Chapter 261 infinitely light (5)

As Hyunmoo stopped and stared into the hangar, Song Yeo-woon’s gaze immediately turned to that direction.

Song Yeo-Woon, who soon found the man in her mask, grabbed her whip in surprise.

But Hyunmoo quickly blocked her way.

The man in the mask was looking towards Hyunmoo, but his gaze was not towards Hyunmoo but a little further away.

So, like a runway.

Hyunmoo spotted Lee Seo-yeon’s plane just starting to run down the runway. And at the same time, his body jumped like a bump.

It was almost the same moment as a man in a mask threw something.

Wedge love!

A ripping sound echoed through the air.

Hyunmoo ran to his fullest for the first time since returning from Difficulty: Hell. Every time he took his step, he stomped on his feet, and his footprints were thick.

Thanks to Hyunmoo running first, barely enough, Hyunmoo was able to intersect the trajectory of an object thrown by a man in a mask before the plane was hit.

He was running at about the same speed, so it seemed suspended in mid-air.

It was a piece of metal like Doryung Park’s dagger, which Hyunmoo called ‘Ghaul’s Fragment’.

Hyunmoo decided there was no time to pull out his weapon, and smashed the shards with his fist.

The shards were thrown aside with a bang.

The fragments smashed the runway like a water swallow, leaving long scars. Hyunmoo’s hand was also cut and blood gushed out.

“Damn it…”

But Hyunmoo heard the air ripping for the second time. The man in the mask was the one who threw the second shard.

The plane was now almost about to leave the runway, but the debris could not be avoided. It was too much for Hyunmoo, whose posture was broken, to catch up.

Hyunmoo thought for a moment about giving up on Lee Seo-yeon. He was an opponent who did not need to be rescued even by overdoing it.

But the worries didn’t last long.

Hyunmoo immediately used the skill: Ego Weapon.

He didn’t want to save Lee Seo-yeon.

It was because he did not want to see the success of his opponent’s intentions.

As Hyunmoo stretched his arm back, a long purple spear of the sword was summoned in his hand.

As soon as Chang was summoned, he began to wrestle with intent to kill Hyunmoo.

However, it was faster for Hyunmoo to throw the spear at the target than it was for the spear to stab Hyunmoo.

The distance between the fragments to the plane and the distance between Hyunmoo and the fragments more than doubled.

It was a situation in which the bullet had to be shot with a bullet, even later, to hit the tail.

But Hyunmoo did it.

A flashing black trail crossed the runway. Just before the fragment hit the plane, Hyunmoo’s ego weapon took a direct hit with the fragment.

A gust of wind swept across the runway in an instant along with a clear clattering sound. It was the aftermath caused by the ego weapon.


The aftermath shook the plane for a moment.

The plane shook precariously for a while, but it quickly took hold and rose steadily.

There seemed to be no third sniper. But Hyunmoo couldn’t relax yet.

The shards shattered, and the summer sun dazzled dazzlingly in the scattered fragments. And at the same time, the ego weapon ran madly at Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo started running quickly. The ego weapon ran towards Hyunmoo like a hungry dog.


In front of Hyunmoo, Song Yeo-Woon with her eyes wide open was seen. Song Yeo-un quickly threw her body and fell on her face.And after that, I saw a man in a mask still standing inside the hangar.

Hyunmoo quickly turned his body just before the ego weapon stabbed him in the back.

Hyunmoo’s body paralleled the ego weapon in mid-air as his body bounced back and forth like a somersault.

In that state, Hyunmoo quickly grabbed his spear. He could feel his body being dragged away quickly.

Hyunmoo made eye contact with the man in the mask.

The ego weapon pierced through the masked man in an instant.

The ego weapon didn’t stop even then, and it made a huge hole in the hangar.

Hyunmoo managed to reverse summon his ego weapon after being tossed around in the feeling of a rodeo.

It would be nice to throw it at the man in the mask again, but it is only when the spear is summoned for the first time that it can take such a stable posture.

“Ah, ha! You motherfucker, did you think feeding me would be so easy?”

Hyunmoo quickly jumped back inside the hangar. However, the torn remains of the man in the mask were nowhere to be seen.

he knew that He felt too weak when he pierced with a spear.

like piercing through the air.

“You’re still a wild dog.”

However, the man in the mask luckily did not leave the seat.

As before, he was standing in the middle of a messy hangar.

Hyunmoo was puzzled by his voice.

It was a voice I had heard before.

Thinking that Hyunmoo was now useless, he found the owner of this voice among the countless voices he had buried.

He actually didn’t even have to worry about it.

Because the opponent had already shown everything to prove himself.

Hyunmoo thought it couldn’t be, but he also wondered what could be impossible.

He’s already seen some absurd things in Hell.

Hyunmoo asked suspiciously.

“Park Do-ryung?”


“It’s been a while. Kang Hyunmoo?”

It was definitely Park Do-ryeong who took his life and took the fragments with his own hands.

Other than that, taking the fragments is a clear symbol of death. It also died at the hands of Hyunmoo, so it is impossible to resurrect it as a family.

‘Is it undead?’

However, the characteristic of the undead, such as the cold or stench, was not felt.

Park Do-ryung was alive. so clearly.

Park Do-ryeong was wearing a mask connected with tape and bond. Looking at it, it was obvious that it was the mask that Hyunmoo stepped on.

Hyunmoo thought about the possibility that the teacher’s true identity was Park Do-ryeong.

However, if that was the case, there was no reason for Park Do-ryung to be so harsh on him in the first place.

“You look like you have a lot of questions.”

“It’s a bit uncomfortable for a country to kill the same person twice.”

Having said that, Hyunmoo suddenly wondered what would happen to the two killings of Kawaro and Itwalo. Should I hit it twice?

“Why did you want to kill Seo-yeon Lee? She’s still Lee Ji-tae’s older sister. Wasn’t she on your side?”

“The only thing I want to protect is Lee Ji-tae.”

Park Do-ryung said calmly.

“And it wasn’t Lee Ji-tae’s older sister who rode that, it was just a mourner trying to sell humanity for his own sake. It would have been better for me to kill Lee Ji-tae with my own hands now than to kill him.”

“You still judge yourself and act your way.”

Apparently, he seemed to know about Lee Seo-yeon and the star behind her.

“Okay. Let me ask you a real question. How are you alive?”

“I’m happy that you’re really curious about that.”

Park Do-ryung replied with a low smile under her mask.

“Because I’m not going to teach you.”

“You bastard. Then you die now and make your life alive just like nothing happened.”

As soon as Hyunmoo finished speaking, the whip whipped around Park Do-ryung’s body.

Song Yeo-woon grabbed Park Do-ryung’s body with her whip and, at the same time, activated her skill: Her Repulsion.

If it was a normal person, the pressure was not unusual even if it was divided up and down around the place where the whip was wrapped.

However, Park Do-ryung easily untied her whip and flew away like the wind by her repulsive force.

The place he was headed was the ceiling of the hangar. However, Hyunmoo quickly rushed to him as he floated into the air.

Tam’s blade cut through Park Do-ryung’s body in an instant.

This time, she wondered if she would cut through the air like the ego weapon did. But at that moment, Hyunmoo pulled his left hand back.

The spider webs laid on her ceiling grabbed Park Do-ryeong like a net. Do-ryeong Park, who was trying to escape her attack, flinched in the air for a moment.

Doryung Park’s eyes inside her mask filled with embarrassment.

Hyunmoo did not miss the gap and cut it up at once.


This time, she definitely felt the cut. But Hyunmoo couldn’t help but put on a sad expression.

Countless silver-white crystals grew on the hangar ceiling.

The crystals had a similar feel to the fragments that Park Do-ryung used to throw.

In the jungle made up of those crystals, Park Do-ryung grasped the cut on her chest. He had a pretty deep wound, but nothing fatal.

“You’re wearing everything on your body.”

When Hyunmoo cut Doryung Park, what he felt was breaking something hard, not flesh.

She was probably wearing that silvery-white crystal shallowly all over her body.

“In the meantime, she seems to have gotten a little stronger. At least she won’t die in one hit.”

Park Do-ryung ignored Hyunmoo’s sarcasm and skimmed through her wounds.

As she followed his hand, a silvery-white crystal began to sprout from her wound. Soon the bleeding stopped from the wound covered in the sparkling silvery-white crystal.

“You are growing like a monster…”

Even at the time of the restoration of Pyongyang, Park Do-ryeong and Hyunmoo could be said to be on an equal footing.

Of course, Hyunmoo didn’t use his ultimate for a long time, but his basic abilities were similar.

But now it was really overwhelming. It was terrifying considering that it had been less than a year since Hyunmoo started working as a hunter in earnest.

“The secret is steady hard work, healthy eating habits, and a regular lifestyle. And a little bit of fine dust.”


Park Do-ryung looked at Hyunmoo without showing a single smile.

She said, ‘I didn’t just get stronger.’

Up to this point, Park Do-ryung was creating a clone of her at the moment of being attacked, creating a time to evade.

After the Pyongyang incident, Park Do-ryeong added a new trait to her own clone skill.

The clone was not a black doll like before, but perfectly copied the figure of Park Do-ryung.

In a brief moment when the clone pushes the body, the opponent becomes afflicted with an optical illusion that makes the opponent believe that the attack has been successful.Until now, very few people had read the subtle difference. But Hyunmoo figured it out by missing just one attack.

“I didn’t come to fight you. Kang Hyunmoo.”

Park Do-ryung decided that she would find it difficult to deal with Hyunmoo.

“My purpose is the same as you. I’m here to kill the starving stars who are here.”

“Like me?”


Park Do-ryung sighed and said.

“I understand why you are hostile to the allies. We had a little bit of a misunderstanding.”

“No, you shouldn’t say it as if the person who tried to kill me made an accidental mistake.”

Hyunmoo questioned it as if it was ridiculous, but Park Do-ryung gently ignored it.

“However, the purpose of the alliance is always the happiness and good of mankind. Pursuing it, I inevitably ran into you.

“It’s harmful, what’s wrong with me?”

“…and what happened in Korea this time was also closely watched by the alliance. Although we were also resolved in an unexpected way.”

The alliance seemed to be an excuse for not intervening in this matter. It wasn’t very believable. Because they were so dark inside.

“Yeah, to be honest, I admit that we waited until Almighty Ryeona broke up. But we also wanted to prevent Korea from going to the worst in the end.”

“So, to summarize, I mean, why don’t we draw here because we’re scared?”

“I can sum it up like that.”

Park Do-ryung simply admitted it.

“Honestly, if I had been able to kill you, I wouldn’t have brought up these words. But right now, I don’t even see that possibility. I don’t know if there will ever be.

“Isn’t it too naive to do something that didn’t happen because it looks like you’re going to lose? It’s dismissed.”

“I thought so. A wild dog.”

Hyunmoo patted himself.

At that moment, the silver-white crystals on the ceiling exploded all at once with a popping sound.

Hyunmoo had plunged full speed into the countless crystals that were falling apart.

“Such a dog.”

Hyunmoo quickly swung his tom to smash the crystal pieces, but it was inevitable that some of the crystal pieces got stuck in his body.

He hit Park Do-ryung’s place one beat late.

At the same time, Park Do-ryung’s right arm and leg fell apart with a sharp ripping sound.

But this time, her touch was light.

‘An alter ego.’

Hyunmoo quickly caught a glimpse.

I could feel dozens of clones already split and scattered in all directions.

If we were close we might be able to figure out what was real, but now we are too far away.

The only bait clone left alone did not disappear and fell to the floor with a light sound.

Hyunmoo got down to the floor.

“If our goals are the same, we will meet again soon. Kang Hyunmoo.”

Park Do-ryeong’s alter ego calmly looked at Hyunmoo and opened his mouth.

“And someone to see you soon…”

“Oh, okay, so shut up.”

Hyunmoo trampled on the clone and crushed it. The clone flinched, then turned into smoke and disappeared.

“I think this bastard is talking more because he comes back to life.”

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