Chapter 267 Sky Tower (5)

At Mary’s words, Adam slowly lowered his knees to the floor. Then she rested her head on Maria’s lap, who was seated in a wheelchair.

Maria quietly ruffled her long hair and murmured.

“Adam, all the other stars are just beasts. But you are different.”

Maria’s gaze turned to the sky at the night view of St. Petersburg.

The stars shimmered faintly in the city lights. But Maria felt the cool heat among the stars.

She said, “Augustro, the only star that doesn’t invite his family, has chosen you as the only hope given to mankind. You must not become a beast. You must become a watchdog to protect mankind.”

“Of course. Professor Maria Keller.”

Adam whispered quietly.

He had already heard it hundreds or thousands of times. And as always, Adam always gave the same answer.

“I’m your dog on a leash. Everything will go your way.”

The difference between Adam and other stars is that Adam is a star that conforms to the human Mary.

It is unknown what Augusto, the Star of Monsters, saw in her Adam and chose her, but it was fortunate that a mighty star, without or needing to bring in her kin, was bound to a human being.

Mary was relieved to see Adam obeying her self, but she felt a complex feeling inside her.

She has been trying for decades to teach Adam the emotions and values ​​of human beings.

With her bloody effort, Adam followed Mary’s intentions well, but that was only an ‘imitation’.

It is clear that Adam had a leash on himself.

But what if he disappears for some reason he himself?

Will Adam still show allegiance to mankind?

Maria did not dare to ask the question. Adam knew her intentions, but he did not put the words out of her mouth.

The day Maria Keller disappears from the world may be the day the human race will perish.

“It’s late, Professor. Let’s go to bed.”


Maria answered briefly, but did not get up. Today, for some reason, I wanted to see the night sky for a long time.

She somehow felt that it would be difficult to see the starry sky for a while after today.

Maria, who was trying to count the stars one by one, suddenly realized that one of the stars she had seen before was missing.

She almost woke up without realizing it.

Of course, her lower body had been broken a long time ago, so she almost tumbled down under her staggering wheelchair. But Adam was quick to support her.

“Professor, why are you like this?”

“A star.”

Maria muttered, unable to take her eyes off the sky.

“The stars are disappearing.”


St. Petersburg’s city center pub.

The city was crowded with talented people from the South China Union.

South China’s Prime Minister Wang Xinliang left even by night flight, but many of the capable men were ordered to remain.

The South Chinese capable men who came here were top-notch hunters who belonged to the first rank in the whole country.

As long as he joined the Manmin Front anyway, he did not bite the Hunters so as not to be pushed back in the struggle for initiative with Russia.

“Meirunhai, level 55.”

“Ugh, five-star? Oh my gosh…””Lin Huimin, level 62.”

“Yeah? 6-star? Huh, I guess it’s because there are too many pages of Chinese kids, so the kids who hit the goal…”

Hyunmoo and Song Yeo-Woon were sitting in the corner of the pub, observing them.

Hyunmoo called her name and level, and Song Yeo-woon checked information about the factors of the South Chinese government that Lee Seo-yeon had handed over to her.

All of the hunters in the South China government were planning to fix it anyway, but with this list, I could at least know which of them was ‘really’ taller.

‘A higher level does not mean a higher position. Well, of course not.’

The stars inspire lust, and they love those who are most like them.

The stars inspire the desires of their families, and they love those whose desires most resemble theirs.

Among the hunters of the South China Union, there were 8 level 50 hunters, and 3 hunters in their 60s.

Among them, the apostles were Meilunhai and Linhuimin.

‘Anyway, it’s on the same level as Kawaro and Eatwalo.’

The ability you have is more important than the level, but even that is less meaningful if the level is more than 10 different.

Although the six-star rating is great, I could find a few people in the conference hall.

Since the existence of a 5-star has become more public, there is nothing strange about having a 6-star hunter at the top of the list.

Moreover, among them, there must be hunters whose strength has been strengthened by becoming a member of a starving star, so I could understand that the 6-star ratio was high.

“Oh my God, how does the branch manager know all this information?”

“I don’t know anything. I can tell who’s the good guy and who’s the bad guy.”

Hyunmoo answered roughly and looked at the rest of the crew.

The apostle was no longer visible.

It was said that there are at most five apostles per star, so if Kawaro and Itwalo weren’t filled immediately after they died, it could be said that most of the rest had gathered here.

The distinction between an apostle and a family is simple.

The apostle’s name was written as a proper noun, but the family was only indicated by the name of the tribe.

Of course, some of them could be agents, but in terms of their level, they were not opponents.

It was then.

One of the hunters from South China, who was sharing a cup with a big smile, made eye contact with Hyunmoo.

“Huh? Isn’t that bastard that bastard in the meeting room?”

The South Chinese hunters’ eyes turned to Hyunmoo. Instead of panicking, Hyunmoo smiled at them.

The faces of the hunters in South China who faced that smile were distorted.

“Ah, the hunter who was guarding the back when the poor-looking president was talking nonsense?”

“What did you say? You want Russia and China to get along well?”

Hyunmoo was speaking with the North China finish in mind, but they didn’t seem to think so.

After all, North China suddenly became a weak and talented country as its four-star hunters were slaughtered because of Xiaojie.

Most of the four-star hunters he had, however, had been transferred to the South China Union for a long time. It was only a matter of time before they were merged.

The hunters of the South China Union began to wander and approach Hyunmoo.

Song Yeo-Woon picked up a thick glass of beer with her expressionless face.

She hit her first, she didn’t want to give up her advance for her cause.


It was then. A voice was heard to discourage the hunters of the South China Union.

Lin Huimin and Meilunhai, who were sitting at the bar, were approaching.

“You are noble. Go back.”

The hunters of the South China Union went back with their heads bowed while murmuring as if they were exhausted.

Without consent, Lin Hui-min brought a chair and sat down next to Hyunmoo’s table.

“Young people have too much blood…”

“You owe me. Lin Huimin.”

At the first words Hyunmoo said, Lin Huimin and Meilunhai looked at what they meant.

They saw Hyunmoo for the first time today.

But they had already been told by their superiors to beware of Kang Hyunmoo. But what about debt?

“What do you mean?”

“I was trying to crush both legs of the bastards I just had an argument with. But you stepped in and quit, so you owe me a debt. It’s okay to be grateful. It wasn’t a big deal.”

His demeanor was gentle, but to Lin Hui-min’s ears, it was only a crazy sound.

Mei Lun Hai looked at Lin Hui Min, wondering if she should continue to listen to this crazy sound.

“You’re overconfident.”

“So, let’s pretend there is no debt?”

But Lin Huimin smiled.

“I can’t. Even though the nobleman tried to rip me off, this isn’t a relationship either. Even if you know the relationship between people, you don’t know.

Lin Huimin skillfully overcame Hyunmoo’s arguing.

It was an adult response.

Lin Huimin smiled and ordered a bottle of alcohol. It was the most expensive and most poisonous drink sold in the pub.

“Russian white pigs know how to make alcohol, but they don’t seem to know the taste of alcohol.”

“Do you taste alcohol?”

“Actually, alcohol is not just drinking and getting drunk, but when good people, good scenery, and good snacks are in harmony, the taste will come alive. It’s an honor to meet such a noble person today.”

Lin Hui-min took a bottle and started pouring it into a glass of beer placed in front of Hyunmoo.

It was a very strong drink, but Lin Huimin continued to pour until Hyunmoo’s beer mug was full. The drink was barely gliding out of the glass.

To drink as it is, you had to bow your head and touch your lips or bring a straw.

“Come on, drink it all up. I’ve seen my nobleman for the first time today, but he’s not like anyone else, so I’d like to take this opportunity to build a brotherly relationship. ”

It was then.

Suddenly, there was a loud thumping sound from somewhere. She said the vibration made the pub shake.

Lin Hui-min and Mei Lun-hai looked out the window in confusion. I saw people running outside screaming.

“Meirunhai, check what’s going on.”


Meilunhai lightly swooped and ran outside. Lin Huimin turned to Hyunmoo again.

She then found that the table was overflowing with the vibrating liquor that she had poured her narrowly upon, and that she had wet Hyunmoo’s hands.

Hyunmoo muttered quietly.

“This is definitely an argument.”


“You called me my little brother and even poured alcohol on my body. I watched you try to pay off your debt with a glass of alcohol, but I can’t believe I’ve been subjected to such an insulting argument. Song Yeo-Woon, right?”

“It’s shocking. If it’s a big country, it’s okay to call So-guk as your little brother, right?”

“No, just because I’m older…”

Despite Lin Hui-min’s excuses, Hyunmoo threw a beer mug at him.

Lin Hui-min quickly grabbed the beer mug, but couldn’t stop the liquor that was filled in it.Suddenly, Lin Hui-min was drenched in alcohol with high alcohol content.

Lin Hui-Min wanted to ask if he was sane, and if he didn’t mind the vibrations and screams of people that just shook the city.

Until Song Yeo-Woon pulls out a match.

“It’s always okay to be classic,” she said.

As soon as the lit match was thrown, Lin Hu Yimin spurred his seat and jumped back. But before that, Hyunmoo was quick to hook his hind legs.

Lin Hui-min’s body was engulfed in flames in an instant.


Lin Huimin rolled on the floor and turned off the lights. The hunters, who were about to go outside because of the screams and vibrations, hurriedly returned to Lin Hui-min, who suddenly became a fireball.

Spray from the fire extinguisher was sprayed on the body, and the fire was finally put out.

There were no major injuries, but it was impossible to prevent her from becoming unsightly and tanned all over her body.

“Hey, you fucking bastard, I tried to be polite at best!”

Lin Hui-min hurried to find Kang Hyunmoo and Song Yeo-woon, but the two of them were no longer seen.

Then I saw Meilun Hai returning with a pale expression.

“Meirun-hai, Kang Hyunmoo right now…!”

“Now is not the time to care about something like Kang Hyunmoo.”

Mei Lun Hai was surprised to see her Linhu immigration, but she was able to grasp the gravity of her case.

She said her complexion was pale and she was a fly.

“The sky tower… the sky tower has now appeared over the city!”


“What the hell happened!”

Maria Keller was holding her cell phone and shouting.

She was constantly monitoring the movement of the tower through Krom’s agents.

By the time she had finished her meeting, she apparently heard reports that the tower was slowly passing through the deserted highlands of eastern Kazakhstan.

But suddenly appearing thousands of kilometers above St. Petersburg?

[Here… … now… … For sure… … something good… … .]

But over the phone, only an indistinct voice could be heard.

However, the call was completely cut off within a short period of time.

Maria Keller bit her mouth tightly as she watched the sky tower almost covered the city sky.

She wasn’t the only one watching the sky tower.

The United States, Russia, China, Japan, the EU, and almost all countries with an interest in the tower were constantly being tracked and monitored.

None of them were found warning or prepared.

The stars disappeared and the moon was obscured. The sky was dark black.

Bundles of tentacles that were softly drooping in the light of the city’s street lamp caught my eye.

Every time the tentacles pierced the city, a vibration was felt. The tentacles were fixed like anchors, holding the tower to the ground.

“Professor, the wire is connected, but no one understands the situation. The leadership level is already escaping. I think the professor must also escape.”

Adam Fort came up to me with a firm expression on his face and reported.

When Maria Keller realized how the sky tower had taken over the city and slaughtered her life, she felt a chill.

Unexpected mobility and camouflage ability, huge body that completely disables wireless communication means, and after being isolated like that, monsters pour down and take over completely.

It was a perfect occupation.

Maria Keller said to Adam with a firm expression on her face.

“Adam, prepare the cepeshu case.”

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