Chapter 297 worst person in the world (7)


As Victor moved, the debris around him collapsed.

It is unknown how the internal structure of his iron armor was, but the size reached 4 meters.

“When I heard that the monster was found in Afghanistan, I thought it was a metaphor for chemical and biological weapons or weapons hidden by the Russians.”

Thump, thump.

Every time he took his step, the reinforcing bars protruding and the ruins of the building broke like a canister. Still, there was not a single scratch on his iron armor.

“But the closer I got, the more I heard it was a god, not a monster.”

Victor raised the tension in his body to a peak. But Adam was not interested in Victor.

She looked around, looking for other distractions.

“The more I heard rumors about you, the more I watched. It’s a god, a monster, a beast, a devil, no, it’s the end itself…. I was rather disappointed when I heard that there are even religious groups that serve you. Just a fanatic. I know they’re talking crazy.”

But it wasn’t.

Adam was a real person. And she could be a god, a monster, a demon, and a symbol of the end.

Russia grinded her division to secure her, but to the point of failure.

“Then, at the request of the UN Special Inspection Department, we started a joint operation together. With Professor Maria Keller.”

When Maria Keller’s name was mentioned, Adam’s head stopped looking around indifferently.

When his eyes finally met, Victor smiled.

“I remember the situation when I found you with Professor Keller. Beneath your feet were countless corpses of human beings piled up unrecognizable in their form. The locals who adorned you with gold and silver to worship you also occupy you. Even the Russians who came to attack me. It’s still nice to see you playing in the air together with them.”

Adam answered, shaking his head loosely.

“The locals didn’t kill me.”

“But it would be the same as treating the corpse with indifference. You are a beast. Adam. When you feed him, he appreciates it, but that’s the only time. Isn’t it something a beast would do to bite off its flesh when it’s dead?”

Adam did not answer. Responding to her Victor was a great consideration for her.

Her feelings of defeat and defeat that her Victor had for herself, her hidden fear of her, and her rising spirit of victory at the same time had no meaning to her.

“Only Maria Keller insisted on keeping you alive. Everyone thought Professor Keller was crazy. Professor Keller tamed you for three whole nights in the highlands to prove her point of view.”

Of course, the price was not small for Maria Keller.

After she crawled out three days later, Maria Keller was taken to her emergency room right away, where she had to undergo major surgery.

By her persuasion, she risked Mary’s life, she had barely accepted Adam, but she had her management completely under her Mary’s.

After that, Maria’s body was torn apart one by one.

An ambitious dungeon explorer, less than half a year after meeting Adam, she became paralyzed.

There was no place where the bones of her body were not broken, and she repeated her major surgery more than ten times, risking her life.

There were several moments when she thought she was hopeless.

But Adam was the opposite.

As more and more parts of her body were damaged, Adam learned her social skills like a child who had learned her words.

“Someone said it was a relationship like Helen Keller and Mr. Sullivan. Of course, it wasn’t that romantic. Because Mr. Sullivan paid a harsh price no matter who he was. On the other hand, you went from beast to man.”

Adam felt increasingly upset with Victor’s words.

I couldn’t understand why Victor was telling such a story. And she also wonders why she’s hearing such a story.

The sense of debt she already felt to her Maria Keller was unimaginable for others.

“What do you want to say?”

“So I was curious about this.”

Victor clenched his fists and mumbled.

“Is the beast pretending to be human really stronger than when it was a beast?”


The moment Victor slammed the floor, it shook and shattered with a shock wave.

The heaviness of the weight just before was so unbelievable that Victor rushed at Adam quickly.

Just before his fist slammed into Adam’s face, a shuddering shock struck.

Victor felt a tingling shock in his fist.But his fist could not reach Adam.

Inside the transparent wall, Adam was staring at Victor without moving one of his fingers.

She soon turned her gaze away indifferently.

“Look at me, Adam!”

Victor let out her shout and swung her fists at her again.

The moment she swung his fist crosswise, a sudden hot molten iron poured out of his hand and took shape.

It took the form of a giant hammer and struck the transparent wall surrounding Adam.

A gigantic vibration incomparable to that of a fist shook the surroundings, causing dust to rise all at once.

Adam frowned and turned her gaze back to Victor.

Victor’s eyebrows rose.

Contrary to what Victor thought, however, Adam was not looking at him.

‘Where did he go?’

Adam was looking for her child who was before her Victor, whom she had tried to sniper with her wand.

However, even if she looked around from before, she couldn’t see why. Adam refrained from attacking for fear that the child would be drawn into it.

‘He must have fled somewhere or hid himself.’

Adam was relieved for once.


At that moment, Adam stood still.

Another reason to be reassured?

After all, if he falls into the shadows, he is an object to be excluded. With that logic, she has already ruined many areas and killed her life.

To be relieved that her child was now gone would have betrayed her own purpose.

Adam was suddenly confused. Why did she come to think like that?

He is only obedient to Maria’s orders.

Love people, protect people.

Like commands entered into the machine, Adam muttered repeatedly.

He didn’t have to think deeply about what love is, what it means to protect.

That’s what Maria will tell you.

Boom, kugugugugu.

Adam felt a vibration shaking his feet.

When Victor realized that Adam was indifferent to him, he changed his armament.

Victor was holding a giant scimitar in his hands. The floor began to crumble as a scimitar, almost as tall as his height, slashed around Adam.

“I am the agent of the conquering star. Adam, equal to you!”

Victor exclaimed as he spewed heat from his mouth.

“The conquering star, Ardan’s heart beats in my chest! I hear the sound of his hoofs conquering the world! His history now unfolds in my hands!”

Victor flashily switches his weapons and attacks, slaps, and drives Adam.

The scimitar he was wielding with both hands suddenly became a halberd, and the halberd he was shooting down turned into a heavy ax in an instant.

As time went on, Adam felt it became more difficult for him to face the attack.

Victor’s attack was focused on only one point, and her shield was so wide that it was ineffective. Adam stepped back and lifted his body into the air.

“Haha! Humans have already conquered the sky for a long time! Are you trying to show affection to me, Adam?”

Victor deformed his arms in an instant, then transformed the armor of his hands into a high-speed machine gun comparable to that of a fighter.

Literally in his hands was the history of conquest and the history of weapons.

quagga gaga.

A blunt roar, as if ripping through iron, resounded in succession.

Unlike magic bullets, this was a weapon created by the agent of the conquering star.

It was a one-time thing, but it was strong enough to tear even any monster with each shot.

Adam, who soared into the sky, was surrounded by fire that brightened the surroundings in an instant.


For the first time, one of her bullets slipped through her shield.

She skimmed through without being hit directly, but the piercing sound alone was enough to tear her earlobe. Adam’s eyes turned wild. But at the same time, there was also a feeling of suppression.

‘If you want to destroy family members in the shadows for 72 hours, you have to save your strength.’

Victor was a rather annoying opponent, whether his name was an agent or not.

If Adam had to fight anyway, he decided to see the game as quickly as possible.

She gathered the scattered wands of the gods and quickly pulled them around Victor.

The moment they thought it would be like a shredded frog, with a shriek, the staff of the gods stopped in front of Victor’s armor.

“What are you doing, Adam? The staff of God was the first weapon we devised in America.”

Victor said, holding a god’s staff that was attached to his armor. Even a one-meter-diameter metal column looked like an ordinary spear to him.

“I just made a concession to those of you who could handle it more properly. Did you ever think that the UN Special Inspection Department could make such a high-strength synthetic metal?”

Victor threw the god’s staff in his hand and threw it at Adam.

Adam quickly grabbed the god’s staff and tried to deflect it, but her powers didn’t work.

Adam quickly crouched down on her body.


Beaten by the god’s staff, she bounced back and fell to the floor.

She managed to stop at a breathtaking height, and a long but tingling shock shook her body.

Adam wiped the blood from her lips and looked at her Victor.

In her hostile eyes, Victor felt her whole body shiver.

“Yeah. Hate me, Adam! Burn your wrath! Be a monster again!”

In Victor’s hand, an iron whip that melted with hot molten iron slowly emerged.

As she swung her whip, molten metal splashed everywhere, leaving long scars on her ruins.

“Man has conquered barbarism and became the conqueror of the world! And today I will conquer a monster and add a step to the history of that conquest!”

Victor exclaimed in exultation.

“Cut your head respectfully and don’t hang it on my flagpole. If you rot and have only a skeleton left, turn your skull into a wine cup and celebrate this day every day!”

“It’s unsanitary.”

Adam realigned her body with a cold shot.

Her body began to vibrate strangely. Victor’s heart pounded.

Victor stood in this position with the most thorough armament of all of her life.

She lacked even this preparation when she recalled the appearance of Adam she had seen in Afghanistan. However, Adam was only showing a much weaker side than then.

Then she sees the same look again.

And to conquer such a monster, she had to strip the teachings of Maria Keller from Adam.

So now, Adam was watching Victor, burning her animal hatred.

She was what Victor had expected.

The eyes of a perfect beast. bright yellow eyes.

The savage eyes that lurk in the dark, still aiming for humans.

Adam finally raised his hand. Her fingertips were tanned and her shape was disturbed.

The moment her gaze was captured by the shape of her hand, Victor’s helmet was torn and scattered.


Soon after, Victor’s head, which was torn into five pieces, was revealed from the inside of the torn helmet.

However, it was not the red blood that flowed down from it, but the thickly melted molten iron. Victor even had her lips parted, but she was smiling again.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha!”

thud. Victor let out a sly smile and rolled his foot to the floor once.

The figure of Victor inside his stripped armor was no longer human.

Molten iron was constantly flowing from the cracked skin. The weapons he had made up to this point were nothing less than his blood and flesh.

“Finally, you’re going on a beast hunt!”Victor was literally risking ‘everything’ to hunt Adam.

Now that he had escaped from his inhuman form, he had given up his military general status, fame, and family.

At last, only the agents of the perfect conquering star came into existence.

“Blow the trumpet of the hunt!”

With Victor’s roar, Adam’s body moved again.

If smashing his head doesn’t help, just tear it to pieces and get an erection.

But the moment she concentrated her power on her Victor, her sharp pain swept over her.

qwok, qwajik. Kwak.

Something pierced the backs of Adam’s hands, shoulders, back, legs, and the back of his feet.

Belatedly, she saw hunters wearing muted gear in her sight.

They were Victor’s exclusive special forces agents called Warhammers. Five, I could feel the power of at least an apostle-level from all of them.

“Hunting is basically a group law.”

Adam later realized that Victor’s taunt by this time had been a ploy to remove her shield.

Victor let out a roaring laugh and swung his whip roundly.

Hot molten iron wrapped around Adam’s neck. The moment the iron whip was pulled to break his neck at once.

Adam’s body was instantly dyed like a hazy black mist.


Victor let out a long breath. A satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

“What makes you so happy?”

Adam asked, raising Victor’s head in the air.

Although his neck had been severed, Victor’s life was tenaciously attached.

Perhaps even in this state he will be alive for a while. If he puts it back on his body, he might come to life.

Victor said with a smile.

“You’ve finally found out you’re a beast.”

Adam tilted his head at Victor’s answer.

“Is that so satisfying?”


“Your subordinates are annihilated, and your life’s hard work has gone in vain. But does it make you so happy that the hard work of just one person’s life’s effort has gone in vain?”

“It’s nice to have something to conquer.”

Victor smirked.

“Beasts, monsters, and barbarism are destined to be conquered. I die here, but in the end it turns out that monsters are monsters. No matter how much you wear human disguise, it will be the same.”


Adam dropped Victor’s head on the floor.

His mouth was muffled along with a groan, so Victor was unable to speak any more.

Adam looked down at Victor with a cold gaze and said.

“That’s right. No matter how hard Professor Keller tries, I’ll probably be a beast forever.”

That was the curse of her being chosen as an agent from her birth.

She ripped out her parents’ belly by herself, and when she was hungry, twisted her beast to suck her bodily fluids, and lived only on her will for life.

How could such a creature be able to live a human life?

Nevertheless, Adam Fort had no intention of stopping or running away.

“But what the hell is that? What if it’s a beast?”

Victor was speechless. He didn’t have a mouth, so he couldn’t answer.

“Honestly, I just think you’re like a kid having fun popping balls when your friends are playing. I don’t know if this still means that much to you.”

Adam looked away from Victor with an uninspired gaze.

It’s okay to pretend to be a gentle person only in front of Maria anyway. What is the need to show Victor a human side?

Looking at Adam’s back as he walked casually, Victor thought of one thing.

The only moment he was able to kill Adam was before he met Maria Keller.

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