Chapter 213 good cops, bad cops (4)

In Robert Lee’s words, Hyunmoo thought of Lee Ji-tae.

‘After all, the person who appeared at that time was the teacher.’

She thought she would.

The alliance did everything she could to spare her life for her Lee Ji-tae, and she tried to keep her ties to him.

Since Park Do-ryung is dead, she thought even that was a failure, but there is always a higher stomach.


Hwi-so Park carefully bowed her back and spoke in a cautious voice.

“I don’t think I will betray the teacher as much as I am the one who has been favored. But I am skeptical of the teacher’s methods recently.

“Park Do-ryeong? The leader of the compatible mama? Was that person an ally too?”

[It’s a bitch.]

“Mr. Kang Hyunmoo, please be quiet for a moment. Robert, didn’t you know that Park Do-ryung was an ally? So, his actions were arbitrary?”

“It’s not an order from the teacher. He’s not the one to give that order in the first place.”

At Robert Lee’s answer, Hwiso Park’s eyebrows twitched.


“If Park Do-ryung was a member of the alliance, it would have been arbitrary. He did it to protect Lee Ji-tae. Because Lee Ji-tae is just as important as Kang Hyunmoo.”

Robert Lee’s face changed to a nervous expression.

“It’s still a mess even among the allies I know because of it. I don’t know what’s going on. There’s a split between the need to actively recruit Kang Hyunmoo right now and the need to get rid of it right now.”

At Robert Lee’s words, Hwiso Park’s face hardened. It wasn’t just that his surroundings were a mess.

Just as his, Ryu Su-ah, and Park Do-ryung’s actions differed, similar infighting and differences of opinion were emerging elsewhere in the alliance.

“What happened? Didn’t the teacher say anything?”

“Direction? I said, but the teacher isn’t the one to do that. He just wants us to do our job in the right place and at the right time. Or he thought there wasn’t much to worry about Kang Hyunmoo.”

“…but you said that Kang Hyunmoo is following the big line well. More than expected. So, didn’t you arrange for this situation as well?”

“That’s right. If you wanted to go wrong, he must have given you some guidance. However, there is really very little involvement in this matter. Even the chaos within the alliance makes me wonder if the teacher’s arrangement is not.”

Park Hwi-so fell into silence. He looked at Hyunmoo with a confused look. Hyunmoo was looking at Robert Lee with his arms crossed.

It didn’t seem like Robert Lee was lying. But, what is it that the author, the teacher, is neglecting the chaos of his organization?

“If Park Hwi-so is an ally, as you know, the person you don’t need to worry about the most in the world is the teacher. We are all, the teacher will take care of it. Those who want to get rid of Kang Hyunmoo get rid of them, and those who want to help get help. It doesn’t matter as long as we don’t just kill each other.”

“That’s it, but…”

“I think so. Mr. Hwiso Park and Hyunmoo Kang.”

Robert Lee said, moving his gaze to the two of them one by one.”Perhaps the teacher gave Kang Hyunmoo the stone and planted a kind of ‘seed’. And originally, the tree that grew there was supposed to be raised with moderate watering and exposure to sunlight. Probably.”

[Is this a seed?]

“It is a metaphor to the last. An analogy. And if this assumption is true, the teacher has only one role to play. It is to be prudent. To prune the branches so that they do not grow in an unwanted direction. It’s covered well.”

Hyunmoo was so excited that he was speechless.

“Let’s take another example? I tried to manipulate the dice to get as high a number as possible, but the dice roll on their own, and then 6 comes out in a row. This is a situation where the operator is also embarrassed.”

[Anyway, he gave me this to raise me. That seems to have worked, but aren’t you worried about being bitten and killed by a tiger cub?]

Then Robert Lee asked as if puzzled.

“Ah, the metaphor of the tree doesn’t really refer to Kang Hyunmoo.”

[If not me?]

“I was talking about a larger scope. You are a person who thinks in terms of humanity. You are a gardener who will keep the tree of humanity in a beautiful shape without dying. A gardener who will cut down all the branches of a bad future.”


Park Hwi-so again entrusted Song Yeo-woon and Seo Ji-hoo to monitor Robert Lee, and then came out.

Hwiso Park resumed the conversation with Hyunmoo on the phone. Hyunmoo asked first.

[What do you think, sir?]

“It sounds bizarre, but it’s credible. What you know about the teacher is consistent with me, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason to hide it. He seems to trust me completely as an ally.”

[Then what kind of reaction will you get if you ask about the teacher’s identity?]

Park Hwi-so, who was silent for a moment at Hyunmoo’s question, opened his mouth.

“You don’t have to ask.”

[No need to ask?]

“If you have any questions about the teacher, ask me. I’ll tell you what I know.”

At Hwiso Park’s words, Hyunmoo paused. Basically, Hwiso Park is loyal to Hyunmoo because he agrees with the teacher’s philosophy.

Of course, now that he had become a family member, he had no other choice, but Hyunmoo spared no effort to draw true loyalty to him.

One of them was that Park Hwi-so did not question the teacher until he confessed to himself about the teacher’s identity.

And now, Park Hwi-so was saying that if Hyunmoo asked about the teacher, he would answer as much as he could.

[Are you okay? Last time I asked Ryu Su-ah about it, her condition had deteriorated a bit. Aren’t you under some kind of mental control?]

“As I said then, the teacher doesn’t do anything like mental control or hypnosis. There are times when I can’t even betray my heart because of my sincere loyalty and a desire to repay my kindness.”

[Ryu Soo-ah didn’t seem like such a peculiar personality, did he?]

“In her case, she couldn’t afford the latter. She must have believed that if she betrayed her teacher, she would be completely ruined. Among allied members, there are many loyalists to the teacher for that reason. That must be a lie.”

Park Hwi-so let out a deep, deep sigh. His face was even sullen to simply reveal a secret. Hyunmoo felt something strange and inquired.

[Does the author, Teacher, come to take revenge if he reveals his identity?]

“No. I don’t question it, I don’t get angry.”

[Then what are you afraid of?]

“…they are afraid of reaping the ‘grace’ that the teacher has bestowed on them.”

be grace

It was a story I had already heard several times in conversations with Robert Lee and Hwiso Park.

Among them, there was also a mention of Lee Ji-tae. She had an easy attitude and she said that she had benefited from her teacher.

[The word ‘grace’ keeps coming up from a while ago, but what is that?]

Park Hwi-so took out her cigarette and asked.

Hyunmoo saw him smoking for the first time. But seeing how good he was at taking it out of the court and smoking, it seemed like he stopped smoking for quite some time and then started smoking again.

“Mr. Kang Hyunmoo must have had some of the darkest times. A time when there was no hope, a time when it seemed like you became less than a beast, a time when you felt like your limbs were rotting in the mud.”

Hyunmoo flinched when he heard that. It was he who came to mind when he was a miner.

I remember crawling through the dirty mud and navigating through the waste.

“I had a similar period. To be precise, it must be said that it was the time when I was a hunter for a long time. I caught more people than monsters, though. At that time, I was a sub-human being.”

[People still catch a lot.]

“Now, I am moving with my own philosophy. At that time, I was … but I would not be able to match Mr. Kang Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo didn’t dare ask what those things were.

Park Hwi-so knows what he has done. However, Hwi-so Park was talking about a sin that even Hyunmoo could not confess.

“But then one day, the most regretful thing of my life happened. I couldn’t even fix it. I was like a dog in the mud, and a man appeared and gave me a ‘grace’. That’s the teacher. no see.”

[If it’s grace?]

“He saved my wife, who was dying from an overdose of the drug I was selling, and gave me direction to use my powers for more sublime ends. was not a beast, but a tamed hound.”

He appeared in the darkest moment and extended a helping hand.

It’s a moving and gracious thing, but Hyunmoo’s treacherous judgement was not taken straight away.

Because there wasn’t one or two things that were suspicious.

But if Hyunmoo is suspicious, then Park Hwi-so will of course know.

[Isn’t it suspicious that he appeared at a good time?]

“Why not?”

Park Hwi-so laughed bitterly.

“As I met the other allies with the teacher, I learned that they too have been ‘blessed’. Salvation given in the darkest times, in the most desperate times. I don’t think this ingenuity is a coincidence. At the same time, it is also a reason to harbor fear.”

Park Hwi-so was silent for a moment, and then he spoke as if choking.

“If you can give me a favor at any time, I might be able to collect it again at any time.”


Hyunmoo was speechless for a moment.Then, it is not something that Park Hwi-so can do with ordinary courage to confess to the teacher now.

Hyunmoo wondered what he would be like if she went back to her miner days.

At a time when he had no ability, no immigration, no social position and no money.

“Ryu Suah was particularly strong in this fear. She was especially dark in her darkness. She would rather let her go than she is.”

[…] … Isn’t the teacher threatening with such a thing?]

“No. It’s never been like that. I’ve never been told to repay the favor. However, when people are in debt that they can’t pay, they have both gratitude and fear for the other person. So it’s never been given, and the teacher even mentioned Imagine and fear no punishment.”

[Are you okay?]

“I can’t. She doesn’t want to betray her teacher, and she’s afraid that she might reap the favor. But anyway, her wife has already died of an illness, and talking to Robert Lee puts her mind at ease. ”

Hwiso Park inhaled the cigarette deep down to the filter, then rubbed it on the floor to put it out.

“When you suspect that you are being controlled no matter what you do, there is only one thing you can do. Resist that control. If you designed all of this anyway, what I’m talking about now is part of the design. He must have designed something to stop it.”

Hyunmoo decided to dry Park Hwi-so.

It’s not something I’m curious about enough to hear anyway.

If you say the teacher’s name and there is nothing like a mind-destroying device, you can interrogate other allies to obtain information. I didn’t want to bother Park Hwi-so.

[Inspired by it. just… … .]

“The names that the teacher uses are Bi-Kwang, Li, and Kwang-Gun. Usually, the name Bi-Kwang is used more, but I don’t know which one is the real name.”

Before Hyunmoo could finish speaking, Hwiso Park interrupted and spit it out.

Now, Hwi-so Park did not reveal about the teacher in order to be loyal to Hyunmoo.

It was a kind of resistance.

“I was estimated to be around 60, but I dared not figure it out. More than 10 years had passed since I first met the teacher and since then, I haven’t looked old at all. I always wear a mask on my face, but even when I take it off often.”

[…] … .]

So far, there has been no significant change in Park Hwi-so.

It doesn’t look like the teacher will appear and kill you as soon as you speak, or go back to the past.

Or maybe the teacher doesn’t really care about revealing his identity.

“The base where the teacher is active is not fixed. He always comes without a word or if there is a business, the teacher will contact you first.”

[Inspiration. Now it’s done. No need to say more… … .]

However, Park Hwi-so ignored Hyunmoo’s words and brought out a story that he really wanted to say and which Hyunmoo had hiddenly avoided.

“Finally, I suspect that the teacher might be Kang Hyunmoo’s father.”

After uttering those words, Hwiso Park waited for Hyunmoo’s response. But even after waiting, Hyunmoo’s answer did not come.

When I checked his cell phone, the call was already disconnected. He didn’t know when he had been cut off.

Park Hwi-so tried to contact Hyunmoo again with a complicated feeling.

Then, suddenly, the phone rang again.

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