Chapter 164 moon in cobwebs (8)

Bang, quajik.

The sound of breaking bricks and carrying them echoed monotonously. After the crystal flower was broken, all that was left was a desolate ruin.

However, Kazat was busy excavating with ratmen and goblins.

“Move quickly, you bastards!”

The most dangerous part of the excavation was the ratmen who had joined the rebellion.

The ratmen looked at Kazat with dissatisfied expressions, but no one dared to speak aloud.

After Hyunmoo disappeared, the absolute ruler of the shelter also disappeared, but Kazat’s staff that Hyunmoo left behind was still there.

Ratman skulls hung on Kazat’s staff, rattling and shouting furiously.

“That’s right, you bastards!”

“Move quickly!”

He was the leader of the Ratman Rebellion, who was enchanted by Kazat’s stinky taste.

At best, he was just repeating what Kazat said, but depending on how he used it, he could have used it for quite some fun.

Of course, it was not the staff of Kazat that the ratmen feared, but the summons that the staff could summon.

The thing that Kazat feared the most was also the one that ratmen fear the most.

Then, someone approached Kazat. It was a gummy bear with a emaciated face.

“Did you find anything?”

Kazat had a troubled expression on his face.

The lower spider was a superior predator. She even taught Hyunmoo, so she didn’t know if she should be respectful or if she should react arrogantly.


Kazat took an ambiguous attitude. Ha-hyeon Gummy had a disappointed expression on her face.

A day has passed since the building collapsed.

If Hyunmoo had died, she would have been resurrected, but there was no news that she had returned.

Her words were that she was wounded and imprisoned beneath these ruins. It was hard to move her body.

‘Sister again… … .’

As the building collapsed, it was clear that the crystal flower had been broken. Then she should have been able to get out of even the Sanghyeon spider. It’s okay to split her body into small pieces and send a message.


It was then. Suddenly one of the skulls caught on the staff screamed.

Kazat and Ha-hyeon Gummy looked at the staff in surprise.

“Who asked me!”


While Ha-Hyun Gummy didn’t know what to say, Kazat quickly started running with the skull in front.

The skulls clambered and chinked in trouble. The place we arrived at was a place where a large pillar had collapsed and hit it. Kazat had a puzzled expression on his face.

“How do I get rid of this…”


Ha-hyeon Spider quickly began to weave her webs on her pole.

It was a heavy pillar that was difficult to lift even with chains. However, when she inhaled her mana into the thousands of spider webs that Ha Hyun spider had spun, her pillars stood up in an instant with a popping sound.

There were traces of cracks and spider webs that had collapsed deep inside. And there were crystals shining red. Her hayeon spider’s eyes widened.

“It’s a womb!”

Kazat quickly summoned the Ratmen and had them dig up.

Ha-hyeon Gummy also used her hands and legs to dig up her floor. After a while, the outline of the cervix, broken like a crushed can, was revealed.

I saw someone’s arm there.”human!”

Ha-Hyun Gummy grabbed Hyunmoo’s arm and pulled him out. Hyunmoo barely dragged out of the hole.

Hyunmoo’s condition was not enough to even say that he was in a state of disrepair. Still, he had a mouse in his mouth.

“Human! Are you okay?”

Hyunmoo spit out the mouse he was biting on.

“This bastard was digging in my shoulder.”

Kazat’s expression turned pale. However, instead of questioning Kazat, Hyunmoo looked at the sky with wide eyes.

“Did you do that?”

In the direction Hyunmoo pointed, I could see the shell of the building supported by a white spider web.

Instead of entering the building, the lower spider webs were used to support the building’s outer shell so that it did not collapse.

In the end, although a significant part of it collapsed, it was not enough to say that it was a great history to be waged with a spider’s web.

And thanks to that, he was able to quickly find Hyunmoo.

Hahyun Gummy smiled bitterly and replied.

“It was impossible to do again. I feel like I’m going to collapse even now from exhaustion.”

Ha-hyeon Gummy asked, carefully peering into her womb. There was nobody inside.

“Your sister?”

Hyunmoo bit his mouth. Instead, what he took out was a white, feminine face mask.

Ha-hyeon Gummy immediately recognized its identity.

It was a mask hidden under the skin of the face that the face spider used to maintain its identity as a person.

Ha-hyeon Gummy picked up her mask with her trembling hands.

When this came out, it meant that Sanghyeon Gummy was no longer able to maintain her status as an individual.

Ha-hyeon Gummy hugged her mask tightly. She trembled at her fingertips.

She looked at her mask and Hyunmoo with her confused eyes, as if she didn’t know what to say.

Her body wobbled to the extent that her shape was disturbed. It looked like a glass of water waving as if it was about to overflow at any moment.

“The widow spider is dead. But your sister worked hard to the end.”

Instead of saying her comforting words, Hyunmoo hugged Ha-hyun’s spider tight.

Shortly thereafter, screams and screams erupted together.


Hyunmoo was looking down on the ruined area from the roof of the building.

This building, woven by a spider web with a spider web, seemed to stand in exquisite balance for a while. Even if the wind blows and the cobwebs start to break, it will collapse.

And excavations were still going on in the ruins.

It was to collect a huge amount of crystal stone surrounding the womb.

The amount of crystal stone was huge, so it seemed that we would not have to worry about the materials to create the legendary equipment for a while.

“Great man.”

I saw Kazat climbing up the wall.

“What about Ha-Hyun Spider?”

“I disappeared with the mask. I tried to follow you secretly, but…”

Spiders are good at hiding their presence. In addition, no matter how well the ratmen rode on rough terrain, they could not ride better than the spiders.

Hyunmoo thought that Ha Hyun Gummy might not come back like this.

Unfortunately, she can’t help but be satisfied that she didn’t kill Ha-hyeon Gummy.

Hyunmoo wondered what it would be like to have the widowed queen spider into her household.

It was also a nonsensical idea when she thought about it soberly.

The widow spider is a much higher level being than Hyunmoo. She might have had to give up most of her clan just to bring her in.

However, her condition, which had melted into her womb, could not help Hyunmoo.

If so, how about bringing the Sanghyeon spider into her family?

It was also a bunch. The Sanghyeon spider is not dead. She lost her ego by the pheromones that Hyunmoo sprayed and she was just scattered.

Even if she killed her and brought her into her family, she had already distrusted and hated Hyunmoo.

She would listen to her if she was bound by the bond of an oath, but she cannot accept the treatment of Ha Hyun Gummy.

Above all, Sanghyeon Gummy’s abilities are demonstrated in her judgment, strong ego, and mental power. Her chains meant nothing but keeping her alive.

It was better for the two to remain dead.

To myself and to the Hahyun Gummy.

“By the way, great man, but that arm…?”

Kazat looked at Hyunmoo’s left arm and asked. Hyunmoo’s entire left arm was tanned like charcoal, and the tips of her fingers were all pointed like spider’s claws.

It looked as if O’Shet’s six-handed grasp had been pressed tightly against his arm.

Although the other parts were restored to some extent by pouring potions, only the left hand remained the same.

It was the very hand that Hyunmoo finished with the Widow Spider.

“never mind.”

Hyunmoo said as he moved his left hand, which was pressed like a devil’s hand, to and fro.

“I don’t particularly like it, but it’s better than losing an arm.”

“But in that state, it might be difficult to move properly…”

Before Kazat’s words could finish, Hyunmoo’s left hand moved like a lightning bolt.

The moment Kazat wondered if his vision would change before his eyes, he was looking down at the ground.

He felt pain in the side of his tail.

“Kazat, I hope you don’t worry about unnecessary things.”

“Ugh, ahhh!”

Kazat was suspended in mid-air with only his tail caught. Hyunmoo’s black left hand grabbed his tail.

In a situation where his tail was about to fall off at any moment, Kazat apologized in a cold sweat.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I won’t make a mistake again!”

“Yeah. Turn it off.”

Hyunmoo hurriedly threw the Kazat aside.

Kazat almost bumped into the wall of the building, but he quickly disappeared as he hung up like a ratman.

Hyunmoo looked down at his left arm. He was still unfamiliar with the movement, so he moved like a rusty machine, but there was no problem in moving. Rather, it feels stronger and faster.

‘I don’t know English… … .’

Hyunmoo recalled his memories of being under the collapsing ruins.

At that time, his whole body was in a state of weakness, and he was half-dead under the collapsing rubble.

His left arm was completely crushed under the rubble, and the rest were unable to move as if something had been broken.

In this state, he could not even use a hearthstone.

Hyunmoo has no choice but to be killed, but he doesn’t commit suicide.

In the end, he had no choice but to starve to death or wait for rescue.

It was a boring and painful time.

Beneath the narrow, closed collapse point, drenched in the bodily fluids of fusion creatures, his whole body was crawling with the tiny spiders of the Sanghyeon spider he had just slain.

Difficulty: It was one of the most painful memories since I came to Hell.

While his head was getting dizzy from the heat and sense of closure, Hyunmoo opened the inventory. He was looking for something that might help.

Then something caught Hyunmoo’s eyes.[Monstril’s Gift Box]

Of course, this is not the right situation to open the reward box. But Hyunmoo thought something might come up that might help.

Because the rewards usually come out to help you get through the situation.

As a result of opening the box, a platinum-colored card appeared.

After that, I couldn’t remember much.

However, the only change that happened to Hyunmoo after that was his left arm.

Hyunmoo put on Admiral Ren’s one-piece glasses and checked the condition of his left arm once more.

[Rider Yayul (Mythic)][Classification: Gloves][Physical Defense: Best, Magic Defense: Best, Evasion Rate: Medium][Special Ability: Permanently pulls out ‘dark’ attribute webs. The ability of an encroached body can be extracted to the highest level. As long as the spider’s web and body are in contact, you can teleport anywhere there is a spider’s web.][Note: The Whispering Star, Montstril, created Yayul, who is in charge of policing the territory. His webs cover the whole of Montstril’s estate, listening to every whisper and watching every event. However, Yayul’s appearance in other worlds appears in the form of gradually encroaching on the body, starting from the extremities of the body. It only gets stronger when one arm is encroached, but it gets stronger for each part that is encroached on, such as the heart, mouth, eyes, and head.]

It is a device that encroaches on the body.

Although he was reluctant, there was nothing new to Hyunmoo.

How many crazy devices are there in this world.

In addition to equipment that requires chewing on the enemy directly, there are some that enhance mental contamination, and some summon monsters that the caster is afraid of.

I don’t know what kind of penalty there is for being encroached, but it didn’t seem like a problem right now.

‘More than anything else, it’s a myth grade… … .’

Except for the mask, for the first time, the existence of a level higher than legend was confirmed.

I still don’t know if it’s a myth-grade equipment, but at least there’s nothing it can’t do.

It also has growth potential, and the amount of increase in ability seemed to be considerable considering the movement it showed when grabbing Kazat earlier.

It wasn’t the only thing that happened there.

The cobwebs emitted by ‘Redeemer’s Nightmare’ were also treated as separate items.

[Shadow Web (Rare)][Classification: Rare Material][Special Ability: Basically, it has a dark attribute, and when used in a shady place or at night, the spider’s web can pass through anyone you want or have physical influence. The strength can be adjusted according to the caster’s abilities. There is a tube inside, so it is possible to inject venom.]

It was an exact fit for Hyunmoo.

It may be a delusion, but Hyunmoo felt traces of the widow’s spider or Sanghyeon’s spider in this item called ‘The Redeemer’s Yayul’.

It seemed as if something had happened when the widow queen spider and the sanghyun spider were finished while the whole body was melted into the harmonious creature of the womb.

And the hand smashed with them seemed to have been completed as he opened Montstril’s gift box.

Hyunmoo thought as he clenched and unfolded his corrupted left hand.

‘It feels like it’s not mine.’

Hyunmoo spent the day mingling with the widow spider and the Sanghyun spider in the dark. No matter what happened, it was not strange.

As a result, Montstrille’s ordeal left a filthy mark on Hyunmoo.

‘… … It would be impossible to even separate it.’

Maybe that’s Montstril’s own expression of affection.

‘Not only the body, but also the body.’

Hyunmoo recalled two names that Montstrille whispered. One was a name he didn’t know at all, but the other was someone he knew.

He never thought he would hear here.


Then I heard someone calling behind me.

It was a low-key spider with a pale face. She was holding something of hers.

She was a little cocoon.

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