Chapter 182 Death will follow (1)

“Yes? Fairy?”

Kirson and Kazat looked at each other with puzzled expressions. It was a sight I had never seen before.

Hyunmoo looked into the room with an urgent gaze. Cobwebs were wriggling and tossing around Tom.

When ‘That’ was made, Lenian was on Hyunmoo’s head. If he had been killed in the blink of an eye, there was a high probability that Lenian would also be involved.

Hyunmoo pulled out any weapon from his inventory and swung it down the web.

At the moment when I thought that the black spider webs would become entangled in the rare-grade spear, the black spider webs became entangled and took the weapon from Hyunmoo’s hand with a terrifying force.

The spear split in the air, and in an instant it was dragged inside the tam.

“Damn it…”

Did he die like that too? If I set foot again now, I knew what it would be like.

Hyunmoo turned his head.

Kirson and Kazat were already far apart.

Is Lenian still alive in there? In conclusion, I didn’t know.

Hyunmoo himself is not aware of Lenian’s abilities and limitations.

Frankly, Lenian doesn’t seem practically helpful.

If it was a fight, he would take off his crane and avoid it, because it is not well known.

He was suspicious in many ways, perhaps as unusual as a star, but Difficulty: He was the one who held on to Hyunmoo, who was being devastated in hell.

Hyunmoo bit his lip and strode forward.

He knew it was suicidal, but he couldn’t help it.

As Hyunmoo got closer, a spider’s web lightly brushed near his cheek. Feathers with little weight felt as if they were stroking his cheeks.

Hyunmoo, with a glimmer of anticipation, swept through the webs with his hands and headed forward.

At that moment, his outstretched left arm was entangled in spider webs.


Because it was an arm that had been degenerated by the Redeemer Yayul, I did not feel any severe pain.

However, it was not possible to move according to Hyunmoo’s will.

His right arm, which he had stretched out to rip off his web, was also caught.

His right arm was like being caught in a net. As the blood stopped flowing, the color changed to red.

Hyunmoo was dragged inside as it was in the pain that felt like his arm would explode.

Cobwebs wrapped around Hyunmoo’s whole body. His eyes could not be seen.

The sensation of squeezing his veins and neck suffocated his mind in an instant. But even at that moment, Hyunmoo felt a strange sensation.

‘… … They’re not killed right away.’

As expected, his body should have been scattered all over the place as he was speechless for a long moment. But instead of killing Hyunmoo, the webs dragged him along.

Tom could be seen in the blurry vision. Tom was still more like a sword than before. But he was engulfed in black cobwebs, unable to recognize the form properly.

Lenian was nowhere to be seen.

‘What are you doing?’

When Hyunmoo questioned, the webs were shown in action.

The spider webs tilted Hyunmoo’s neck back and shoved it straight into the blade.


The moment Tam’s saw blade bit his neck, Hyunmoo saw a completely different scene unfold as if seeped into it.

A hot embers touched his cheeks and then disappeared.The knight’s helmet fell into the mud in front of Hyunmoo’s eyes.

The objects that seemed to have been passed down as heirlooms for a long time had been trampled and crushed by someone who did not know who they were.

Hyunmoo was in the middle of a burning mansion.

Besieged by a large crowd, the mansion burned and slowly collapsed.

The pride, arrogance, and historical traces that had been accumulated for a long time all at once disappeared with the flames.

The one-armed woman who watched the mansion fall to the ashes lifted the pure white flagpole with her only arm.

A red flag hung above the pure white flagpole. The one-armed woman swung her flag and chanted.

“Long live the Liberal Revolutionary Republic!”

doo doo doo doo.

A roar that shook the ground shook his body.

Hyunmoo witnessed a massive cavalry charge approaching him.

As soon as they thought they would collide, the cavalry glide past them as smooth as water. At the tip of their flashing spears stood the unmissable signs.

Tens of thousands of orcs were running away, trampled under the horseshoes of the cavalry.

It was a one-sided massacre.

The orcs outnumbered the cavalry, but they didn’t seem to even think of resisting.

Hyunmoo noticed the most frantic knight at the forefront of his cavalry.

He had a huge white cavalry spear. The moment the knight pierced the head of an orc that looked like a chieftain with a spear, he shouted loudly.

“For His Majesty the King!”

Suddenly, it became dark before my eyes, and a battlefield opened up.

Soldiers who looked like they had been attacked were running away.

The cavalry I had seen earlier was far less well-armed and poorly equipped. After that, a group of orcs were chasing after them.

The soldiers died as if they were being hunted, and one of the largest orcs was slaughtering them with a long, pure white halberd.

The orc, who was swinging with two soldiers clasped in the halberd, shouted.

“Kill them all and burn them!”

And then my vision plummeted again. Hyunmoo knew what he was looking at.

It is the history of those who held the covetous.

“Sweep it all away. Turn it into ashes…”

“The White Church will last forever!”

As people changed, the times became more and more deteriorated and darkened like black and white.

Even in the midst of it, the pure white weapon was bright and conspicuous as if it had been engraved into the eye.

‘Is that Tam?’

Tom was shining through the ages with many owners and names. They each had their own desires, and changed their forms to achieve those desires.

Hyunmoo noticed that as time went on, more and more coveted people turned into people of the past.

As time passed, the scene deteriorated and the sound became inaccurate. The degraded images were darkened, but Tom remained bright.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but it seems like thousands of years have passed.

I had no idea how old Tom was, and what the hell he might come up with if he kept going all the way back.

‘More than that, why are you showing this?’


With a dull shock, Hyunmoo felt his eyes brighten. However, it only became brighter for a moment, and it quickly became dark again.


With a roar, my eyes flickered again. Hyunmoo was able to look around before the light went out.

It was a dark and spacious space.

There was a peculiar smell of water in the basement. There was a scorching heat rising under her feet.

And beyond that vast darkness, countless stone pillars passed Hyunmoo and led to the center.

Hyunmoo’s gaze continued to the center.

There was a pure white blade.


Earth! A roar rang out again. Innumerable stone pillars surrounded Tam, and again they were split by hundreds of hands, working tirelessly on Tam.

Then, at one point, the shape was engraved once again while hitting the tom.

The sword greedily devoured the delicate craftsmanship and completed it.

Hyunmoo suddenly felt that the work had stopped. There was only darkness, but Hyunmoo felt his gaze. He was in a cold sweat.

Something was staring at him from beyond the invisible darkness.

[You are the last owner of the sword.]

Hyunmoo was startled by the words addressed to him. It was the first time he had recognized and talked to Hyunmoo after falling into this bizarre fantasy.

“Who the hell are you?”

Beyond the darkness, I could feel the vibration of something huge moving. It was difficult to even guess how huge the opponent was just from the movement of the air.

Perhaps it is the existence that fills the entire vast cavity.

[Aldi Maharo.]

The response from the other party was short. Hyunmoo suddenly remembered the comment written on the tom.

[Note: The Starving Star, a weapon known to have been forged by Aldi-Maharo, a clan of Yogulem.]

the one who forges greed.

Chick. A small flame rose with a short noise. The hand holding the candle was the hand of a small girl.

But her arms were unbelievably long, and there was no end in sight.

The candle slowly moved closer to Hyunmoo. And then Hyunmoo could see the huge face approaching right in front of him.

It was the face of a little girl, pale and white. However, the face that was molded by cutting off the tip of her white pillar was only bizarre like a death mask.

Hyunmoo could see that Aldi Maharo had hundreds of forked hands in addition to his face, and countless columns.

[Every time I slashed, I could see the people who took the sword, the lives they had, and the end. But… … I haven’t seen anyone since you.]

As soon as Hyunmoo’s eyebrows twitched, a wind blew from somewhere and extinguished the candle. Hyunmoo fell into the dark again.

“What do you mean?”

[This is the story of no one holding a sword after you.]

“Karl? Are you talking about Tom?”


Aldi Maharo asked in a curious voice as if he had heard an unfamiliar name.

[Is that the name given to the sword? To have a name on a sword, you are enjoying the luxury of a sword theme. It is a name that is worthy of its completion because it was completed with the power of a starving star.]

It seems that the name Tam was not given by Aldi Maharo himself. However, Hyunmoo’s questions were not answered.

After Hyunmoo, everyone died and there was no one to take the ride, or the Tom was destroyed.

“You mean I’m the ultimate victor?”

Hyunmoo decided to think positively. Aldi Maharo neither affirmed nor denied Hyunmoo’s words.

[That’s what I’m curious about too. I wonder what kind of chaos you go through, so that no one will hold a sword after you.]

Hyunmoo felt a small hand reaching out from the darkness towards his face. But there was no hard feeling. I could only feel the coldness of the stone.[Not long ago, the owners of the three stars decided to get together and place a bet.]

Aldi Maharo whispered out of nowhere. In a tone like telling a story from the past at the bedside.

Hyunmoo couldn’t even imagine how old Aldi Maharo’s ‘not long ago’ was.

[The monarch who rose from fire and ruins, the serpent that would devour the world, and the one who wailed alone in the middle of the cemetery spoke of who will win in the end.]

Aldi Maharo covered Hyunmoo’s eyes. It was dark without it, but now she felt it was completely dark.

[I made this sword as a token of my bet. But the starving star never triumphed.]

Hyunmoo suddenly felt his vision plummet.

It was a phenomenon that occurred whenever we looked back on the history of those who owned a ride.

He gradually travels back in time and finally runs into producer Aldi Maharo.

‘But do you have time to go back further?’

Aldi Maharo whispered one last time.

[Maybe the time has come for the winner to change once in this long bet.]


The changing background suddenly stopped. Hyunmoo was standing on some high hill.

All around him was a gentle hilly area, and soft grass growing up to his knees covered the area.

No one was there.

“What’s here?”

Took, Hyunmoo felt something touching his back. When I turned around, I saw that Tom was plugged in. It was the original, pure form of Tom Hyunmoo remembered.

But the moment Hyunmoo saw Tom, he suddenly felt chills all over his body. He felt reluctant just looking at it, and felt the urge to move away from it at any moment.

It was hard for him to imagine that he was the object he was holding and wielding until now.

The moment he hesitated and was about to back away, something rushed towards Hyunmoo’s face.


Hyunmoo was terribly surprised by the touch. But even more surprising was the owner of the voice.


“You came to the rescue, huh. I knew you would!”

“Sorry. I’ve been arrested too.”

“Ah-ah! It’s like such an incompetent butler!”

Hyunmoo covered his face, removed the hanging Lenny Ann and moved it to the side.

They can be touched and communicated, so it seems that they actually exist. Hyunmoo felt Lenny Ann’s voice more calming him.

Even so, Tom still felt sick to the stomach just looking at it.

‘As a matter of fact, this is… … Is it something like Tom’s real prototype?’

Upon closer inspection, it was a little more clunky than Tom and had a longer shape. It looked like it was made like a knife by roughly grinding white bones rather than metal.

Perhaps Aldi Mahar also processed this to make a tom.

But he didn’t know why he had come all the way here. A cool breeze blew through his hair. Hyunmoo suddenly trembled.

It was then.

[Trial Quest occurs!][The quest ‘Death will follow’ begins.][Be the last victor.][Curse: Immortality is granted.][The earth rejects you as long as the curse persists.]

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