Chapter 140 Unfair negotiations (3)

“…I didn’t know you were my negotiator.”

“You must be lucky. Oppa thinks that the excitement of that moment is more important.”

Yu-min answered with ease.

Ryu Su-Ah doubted that Yu-Min could really shoot that gun, but it was definitely loaded and the control was fired.

Ryu Su-ah had a level 40 ability as a 3-star ability. But he didn’t want to go on an adventure that might kill himself.

He decided that he would rather choose his major field of study.

seduction and persuasion.

“Where is Kang Hyunmoo? Are you really away?”

Yumin smiled and answered.

“I’m asking the question. Senator. I’m scared, so if I think you’re doing something, I might pull the trigger.”

Ryu Su-ah asked as if he was thinking about it.

“Yoo-min, have you ever killed a person? You seem far from that kind of life. Can you really kill a person?”

“Well, mistakes happen quickly and regrets come later.”

Ryu Su-ah lost her words.

That’s right. Even if Yu-min cries and screams at the shock of killing someone, it doesn’t really matter to Ryu Su-ah.

He died, and it doesn’t matter how shocked Yu-min is.

Ryu Su-ah now had to just pray that Yu-min didn’t make a mistake.



Yu-min cut off Ryu Su-ah’s words and entered.

“I said I did it. Senator. Don’t make a mistake.”

“…Yes. You can tell me.”

To use dazzle, you have to make big hand movements, and even a small quick movement of his hand made the trigger finger wriggle, which couldn’t be done. It didn’t seem like an easy opponent.

“First of all, are other allies involved?”

When the alliance was mentioned, Ryu’s body stiffened.

How the hell does she know this girl? Is Kang Hyunmoo sharing all the information with Yu-min?

Yu-min was a woman who had never appeared on the surface until now. Because even Ryu Su-ah hardly cared about it.

“One. There’s one who knows I’m here.”

She even tried to hide about Shibin, but she didn’t think it would be a bad idea to tell her for insurance. Then I’ll think about it at least one more time before I kill you.

“Did that person even get involved in this?”

It was an ambiguous question. It seemed that she was aiming for it on purpose.

“When you say this is from when to when?”

“Tell me as much as you intervene.”

“Recently. I was defeated and ran.”

“Are you a teacher?”

Ryu Su-ah almost stood up from her seat. Does she even know the teacher? If the alliance was just ‘something of rumor’ among the hunters, the teacher was in a position to be mentioned with extreme caution even among the alliance members.

“No, even those things, do you tell my girlfriend everything you know and know?

“Because being a teacher is important to you and not to others, right?”

Thinking about it, that’s correct. But she seemed to have heard from someone who did not know the location of the nuclear missile to Ryu Su-a.”…I’m not a teacher. I’m just an acquaintance.”

“Then how can I meet the teacher?”

Ryu Su-ah had a painful expression on her face.

She felt cramped. To save her own organs, she has to come up with something convincing.

She wondered why she did this, didn’t she know it would be like this.

The moment when a winner shows his brilliance and a loser shows his humility is the best time to persuade.

The euphoria of victory opens vigilance and compassion.

At that time, persuading the other party was the best thing Ryu could do.

But Yu-Min didn’t give it any chance at all. And the question poked right through the painful part.

“Teacher, we can’t even meet. But why…”

“Who is your teacher?”

When the answer was answered, the next question immediately appeared without hesitation.

It’s also something that’s hard to answer.

Ryu Su-ah said with a hard expression.

“It cannot be said lightly.”

“In any case?”


Ryu Su-ah said firmly. Yumin tilted her head.

“Then you have to create a situation in which the teacher has no choice but to appear, and that doesn’t seem like a very pleasant situation for you, me, or my brother.”

“…don’t do that, Yu-min. I’ll try to arrange a seat if you want. It doesn’t have to be such an uncomfortable seat for one side. And I’m surprised to find not only Kang Hyunmoo, but also you, such an unusual person.”

Ryu Su-ah began to praise Yu-min carefully. Up until this point, Hyunmoo had never appeared. Maybe Ryu Su-ah thought that someone else was behind all of this.

The woman right in front of you, Yumin.

Maybe he’s behind even Hyunmoo’s control.

Ryu Su-ah naturally moved his hand and began to use delusion.

“I would like to bow down and apologize to Mr. Kang Hyunmoo for what I did wrong. And…”

Tatata Tang!

Before Ryu could finish speaking, gunshots rang out. Ryu Su-ah shrugged in surprise and shrugged his shoulders.

Smoke was coming out of Yu-min’s gun. Yumin muttered quietly.

“I must have told you not to do anything useless.”

As soon as his shock subsided, Ryu Su-ah felt a sharp pain in his chest. Red marks slowly spread over his clothes.

Ryu Su-ah looked at her chest and Yu-min alternately, as if it was ridiculous.

How many times have I wanted to ask if this is the truth?

‘No, you just said a few slightly different answers?’

Ryu Su-ah’s body slowly fell on the table.



Park Hwi-so’s sword flew past Shi-bin’s eyes.

Shibin smiled wildly and grabbed Hwiso Park by the neck and threw it away in an instant.

Thanks to his bizarre physical skills, Park Hwi-so was caught and cut through the air at the same time. But he never hit the wall.

Bang, Kwajik! Park Hwi-so turned his body in the air and kicked the closet. The closet was smashed and debris splattered.

Among the fragments, Hwiso Park smashed the ceiling, the right wall, and finally the wall behind Shibin’s back in an instant.

Shibin was barely able to block the back of his back, but he couldn’t avoid the sharp scratches on his arm. A four-pronged cut that looked like it had been scratched by the claws of a beast appeared.

Shibin’s face contorted.

‘Looks like you’re dealing with beasts.’

No, to be precise, it seems to be dealing with monsters.

A monster with intelligence, excellent fighting skills, and even intelligence.

It wasn’t just a feeling. As the fight continued, the momentum from Hwi-so Park was getting more and more ferocious.

There seemed to be a subtle change in appearance.

‘The guy’s eyes were originally… … Was it yellow?’

It couldn’t be. Yellow eyes are inevitably a distinctive feature. But now, Hwiso Park’s eyes were shining yellow like that of a wild wolf.

Her hair was swelled up, and she seemed to have gotten a little bigger.

‘Is it like a transformation skill?’

At that moment, blood gushed out along with the pain that scratched his cheek.

Shibin erased her thoughts. She wasn’t the one to think otherwise.

When the sword he was wielding hit the wall, Hwi So Park began to wield it with the claws of both hands.

Shibin endured the scratches and used her skill ‘Balkyung’. Shibin’s fist touched Park Hwi-so’s chin like a brush. It was a fist that was so slow that it didn’t even feel like a threat.

However, the moment his fist touched his stomach, Park Hwi-so’s body bounced off with an explosion-like sound. He even ripped his shirt to pieces.

When Hwi-so Park banged against the wall, Xu-bin was sure he wouldn’t get up for a while.


However, Park Hwi So sharpened his teeth again and immediately brought his body upright. Shibin gave a tired expression.

“No, why don’t you pretend to be sick?”

Shibin realized that this fight would only end when at least one side was incapacitated. He didn’t want to use it as much as possible, but he decided to even use his ultimate in mind.

It was then.

ding dong.

The bell rang. Hwiso Park and Shibin stopped at the same time, startled. Park Hwi-so was not in a state of losing his reason enough to fight even in this situation.

The two took a deep breath, adjusted their clothes, and looked at the atmosphere. The bell rang again.

“Customer, I’m from the counter.”

I just didn’t feel like going back. Park Hwi-so gestured towards Shi-bin.

Shibin, who was in relatively good condition, thought it would be better to check.

Shibin wiped the bloodstains from her cheek and opened the door as small as possible with a gentle smile.

“What happened?”

“Ah, customer, it’s no different than saying that the room next door is a little noisy… oh my, customer. Your cheeks are bleeding.”

Shibin smiled vaguely and gently wiped it with his shoulder.

“What do I do? Can I bring you a band-aid?”

“You don’t have to worry about it. I’m a little excited watching a movie with my friends.”

Shibin spoke up there and closed the door. But the employee knocked on the door again. is a persistent employee. Shibin was slightly annoyed, but he smiled hard.

“Do you still have anything left to say?”

“Ah, it’s not that the sound of the movie is noisy… It was a complaint that the phone was not even used, so it was noisy. I told you that our hotel has thorough soundproofing, so you can’t hear the phone ringing…”

Shibin closed the door. He looked back at Park Hwi-so with a stiff expression on his face.

Park Hwi-so was not in the mood to fight again. Shibin took out her cell phone that was lying on the bed.A few missed calls were recorded. I guess I didn’t hear it because I was fighting. Shibin chinked at Hwiso Park.

“Hand phone.”


“Check your phone, too.”

Park Hwi-so frowned and pulled out his cell phone. He also had several missed calls. And when the two of them confirmed the caller, their minds jumped.

“…Did the teacher contact you as well?”

Shibin did not answer Park Hwi-so’s question. The two of them kept silent for a while, but with ambiguous expressions, they corrected their outfits.

Shibin took a deep breath and held out her hand to Park Hwi So first.

“I think I need to explain the situation later, but I’m going to do it for today. It seems that the teacher is trying to rectify the situation. Considering the kindness received from you, me, and the teacher, it is impossible to violate it.”

Park Hwi-so was silent for a while. But he didn’t have much of a choice either. Hwi-so Park clasped Shi-bin’s hand.


When Liu Su-ah opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

It was a room where the concrete was exposed and a pleasant smell wafted out.

She was terribly surprised that she was alive and tried to stand her body up.

But behind her back were her hands tied with chains.

For some reason, she did not have the strength to enter, and she was not released at all. Her clothes were still stained with blood, but there was no more pain in her wounds.

She said, “I’ve sprinkled some effective potions, so you’d better stay still.”

At the sound of her voice, Ryu Su-ah turned her head with her surprised face.

Kang Hyunmoo was sitting on the chair.

“Kang Hyunmoo…….”

“How dare you make a gentle kid like Yumin even shoot a gun?”

“Be quiet? Provocation?”

Ryu knew Hyunmoo was using the word wrong, she said. At that moment, she felt something about her chagrin and tried to pour out her words, but Hyunmoo shook her hand to silence her Ryu Su-a.

“Okay, okay. I’m going to talk to you.”

“What kind of story are you talking about, shot and tied up in a closed room?”

“That’s the style I like. Senator. When I try to talk impartially with someone who is hostile to me, I get upset and get tantrums.”

Hyunmoo pulled her chair up to a position where she could look down exactly at Ryu Su-a.

She knew she knew Ryuu as he crossed her legs and she could see up to the bottom of his shoes.

Ryu Su-ah fumbled her own fingers and touched her. Hyunmoo grinned and pulled something out of her. It was a ring with a red light.

Her Ryu Su-a’s face went pale.

“Are you looking for this?”

[Swordsman’s Dagger (Legendary)][Special Ability: You can have up to one ‘Snake’ type monster as a ‘family member’. Whenever a ‘snake’ ‘preys’ a monster with a higher level than itself, it sheds repeatedly and grows in size, growing to the maximum level allowed by the difficulty. If ‘sympathy’ is not high, it is impossible to control.]

Although her fighting ability is inferior, it was also an item that only she could handle, which is easy to raise ‘sympathy’ thanks to her ‘dazzle’ skill.

Because it was easy to expose once used, it was an object that had never been used publicly except on the Gangbyeonbuk-ro that day.

“I called this one more time, and then she found a much smaller and cuter one than the one I saw on the riverside North Road.”

Ryu Su-ah sharpened her teeth. It was because she killed her Red Serpent in a flash on the North Road by the Hyeonmunga River. As it was originally, we should have gotten out through the lower reaches of the Han River.

“I thought you summoned the Red Serpent with your skill or ultimate. But your level was lower than I expected. But you also have these legendary items.”

Hyunmoo opened his mouth.

“What are your allies doing?”

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