Muxi looked helplessly at Yan Zhaoge: "You are really an odd number. Some of you in Sanqing Authentic say that you are a godless person. Now it seems that it is not a good reputation."

"I also feel okay, although I prefer the two-character title, it is crisp and powerful, and it is powerful." Yan Zhao sings a smile.

Muxi did not think that he was cheeky, but shook his head: "How can you praise such strength?"

"Do not mention more than the words, or first ask the Huishang walker to take me to the big wild yuan house." Yan Zhao song said while waving.

When the Jianguang flashed, he passed through the Buddhist monks who were not dead under the too imaginary level, giving them a happy time.

Muxi looked at this scene, and his eyelids jumped straight: "I just told Shaotian Zun to say something about this kind of suffering? Why do you want to kill and kill, and why do you kill it?"

Yan Zhaoge said faintly: "When you are big, when you broke down, you waited for the blood of the people in the West." The shot in the house, my brother is afraid of being slandered, don’t tell me not."

"More than that..." Yan Zhaoge suddenly smiled: "I don't have these things. Can I kill you?"

The raft shook his head: "Many knives, I am a fish, there is nothing to blame, but the celestial sorrows have to be forgotten. You have to get rid of the fairy tales, but you can't help the ancestors to take care of you. It is not invincible in the world."

"I am not as good as you, killing me, you are not as good as me, I am killing you. This is very simple. I don't need to thank the shorewalker to remind me." Yan Zhaoge smiled and said: "Leave you to lead the way, it is to see you in the past. Gu Nian, the last bit of incense friendship, gives you a chance to make up for it. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to be my younger brother. I have already stepped on the line first. I will kill you. The Samantabhadra and Guanyin Bodhisattva have nothing to say."

Muxi sighed and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yan Zhaoge: "You don't think about relying on nonsense to delay the time. Although I am anxious to find my younger brother, I already know that he has entered a great wilderness house. Inside is my predecessor, there should be no danger in a short time."

"Without you leading the way, I will find my younger brother at a later date." Yan Zhaoge said faintly: "Without you, you can't find the place where the Western Beneficial Pure Land reinforcements are located?"

The hibiscus was slightly silent, and after a long while, he smiled: "There is no room for Shaotian Zun, but with me, I also want to know who is in the Great Yuanyuan House, and I am willing."

"Oh? Listen to what you said, you seem to know who is inside?" Yan Zhaoge said as he looked at the raft and took out a black cockroach.

The raft knocked on the raft, and the water came out of the raft, and the water reflected and guided the road.

"We were going to chase the Great Yuanyuan, and the result was blocked by the people inside. We had to quit first." Muxi said: "That feeling, a little familiar..."

Yan Zhao songs heard the words, the expression could not help but be a bit strange.

The hibiscus was the Yuqing dynasty in the ancient times, and later entered the Buddhism with the teacher, the sage of the sage, and listened to the sage of Bodhisattva and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

He judged that the other party was a rumor, and most of them would not be wrong.

But to say that he is not directly in front of contact, but also familiar, the candidate is relatively limited.

"I said, it would not be the great **** of the Three Seas Sea?" Yan Zhaoge asked strangely.

The so-called San Tanhai will be the great god, which is commonly known as the three princes.

It is also a famous figure in the history of Daomen. One of the top figures in the history of Yu Qing, other than Yang Lan, the ancient era was still too imaginary.

Later, he entered the Tianjing Jingu Temple and boarded the Dalu in the Middle Ages. It is also the famous guardian **** of the Heavenly Shrine. It is blue and better than countless predecessors.

If you talk about your personal strength, you will be able to count the number of powerful people in the entire heavenly shrine.

Of course, compared with the temper, the temper is also very famous.

In the news that Yan Zhaoge got the news, the fate of this Taoist rumor is still unclear, but most of the arguments are rumored to have fallen into disillusionment.

However, there has been no conclusive evidence.

So at this moment, listening to the words of Muxi, Yanzhao song inevitably gave birth to speculation.

Who knows, Muxi gave another answer: "I am not sure, but compared to the third brother, I feel more like his teacher, Taiyi Shibo."

Is Taiyi real person?

Yan Zhao song raised his eyebrows slightly.

It is also a powerful master of the Taoist ancestors who began to pass on the ancestors of Yuqing. In the past, together with Guangcheng Tianzun, Chi Sperm, Puxian Zhenren, Daotian Tianzun and others, they also called Yuxu 12 Immortals. .

After the great destruction, it is also one of the unaccounted for.

There are fewer rumors about him than there are.

Yanzhao sang the black scorpion of the hibiscus, and it is much easier to find the drifting wilderness house.

Although Muxi and others were driven out of the Great Wilderness House, they entered it.

The owner inside seems to be inconvenient, because of other things and distracted, so Mudu they secretly obtained clues to trace the Great Wilderness House.

They wanted to wait for the support of the Western bliss pure land, but they were stunned by Yan and Zhao.

Yan Zhaoge repeatedly observed it and found that there were no Buddhas around the Da Luo level, and he was secretly glad.

It is reasonable to say that the Da Luo level strong have received news that they should soon come to meet with the rafts, and they will be there.

It hasn’t been seen before, and it seems that the West Bliss is doing something else, and it’s not a good time to coordinate the right manpower, so that it delays time.

Yan Zhaoge took the first step to isolate the raft and other people from the outside world, killing and killing, smashing the shackles, and the western bliss pure land would be difficult to find quickly.

However, while Yan Zhao’s song was fortunate, he also secretly warned: “What is the Western Pure Land Pure Land doing?

Thinking in the heart, Yan Zhaoge shuttled through the endless voids outside the domain.

This time, not long after, he found the target.

It was a misty, seemingly cloud-like existence, hanging in the darkness of the darkness.

A ridiculous primitive, ancient and desolate atmosphere, faintly revealed.

It is the Great Wilderness House that Yan Zhaoge wants to find.

In essence, it is the name of the "great wasteland" in the process of the transformation of the ancient times in the age of the ancient times.

Because of its unique mystery, in the early years, there were many great powers to collect such fragments and open them into their own caves.

After the ancient times, similar fragments have been very rare, and now they only exist in the legend.

Yan Zhaoge did not expect that he could witness it today.

However, such a unique existence may indeed become a place for someone to live in seclusion.

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