Chapter 206 new orders (3)

The crowd was instantly overwhelmed by the monster that appeared suddenly.

The hunters tried to rush in, but the moment Kazat grabbed his staff and swung it, rats poured out of the black tar and attacked the hunters.

Hunter, whose face was covered in rats, screamed and struggled. The rats covered their heads in a circle as black tar melted again from their faces.

Hunters were suppressed in an instant. They drooped and fell unconscious.

In a situation where it was not clear whether even the hunters were dead or alive, the general public had nothing to say.

As Kazat pounded on the floor, the general public, who tried to run away screaming, bowed their bodies.


Monsters, monsters, demons, atypical mana-based creatures, and more.

There are many names, but in most countries, they are unified as monsters. It may be to distinguish between mythical creatures and creatures that actually threaten humanity.

However, for most people, monsters are still not different from myths or stories from distant countries.

“Gee, are you a real monster?”

“Oh my gosh…….”

Monsters can only be seen inside the dungeon, and any occasional leaks are blocked at the boundary line.

It is like using products made of animal bones or skins and never actually seeing the animal.

Thanks to this, ordinary people who witnessed the monster for the first time in their lives were naturally overwhelmed.

If it were a powerful monster that could speak and subdue even the Hunters in an instant.

“He who has ears hear, and he who has eyes see!”

Kazat shouted dignifiedly.

Although it had the appearance of a large rat, Kazat had red eyes and black hair like ink, and looked quite menacing.

Even more so if there are countless swarms of rats lurking behind your back like waves.

“This Khazat, descendant of a forgotten name, has come before you, the ruler of tar and brimstone!”

Of course, Kazat was using the interpreter magic so that people could understand. It was evident that he was quite enjoying the fearful gazes of people.

“Kneel down, be in awe, tremble in fear… huh!”

Kazat, who was about to shout something, met Yumin’s eyes and was startled.

Yu-min was sending a light hand gesture. To refine it, when you say something nice, it means to finish it quickly.

Although he was not his owner, Kazat, who could not take Yu-min lightly anyway, quickly took out the real thing.

“I have come to retrieve this weapon bestowed upon us by our chest god, the lunar mausoleum. And I have come to warn Kang Hyunmoo, the arrogant who dares to stand against us!”

Listening to the people gossip, Yu-min looked at Lee Seo-yeon’s condition.

Even though she witnessed the attack of a monster from the closest spot, Seoyeon was surprisingly calm.

Yu-min tapped Lee Seo-yeon on the shoulder and gestured quietly. It was to indicate an escape route.

But Lee Seo-yeon shook her head.

Her desire to observe her situation seemed greater than her own safety.

It seemed even more so because that monster was the one who killed Lee Ji-tae.

“Even though a moment’s inattentiveness allowed the attack, your courage and skill are commendable. But you have missed an opportunity you will never have again. All you, humans, are left with is death.”

Kazat exclaimed, showing his fangs.

“Now me and my army, and my great master, will spread out like a plague into the world, spreading terror! You are the first infected! I will spare those who do not want to die, so get out! Go spread fear and suffocate in the corner. Die like you do!”Kazat shouted like that, and pulled something out of the lump of tar. People’s screams broke out.

It was a woman’s head.

The woman’s head slammed against her chin and struggled convulsively.

At the same time, a lump of tar rose and began to form a huge haunted colony. Eventually, those who could not stand the fear began to run away.

Kazat looked at the humans running away with a satisfied expression on his face.

“Lee Seo-yeon, hurry up.”

Yu-min dragged Seo-yeon Lee and tried to escape with the crowd. But Lee Seo-yeon did not move easily. She was staring intently at Kazat.

As the situation turned subtly, Kazat had no choice but to look at Lee Seo-yeon.

Most of the people had left, but Lee Seo-yeon did not go out.

It was an unexpected situation. Kazat barely made a face of embarrassment, but he looked at Yu-min as if he was going to do something.

“Mr. Yumin, please leave first.”


“Because it’s okay.”

However, he really couldn’t leave Kazat and Lee Seo-yeon alone. Yu-min stood next to her while praising Lee Seo-yeon’s courage and cursing her.

“It’s because he’s so talented since then.”


Kazat rolled his red eyes and looked at Yu-min and Lee Seo-yeon alternately. From here on, it was purely the realm of ad-lib.

Although Seo-yeon Lee trembled, she spread her arms in front of Kazat and revealed that she had no intention of attacking.

“Did you say Kazat? You can speak.”

“Yes. Weak human, do you want to die?”

Kazat looked at Yumin as if asking for permission. But Yumin shook his head.

Seo-yeon Lee is the Vice Chairman of Taesung Group. She is now worthy of use to kill her.

Kazat glanced around.

There were no people, instead there were still cameras running.

Kazat smashed the camera with a group of mice. Storage is left.

Seo-yeon Lee understood it as her permission.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a monster or something. If you can think about the future, and if you can talk, then you know how to negotiate. I have something to suggest to you.”

Yu-min was at a loss for words at Lee Seo-yeon’s audacity. She said that monsters can speak, so it was more than just courage to propose a negotiation at the first meeting.

After thinking about it, Kazat decided that he had to somehow get over this situation for once.

“Okay. Human. I’ll listen to your insignificant life-suggestion proposal. But if you don’t make me happy, I’ll be ready to die.”

“I said you and your master. Does that mean you have your back? I want to hire you guys. No, I think it’s a partnership.”

“… keep talking.”

“You have skills and abilities that only you guys have, and there are things that only us can do.

Seo-yeon Lee continued her bold proposal.

“Do you want to fill the human world with chaos and fear? Taeseong will help.

“You’re going to put the humans in fear yourself?”

Kazat asked in a confused voice. At that, Seo-yeon Lee raised the corners of her lips as if smirking.

“Humans have always liked to indulge themselves in fear and sell them using it for a long time anyway. It’s just adding monsters to it. It’s arrogant to think that you are the scariest beings in the world. It would be bad if you too had allies in the human world. There will be nothing.”

In other words, it was majestic anger, no, it was macho anger.

Seo-yeon Lee was making a deal with humanity.

Kazat was taken aback when the scale suddenly became too large to handle.

He said he would terrorize mankind, but he had to obey Hyunmoo entirely.

Yumin wanted to applaud.

As soon as Seo-yeon Lee saw ‘Talking Monster’, she immediately offered her such a suggestion, meaning that she was a merchant to the bone.

She was the one who adapts to the world faster than anyone else.

She doesn’t care if the opponent is the monster that killed her brother. She wasn’t, she was someone who would take advantage of that.

“You killed my brother. Kazat. You know?”


Kazat only rolled his eyes. Seo-yeon Lee seemed to think that Kazat would remember Lee Ji-tae, but in fact, Kazat had never met Lee Ji-tae.

“But I know that my brother won’t come back for angering you. Besides, it was my brother who attacked first.”

Seo-yeon Lee glanced at the woman’s head hanging from the staff.

She said, “The head on that wand is Xiao Jie. If my sister’s remains are still there, it will help our relationship of trust by giving her back rather than insulting her like that.”

Kazat rolled his eyes, trying not to look at Yumin. She may be suspicious of her by giving Yu-min a glance for nothing.

Then, after hearing a commotion outside, I heard the sounds of soldiers and talented people coming rushing in. Seo-yeon Lee realized that she had no time.

She said, “You don’t seem to have the power to make a decision. All right. Let your master know. Taeseong wants a deal. We’ll have a great partnership.”

“… let me tell you.”

Kazat swung his staff. At that moment, Seo-yeon Lee lost her consciousness as if collapsed.

Kazat burst out laughing furiously and tried to disappear, leaving a message of warning to the people. However, there was only one person left to make a plausible ending.

Kazat just quietly retreated.


What happened at the opening ceremony quickly spread throughout the world.

The conflict was even greater because the camera that was waiting to film the opening ceremony even captured Kazat’s appearance accurately.

Black carpet-like fur, an ominous staff, and even hordes of mice, undead, and strange magics that cast tar.

The appearance of the highly intelligent ‘6 star dungeon boss’ Hyunmoo mentioned, mysterious abilities, and Xiaojier’s head hanging from a staff prove that Kazat is clearly the boss of the Pyongyang dungeon.

It was a type of monster that mankind had never encountered before.

And the message Kazat left was also cleverly conveyed.

He said that Kang Hyunmoo was the only one who could stand up to him.

And the only enemy of mankind was cooking while wearing an apron in the wind of panties.

A bomb shelter, a haunted mansion.

Hyunmoo, of course, was not surprised by what happened at the opening ceremony.

But he did need to check the TV. Maybe it was because I had to check whether this childish directing would really work for the public, and if so, how they would view it.

However, Hyunmoo heard an unexpected story from Yu-min, who was watching TV.

“Lee Seo-yeon?”

“Yes. I was proposing an alliance to Kazat.”

Hyunmoo laughed too. It’s natural to talk to a strange monster who can kill you at any time and offer a deal, but it’s not easy.Seo-yeon Lee asked Yu-min to remain silent, but in reality, it was no different than Yu-min who heard her offer of a deal.

She said, “It’s when you hit that girl. She’s Lee Ji-tae’s older sister, so I thought they might just have similar personalities.”

“Is Lee Ji-tae her unusual personality? She’s been in the family for a long time, so rumors have been bad.”

It is clear that she is not an ordinary person either way.

Hyunmoo approached Yu-min with a worried expression on her face. On TV, reports of what had happened at the opening ceremony continued for a long time.

Most of the reports were speculative about what kind of monster Kazatra was and how strong it was.

“I don’t think I’m as focused on my brother as I thought I would.”

“You’ve been talking about me a lot lately. And it’s still hard to listen to seriously. There are so many talented people in the world, I’m sure I’m the only one who can stand against me.”

“Hmm, the world hasn’t tasted hot yet. Maybe this is it. Kazat must work hard. Wait, what the hell is this? What did you cook? This is the difficulty: Hell’s Special?”

“It’s just stir-fried pork and leek with oyster sauce.”

“Isn’t it because you cut a rat from Kazat?”

“I’m progressing step by step.”

However, Yu-Min was not the type of person to refuse, even if she cursed the dishes that she loved. Yu-min picked up the dish from the wok and put it in her mouth, but she made a subtle expression.

“It’s not as terrible as it looks… but it’s also a taste that can’t be guessed at. Oppa, cooking is basically chemistry. It’s accurate measurement, temperature, and reaction. It’s not just crushing them.”

“The taste is definitely ruined.”

Hyunmoo also lost his appetite after taking a bite. Yumin looked into the wok and said.

“Shall I live again? It might be better if I add rice and stir-fry it.”

“It’s like rescuing a hunter who has lost a limb from a dungeon. Even if you save him, the rest of his life will be pain and regret, and he will resent you for the rest of his life until he dies. Let’s leave it like this.”

“Stir-fried pork and leek… Goodbye…”

I said so, but I couldn’t throw away the precious food. As always with this food, I gave it to Kirson and sent it away.

Difficulty: Somewhere in Hell, there must be someone who will enjoy even Hyunmoo’s food.

“Then why are you cooking all of a sudden? You want to harass the goblins?”

“Is there really any need for a reason? It’s something you learn not to die of loneliness later. You can’t just boil ramen noodles until you die.”

“People with money don’t die of loneliness.”

Even while the two of them were talking nonsense, the news was seriously continuing the discussion about whether the current situation is a crisis for humanity, and what will be the international situation and the position of the Korean Peninsula in the future.

[What we need to pay attention to now is the international community’s response. If you make a mistake, the second Pyongyang restoration operation could happen. So, do you think the Korean Peninsula will be safe? We can become a sea of ​​fire together!][Don’t create unnecessary fear! The sea of ​​fire only applies to the northern regions, so why are they bringing in Korea?][Don’t you know that Xiaozier hasn’t been able to find all the whereabouts of the nuclear weapons that he had gathered under Krom’s orders? It should also be kept in mind that the enemy may be intelligent enough to wield nuclear weapons. It means a weapon that already has a built-in trigger.]

There is a vague belief that if the opponent is a human, it will not start a nuclear war.

But what about monsters with hostility towards humans?

As Kazat had professed and expected, mankind was in a state of panic.

The dungeon industry, which had been an industry until then, was now heading towards a problem of survival.

Hyunmoo, who watched the discussion, opened his mouth.

“Let’s accept it.”


“Let’s accept Lee Seo-yeon’s suggestion. It’s a person you can talk to. If Tae-seong and we hold hands, where do you think it will be next?”

At Hyunmoo’s words, Yumin smiled.

“Are you finally taking over Korea?”

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