Chapter 290 ninth (3)

Adam Fort put on an absurd expression on his face. I guess so. Hyunmoo thought so too.

“Master? You?”

“I have a lot of dogs, but I really don’t want to have many.”

Hyunmoo said as he drank his potion over his arm.

“I must have what I want. If I don’t have an owner, I don’t need to feel any remorse, right?”

At that moment, Adam Fort burst into laughter. It was a cheery laugh.

I thought it was a pleasant laugh, but it soon became a madness and a roar that shook the perception.


At that moment, Yerdan, who had been sleeping soundly, jumped up. Then he immediately grabbed Hyunmoo and pulled him back.

With Adam Fort as the center, a powerful force swept the entire area. It was as if an invisible great force was pressing down on the ground.

Every time Adam Fort made her laugh, her figure flipped and fluctuated like crazy.

It was difficult to find a human figure anywhere.

[ Kang Hyunmoo.]

There was a dark and gloomy energy that was enough to obscure even the red sky.

Hyunmoo couldn’t even stand properly because of the gusts of wind and dust and whirlpools rising here and there.

[How do I look?]

Adam’s figure remained only a black silhouette, fluttering toward the sky.

He had hundreds of arms, hundreds of eyes, and many more legs that formed roots.

A gigantic monster, waving like a haze, was waving toward the sky as if dancing.

Just looking at it made me sick to my stomach. Had he been an ordinary man, he might have gone crazy.

While dragged by Yerdan, Hyunmoo raised the corners of her lips and shouted.

“Looks like a storm is coming!”

Once again Adam Fort burst into laughter.

It was as if the sea had turned upside down and the mountains were eroding away just by letting her laugh.

Hyunmoo’s intestines were congested and her blood flowed out. By this time she knew how much power Adam was holding back in front of her.

Hyunmoo’s words were like leashing the storm and stroking her hair.

Hyunmoo pushed Yerdan away. After all, the entire space was nothing more than Adam’s stomach.

[I am the monster of monsters, the king of kings, the head of all grotesque beings, the embodiment of Augusto.]

“Is it a habit for the stars to introduce themselves in a grand way? Or is it something they learn from?”

Hyunmoo grumbled, but Adam ignored it.

[I do not have a family. I do not enjoy service. I chew and swallow those who kneel and bow their heads, and use their spirit and body as my strength. The chief of all predators, the enemy of all vegetarians.]

Hyunmoo wondered if he heard something wrong in the last part. And he pondered for a few seconds, thinking he had heard it wrong too.

[Seven agents of the stars I chewed and swallowed, the number of apostles is forty-five.]

Adam leaned over that huge body and looked down at Hyunmoo.

[Whether that star was strong or weak, good or bad, if it got in my way, I bit it and killed it. Not to mention a weak star like you. But why do I have to have you as my master?]

“Because of the rules to protect humanity?”

The sky was torn long at Hyunmoo’s answer. Only later did Hyunmoo realize that it was Adam’s smile. It was overwhelming enough to be creepy for a smile.

[Do you know how dogs protect their cherished bones?]”……Well.”

[Dig into the ground and bury it. And often forget about it.]

Adam didn’t move. He didn’t even growl threateningly.

Because there was no need for that.

Just by looking at each other, Hyunmoo felt like he was already being buried. He had difficulty even breathing.

[If the promise has already been made, and I have the compulsion to really protect you… … It might make you a little cramped. An environment where no other star can harm you.]

“I am not a bone.”

Hyunmoo said as he looked up at Adam, not knowing where to focus.

“I am the human you have to serve. I am the only one who can prove that you are not a beast or a monster. Do you want to be relegated to a beast?”

[Like it or not. Being the heir of the promise seems to have worsened my self-consciousness. He seems to be mistaking himself for being too great.]

Whirick, something intangible power wrapped around Hyunmoo’s body.

Hyunmoo was instantly hung upside down and dragged up into the air.

Lifelike forces that could crush the body at any time were churning around him, and in fact, something sharp as a razor pierced his skin.

Adam said as if looking into a toy.

[You are nothing without Professor Keller’s orders. Neither humanity nor humanity nor civilization. All of that is nothing unless Professor Keller taught me that it was precious.]

“But Maria Keller abandoned you.”

[Do you think so?]

Hyunmoo thought he had stabbed the sore spot, but Adam said surprisingly casually.

[Do you think Professor Keller can abandon me? Humans are really fun. When you harvest, teach, and leash an animal, you think you’ve tamed it. And he doesn’t feed, and I think he threw it away when he took off the leash.]

“Then what is this? If you obey Ghaul, then why am I still alive? I am against Ghaul?”

[I am not submissive to Ghaul’s agent. And the choice is mine, not Gowl. No, even if it was Professor Keller.]

Adam Fort said with a creepy smile.

[One day, I will tear off Ghaul’s hide and rescue Professor Keller from within. Then I will be able to stand by him again and follow his orders. His beating, his insults, even his desperation, I can own.]

‘Oh My God.’

Hyunmoo couldn’t make a sound and only moaned inwardly.

This is completely perverted.

And he seemed to know how Adam Fort treated Gowl while he was unconscious.

It must have been horribly smashed and kicked out like a kicked dog.

Because he was the one who dared to defile ‘Professor Keller’s orders’.

Adam completely separated Maria Keller from the shattering star in his head.

Because the Broken Star has abandoned Adam Fort.

In her mind, Maria Keller and herself are inseparable, so it is not Maria Keller that breaks the star at the time she abandons Adam Fort.

This miraculous logic was unfolding in real time.

It seemed like it could be called the so-called ‘dog with owners’ theory.

“You’re a real pervert.”

Hyunmoo eventually spoke out of his mouth. At the same time, his lips rose sharply.

“That’s why I like it more. Won’t you be my dog?”


Silence ensued for a while. At Hyunmoo’s words, even Adam Fort seemed to be at a loss for words.

[No reflection at all.]

“Why is there no reflection? At first, it was a definite imperative, but now it’s a Cheongyumun. It’s a lot more polite. No, but you really don’t want to be my dog? I think having just you would be really helpful.”

hook. Hyunmoo suddenly felt the strength holding him disappear.

It was high enough that his head could break, but Hyunmoo soon landed gently onto the sandy beach.

[It is not possible to become a master by using a group like that.]

“Then what should I do? Should I be stronger than you?”

[I don’t expect that, but even if I do it, it doesn’t matter to me.]

Adam’s gigantic body began to fade away. As Adam’s body, which had covered the whole area like a storm, shrunk again, somehow he looked more dwarf and tired than before.

Adam pondered something and opened his mouth.

“Okay, why don’t you try a little trick?”

“Is it a shortcut?”

“I have no intention of abandoning Professor Keller.”


“You own Professor Keller.”

So, Adam’s words were to smash the Broken Star’s agent and bring him to his subordinates.

“Stop talking nonsense, is that this?”

“It would be easier that way than taking me as a dog.”

Adam let out a low laugh. It wasn’t like the madness that shook the intestines like before.

She squatted her crouched body and lifted her up.

“Hyunmoo, I’ll just watch your fight from now on. I’ve been acting rationally for a very long time, but I don’t want you to expect it to be like that forever. The reason I didn’t get into your fight in the first place was because I was afraid you would become lazy and weak. peel.”

“Can we meet again?”

“If it’s not good enough.”

Adam cut it off coldly. But it didn’t feel cold.

Again, Hyunmoo thought that Adam Fault here was much kinder than the normal Adam Fault.

I don’t know if the pervert could have gotten worse.

Adam turned around as if to leave, then stopped again.

“By the way, how advanced is your world now?”

“You just conquered the Sky Tower and have entered the difficulty: Normal. Why?”

Adam was silent for a moment. But he soon opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“Of course, it won’t flow exactly the same as in this world, but if you still want to tame me, you’re serious.”

Adam’s bright yellow eyes trembled as he turned around.

“Adam Fort in your world would be much easier to tame, especially around that time.”

Hyunmoo opened his mouth slightly and looked at Adam. But Adam moved on without looking back.

At that moment, a gust of wind swept over Adam’s body. Adam’s body, which was shaking like smoke, disappeared without a trace with the wind.

However, an unstable atmosphere still shook the surroundings.

Hyunmoo listened to the hum of the wind.

[And if you bring in a dog.]

Even after Adam had disappeared, the wind still whispered in his heart.

[Never throw it away.]


Samuel Muller, the inspector general of the UN Special Inspection Division, stiffened as soon as he got off the elevator.The atmosphere at Chrome’s headquarters was far more cluttered than I had expected. The stove had been turned off as if it had been lit for a long time, and there were messy papers scattered here and there.

The Chrome agents were busy roaming around, preparing investigations and countermeasures for the aftermath of the increase in difficulty.

The shock was even greater because it was Samuel who remembered the appearance of Chrome in the past.

It’s only natural, given the recent difficulty increase, but even if all other government agencies in the world were in chaos, Chrome wouldn’t have done it.

“Professor Keller is inside.”

As soon as Samuel appeared, a tall woman approached immediately.

Adam Fort. Her face was even more emaciated than before. Samuel was bewildered by her appearance, which was significantly different than she remembered.

“Adam, how long has it been since she last ate?”

“…Come this way.”

Adam did not answer and led Samuel.

The Chrome headquarters itself was not very large, so there was no need to walk long.

Most of the facilities were in agencies affiliated with the Special Inspection Department, and only extremely important resources were disposed of here.

As soon as Adam knocked on the door, a loud shout was heard.

“go away!”

“Professor. Inspector Samuel is here.”

“Turn it off!”

Adam let out a long sigh and opened the door.

At that moment, a thick glass flew and hit Adam’s head. The glass was shattered and shattered.

She could have stopped it with Adam’s powers, but she didn’t.

There were drops of blood on her forehead.

“This is Inspector Samuel. He said he’d seen Professor Keller.”

Adam reported without even wiping the flowing drops of blood.

Samuel looked at Maria Keller’s room and sighed. There was no more surprise left.

Empty wine bottles and broken wine glasses were scattered everywhere. Not to mention torn papers and trash.

Maria Keller stared at Adam with bloodshot eyes, then slowly turned her gaze to Samuel.

“get out.”

She wasn’t talking to Samuel. Adam shut the door silently and went out.

Maria, who was alone with Samuel, put her cigarette into her mouth. She tried to light it with a lighter, but it was not easy because her hands were shaking.

Then Samuel approached and lit a cigarette.

“Do you remember me, Professor Keller?”

“I know.”

Professor Keller blew a long puff of her cigarette smoke into Samuel’s face.

She said, “He’s the guy who tried to kill Adam as soon as he found him back in the day. If I hadn’t stopped you, you would have been killed by Adam. That’s good guts. How did you come up with the idea of ​​walking with Adam?”

“Haha. It’s all a thing of the past.”

Samuel said, stroking her own face. At the same time, Maria’s face hardened.

The more Samuel rubbed her face, the more color and shape she stripped away from it.

What appeared in the place where the color had disappeared as if crushed was a white, achromatic face like a Greek statue.

Samuel’s smile, her kindness, disappeared, leaving only her expressionless face.

Her mouth puckered open.

“The plans have changed. Keller, why are you avoiding meeting with us?”

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