Chapter 198 Hell is Coming (8)


The building shook violently with each roar. Plywood from the ceiling fell here and there, causing dust.

When the Ryugyong Hotel shook as if it was about to collapse at any moment, Park Do-ryung spat out abusive language.

“What the hell are these kids doing?”

Park Do-ryung and Lee Ji-tae were both bound by the oath.

Because they are not in the family, they are not controlled, but the durability is excellent enough to match the legendary equipment, so the two of us, exhausted, could not untie their bondage.

Besides, there were eyes watching them.

“Hey, corpse head. Tell me what your master is doing.”

What was left in the room was one of Xiaojie’s team’s lecturers. Kang-shi was sitting cross-legged, not moving, no matter what he was doing.

Apart from Hyunmoo’s capture, it was necessary to leave a watchful eye on Xiaoji to be relieved.

In addition to that, a dozen or so undead were standing in line.

“Lee Ji-tae, what are you going to do now? Are you going to wait until it’s all over?”

“…waiting for the time.”

Lee Ji-tae repeated the answer he had already repeated several times. Park Do-ryeong didn’t seem to get tired of that answer.

“When is that time? When this hotel collapses?”

“Can’t you hear this roar? It’s the sound of a fight. An ominous sign came from the rooftop and then suddenly disappeared. Kang Hyunmoo is doing something.”

“Then why didn’t you cooperate earlier and put us to this level?”

“Perhaps because you’re just trying to hit Kang Hyunmoo in the back of the head.”

“It’s me, let’s say. Then you too? You’re not very trustworthy.”


It’s not that I’m not sad, but it doesn’t happen in a day or two anyway.

“I’ll see if I can do it on my own. Or think I’m a burden.”

“No matter what you do, I have no interest in living my life as a mortgage for others.”

“Kang Hyunmoo is going to kill you, so run away. I can’t stop you.”

It was impossible for Park Do-ryung, who was exhausted and weakened by injuries, to escape without knowing that it was Lee Ji-tae, who could still use his ultimate.

She only smiled low whether Park Do-ryung knew about it. In the current situation, Kang Hyunmoo’s life depended purely on his will.

Suddenly, Park Do-ryung opened her mouth.

“Do you remember when you were twenty?”

“…how do you remember things when you were so young?”

I remember.

It was my age when I first joined the Lunatic Tiger clan.

It was almost the only period of rebellion in Lee Ji-tae’s life, and it could be said that puberty came late.

At that time, Lee Ji-tae risked her life to run the dungeon with her senior hunters, drank alcohol at the ‘Crazy Tiger’ pub, and showed all kinds of ugliness.

“When you were 20 or when you were still young, something similar to this happened now.”

“There is nothing that comes to mind.”

“No, be quiet. What was it? Who was it? I think the goblins grabbed you and dragged you into the cave.”“…They were the rogues who took it. It’s true that it was a dungeon where goblins appeared.”

Even now, dungeons are still vulnerable to crime, but this was especially the case in the past.

This is because there was no solid dungeon management system as it is now.

Although the Lunatic Tiger Clan made an effort, it was not enough in a situation where the number of rogues was greater than that of the hunters belonging to the regular clan.

“Yeah. I hear it, it’s true. Goblins kidnapped the rich master, and where would he use it? He’d say he’s cute because he has a pretty face.”

“Is that what you want to say? Did I say I had a cute face when I was 20?”

“Do you remember when I went to rescue you?”

“You are speaking as if you were alone. I remember that more than ten seniors came together.”

“Because I remember you saying, ‘Captain Park Do-ryung will come to rescue me!’ while tied to the rogues back then. I couldn’t have imagined the words that would come out of a 20-year-old’s mouth.”

“Didn’t you just say that you can’t even remember the log in or goblin? Why do you only remember things like that?”

“It’s fun to see you react violently every time you make fun of this.”

Even when Lee Ji-tae became a senior executive of Lunatic Tiger and reached level 50, Park Do-ryung made fun of him for that.

Even newcomers to the clan had not heard of a Hunter.

Although Lee Ji-tae was getting tired of being shy, Park Do-ryung still seemed to be having fun.

“It’s been a long time since I heard you.”

“Well… because we never met.”

Naturally, after Lee Ji-tae broke up with Lunatic Tiger, he never heard the joke.

Although he admired and followed Park Do-ryeong, he has lines that are acceptable and those that are not.

Because Park Do-ryung wanted to cross that line, it was an inevitable choice to stop him.

“That was then and now is. It’s still difficult to see me as a pain.”

Lee Ji-tae cut it off, but Park Do-ryung laughed lowly at what was funny.

Park Do-ryung, who burst into laughter, immediately coughed violently as if the wound on his neck had been cracked. Blood-soaked saliva flowed out.

Lee Ji-tae looked at him worriedly. Park Do-ryung’s condition was not good.

He needed not only potions, but proper treatment and recuperation.

Then the hotel shook again with a loud roar.

Part of the ceiling and walls collapsed, and things that were hanging from the walls collapsed. It was like an earthquake.

“It’s so loud, you bastards upstairs! The house is about to fall!”

“Park Do-ryung, please be quiet.”

When Lee Ji-tae paid attention, Park Do-ryung tried to shoot something else. But he noticed something strange.

The undead, who had been standing in the room modestly until before, suddenly drooped and began to step slowly.

Park Do-ryung immediately noticed their condition.

“Damn it. As you said, it looks like Kang Hyunmoo is kicking Xiaojier.”

The undead were being released from control.

There is only one instinct that monsters released from control show.

Unconditional hostility towards humans.

The eyes of the skeleton soldiers turned to Lee Ji-tae and Park Do-ryeong, who were lying down. Then he started approaching with a weapon in stride.

It was obviously not meant to be a hug.


Lee Ji-tae clicked his tongue and pushed his body toward the wall.

She wanted to spare the timing of using her ultimate as much as possible, but in this state she could not break free from the shackles of the oath that Hyunmoo had bound.

The skeleton soldier was about to swing his sword at Lee Ji-tae.


With a bang, Park Do-ryung suddenly bumped into the skeleton soldier and knocked him down. At some point she had even cut her chains off.

Lee Ji-tae looked at Park Do-ryung with a surprised expression. Park Do-ryeong summoned her fragments into her hands with her tired expression.

“It’s part of my power. Just as you have foresight, I’ve been given a weapon that won’t leave my body. It’s like a chain.”

Only then did Lee Ji-tae understand what Park Do-ryung’s unusual weapon was.

But she did not understand what Park Do-ryung was doing. He threw shards at the head of the skeleton soldier who rushed back and smashed it.

The Skeleton Soldier was weak enough to deal with even his exhausted body, but this room wasn’t the only Skeleton Soldier.

As Park Do-ryung began to move, he also began to move slowly.

Lee Ji-tae, who couldn’t see it, shouted.

“What are you doing!”

“It’s because I can’t let the leg bastard die.”

Park Do-ryung, who said that, was also limping her legs. At the very least, her bones must have been cracked.

“If you can move and have the strength to do so, just run away! Does my life seem in jeopardy now?”

You can escape at any time by using the wings of brilliance. But Park Do-ryung shook his head.

“Ultimate? No.”


Instead of explaining, Park Do-ryung threw his fragments out the window. The fragments that jumped out quickly slowed down and disappeared like something on fire.

“Common sense, Xiaojie, that girl, who can wield the Brilliant Wings, would have left you alone? She left you to hold on to her. ”

That may be the reason why Kangshi moves so slowly.

Park Do-ryeong threw a shard at Lee Ji-tae. It meant cutting the chains.

Park Do-ryeong turned his back to Lee Ji-tae and muttered while standing.

“You take me alive. I came here for that from the beginning.”

Lee Ji-tae stared blankly at Park Do-ryung’s back.

Suddenly, a memory from ten years ago flashed through my mind. When he was active in the Lunatic Tiger Clan for a while, he remembered learning by following in the footsteps of Park Do-ryeong, who was his mentor and senior.

He broke the limbs of the Rogues who had kidnapped him at once, and was the same person who stood still and weakly in front of many more Rogues.

“Let’s go out alive, Lee Ji-tae.”


“Oh oh oh oh!”

The moment Yerdan roared, Kangshi’s skin in front of him was peeled off. It was literally a roar that ripped through flesh.

However, Kangxi ran towards Yerdan fiercely, exposing the underside of his ugly skin. The moment he used his ultimate, his whole body was engulfed in a ball of fire.

Seeing the fire like a furry beast, Yerdan jumped up in panic. Even the stones that touched the fire were charred.

However, Yerdan had his own countermeasures. The difference between Yerdan and the beast was that he could handle his tools.

Yerdan quickly grabbed the head of the fallen Kangxi and struck down the burning Kangxi as it was.

Gangsi, who had tried to block it several times, was soon crushed with a crackling sound. Yerdan, who made Kangsi like a bonfire, exhaled a rough breath and set out in search of the next enemy.

There were no more strongholds. No body was left intact. He was either squashed or thrown down the roof.Yerdan let out a roar of victory with his wounded body.

And he fell right back and started snoring him.

No matter how Yerdan he was, it was difficult for him to win against four four-star hunters without a single wound. Yerdan lay down on his exhausted body and fell asleep.

Xiao Jie was speechless when he saw Yerdan snoring his nose.

His team, which he cherished and raised in China, was slaughtered by only one monster.

What the hell is that monster that overwhelms the four four-star hunters?

“There would be no gap in my eyes.”

Xiaojier turned to the sound of skulls clashing in his ears. In an instant, her fists began to beat her kazat.

Kazat, who was pushed back in a hurry, made an annoyed expression on his face. Hyunmoo, who watched the scene from behind, sighed.

“Kazat, that way, he’s not really winning if he gets in the mood like he’s overpowering.”

“Great man, but that mean person pretends to be a wizard and uses strange martial arts, isn’t it. It’s unfair. Far from having a magic battle with that mean person, somehow my curse doesn’t work!”

“Xiao Jie never once said that she was a wizard. She just said that she has skills related to the undead. If it’s difficult, give it to Yerdan.”

Yerdan was already exhausted, but looking at his condition, he seemed to be better than Kazat. However, Kazat opened his mouth as if his pride had been hurt.

“I didn’t want to use this alone, but you’re digging my grave.”

“Anything is good, so make a decision.”

Kazat shook the staff from which his skull was hung. Every time the skulls shook, they screamed like crazy.

“The bell, ringing, coming, death, shadow!”

“We call, the servant, the master!”

“Under the moon, yellow-eyed, shining, glutton!”

Soon, the skulls opened their mouths all at once, and a black shadow was emitted.

It was a fog like ink. It was a sweet and dreamy, strangely colored shadow. At the same time, a strange bell sound was heard.

Xiao Jie felt strange and tried to use her skill quickly.

A white ice spear appeared in her hand. Just as he was about to throw it, a shadow suddenly burst out and struck Xiaozier.

Xiaojie was thrown to the corner of the roof in an instant like fallen leaves.


It was great power. Xiao Jie opened her eyes wide and she tried to find out what the hell was going on. She and she were momentary, but she tried to make sure that what she had seen was real.

With a rattle, the bell rang once more.

Seeing the shadows coming out of the shadows, he hardened again.

Hyunmoo could tell from Kazat’s back that he was quite courageous.

[Nightmare about Usurper (Legend)][Special Ability: Engrave up to three spells and cast it immediately without a chorale. Once a day, the possessor can summon the most feared monster. The level of the summoned being is proportional to the level of the holder.]

The wand’s ability that Hyunmoo gave to Kazat was capable of summoning the monster the bearer feared the most.

Kazat was enough to see his black leather drenched in cold sweat just by looking at the back of what he had summoned.

Kazat exclaimed with difficulty opening his mouth.

“The one who sits in the most fundamental fear of our people–the moon-moon! Taste the yellow-eyed death, you inexperienced one!”


Xiao Jie realized that she was not mistaken.

The owner of the pink-colored meatball that struck her with great force was a black Siamese cat the size of a house.

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