Chapter 217 When the stars cast their shadows (3)

Hyunmoo turned back with a grim expression.

“Don’t pretend to be something unless you’re explaining who you were in the past.”

Hyunmoo didn’t intend to see any gaps until he knew who Montstrille was.

If Montstril’s words were true, there were already speculations. By that alone, Montstrille was quite concerned. But acknowledging it and showing her that she cares is another matter.

In the first place, Montstrille is something he doesn’t need to worry about.

Who cares about the stars?

She is the ruler of the rulers, proving that she has conquered a single star just by her very existence.

At this point, Hyunmoo decided to pull Montstril off.

“Is it okay if I show up like this and even speak out? I remember that I used to be quite careful.”

“Who showed up and made a voice?”

Montstril smiled and stepped back.

“It’s never been like that since the moment you saw me. It’s time to wake up from your dream, Kang Hyunmoo-kun. We chatted happily after a long time.”

And then, Montstrille frowned.

“But I think we’ll see each other again soon. You know?”



Hyunmoo suddenly woke up.

In the place where Montstril disappeared, Kirson stood. Kirsson was looking at him with a strange expression.

“What are you doing, boss? You seem to be thinking deeply, not suitable.”

Hyunmoo rubbed his eyes. It felt like waking up after a long sleep, but it didn’t seem like a long time had passed. Because I was still standing in front of the mirror.

“How long have I been like this, Kirson?”

“Uh, when I entered the room, you were looking at my left arm… it must have been a little over five minutes.”

It had been about five minutes since I watched the Apostles of the conquering star converse.

Then, it was clear that the time I met Montstrille was actually really short. If it wasn’t for sleeping while standing and dreaming.

But of course it won’t be a dream.

Hyunmoo sighed and accepted reality.

He had guessed from the moment he captured Alhugin, but war was really imminent. There was a lot of work to be done.

“Kirson, how has our shelter work been going?”

“I thought I forgot it because you didn’t ask. It’s almost finished. It’s just finishing work, but the actual function is almost complete.”

The shelter work was started under the direction of Hyunmoo when he was carrying out the ordeal of Yogulem, a star starving at the crossroads. Building air defense shelters and securing escape routes.

Of course, if the monsters attack with determination, no matter how many shelters are hidden in the ground, they cannot survive indefinitely. For that reason, the focus was on effectively securing deeper escape routes and hiding places.”What’s our total number?”

“There are 112 goblins, 86 rats, and 8 beasts. There are a few more spiders that Ha-hyeon commands.”

“How are you armed?”

“Everyone is armed with a rare grade, and those above the tenth grade are armed with a legendary grade.”

“What about the Ratman Modified Soldiers?”

“Even without Kazat, the researchers under his command have made it well. About 30 of them are on standby.”

Considering that even the weakest goblins were level 30 or higher, it was a force that could easily occupy a small and medium-sized country. Perhaps this alone is enough to belong to the top clan.

However, compared to the power of the stars, it was shabby.

“How many starving stars do you think there will be?”

“…Is there any meaning in estimating? Zombies and ghouls can’t be counted. The number of ghasts alone exceeded 70, and they also saw landfish and burrowing predators. They say hungry people are coming.”

“How strong is that?”

“The only people among us that can fight against even one hornbill is the boss and Mrs. Hahyun. The problem is not that the hornfish is strong, but there are very few who can stand by making eye contact with that lark. Larvae predator. I think it can be said that he eats the ghast lightly.”

It doesn’t really make sense once you hear the description, but one thing is certain. The fact that Hyunmoo’s power would not remain if they met head-on.

Without high-level officials like Ha-hyeon or Yerdan, Hyunmoo’s power would be torn apart like a piece of paper.

“Besides, boss, this isn’t the power of a starving star. It’s the only ones who are likely to come here. If you use all your power, it will be enough to cover the entire city.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

But that’s all Hyunmoo’s power is.

“Shall we evacuate the tribe members?”

Kirsson asked in a subtly manner.

It’s an unmatched fight. Of course, it’s a shelter made to run away or hide.

Hyunmoo also worked hard to build up his power, but this is Difficulty: Hell. If the power of the stars collides head-on, there is no victory. Not even one, but three.

Although Hyunmoo may have been lucky enough to catch one of the apostles, it was impossible to beat the apostle who was properly escorted. Because the Apostle on the other side can also use what is called the ultimate skill.

Of course, Kirsson thought Hyunmoo would run away.

“No, I don’t run away.”

But at the same time, he thought he would be surprised if Hyunmoo ran away.

So when he heard his answer, he was rather not surprised. Kirsson asked with a half sigh.

“…No, then why did you ask about the shelter?”

At Kirsson’s question, Hyunmoo grinned.

“It’s not an escape, it’s called a strategic retreat. We’re not retreating to survive, we’re retreating to ensure that our opponents are outraged.”

“Boss, isn’t that what you call mental victory?”

“No, bastard. Sometimes we confuse the two, but they’re really different. We’re going to kill anyone who steps into our shelter, leaving no one behind. Our shelter was built for that purpose from the beginning.”

Kirsson, who has been leading and proceeding with the construction of the shelter from the beginning, had a questionable expression on his face. But Hyunmoo’s words were sincere. His shelter was not a place of escape to survive.

It was a throat for swallowing enemies.


The crossroads were covered in mosquitoes and filled with humming noises. It was a time when swarms of mosquitoes came in like clouds. Mosquito swarms, which had stayed for a long time and wandered in search of prey to eat, shed their wings at the sound of a flute from somewhere.

Soon at the crossroads, a swarm of mosquitoes soared toward the sky.

As soon as the crossroads became quiet, the sound of flutes began to approach the crossroads. The flute and trumpet rang out with a grotesque tempo.

Monsters hiding nearby to avoid mosquito swarms twisted and drooled at the strange sound.

Soon a strange procession appeared at the crossroads.

The first to appear were countless swarms of ghouls rolling their shiny eyes in search of food. The ghouls roared with hunger and hurriedly took over the crossroads.

Heavily sized ghasts followed.

In front of the gigantic kiln that suddenly appeared, a lanternmaw floating in the air slowly flowed.

White giants with long, skinny limbs walked quietly with their palanquins on their backs. Out of the kiln’s splendid silk cloth was a pale hand holding a cigarette.


He was the starving star, the apostle of Jogulem, the Kawaro of satiety and sloth.

He watched the mosquitoes soaring into the sky with a curious expression.

The Mosquitoes belonged to the Starving Stars, but their orders were extremely limited, perhaps due to their lack of intelligence. Fortunately, the order did not last long and only lasted for a short time. It’s as if there was someone else to be truly loyal to.

However, for Kawaro, that figure was only a symbol of a lowly intellect who did not even know what to obey.


Having arrived at the right place, Kawaro gave orders to the procession.

His face contorted when he saw the familiar crossroads. A bad memory came to him, who had been humiliated here before.

Just before I killed Kang Hyunmoo, I remember running away at the sudden sound of a strange shout. I still can’t forget that ugly look.

But at that moment he couldn’t help it. His body lost control and trembled, and he instinctively ran away.

‘Those who have passed the ordeal should be respected.’

Stars sometimes cling to the weird. Even on matters that had nothing to do with them, they would use their influence to enforce their will.

It was the same with Augusto, the star of the monsters who intervened at that time.

‘August only has a high name, isn’t it a piece of trash that has already fallen off? Interfering unnecessarily.’

The star of monsters, Augusto, has already lost power and has only one agent. I was told that even that was in a state of being half-closed.

No matter how strong the agent was in the past, it was clear that he could no longer intervene.

As many as three stars were interested in this land.

Never before has such forces collided since the extinction of mankind. When these great powers began to gather, it didn’t matter whether this land was the main land of the ‘promise’ or someone had a special interest in it.

Soon the stars will begin to fight for a fight. Then nothing could be left behind.

Although Kawaro was in a hurry, he even took pride in acting before the other stars.

“Find it.”

Kawaro proudly waved the cigarette out of the silk cloth.As soon as his command was given, the ghouls began to roar with hunger, digging the ground in search of the smell of meat and blood.

Even the asphalt floor was dug until his nails and fingers were broken, and he dug underneath to find a few holes. The ghasts dug into the floor by moving their huge bodies.

Shortly thereafter, traces began to be found.

Not long ago, subway stations, crypts, and shelters that showed the traces of where the goblins stayed were starting to appear.

Kawaro smiled brightly. He knew he was doing something underground.

“In this world, the only way for a weak person like you to risk their life is to hide in the ground like a rat.”

Many monsters are already hiding underground. In preparation for such a situation, Kawaro was sending his family members into the basement one after another.

It was because he knew the other day that Hyunmoo took full advantage of the underground when performing his ordeal.

“Go, crush everything he has, and show the emptiness of the poor.”

With a fishy smile, Kawaro didn’t forget to deliver Yogulem’s orders.

“And through the pain of poverty, awaken greed.”

What if he found out that what he had worked so hard to build was just a pavilion of history?

Hyunmoo is greedy even in Kawaro’s eyes. He can’t easily let go of what he’s holding. He must listen to the whispers of the starving star, Jo Gulem.

Kawaro happily waited for the result.


The ghouls dug underground and set out in a hurry to find something to eat. But no matter how much he wrinkled his nose, he couldn’t smell the things he had bought.

There are signs of a rushed movement, but they were not here. There were only spiders wandering around cluttered.

The ghouls were in a state where Kawaro had been starving for a while in preparation for a fight. The hungry guys roared and ran all over the place with nervous noises.

Then the ghouls discovered something. It was the corpse of a decaying ratman. Although they were rotting, the ghouls did not choose anything to eat. Without hesitation, they held their teeth. It groaned and the flesh fell off.

Secret banquets of such ghouls were taking place in various places underground.

Although it tasted odd for carrion, it was enough to fill a hungry stomach.


And deep underground.

Hyunmoo closed his eyes, concentrating on the sensations in his cobwebs spread all over the basement.

The corpses of his own poison were disappearing at a rapid rate.

‘As expected, Kawaro arrived first.’

The starving star is more greedy than anyone else, and the weeping star is easygoing. The conquering star was waiting for Alhugin.

It was natural for Kawaro to come first. So he was the first to fall into the trap.

“Welcome to my web, invaders.”

Hyunmoo murmured in a nervous, tense tone, but with a look of anticipation.

“In my throat, in my trap, in my dungeon.”

At one point when my eyes were shining like that, a notification window popped up.

[The Broken Star, Gaul, wants to give you a trial.]

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