Chapter 241 Hell Star (9)

The white man smiled.

“At first, I didn’t want to tell you that far… but I think you already know, so I’ll tell you. Yes. That’s right. The end will not resume.”

he knew that It was something I had been guessing.

The promise didn’t feel any binding, and Hyunmoo had already been killed countless times by other monsters.

However, there was no one who could forcefully fulfill the promise.

It was vague fear that prevented the movement of the agents.

Even after several decades, Hyunmoo appeared and gently touched it.

“Whether the agents broke their promises or not, the apocalypse must have stood still, right?”


Humanity deceived the stars at the last minute. No, to be precise, he used his own fear.

No matter how much the agents were chosen by the stars, their essence was of human origin.

By showing them how the apocalypse actually ends, the last remnant of mankind instills a fear that if the promise is broken, the apocalypse may begin again.

Thanks to that, Hyunmoo bought time to grow.

In effect, Hyunmoo had made no concessions, so it could be said that he took a one-sided advantage.

“But the apocalypse never completely stops. It never completely disappears. If you really chose to be the apocalyptic star, the apocalypse would have resumed.”

It means that Hyunmoo’s threats to the stars were not completely empty words.

Of course, Hyunmoo had no intention of doing so.

However, the white man’s words were as if the end had begun because there was an end star.

And it was said that now it no longer exists.

“Was the ‘promise’ that mankind made at the end… was to get rid of the apocalyptic star?”

Remove the apocalypse star and stop the apocalypse.

That was all Hyunmoo understood.

Apart from the promise, it was understandable that the apocalypse had come to a complete halt.

“Sometimes right, and sometimes wrong.”

“What is that?”

The white man there shut his mouth and grinned. Hyunmoo felt he wouldn’t answer any further.

“That’s all. You’re asking too many questions after saying this is the last question.”

“Do you have money to answer me?”

The white man stood up from his seat with a neat smile.

“What I was trying to say in the first place has to do with the powers of the stars. Of course, Kang Hyunmoo’s curiosity is natural, but this is beyond my discretion. It’s funny, so I’m joking around, but if you tell me all the answers, the people who made the riddles will come out. Wouldn’t you be sorry?”


The white man ignored Hyunmoo’s question and continued his speech.

“Mr. Kang Hyunmoo has become a star. You will live as a completely different being than you have ever been before. Your base of existence belongs to your family and territories, and you grow stronger in proportion to it. will receive.”

The white man turned the tablecloth.

As the tablecloth turned, Hyunmoo’s gaze naturally rotated, and the darkened earth came into his gaze.

A poisonous red land caught my eye as if a dot was placed in the middle of a black gutter.

“Only a small fraction of the remaining land is your territory. The minimum safe zone that humans left behind while demanding a promise.The white man picked up the tablecloth and swung it around Hyunmoo’s head.

The moment the tablecloth covered his body like a shroud, Hyunmoo felt himself sinking deep again.

It felt like something extremely heavy was pressing down on my body. He couldn’t move.

I felt the weight of my body again.

A white man’s whisper was heard.

“I don’t know if your choice was wise in choosing selfish hope over humble apocalypse. We’ll see how bright your light will shine, or if it burns like a candle and fades away like a candle.”


Hyunmoo opened his eyes.

He had a pungent, yet familiar smell seeping into the tip of his nose.

Difficulty: It smelled of toxic fine dust peculiar to hell.

Hyunmoo got up from his seat even though he felt a slight headache.

Then something on his chest fell. It was a new caramel box not yet done.

Scribbled letters were written on the surface of the box.

[This is a personal reward for ‘humanity’.]

‘Is that vain guy?’

Hyunmoo cracked the box while saying it was ridiculous. He looked around and he smelled, but nothing happened. It was just plain caramel.

It seemed good to think of it as a reward for mankind who produced stars through the promise.

It was ridiculous that it was just caramel, but there was no reason to refuse.

Hyunmoo cracked a piece of caramel and threw it into his mouth.

Along with the sweet juice, the relief that I had finally cleared the quest came flooding in.

I could see a deserted crossroad in my sight.

It was still like a ruined place, but what had happened while hiding in the basement seemed even more messy.

‘Are you dead or alive?’

He didn’t know what happened while he was being dragged by the white man, but it seemed likely.

Or it may mean that he died as a human and was reborn as a star.

Anyway, Hyunmoo took a look at his condition.

Then he suddenly noticed that the pattern on the back of his right hand had grown much bigger and darker.

The pattern that first started on the back of the hand was now eroding to the upper arm of the right arm.

In addition, even though the power was not raised, the purple energy was burning softly.

Just like the stars shining in their own colors.

Although the pattern was weak, it was a small completed star.


Hyunmoo looked at the pattern as unfamiliar as seeing a third arm that suddenly sprouted one day.

Suddenly, Hyunmoo noticed a small mosquito that had come down on the ground.

Mosquito was still looking at Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo stretched out his hand towards him.

If he was the way he was, if he wasn’t an oath of allegiance, he could only be brought into the family by killing him.

But the mosquito’s red stripes turned purple and he flew towards Hyunmoo.

The process was so natural that it felt like I was moving my own hand.

‘A star can subdue weak monsters that may belong to its own circle.’

It was the principle that the apostles or agents could manipulate monsters as if it were natural.

Of course, it was clear that there was a limit just as there was a limit to the family.

However, Hyunmoo’s grip on the family, which was completed as a small star, was expanded several times compared to the previous one.

Hyunmoo injected poisonous blood into the mosquito.

Usually only a few mosquitoes were able to absorb Hyunmoo’s venom and resurrect him to retain his blood, but now they are just naturally poisonous mosquitoes.

‘A star can instill instincts and powers into its members.’

It was for this reason that those included under the stellar family would have similar powers and similar thoughts.

In the end, the stars could be united as one only by yielding under one thought and one power.

Hyunmoo watched his mosquito move naturally at his will.

Now, the mosquito will go back and forth between the instinct planted by Hyunmoo and her own.

It was then that Hyunmoo felt a strange sensation from the mosquito.

The purple pattern gradually faded, and it was about to return to the original red pattern.

It was as if he had realized later that Hyunmoo was not his owner and was about to return.

But Hyunmoo had no intention of letting go of what he had brought into his family.

Just before the mosquito left its circle, Hyunmoo immediately moved his hand and grabbed the mosquito in an instant.

Puck, blood dripped from Hyunmoo’s hand.

‘A star can absorb power from its own clan.’

As soon as he killed the mosquito, he felt the power he had given him, and some of the power the mosquito had, flowing into his body.

The rest of the debris crumbled and disappeared.

Although it was very weak, it was felt that the overall strength increased by a different principle than the experience value.

‘What kind of demon king you are.’

It was such a vicious thing that Hyunmoo was surprised to hear that he was eating and absorbing his subordinates.

‘It would be useful for an emergency potion.’

Of course, I didn’t mean not to use it.

If you think about it, it was like the ‘blood of the hungry’, which is part of the characteristics of poisonous blood.

He had to eat it at all, and he only had stamina and mana, so Hyunmoo’s abilities seemed to be a more evolved version.

‘and… … .’



Suddenly, I heard a voice calling Hyunmoo from behind. Kirsson, with a surprised expression on his face, was approaching.

It was the first time we met since becoming a star, so I wondered if something would have changed, but I didn’t see a big difference other than that I grew a little taller.

“No, boss. Where the hell are you from now?”


“The day the apostles attacked, it suddenly disappeared, and we were so embarrassed. That, difficulty: I thought you went to the easy world, but you didn’t even call me… Are you there?”

“No. Well, it’s cumbersome to explain, but anyway, there was an unavoidable circumstance. But how much time has passed?”

“It’s been about a week. It’s not been that long, but the stars still smashed and left, so I was so nervous.”

one week? It seemed that he had come to see the white man for a brief moment, but Hyunmoo was startled to hear that the time had passed.

A week was enough time for the shelter to be destroyed. But like Kirson, the area around the intersection seemed somewhat quiet.”It looks like the war just didn’t break out.”

“It’s the eve of the storm. Everyone is gathering forces on a large scale now. Since this is the center, there is a high probability that it will become a battleground soon. .”

“Ha-hyeon? Ha-hyun isn’t the type of commander.”

“Uh, to be precise, there must be someone there to assist you… Anyway, you can tell by looking at it.”

Kirsson seemed to want to hurry down to the shelter with Hyunmoo.

He seemed to feel uneasy on the ground as he glanced around incessantly.

Hagisa, it’s only natural that the crossroads aren’t as safe as they used to be.

Hyunmoo followed Kirsson’s back and suddenly grabbed his hand.

“What, what, all of a sudden?”

“Hold on a second.”

Hyunmoo remembered the pattern on Kirson’s hand a long time ago.

Kirson is neither an apostle nor an agent. But he had the glyph.

Probably, it was clear that the pattern itself could be owned by anyone.

There, whether he is recognized by the stars or not, it must be decided whether or not he becomes a being more than a family member.

“…How long are you going to hold on to it? I thought that the boss might be your taste, but…”

“I got something from you a long time ago.”

Hyunmoo interrupted Kirsson and said.

“You’ve done enough. So don’t give me back what you took.”

Hyunmoo, quite naturally, cut some shards from his star and replanted them into Kirsson’s hands.

A new pattern began to appear on the back of Kirson’s hand.

Kirsson looked into the back of his hand with a startled expression.

A pattern similar to Hyunmoo, it was shining in a purple color similar to crystal moss.

“Boss, this is…”

And at the same time, Kirson’s appearance suddenly began to change.

His entire body was bulging and growing rapidly, and then he changed into a bigger, more slender figure.

Hair like a lion’s mane grew around his neck, and long horns grew from his forehead.

His entire hand became as sharp as a dagger, and a purple aura rose in every corner.

After making the change, Kirsson grunted and broke his neck.

His height was about the same as Hyunmoo’s, but he had a slightly squat position, so he would have been taller if he straightened his back.


“…what I want to say is, boss.”

Kirsson looked at Hyunmoo with a puzzled expression and said. Kirsson looked over his own body and said.

“Uh, to be honest, this is my original appearance. To be precise, this is what I looked like when I belonged to the conquering star. From now on, I am not a goblin, but an imp. In fact, he’s an errand man or a small digger.”

Kirsson said with a happy smile.

“Still, it’s like I’ve surpassed the race I was born with. It’s something I can do because I’m the only one. If I grow up here, my wings will grow and my horns will get bigger, too, but I’m still greedy up to that point.”

“Are the others like that too?”

“If the boss is going to give you that much power.”

Kirsson said while looking at his right hand, which had his emblem on it.

“…But it seems that I have become the first apostle of the boss.”

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