Chapter 117 Almighty Reception (4)

Oh Dae-seong saw a strange reaction the moment Hyunmoo was hit by a roar and stopped the attack.

It was exciting to attack while even using body strengthening, but Hyunmoo didn’t get a single hit and diddge it to the point that it went up.

So he roared with the intention of holding on to him for a moment, but his eyes suddenly clouded.

‘What, maybe?’

Oh Dae-seong knew that his roar had a low-level stun attribute attached to it.

However, Hyunmoo was holding out longer than other monsters and abilities, so I couldn’t tell if he really passed out or not.

‘Are you going to endure it with your mental strength? No, was that something you could endure with your mental strength?’

Since it is rare that it has been used on humans, I couldn’t be sure of the five great properties.

Actually, was Kang Hyunmoo lower than you? and was surprised Kang Hyunmoo, who was barely holding on, suddenly stumbled and tried to collapse.

Oh Dae-Sung rushed to accept him, but Hyunmoo took a step forward and regained his balance.

‘Are you pretending to be hurt?’

The moment Oh Dae-sung quickly regained his posture, a strange voice suddenly came from Hyunmoo.

“Hey, butler? Why are you doing that? Where are you hurting?”

Oh Dae-seong got goosebumps the moment he heard that voice. It was a voice like that of a child, completely different from Kang Hyunmoo’s.

“Are you in pain? Is it hard?”

‘Have you heard of a ghost?’

But after that, Hyunmoo didn’t move. Oh Dae-seong wondered if Hyunmoo was playing a prank on him.

As he cautiously approached, Hyunmoo’s body wobbled. his mouth was wide open.

“Aren’t you happy?”

And Hyunmoo, who had been watching with an evasive attitude until this point, suddenly ran towards Oh Dae-seong.


Oh Dae-seong quickly raised his shield. However, Hyunmoo skillfully put his foot on his shield and chained the shield and the five stars. When his chains were tightened, Oh Dae-seong broke off his chains with a cheer.

However, as if he had expected it already, Hyunmoo swung the broken chains and struck Oh Daeseong.

Most of them were blocked by the shield, but it was an attack so strong that the part that touched the skin was torn off.

When Oh Dae-seong couldn’t even dare to lower his shield, his chains wrapped around the shield in a strange motion.

In an instant, Dae-Sung Oh saw the glove on Hyunmoo’s right arm blazing with an ominous purple light over the shield.

It was as if his entire arm was engulfed in purple flames.


Oh Dae-seong recalled the skills of an Auror capable person he had met, but his momentum was several times more ferocious than that.

And I had never seen that auror burn even to the human body or even the equipment. But Hyunmoo’s purple flames began to spread beyond his gloves and into his chains.

“Oh, damn it. Mr. Kang Hyunmoo!”

Oh Dae-seong was startled and pulled the shield. Hyunmoo was quick-witted but light and had excellent physical strength.Oh Dae-seong wanted to grab Hyunmoo and throw him into the air, but he felt that the shield had become heavier than ever before.

Kang Hyunmoo was tearing apart Oh Daeseong’s shield, clutching dozens of chains in one hand.

The triple trait of strength enhancement contained in O’Shet’s six-handed grasp was expressed much more strongly through Kang Ki.

Oh Dae-seong grabbed his shield and tried to hold on, but soon felt that his body strengthening skills were ending.

Oh Dae-seong had no choice but to let go of his shield. The moment the shield flew towards Hyunmoo with strong resilience, Oh Dae-seong immediately ran towards Hyunmoo.

And hoping Hyunmoo doesn’t die from this, he uses his ultimate.

Hyunmoo swung the shield tied to the chain as it was and struck Oh Dae-seong’s arm.

He had a long wound on his arm. But from the beginning, Oh Dae-sung had no intention or need to attack Hyunmoo.

Ultimate: Reverse Heaven

The moment Oh Dae-seong’s arm hit the floor, all objects with a radius of tens of meters soared into the air with cracks.

The ground turned over and the trees were uprooted, creating a huge forest in the sky. Hyunmoo did the same.

Oh Dae-sung was worried that Hyunmoo might have been seriously injured. It wasn’t an orthodox match, but no one was fine for a person who was swept away by the shock wave at close range.

However, Hyunmoo twitched his fingers, as if ridiculing Oh Dae-seong’s concerns, and released the chop chains.

Just before he was hit by the yokcheon, he had attached it to Oh Dae-seong. The chain shrank as soon as it appeared, and Hyunmoo’s body came right in front of Oh Dae-seong.

Oh Dae-seong was unable to move properly due to the aftereffects of his ultimate expression.


Hyunmoo’s condition was dire. Although his whole body was covered with bruises and blood, Hyunmoo was struck by the five stars. And Oh Dae-seong and his own body were bound with chains.

Oh Dae-seong was confused. There was no reason to fight like this. Because it’s just a simple battle. But Hyunmoo was ramming like there was no turning back.

Hyunmoo started to slam the Oh Daeseong by swinging his fist. His fists, clad in Ganggi, pounded the Oh Dae-seong over and over again. Oh Dae-seong did not stand still.

The moment he swung his fist and struck Hyunmoo in the face, he felt a burning pain in his fist. Hyunmoo’s blood-stained area was stained black.

“Hey, this?!”

Hyunmoo’s neck, who had been hit by Oh Dae-seong, returned to his knees. Kang Hyunmoo looked down at Oh Dae-seong without expression, then ran his palms across his face.

Poisonous blood dripped from his hands. He then sharpened his fingertips.


Oh Dae-seong had an intuition that he would die the moment his hand pierced his body.

He tried to get away from Hyunmoo with all his might, but the poison was quickly engulfing his arm. Hyunmoo swung his arm.

stand tall.

Hyunmoo’s fingertips stopped in front of Oh Dae-seong’s nose.

Oh Dae-Sung watched Hyunmoo’s eyes focus, albeit hazy, through his hand.

“Good job… well done.”

Hyunmoo fell to the floor, releasing his chains, leaving only a short greeting.

Oh Dae-sung didn’t know what was going on.


“Did I?”

Hyunmoo opened his mouth with a serious expression. Oh Dae-seong had his hands wrapped in bandages, but Hyunmoo was able to recover quickly thanks to a detox potion and a great healing potion he pulled from his inventory.

The scar may have left a little, but Oh Dae-seong wasn’t a person who cared about scars.

“It’s true. I thought Kang Hyunmoo actually brought me here to kill me.”

Oh Dae-seong knew about the ugly rumors about Hyunmoo. Of course, Oh Dae-seong was a person who did not believe such absurd rumors.

“I thought I was going to be roared, then suddenly switched to an offensive and rushed in… It was more frightening than any opponent I’ve ever fought against. You don’t seem to remember?”

“Ah, I remember at first glance… but I don’t know.”

That’s a lie. Hyunmoo remembered it well.

Except for the moment when he almost lost consciousness, every moment that Daesung Oh describes came to mind like a vivid dream.

The problem was that I remembered that very well.

‘I can definitely hear Lenian’s voice… … What happened? Am I being manipulated by Lenian?’

Hyunmoo was horrified. After Renian, skills, and inventory, maybe even the body is shared?

Even beyond the level of difficulty you thought you couldn’t get through without a hearthstone?

It was difficult to understand this. The difficulty problem was not just a problem of difficult and easy, but a problem of time and space.

It didn’t make sense that Lenian could go beyond that and influence Hyunmoo. But Hyunmoo thought of one possibility.

‘Or was Lenian with me from the beginning when I crossed the difficulty level?’

Hyunmoo tried to call Lenny Ann through his will. Hell would have answered me right away, but now there was no response. There was no reason for Lenian to hide or avoid him.

‘No, that’s not it. If Lenian manipulated me, why didn’t Hell do it? A nonviolent, busy running away after a fight.’

There were many things that were difficult to understand. Hyunmoo thought he should hold on to me and grab Lenian and ask him.

At that time, Oh Dae-seong said, “Hmm, hmm,” and heard him coughing in vain. Hyunmoo seemed to be concerned because he was alone in his thoughts.

Hyunmoo thought he was going to have to look around.

“Oh, come to think of it, you seem to be fighting well for something you’ve never fought with a lot of people.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

Oh Dae-sung said with a sly smile.

“Actually, I was fighting Kang Hyunmoo, and I felt more like fighting a monster than fighting a human. Oh, don’t be offended. The bloodliness and the momentum.


He taught himself that Fal Hal are monsters, so it may be natural to see similarities. Hyunmoo became bitter when he remembered that.

As he battled the Five Great Castles, he realized that he lacked the talent to fight people.

He only needs to get back to life no matter how many times he dies in Hell, gain experience, and run away, but there is no guarantee that it will happen in reality.

You have to think of it as a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

‘You have to gain as much experience as possible.’

Compared to monsters, humans have a complex mindset. Rather, it may be because they are weaker and more conscientious.

Monsters have an unconditional hostility to humans, but humans make predictions more difficult because of their complex emotions.As the conversation with Hyunmoo seemed to be cut off again, Oh Dae-sung slowly looked at him and asked quietly.

“Hey… the kind of childish voice that Kang Hyunmoo gave out. It doesn’t seem like a normal thing to me. It’s a bit of a superstitious story, but isn’t there something like that? A world that can’t be explained scientifically. ?”

“Yeah? Ah, haha. Um, it’s not a big deal. That’s what… I lost my younger brother when I was little, and I think of him sometimes.”

That’s a lie. Hyunmoo didn’t have a younger brother. But Oh Dae-sung seems to want that kind of explanation, so I decided to adjust the rhythm appropriately.

Then you will think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Again, Oh Dae-seong began to understand himself.

“Oh my gosh… that’s right. I don’t know if the feeling of longing for my brother who was left behind is violently motivating Kang Hyunmoo. Or maybe he’s trying his best to protect him. I have a friend who has one, so why don’t you try something good?”

“Oh, haha. I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry about it.”

“Don’t do that.”

Oh Dae-Sung suggested it quite seriously, but Hyunmoo smirked and stood up from his seat.

The quarrel continued until they left the dungeon. Eventually, when it was time to get in the car and parted, Oh Dae-seong couldn’t keep up with Hyunmoo any longer.

“If you feel uncomfortable with Good, try getting a talisman! I’ll write you one!”

“Yes, yes. Thank you.”

Hyunmoo smiled bitterly and sent Oh Dae-sung. He almost killed himself, but I don’t know how good a person it is to believe in the excuse that he is possessed by a ghost and even use a talisman.

‘For a good person, it seems that they left no traces in history.’

The name of Odaeseong is not mentioned in the Baekgol records. In the original history, it could be speculated that Oh Dae-seong lived an ordinary life in Almighty-Ryeon and died quietly.

Perhaps, according to the life he showed, he went to rescue the hunters and died without being able to stop the monsters.

It was easy to predict. But he was a pitiful person to let it go like that.

‘The ultimate skill and the way you use your body are just too good to be left alone.’

Hyunmoo hardened his heart. Today’s Dalian was not just to satisfy his curiosity, it was a kind of interview.

In the future, whether or not to put Oh Dae-seong under him or not.

Of course, a person who has left the Almighty League today cannot be put back into the Almighty League.

‘But if it’s about Oh Dae-seong… …

Hyunmoo turned on his cell phone and contacted Seo Ji-hoo.

[Yes. branch manager. Oh, why did you decline the representative position?]

“Get to know the members of the White Shield team, and prepare to recruit them.”

[Are you talking about Oh Dae-seong Hunter? Yes, I understand.]

As a human being who is obsessed with his title, as soon as he resigns from the representative position, he simply calls him Hunter. It is also an admirable snob.

[By the way, if you bring in the Oh Dae-seong Hunter, what will your position be? Team 1 already exists, and teams 2 and 3 are also being prepared, but if Hunter Oh Dae-seong joins Team 4, wouldn’t it be a bit inconsistent?]

“Oh Dae-seong goes to the special task force under the state-run clan. Be aware of that.”

Hyunmoo hung up the phone without explaining what it was to Seo Ji-hoo.

Gradually, the structure of the organization Hyunmoo wanted was being established.

Of course, the level was still lacking, but Hyunmoo tried to look a little wider and farther.

Next, we have to take control of the country, not the organization.

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