Chapter 277 the sky is falling (9)

“…I’m sure. No one else is moving the tower now, not even the tower itself.”

Lee Ji-tae muttered as if confused.

He tried to control the tower several times through the crystal stone, but the tower only rose again and again.

The ascent stopped only when he started to feel uneasy, but it was still impossible to seize the will of the Tianru.

Something powerful was clutching the will of Tianru.

“Then take it easy. No one dies the way you want, right?”

“It’s not enough to just stop it. Now we have to destroy the superstructure.”

Lee Ji-tae calmly returned to his original purpose.

To take the tower to an uninhabited place and dispose of it.

But when the tower’s height was so high, he couldn’t do it.

Lee Ji-tae glared at his crystal, and tried to take control by putting his hand on the crystal a few more times. But he was still a moron.

Lee Ji-tae let out a sigh.


And, as he had done dozens of times until now, he swung his sword and smashed the crystal at once.

“Is it all right? Even if I destroy the means to control the tower like that with my own hands.”

“You just have to make sure it doesn’t get into the hands of other guys. Since the cockpit has been destroyed, other people won’t be able to control it. Now, only the person in control of this superstructure needs to be found.”

It was then.

With a thunderous sound, the tower finally began to move.

The sky tower was descending.

Lee Ji-tae was embarrassed by the clever timing, but it seemed to be a move that had nothing to do with destroying the crystal stone.

“Are you going to keep looking?”

Lee Ji-tae looked at Hyunmoo with dissatisfaction and said.

“It must not be a pleasant situation for you, Kang Hyunmoo, for the sky tower to enter the hands of unknown people. I don’t trust you, but I do believe in your greed and arrogance. Is it okay for the sky tower to fall into the hands of others?”

Hyunmoo just shrugged his shoulders.

The crystals that were smashed or rolled on the floor had a dark purple color unlike when they were over St. Petersburg.

Because of this, Lee Ji-tae could not take a suspicious look at Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo pretended not to know, but the color of the crystal was similar to Hyunmoo’s auror color to the point of difficulty.

However, Hyunmoo, like Lee Ji-tae, did not know the details of the situation.

The only thing that could be guessed was that Lenian had something to do with it.

‘Lenian… … .’

The power of Lenian was emanating from the crystal stone. No, Lenian’s power was felt throughout the tower.

It felt as if I had entered Lenian’s stomach. There was only one thing that could be guessed in this situation.

‘It looks like Yu-min got on the tower. Then it seems that he reached the heart before me.’

Yu-min must have already known about her heart, so it wasn’t surprising that she arrived first.

Besides, she said that she had the same ‘Apocalypse Beast’ skill as herself and Lenian on the other side, so she thought it would be good to see that this situation was caused by Yu-Min.

Fortunately, the situation was stable and there seemed to be no abnormalities.

But not for Lee Ji-tae.

Hyunmoo didn’t think there was much to worry about if the sky tower had been taken over by Lenian.

Unless you think that Lenian will suddenly go crazy and set the world on fire and enslave all the survivors… … .

‘… … Thinking about it, I get a little anxious.’

Still, Lenian is a guy who obsessively avoids fights.

He didn’t think he would start a world war, at least he didn’t tell himself.

Besides, it was dangerous for him to walk around the superstructure now. Just because he has been strengthened as a capable person doesn’t mean it’s okay to fall from thousands of meters.Hyunmoo did not answer Lee Ji-tae, and Lee took it as a sign that he would stand by.

Silence fell between the two.

Lee Ji-tae regretted that she broke her crystal for a brief moment.

He broke the crystal and there was nothing left for him to do.

In the end, all he could do was sit blankly like Kang Hyunmoo.

But instead of sitting, Lee Ji-tae stood still and looked at Kang Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo thought that Lee Ji-tae, standing like a stone statue, was like a reed.

“I still don’t know why you betrayed me. Kang Hyunmoo.”


Lee Ji-tae suddenly opened his mouth.

There were many words in his eyes.

Countless favors, opportunities, and respect. But the only answer that came back was betrayal.

However, Hyunmoo didn’t ask for forgiveness or make any excuses for him.

“Betrayal? That’s something you can say when a relationship of trust has already been established.”

“…you thought you were going to betray me from the beginning?”

“So that’s why it’s impossible to say that, Lee Ji-tae. To me, you were a little… different. In the first place, trust and anything else was impossible to establish.”

Hyunmoo said, raising the corners of his lips slightly.

“When I was still dipping my feet in the mud… when you didn’t even know I existed. I admired you like a star in the sky.”

Lee Ji-tae opened his eyes wide at Hyunmoo’s sudden words and was bewildered.

Did Kang Hyunmoo admire him?

Hyunmoo had never shown anything like that before.

“Then why…”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. When I say that I admire someone like a star, I mean that I want to pull it down, throw it in the mud, and step on it to rise up. I want to.”

Lee Ji-tae’s face hardened. It was a look that I couldn’t understand.

No one below would understand malice without such a cause.

Just wanting to grab the foot of the person ahead of you and pull the person above you down.

It’s not even the desire to win.

It’s just childish malice.

“Lee Ji-tae, it’s not that I hated you in particular. All the guys above me would have been the same. Look at Park Do-ryung. He said he died without leaving a will. Well, he came back to life.”

“Why? Why so…?”

“My personality was originally like that.”

Hyunmoo’s answer distorted Lee Ji-tae’s face. But I couldn’t answer any further.

Hyunmoo could have attached various reasons for bringing down Lee Ji-tae, but in the end, Hyunmoo had to bring him down to take Lee Ji-tae’s place.

If you want to be your only hope, you can eliminate all other hopes.

Lee Ji-tae stared at Hyunmoo for a while, then raised the corners of his lips with effort.

“Then I’ll be in trouble now. I know I’m alive and well.”

“Huh? What do you mean? Lee Ji-tae. Why would I care about you?”


“Once upon a time you were as beautiful as a star, but now you are no longer as beautiful as then.”

Hyunmoo showed a cold cynicism to Lee Ji-tae.

“There are so many stars in the world. But why would I care about you?”

Lee Ji-tae’s face hardened in an instant.

Gone are the days when it was difficult for Lee Ji-tae to appear and expose Hyunmoo’s sins in every detail.

Now, Hyunmoo has taken over all of the legislative, judicial, administrative, economic, military, and media powers of the Republic of Korea.

Even if they use the power of the alliance to drive the press abroad, they will be indifferent to the scandal in the Far East.

And in the future, such scandals will no longer matter.

collide with each other by force?

It is questionable whether it will even become an opponent, but even if it was, Hyunmoo was indifferent to the battle of power head-on.

All Hyunmoo wants is to bring down the opponent he believes is superior.


After a long silence, Lee Ji-tae opened her mouth.

“If you pull it down like that, trample it, and drive it down so that you end up standing on top.”

Hyunmoo looked at Lee Ji-tae.

Lee Ji-tae was quietly staring at him with burning eyes.

“At that time, what are you planning to live as a driving force?”


Hyunmoo didn’t even think about it that far.

It was a very distant future, and it was hard to imagine. But he didn’t seem to need to think about it.

If an annoying opponent appears in front of you, then go ahead and take it down.

“I’m not sure, but I don’t think anyone is higher than us on Earth right now. I feel pretty good about it. Then maybe I’ll just lay down in a pretty good state like I do now?”


Talking about something like a space station here right now would be a boring answer. But for Lee Ji-tae, it was a sufficient answer.

At Hyunmoo’s words, Lee Ji-tae thought deeply about something. Even Hyunmoo didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Lee Ji-tae, don’t be too tired and take a break. We did quite a bit more today than you think.”

Hyunmoo said, recalling the records mentioned in the Baekgol Records.

As usual, Russia takes over the thousand towers.

As usual, Adam Fort starts the Chepesche case.

As usual, Russia raises the height of the superstructure to avoid the Chepessh case and runs away.

In the end, it is forcibly crashed by the Chepesu case.

And huge clouds of dust cover the northern hemisphere.

A sudden winter continues, and thereafter, winter never ends in the Northern Hemisphere. In the worst state, the difficulty starts to rise.

Two-thirds of the northern hemisphere’s population will die within a year. In this severe cold, an army of weeping stars rises up.

Prospecting a hopeless future, hell is about to begin.

But Hyunmoo smashed the first stage of this great wave today.

Hyunmoo looked at Lee Ji-tae.

If Hyunmoo’s guess is correct, the owner of the white bone is none other than Lee Ji-tae.

Lee Ji-tae left the record with a desire to change the past, full of remorse and regret, and Hyunmoo changed the past according to his wish.

“We saved the world today according to your wishes.”

Lee Ji-tae looked like he didn’t understand English.

But it didn’t matter. It was nice to have the taste of making fun of people that they don’t know.

Hyunmoo laid back on the floor relaxedly.


Maria Keller watched the tower soaring high into the sky.

The sky tower, which seemed to rise without knowing the end, seemed to disappear, buried in the darkness of the night sky.

However, the high-altitude sky tower was the first to catch the rising sun and shimmered.

Maria looked to the east and looked at the disappearing superstructure, then turned her head.

Adam Fort stood like an old ruin.

After the great power surged, rain clouds were gathering in St. Petersburg.

The waves in the harbor hit Adam Fort’s body again and again. Her figure, standing up to not collapse, looked rusty and corroded.Maria slowly dragged her wheelchair towards Adam.

“Professor! It’s dangerous!”

Agent Chrome was terrified of the sight and dried up her Maria.

Power was still fluctuating fiercely around Adam Fort.

It was a small level compared to the time when the superstructure was pushed, but it was not strange to see that if ordinary people got involved, it would be like entering a grinder.

But Maria did not hesitate.

She wasn’t even the first.

She won’t be the last.

“Let go.”

Maria shook off Agent Chrome’s hand and walked towards Adam.

The closer she got, the more she felt the power of her ferocious tossing.

Maria saw her sidewalk block in front of her own wheelchair ripped in half in an instant. The scorching heat rising from Adam also felt like a furnace.


As Mary drew near, she suddenly made a sound like Adam’s beast. Her head turned brightly and turned to her Mary.

The pupils of Adam’s bright yellow eyes were sharply cut vertically, staring at Mary.

She was just the eyes of a beast full of ferocious intent and madness.

But she didn’t slow down Maria in the slightest. She shouted out loud again.


At that moment, Adam roared at Mary.

A great roar shook the entire harbor.

Maria staggered momentarily and nearly lost her consciousness. Both of her ears were deaf. She felt like her eardrum had gone out again.

Does not matter. It didn’t matter if she could hear her now or not.

“Adam, stop!”

Mary once again shouted loudly at Adam.

Adam roared again at Mary, but her momentum was weaker than before.

Maria rolls her eyes and pulls out her pole next to her wheelchair. It was a stick that wore and frayed and even glittered.

“Stop it now, Adam! If you don’t want to be scolded!”

Maria said as she banged the wheel of her wheelchair with her rod.

Her appearance was that of a trainer who trains animals.

However, the beast was too large and ferocious, and the trainer was just a weak, half-brood old woman.

Adam roared and waved his hand. At that moment, Maria’s right arm, which was holding her wand, broke in three words with a popping sound.

A great pain swept over me.

But without shedding a single moan, Maria took her wand with her left hand.

Her mighty powers roared around Maria like a storm. Her pebbles turned to sand, and the atmosphere faded.

At any moment, it seemed that the violent force that was pouring on her at the tower would crush Maria.

“I can’t stop right now! Adam Fort!”

bang! The moment Maria hit the wheelchair one more time, she suddenly lost all her strength.

Maria, sweating from her pain, looked at Adam.

Adam’s eyes, which had stood still for a moment, could be seen gradually returning to their original light brown color.

Adam Fort blinked her eyes, and Maria’s eyes met hers. Then she realized what she had done.

Adam hesitated and approached, and finally fell to his knees at Mary’s feet.

Her shoulders trembled.

Maria did not rebuke Adam, nor did she question her for refusing to command her.

She just whispered as she quietly wiped Adam’s back.

“Let’s go home now, Adam.”

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