Chapter 172 Northern Bee (3)

“It’s the first undead I’ve seen since I came here.”

Hahyun muttered mutteringly. In the following article, Difficulty: In Hell, Hyunmoo had already seen an undead.

Fallen Empire.

Like a tidal wave of the sea, countless undead attacked the Ratman’s empire. Haven’t seen it since then.

Because I couldn’t find it anywhere near the intersection.

Especially in the current difficulty level, it was the first time.

Hahyun raised her hand.


Before Hyunmoo could dry it, Ha-hyeon snapped her fingers, and the spider webs spread under the ground bounced off the undead werewolf in an instant.

The undead werewolf fell to the floor in an instant.


“No, I was just trying to figure out why such a guy suddenly appeared. Do you know anything?”

“Well… most undead don’t appear naturally. A wizard who knows how to wield undead works, or something like that from the beginning. In this case, it’s almost 100% electron.”

Ha-hyeon blinked to one side.

“Still, it seems that there are still many people to ask.”

Hyunmoo was already feeling it. Undead werewolves were standing up in all directions.

There was a shrill rattling sound accompanied by a terrible taste. And the fierce flesh that seems to pierce the skin.

First of all, the guy who was close ran towards Hyunmoo on all fours.

There was no shouting. But as soon as Hyunmoo swung his fist, it shattered from his skull to the tip of his spine, and the bones gave him a flurry instead.

The undead werewolves rushed towards Hyunmoo one after another.

Hyunmoo secretly showed his murderous intent, but it was the same.

Even in the midst of flesh enough to roll away a normal werewolf, the undead rushed in as if they had no fear.


Hyunmoo was embarrassed. You could leave as it is, but Hyunmoo didn’t come to attack the dungeon, but to clean it up.

If a flood occurred with undead werewolves as it is, it was the subsequent units that would become difficult.

Puck, Kwajik.

Hyunmoo smashed the head of the man who had just rushed in, then sprinkled his own blood on it.

His acidic nature made his bones melt, but that was all. Sprinkling his own blood on these many undead was a waste.

“Then how do I do this?”

Hyunmoo asked Ha-hyun, who was spraying cobwebs without moving on the spot.

Ha-hyeon spread a spider’s web around it like a net, then pulled it in at once and crushed the undead into one like a ball.

The undead werewolves nevertheless rattled nonstop, but they could not move any more.

“Perhaps there is a wizard in this or an item that is a medium. Find it.”

“How do you…”

Hyunmoo was about to ask when he noticed a huge silhouette rising from the horizon.

There was a vibration that made the air tremble without a sound. The air was rushing in. Hahyun muttered.

“It’s just that. I think it was made to protect the item.”

Hyunmoo felt the wizard’s malice.

This is no coincidence.

Someone was aware of the Northern Expedition plan and set a trap.Let’s get rid of the werewolves from the beginning, and then be engulfed by the undead forces the moment you’re vigilant.

Perhaps Song Yeo-woon or Seo Ji-hoo’s team is also at risk.

Hyunmoo jumped straight ahead without thinking. The undead werewolves burst out just by rubbing against Hyunmoo’s body, who was running with a deep soul.

Hyunmoo’s stats, which were corrected by the difficulty level relationship, acted several times on the monsters.

Another inaudible bass that shook the air swept through the area.

Hyunmoo ran straight into him.

[Undead Assemblies (LV 52)]

It was a three-headed werewolf made from huge skeletons put together.

There were still dirty flesh spots all over the place.

As soon as the guy the size of a three-story building saw Hyunmoo, he immediately struck it with his sharp claws. Sharp bones and werewolf heads in their hands chewed Hyunmoo.

The moment Hyunmoo collided with his huge arm, his body was pushed back. But Hyunmoo still stood there.

Werewolf skulls were biting the arms encroached upon by the Redeemer’s yule. But there were no scratches on his arm.

Rather, fragments of broken teeth were scattered everywhere. It was unknown whether the werewolves were embarrassed because they had no facial muscles.

“You should give your hand when you ask for it.”

At the same time as Hyunmoo murmured, the entire arm of the giant werewolf was wrapped in chains.

As the strength of the spider’s web became stronger, the strength of the chain also increased several times. Previously, it had the strength of a normal chain, but now it was not easily broken even with Hyunmoo’s strength.

“Come on, then again. Hands.”

It was not clear whether the undead colony understood Hyunmoo’s words.

But instead of putting his feet on Hyunmoo’s hands, he tried to shake off his chains.

What happened instead was with a crackling sound and the arm being pulled out.

Hyunmoo, who had taken the whole arm out of the undead colony, swung it again.

“Naughty bastard.”

bang! The undead colony, which was trying to take the form of a giant wolf, was crushed into a shattered pile of bones with it.

The undead colony rumbled and rattled as if trying to restore itself, but soon became quiet after Hyunmoo struck a few more hits like a mortar.

When the chains were released, bone fragments poured out with a rattling sound.


Ha-hyun, who was cleaning up the werewolves approaching behind Hyunmoo, asked.

Instead of answering, Hyunmoo climbed up the undead swarm and began to rummage through the pile of bone fragments.

It wasn’t difficult to find what we were looking for. Because he kept feeling the foreignness that tickled his fingertips.

Hyunmoo pulled a black lump out of his bones.


no. The crystal was still in my inventory, so it was easy to compare.

It was much smaller and sloppy in shape. The amount of mana felt was slightly better than that of the crystal stone.

Without a second thought, Hyunmoo squashed his squeezing out.

He had nothing to regret. Because there were enough crystals to lay down as a bed now.

At the same time as the crystal stone broke, the undead werewolves from all directions came crashing down.

Black crystals poured rainwater down Hyunmoo’s hand.

‘It’s going as expected.’

The appearance of the undead was already known. But I just didn’t know when and how it would appear.

Someone in the north doesn’t seem to like the northern bee at all.

Baekgol wrote a very detailed account of the Northern Bee.

It is so detailed that it is impossible to know without participating in person.

The beginning, the process, the climax and the ending.

Knowing the ending, Hyunmoo smiled as if he were the only one who knew the ending of an unreleased movie.

“I’m looking forward to it more and more.”


Hyunmoo also personally visited the dungeons of Seo Ji-hoo and Song Yeo-woon. But the answer I got was unexpected.

“There was no such thing as undead?”

“Yeah. Rather, when I saw the branch manager brought it, I said that the pervert had peeled off the skin of the monster’s face.”

Hyunmoo smashed Song Yeo-Woon’s head with a werewolf’s skull.

Song Yeo-Woon didn’t get sick, and she hums, then backs away from her, and she backs away.

Ever since I visited Song Ji-min’s exhibition, I feel like I’ve been treated with exceptional respect. I don’t mean to be offended.

On the other hand, Seo Ji-hoo was looking at the skull holding Hyunmoo with a serious expression.

“Do you know anything?”

“Ah, it’s not a big deal, but for a moment…”

Serge Hu took the werewolf skull and set it down on her floor.

After seeing that there were only Hyunmoo and Song Yeo-woon in the vacant lot in the forest, Seo Ji-hoo took something out of the bag.

It was a magic book that Hyunmoo had given him before.

Serge Hu held a book in her left hand, and her right hand rested on her skull and began to mumble something of hers.

Even Hyunmoo, who can now understand even a foreign language, could not understand the words.

After a brief moment of surprise, a purple energy suddenly began to seep into the skull.

In an instant, the werewolf’s skull began to move, rattling. Song Yeo-un covered her mouth and backed away, and Seo-ji-hoo quickly removed her hand.

The werewolf’s skull continued to move after that. Hyunmoo lifted the still moving skull.


“Yeah. I haven’t been able to find a way to use it for a while… but I think I’ve figured out how to do it.”

“Are you using magic to control the undead?”

“No. It’s a magic that infuses dark attribute mana. It seems to be at a very basic level, but I have only understood so far. It was just a debuff that blurs or dulls the eyes for normal opponents. ”

Hyunmoo was puzzled.

What Seo Ji-hoo said was magic that Hyunmoo didn’t see when he looked at the magic book.

Hyunmoo took over Seo Ji-hoo’s magic book and looked at the contents. It was the same.

The content remained unchanged, only a simple motion slowing debuff magic.

“Isn’t there anything like that?”

“In my opinion, it is speculated that the content will look different for each viewer. You can’t know what the content will be until the observer sees it. So you have to memorize spells while looking at the spell book all the time.”

This was the biggest reason Hyunmoo gave up on magic.

You have to memorize spells while looking at the magic book in one hand at all times.

Kazat chanted the spell without seeing it, but he couldn’t tell if it was a congenital limit or a higher level.

Even Kazat said that difficult spells must be memorized by taking out a spell book.

‘Ah… … It reminds me of that book because it’s magic again.’

Hyunmoo recalled an untitled book that had been dormant in his inventory for a long time.

Ratman Führer in the Fallen Empire… … I forgot what the name was, but anyway, it was a magic book that was stolen after defeating a canine and hamster. But Hyunmoo gave up quickly.

Even Hyunmoo, who is ready to fight even by hitting the sea when a wave hits, knows that if he sets foot in the deep sea, he will drown helplessly and lonely.

If the basic magic book was a huge wave, the untitled book was a huge deep sea whose depth could not be measured.

Even if I try to read it in the first place, when I open the bookshelf, tears come pouring out of my eyes, but I can’t read it.Hyunmoo gave up neatly and passed the curiosity over to the skull.

“It’s not enough to simply resurrect the undead, can’t you control it?”

“It seems difficult. It seems to be just a monster as it is.”


Hyunmoo smashed the werewolf’s skull in one breath. Seo Ji-hoo’s eyes widened.

“Aren’t you going to report it to the military?”

“I will not.”

Hyunmoo answered calmly.

“If you join the military, you’ll get into the ears of other clans. Pretend you don’t know yet. But tell Priest Johann. He said that it reacts to dark mana, so Priest Johan’s skill and magic bullets will be of great help. The ransom will go up quite a bit. .”

“Maybe there will be victims from other clans?”

Song Yeo-Woon asked as if wondering.


She also recorded that damage occurred due to the unexpected first appearance of the undead in the white bone records.

However, it was clear that Hyunmoo would be able to greatly reduce the damage if he informed the appearance of the undead early and had light elemental bullets and guns.

“There won’t be any damage to the soldiers anyway. Undead seems to only happen in dungeons. But the clan damage is unavoidable. Take the damage. And make us ask for help.”

“Why so…”

Seo Ji-hoo blocked Song Yeo-woon’s mouth as she was about to ask another question. Serge Hu nodded her head.

“I will do as you command.”


The news that China was moving didn’t last long.

South Korea, which was still closely watching the Chinese forces rushing to the North Korean border, protested as soon as the Chinese troops crossed the border, but the Chinese side was confident.

The fact that it was the country that received the most North Korean refugees in the first place and was an ally with North Korea also became an excuse.

It was not a simple matter.

South Korea was the only country that did not recognize North Korea as a state in the international community. In addition, the Korean government did not accept many refugees.

According to China’s logic, Korea was an aggressor country.

When diplomatic matters become complicated, power becomes logic. In the end, South Korea could not prevent Chinese intervention.

But there were also people who were relieved.

In fact, the Northern Expedition was a plan that had no choice but to fear the loss of many lives and the sacrifice of capable people.

Therefore, if China participated in the Northern Expedition, there could be casualties.

The question was whether the Chinese army would withdrew after the restoration of Pyongyang.

Meanwhile, to make matters worse, reports of new monsters continued.

It was the appearance of the undead.

“The damage to Taeseong is quite large.”

At the report after the surge, Hyunmoo nodded his head.

“Three hunters died and six were wounded. I heard. I heard the news of the Chinese military intervention and the undead at the same time, so there was a rumor that the Chinese were undead. Anyway, I’m glad that only three died.”

Up to this point, it had been as stated in the records of the white bones. But then something strange happened.

“Yes. Compatible Mama said that they helped her.”

“Compatible Mama Clan?”

Hyunmoo asked as if it was surprising. And at Seo Ji-hoo’s words that followed, his expression immediately became shaky.

Hyunmoo asked, as if what he heard was real.

“The undead were eradicated using only the power of the compatible Mama… and they all returned without injury?”

Something different from the white bone record was taking place.

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