Chapter 295 worst person in the world (5)

Mushroom clouds on the west coast of the United States were visible even outside the shadowed area.

The explosion didn’t end in one shot.

More than a dozen explosions followed, and soon the smoke itself was covered with smoke and the other mushroom clouds were invisible.

However, the aftermath of the shock and binge noise caused by the destruction could not be stopped.

People were startled by the incredible sight they had only seen in movies, and they reported it, thinking that the US government was going crazy and bombing the area inside the shadows.

But embarrassingly, so was President Albert.

“Mushroom cloud? What do you mean? Is it the Russians?”

“We were still tracking Russian nuclear missile bases and nuclear submarines. But there was no sign of any nuclear missile launch anywhere. There was no missile trajectory.”

“Then is it a nuclear backpack? Damn it, or did any of the monsters even cause a nuclear explosion?”

At that moment, President Albert had an idea. It was a disturbing dream.

“No, wait. Surely Victor, this damn bastard wasn’t deliberately rigged to start a nuclear war, did he?”

Fortunately, at that moment, someone ran into the Oval Office of the White House.

“Sir, the results of the analysis of an unidentified explosion have come out. No radioactivity has been detected!”

Albert gave a blank expression.

“It’s not nuclear? Then…”

“Sir President! From Chrome…”

“Damn it, stop talking about Chrome! Those paranoids are going to talk crazy about this again!”

The secretary, who was just about to report, put on a bewildered expression. He shouted loudly so Albert could focus on his voice.

“Chrome has revealed that this explosion was the work of Adam Fort!”


1 hour before.

The sea breeze fluttered his hair.

Adam Fort tied his fluttering hair neatly back.

Her salty wind was sticky, but as she floated hundreds of meters above the sea, she could not see the sea. Instead, only a dry salt desert caught her eye.

“Professor Keller, we have arrived at the scene.”

[What is the situation?]

A familiar voice came from inside the headset.

A voice as dry as the sea breeze.

She was the voice of a woman disappointed with her, frustrated with herself.

For Maria Keller, this was her only chance to let her know that she had not made a mistake.

Adam answered quietly.

“Professor’s prediction. The situation on the west coast of the United States is the worst. The sea is evaporating, and families and monsters are infested. This place is… hell.”

[…] … .]

Adam Fort sent the video to Chrome headquarters via the body cam. Even watching her video, Maria didn’t say anything for a while.

Adam Fort looked up at the sky, waiting for her answer.

After the Leviathan mission started, the movement of the sun became strange.

Considering the original rotation of the earth, nine hours have passed now, the shadow had to pass through Japan and reach China.

But the movement of the sun was lukewarm.

Although it had already moved through the United States to the Pacific Ocean, its movement speed was remarkably slow, and it changed direction slightly.

Now, the shadow was moving like a snail that left a trail, and was already passing through the western United States towards the heart of the Pacific Ocean.’no… … The movement of the sun is not strange. The strange thing is the movement of the shadows.’

The eclipse that cast a shadow was also different from the common sense.

In a normal solar eclipse, the moon gradually covers the sun, forming a crescent moon, and then forming a ring.

However, the solar eclipse triggered by the Leviathan incident appeared as an age spots sprouting from the center of the sun and was getting bigger and bigger.

The cosmic force that twists the motion of celestial bodies and shakes the direction of rotation was hard to imagine even for Adam Fort. The problem is that it’s actually happening.

But Maria Keller didn’t think it was anyone’s power.

I just saw it as a natural thing.

[The reflection of a shadow is not just a shadow. It is a phenomenon in which another world intersects and overlaps with our world. When this mana-filled world merges with our world, our world becomes a dungeon itself.]

This was the information that Mary had heard from her priests.

The ultimate process in which a star is finally prepared to become a star.

As real mana permeated like a flood on this planet, where mana was innately dry, only monsters and family members would have proper power and power.

Evaporation of the sea was also a result of it. Already, the sea close to the land was turning into a salt desert.

But Maria had no intention of neglecting such a future.

[This is a future that will never come. Adam.]


[Erase that future.]


Adam stretched his body loosely. There was neither Maria to be protected nor a human being educated to consciously cherish before her eyes.

In the place where the shadow passed, there were only monsters, family members, and small and tiny ants.

From a few hundred meters above, she looked down at the ants.

It was a cold gaze, not much different from how she usually sees humans.

“Start cleaning.”

The Chepesh case exploded on the west coast of the United States.


After the Leviathan mission started, 11 hours and 49 minutes have elapsed.

Adam Fort appeared alone on the west coast of the United States, and at once devastated all areas that had been cast in the shadows.

He didn’t care whether there were innocent people in it or a raging family.


Her fingertips soared into the sky. She took it down again.

The moment that simple action was performed, a mushroom cloud exploded with huge destruction.

An ultra-high-strength synthetic metal with a diameter of 1 meter and a length of 10 meters that is protected by the power of mana and is not destroyed hits the ground.

With that simple law of physics, American territories disappeared from the map, handful.


Adam repeatedly raised the ‘God’s staff’ several times and then struck again.

One ‘Wand of God’ per her finger. A total of ten gods’ staffs compacted and crushed the ground.

Not only the destruction itself, but also the smoke and heat rising from there, this place was becoming a ruin in which life was difficult to live.

“Five, six, seven.”

but it’s ok

After the family members disappear, this land needs to be restored again.

If left unattended, it would only be a wasteland forever.

Adam also thought that Mary was right.

The order she gave was not wrong.



For a moment, Adam twisted his head.

A headache was coming.

This is because he had been on the cepeshu case for nearly three hours. Adam felt tired and slowly set his feet on the ground.

The asphalt floor, which had been exposed to the heat and then cooled down, was crushed as soon as Adam’s foot touched it.

Adam squeezed his bright yellow eyes, trying to control the power of his rampage.

‘No no. now.’

She would be much more comfortable if Maria was by her side, she thought.

But she also thought that Maria shouldn’t be with her in this state.

Now, if anyone stood by her side, the bones of her whole body would be crushed.

If you get a little more excited here, your opponent will be a piece of broken blood.

Only Maria Keller could calm Adam, who had reached that condition.

‘Professor Keller… … .’

Of course, that didn’t mean she could safely say that she was Maria.

She had already suffered a severe fracture in her arm because of Adam in St. Petersburg.

Even if she ate her potion, there was a limit to Maria, whose natural healing power was weakened by her old age.

Then Adam wounded her Mary, and even disappointed her.

She said it was to prevent Mary from hurting her, but even Adam could not understand why he had done it himself.

He could have had a much better way. He pushes the canopy aside.

Then even if he took the damage he would have been able to inflict the Chepesche case after that.

‘I can’t let you down this time.’

Adam wanted her Mary to look only to her, and to believe that she was the only effective means.

The lion, who fell in love with the trainer, hoped so.

A lion can bite anything to get its tamer’s attention. Even if the target is any world other than the trainer.

Adam raised his finger again to prove his worth.


But outside of her shadow the voices speaking of her were different.

[Adam Fort appears to be in action to clear out the monsters in the shadow reflection. This has nothing to do with Chrome’s official position.]

Chrome’s brief statement and Adam Fort’s one-sided massacre shocked the world.

Already swept away by the shadows, San Francisco and San Jose are densely populated areas.

But Adam Fort relentlessly turned the entire area into ruins.

San Francisco alone has a population of 900,000.

When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the estimated number of casualties was between 90,000 and 160,000.

Adam Fort broke the record multiple times in less than three hours.

Of course, most of the humans in it had already become family members or monsters, but no one realized that fact yet.

The media only reported that Adam Fort had carried out a one-sided massacre.

There were many opinions that Adam Fort was not the most powerful man in the world, but no one thought that he could unilaterally invade the United States like that.


Pyeongtaek US base.

Hyunmoo murmured while watching the real-time news on his cell phone.

I thought Adam Fort was going to do something, but I never thought he would come out of here like this.But Hyunmoo, who had already seen Difficulty: Hell, didn’t think Adam Fort was doing anything particularly bad.

The countless number of family members and monsters that spread like weeds from within the shadows are more than enough to ravage the United States.

If so, it might be better to step on the shoots like that in the early stages.

What Hyunmoo described as ‘worst’ was about Adam Fort’s reputation.

No one will recognize her sacrifice.

“Chief, I got the key!”

At that time, Song Yeo-Woon brought a circular rod of an unusual shape around her fingers.

She seemed to be some kind of phone accessory, but what she had in her hand was the ignition key of a strategic nuclear weapon hidden inside the USFK base Pyeongtaek.

Hyunmoo had a nuclear weapon, but as long as she was tall she decided to keep it herself.

It was the bare minimum.

This also meant that USFK was completely disarmed.

In fact, it’s like an attack on the US, but Russian fighter jets are flying overhead anyway.

Besides, if you’re a soldier, you’re a civil servant. In the future, he was able to resolve the matter ‘political’ with the US government.

Hyunmoo took her key and looked back at her phone. Song Yeo-woon’s gaze also turned to the cell phone.

“Wow, that man is so strong. Did he do all of that by himself?”

“Yeah. Just looking at it, I think he was the one who stopped the tower from falling when we went to Russia.”

“But can I bang like that? What about chrome?”

“They say they don’t know, but it’s obvious to see that they’re just making excuses even if they protest to get rid of it right away.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Well. I thought I had to kill all the monsters that overflowed there… Or maybe it was trying to set an example for other countries. From now on, I’ll kill all those who act recklessly.”

Considering the feats Maria Keller had been trying to do so far, the latter was quite possible.

Because she used her fear to stop the game from progressing.

In that respect, this scheme seemed quite successful.

Because there’s no way there’s anyone who would act recklessly even after seeing that numbness in the hips.

“Hmm, but that… seems like a lot of antipathy.”

“Animosity? Can you get a resentment from seeing that kind of power?”

“No, they say that after all, Leviathan or whatever, you have to kill the ‘worst person in the world’ to end it. Then, for 72 hours, Adam Fort will not solve the problem, he will just commit a genocide. Won’t people get angry?”

“That’s it…”

Hyunmoo pauses while trying to describe what difficulty: Hell looks like.

Song Yeo-Woon is right. But did Maria Keller do it without such a thought?

Hyunmoo’s gaze turned to the sky.

12 hours have passed since the start of the Leviathan mission, and the sun had to rise in Korea. But the sky was still dark.

It was as if the sun was caught somewhere.

Hyunmoo quickly watched TV. The western United States where Adam was was dusty, but the sun was still up.

‘no way.’

Hyunmoo then figured out the answer to who the ‘worst person in the world’ refers to.

Hyunmoo started running quickly. Song Yeo-Woon didn’t know English, and she ran after him. Where Hyunmoo was heading was towards the runway.

“Where are you going?!”

“To meet the ‘worst person in the world’!”

Maria Keller is not without a second thought and she is just planning to instigate fear.

She intends to create, not find, ‘the worst person in the world’.

And Maria Keller’s ‘worst person in the world’ was her dog, Adam Fort.

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