Chapter 211 Good Cop, Bad Cop (2)

“Calm down, Mr. Kang Hyunmoo.”

As Hyunmoo looked like he was about to have a seizure, Hwiso Park calmed him down.

Of course, since Hyunmoo couldn’t calm him down when he told him to calm down, he had to throw in a plausible rice cake as well.

“Robert Lee is still in the United States. He only appears in extremely controlled traffic and in a highly secure environment. The fact that he came to Korea was unusual. So he easily found a connection with you. ”

“Doesn’t it look like it’s only tangled up with well-to-do families?”

“As I work on the West Coast of the US, I am very close with Korean multinationals and wealthy people. It seems that they are active in lobbying for various immigration-related legislation in addition to the inheritance law.”

He had a relationship that could never be entangled with himself, who was a poor soil spoon in Korea.

In other words, it even occurred to me that this situation might be part of the alliance’s design.

Hwi-so Park asked Hyunmoo as if he were working hard.

“Why didn’t you contact me in the first place? Did he forget he got his business card?”

“I can’t say I remembered. When I returned with the hearthstone, the situation was… a bit too dramatic.”

If I had time to think calmly by myself, I might have recalled a business card and contacted you.

With the intention of swearing at them, or going to kill them.

But then, Hyunmoo met Yu-min right away, and through Yu-min, most of the problems were solved.

Thinking so calmly, Hyunmoo slowly began to organize his thoughts.

The fact that Robert Lee gave him the business card was to make sure he was contacted. Because he wouldn’t have told me not to.

What if he made contact? Through a series of processes, whether squeezed or persuaded, Hyunmoo would have been subsumed into their sphere of influence.

But from that stage on, the plan was already ruined.

And, having failed at that stage, it was clear that the alliance was reluctant to intervene further in the situation.

Even in the midst of being attacked several times by the allies, whether it was a teacher or a professor was far away from each other.

Even Park Hwi-so and Ryu Su-ah were torn between them without even knowing about them.

‘It’s a shogi horse that you don’t even know you’re talking about.’

Again, sympathy for Park Hwi-so, who thinks of the alliance as a grandiose, arose.

After all, that’s what an organization is.

Organizations with noble goals and plausible justice are rotten everywhere.

Only transparent procedures ensure the cleanliness of the organization. Secret groups never do that.

‘But that means… … A guy named Robert Lee is most likely under the direct orders of the teacher or the teacher himself.’

There’s no way anyone can handle things like hearthstones. The intention of giving him the hearthstone is unknown, but whether it is torture or brainwashing, it is something that will be found out gradually.

For now, it was important to catch the guy with that information intact.

“Catch him right now…”

Hyunmoo, who was about to ask him to catch him, paused for a moment. When Hyunmoo stopped giving orders, Hwiso Park looked at him with puzzled eyes.

Hyunmoo’s eyes were engulfed in conflict.

‘Is it really the right thing to do to capture this bastard?’

Of course, Difficulty: The person I am now is completely different from when I first came back from Hell.

However, despite the difference in time, I was concerned that in the end, contact with the gnome would be woven into some gigantic design.

And there was one more reason.’What if, just in case of what-if.’

If it was a lie from the beginning that it was my father’s memento.

So, if the person who sent the hearthstone was that person.

Hyunmoo didn’t know how he would act when he met the person he might be behind. And how should he behave?

But just as his thoughts were about to become complicated, a sudden surge of emotions he had put off for a while. From the beginning, he had nothing to complicate. no hesitation

The principle is simple.

No matter who the person is, the person who feeds her will surely pay her back.

“Catch him right now. I don’t need four or five limbs, so I’m just risking my life.”

“You’re talking about humans now, not spiders or centipedes, right?”


We can forget the grace we received for a moment, but we never forget the grudge.

It’s enough to chew on a design or a trap and eat it whole.


West Coast, San Francisco.

Although it was early summer, San Francisco was experiencing extreme temperatures due to climate change.

Due to the rising temperature, people struggled from the heat and went into the shade to avoid the sun.

But some couldn’t.

“Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, this is Serazad. Notice that it is more bearable than I thought.”

[…] … Is that the name you just gave? I thought you were going to whine that it was hot, but what is it?]

Song Yeo-woon, who was watching the building on the other side from the roof, blew up the radio, and Seo Ji-hoo answered.

In the first place, the wireless equipment they used did not require much code name because it was a system that did not have to worry about eavesdropping.

However, considering the purpose of the mission, I thought it would have been better to set it earlier.

“No, San Francisco is the image of a city in summer. It’s a warm vacation spot. But even though it’s an abnormal temperature, it’s only 26 degrees. It’s kind of ugly.

[It is true that it is a warm country. The average annual temperature never drops below freezing.]

“Heaven!? It was neither hot nor cold, right here?!”

[Focus on the mission.]

“The meeting is still going on. It’s been a long time. How’s the scenery there?”

[What do you mean?]

“If you wait on the beach road, you won’t see good scenery. I hope.”

[Don’t be harsh… … .]

“Ask the manager if he can’t come back a few days late as he’s on vacation after finishing his mission. Can you do it? The teddy bear is the boss’s cutie.”

[Song Yeo-Woon is… … .]

“Shh, teddy bear. Write it down!”

[…] … Serazad’s sister is receiving direct support from the general manager, right? They say that no matter what my sister makes, she buys everything at the price the manager calls, so her income is more than our combined annual salaries.]

“My older sister is a bit talented. Ah, jasmine, lavender, mint, moving target. Repeat. Going bald.”

[Check Jasmine.][Check lavender.][Check mint.][…] … Check out the teddy bear. When did you unify the code name except for me? You can tell who is who by the voice.]

“It’s just that everyone responds smartly.”

Seo Ji-hoo thought that he was deceived, but it was clear that baldness meant this time target.

Seo Ji-hoo prepared to move according to the signal, and Song Yeo-woon started running towards the capture point.

If you can sprint over the roof of a building, a human can be faster than a car in a city with heavy traffic.

[You are like a clockwork doll, so if you don’t get caught, you’ll move along the set route. I will stop the car at point A, Lavender will prepare the equipment, and I will announce the start of the operation. After that, when the capture is complete, we will set the goal until Serazad enters, seizes the target, and moves it to point B.]

“You are adapting quickly. Teddy Bear.”

[No chatting after this time.]

Song Yeo-un grumbled, but she couldn’t help it.

The operation is her responsibility, and her actions are her own.

The sword should be swung in the direction the swordsman is aiming.

Song Yeo-woon reached the promised A point much faster than Seo Ji-hoo.

As planned, there was congestion on the road, so Seo Ji-hoo was slowly following along the street with Robert Lee.

If everything goes according to plan, Robert Lee’s car pulls into the alley in five minutes.

“Lavender, are you ready for the wig?”


In time, Robert Lee turned his car into a narrow alleyway. It was a byway because there was a traffic jam.

And this was point A.

What Robert Lee found there was a huge refrigerated vehicle.

Robert Lee’s car hastily slowed down as a huge reefer was blocking the road. At that moment, the door of the refrigeration vehicle opened with a ton and something fell on the floor.

It was a steel slope that seemed to invite us into the freezer.

Robert Lee, realizing the strangeness, began to retreat at full speed. But at the same time, there was a roar from behind.

A heavy-duty truck was rushing towards him. Without hesitation, Seo Ji-hoo, wearing a seat belt, crashed into Robert Lee’s car, who was hesitating between reverse and forward.

He even shoved the whole car into a frozen car.

The side mirrors of Robert Lee’s expensive Maserati were completely scratched on both sides.

The car door and the side of the refrigerated car warehouse were distorted to fit perfectly. With this, Robert Lee lost no way to escape.

“A wig is put on the bald head! Enter Serazad!”

As soon as Seo Ji-hoo removed the vehicle, Song Yeo-woon entered the refrigerator.

Seeing the Maserati scratched and smashed all over, Song Yeo-Woon felt guilty for a moment as an ordinary citizen, but at the same time felt less sorry for what she had done in the future.

She said, ‘It’s already this much broken.’

The moment her hand touched her window, she activated the skill ‘Repulsion’. The windows shattered and shattered with a roar.

If you get hit the wrong way, it could be full of holes like a shotgun, but as long as you don’t die instantly.

Song Yeo-Woon shoved her body into her car with her hole in it.

“Come out, bald! Can’t you run away…”

But she couldn’t finish Song Yeoun’s words. She contorted her car face in anger and ran out of her car.


“what?”Seo Ji-hoo, who had just jumped out of the car, answered Song Yeo-woon’s shout.

“The bald man ran away! Damn it. He was there until he got into the alley, so he was here right before the teddy bear hit his bald head. Mint, Jasmine, I’d go with one of you! Lavender, dump the car and join the search!”


However, it was not easy to find Robert Lee as the opponent who got out of the car without a trace.

Mint and Jasmine, who were blocking the way out of the alley, had not been found either.

Song Yeo-Woon’s swear words could be heard on the radio almost every 10 seconds.

[Teddy Bear, notice that it is our Mint. I can hear sirens now, but it seems that the local police are approaching.]

Seo Ji-hoo clicked his tongue. I had to finish everything before the police arrived and leave.

If Hyunmoo had come in person, the job would have been much easier. Just do a home raid and it will work.

However, the entry procedure for talented people in the United States is complicated. Especially if it belongs to the top ranks like Kang Hyunmoo.

It doesn’t block or bar entry, but wherever you go, you’ll be under surveillance the whole time.

“Serazad, listen. I guess I’ll just have to do it this far. The police are approaching.”

However, there was no answer from Song Yeo-woon.

Seo Ji-hoo sent the radio again, but it was the same.

There were two possibilities. Song Yeo-Woon was so upset that she smashed the radio or… … .

Seo Ji-hoo felt cheap.

“Mint, lavender, jasmine. Is the location of Cerazad confirmed?”

[I saw you running up the roof in the southeast direction earlier.]

Seo Ji-hoo ran in the direction he said right away.

She hopes all goes well, but all kinds of things happen in this kind of illegitimate mission.

He also had to consider the possibility that there might be Robert Lee’s collaborators or guardians that they had not even discovered.

To prevent such a situation as much as possible, we were trying to make a swift move, but… … .


Then Serge Hu found a bloody man standing on the side of her alley.

A man with a tired expression and half-grey hair dyed with blood.

Seo Ji-hoo made a sharp expression as he smelled the bloody smell from him.

The target this time was Robert Lee.

He looked elegant and noble, but lurking in the form of a wounded beast.

“…Where did Song Yeo-Woon go?”

“Yeowoon Song? Is she referring to that girl with her short hair?”

Robert Lee tilted his head at an angle and raised the corner of his mouth.

“It’s already too late.

“What did you do?”

“That girl beat me until I got to this point, and I barely escaped.”


“Did you guys not plan to catch me? Or is it life or death? It’s so feathery that I think I’m going to die if I get it wrong like this.”

Robert Lee raised his arms and said.

“It is now. I will surrender calmly, so please don’t hit me more…”

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