not have a body like Kang Hyunmoo. I even suffered a hand injury because of surprise, but it wasn’t to the point of being scared.

‘You can take the initiative.’

But it seemed to take some time. The teacher looked at Lee Ji-tae and said.

“Lee Ji-tae, protect me. Three minutes is enough.”

“But sir!”

“Even in this situation, the answer is…”

The teacher looked down in anger and saw Lee Ji-tae hurriedly pointing to the floor.

From the bottom of the heart of the tower, you could see the ground conditions.

And the teacher saw for the first time in her life that the earth was round.

“…the sky tower is really heading into space!”

” Kang Hyunmoo, you crazy bastard…”

Kang Hyunmoo was sent to space as soon as the teacher got on the superstructure.

He didn’t even have to fight. Because being a teacher doesn’t mean there’s a way to survive in space.

At the same time as the realization, the air inside began to escape quickly as if the Tianru was breathing out.

The cold energy of the universe permeated with the wind. The teacher could even watch the tower freeze.

You should be able to hold out for about 3 minutes. But it will take at least a few dozen minutes for her to descend again.

The only option left was to suffocate or freeze.


It also failed to tame the sky tower into the beast of the end. Direct confrontation was impossible.

At this point, the teacher had to admit.

She lacked a helper for him.

The teacher had no choice but to turn back a lot of time this time.

She had no choice but to recover the exhaustion of her power that had been poured into her to stop the tower, and to heal the wounds she had suffered everywhere.

The performance that drove Kang Hyunmoo had to be abandoned. Facing Kang Hyunmoo again in this state would only bring about even worse results.

“No, my God. Sir, are you okay?”

Before going to visit Hyunmoo, the teacher was looking down at the cloud-filled ground from the top of the mountain.

Lee Ji-tae was shocked to see the teacher with her face torn off, her eyes smashed and even her hands damaged.

He should have had a broken mask as usual, but the items he wears are also subject to the passage of time along with the teacher.

The teacher stood up with a bare face without saying a word. Lee Ji-tae followed him with a worried expression.

The teacher stood in front of his allies and looked down upon them.

those whom they have brought to their death. Those who dream of the best future burning with their own desires.

The teacher tried to cut them all off, leaving only one future behind.”all.”

But the teacher delayed the plan a bit.

“Go together.”


the sky was smashed

The rubble around it was disastrous. Many of his allies were killed by Kang Hyunmoo and the beast of the end he summoned.

However, Kang Hyunmoo’s side suffered much more damage.

Most of the Almighty Hunters died, and the monsters were at the level of annihilation.

Even Lee Ji-tae and Park Do-ryeong were alive.

The teacher repeated approximately 12 regressions before reaching this result.

By then, Kang Hyunmoo had smashed all of his teacher’s right tooth, inflicted a penetrating wound on his thigh, and broke seven of his ribs.

Of course, the teacher cut off Kang Hyunmoo’s neck, pulled out his heart, and pulled out his limbs.

However, as a result, the only thing left now was the injury of the teacher.

Nevertheless, the best result of the 12 regressions was now.

This was the best.

However, the superstructure Hyunmoo summoned and dropped was a card that would be more than enough to reverse all of this.

“not much left!”

The teacher shouted, encouraging her allies. By his side, Lee Ji-tae struggled to get himself up.

She, too, was badly wounded, but she was desperately surviving this showdown.

Now he can defeat Kang Hyunmoo with a little more push.

“Towards the best future!”

The teacher vomited out her cry, not sure if she was talking to her allies or herself.

The allies all shouted at once, and in their own way, they poured their attacks on the sky tower.

The teacher, too, slammed the tower with his horns with all his might through the giraffe who sublimated into the beast of the end.

At last, as if their efforts and aspirations had paid off, the tower began to split. Fighting so fast, Hyunmoo didn’t have time to turn the Sky Tower into a beast of the end.

But the teacher did not slow down.

This is because the true form of Kang Hyunmoo, who was ambush in the superstructure, was due to appear right after this.

As expected, the moment the tower was torn apart, Kang Hyunmoo and Lenian attacked the teacher.

“Toward the best, the future!”

However, the teacher who was fully prepared for this moment collided with Hyunmoo with all his might.

The teacher was exhausted, but so was Hyunmoo. Besides, he was dying, and he had no power.

‘This is the only time to win.’

The teacher was on the verge of losing his mind from repeated battles and exhaustion of physical strength.

Difficulty: Even in a nightmare, there was never a fight in a row to the extent that it reached this point.

The teacher sharpened his teeth and launched an attack on Hyunmoo.

But at that moment, the teacher saw Kang Hyunmoo smile. His chest swelled greatly, and a loud shout broke out.

“Adam, ask!”

“Sir, avoid!”

At the same time, Lee Ji-tae’s cry was also heard.

However, Kang Hyunmoo and the teacher had already collided. To be precise, Kang Hyunmoo threw himself into the teacher’s attack in a way that was almost suicidal.

The abyss that had been under Kang Hyunmoo’s control was sticky and stuck to the teacher’s abyss.

The teacher could not understand this situation. At this rate, Kang Hyunmoo would only lose all the abyss to himself.

But he didn’t really need to understand the situation. Something pierced the teacher’s body.


A horrifying sound came from his chest, accompanied by intense pain.

The teacher found a long spear that pierced both him and Kang Hyunmoo at the same time.

It was an ego weapon.

The teacher’s gaze turned to the sky. And dozens of ego weapons were seen pouring down like rain.

Spears full of flesh, which could never be missed, were flying in, aiming for the lives of the teacher and Hyunmoo.

Only then did the teacher understand Hyunmoo’s cry.

‘Chepesh Case.’

Adam Fort was glaring at the teacher with his teeth clenched.

Until this very moment, Adam Fort had been waiting with his claws hidden.

Following Hyunmoo’s orders.

So, from the moment Kang Hyunmoo joined Adam Fort, 44 ego weapons pierced both Kang Hyunmoo and the teacher at the same time.

He was a cruel skewer.

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