History’s Strongest Senior Brother

: 1246. Reluctant children can not set wolves

After listening to the problem of staying up late, Yan Zhaoge nodded calmly: "At the beginning, it was a coincidence that Xuanzang Zijin furnace really fell into my hand. Because it was a big deal, I have been secretive, and even you have passed, and please ask your sister."

He also looked at Nie Jingshen: "Please also ask Master Nie for forgiveness."

"Speaking, the fairy tales, how wonderful, I have been years, but it has not been able to play a role, Yue Shibo has never returned to the upper bounds, Long Shishuzu and His Royal Highness have been retreating, so that it has been delayed ""

This time, I set foot on the Dan Temple and wanted to make a difference. The Xuanzang Zijin furnace played a vital role.

Since Yan Zhaoge invited Nie Jingshen, staying up late and screaming at the same time, he did not intend to marry them.

Do not guess up late at night, Yan Zhaoge will take the initiative to explain later.

For a while, to the current level of cultivation, Yan Zhaoge is not too worried about the exposure of the Xuanzang Zijin furnace.

In fact, he believes that Gao Xuebo, who has won the return of Gao Qing, and Fu Yun, the splendid emperor Fu Ting, who is rewarded by Fu Ting, may be more or less suspicious. In the past, it was the Yan Zhao song fisherman's profit.

Of course, if someone has made up their minds, Yan Zhaoge has no humility.

However, this time, people who have chosen their peers, after much consideration, will not be troubled by internal friction.

Sure enough, staying up late is just asking. After getting a positive reply, I nodded. "In this way, we have a little more chance."

Then, her attention will no longer continue to be placed on Yanzhao song, but to re-examine the surrounding Xia, the line of sight gradually lost focus again, seems to be immersed in the experience of the environment.

Obviously, the disappearance of the same door in the same year was a question stemming from the Dan Dian. It has nothing to do with Yan Zhao Ge.

"The teacher respects the upper bounds of the world. You tell him about the Xuanzang Zijin furnace. I am afraid that it is not very effective." Nie Jingshen said with a smile: "No one is good at alchemy on the top of Yujing Rock."

"Silence and immortality, urging the treasure furnace, no problem, just look at the efficiency." Yan Zhaoge lifted his foot and stepped forward: "However, everything will wait until we solve the problem here."

It is only the medicinal gas that has been condensed in the colorful light flow before the absorption. Yan Di and others have not benefited from the Yanzhao song, but they have also benefited a lot.

However, it is not so easy to completely use it for your own use.

In addition to Yan Di's alchemy, there are also good rumors. You can use the same as Yanzhao to quickly refine and refine your medicine. The other three people need time to accumulate.

At the moment, I don’t wait for people, so I have to absorb it for the time being, and then slowly.

Yan Zhaoge first crossed the portal in the Xia Wei, and suddenly suddenly opened his eyes.

Yan Di and others came in with him, and the majestic hall was already standing in front of him.

The black hall is suspended in the void, and there are no pavilions around.

The black light of the road spreads around the surrounding area, and at the same time turbulent and empty, the space barrier is faintly constructed.

It seems to be centered on this hall, and an independent world of heaven and earth is formed.

It is obviously unrealistic to have no way, no portal, and want to enter this world from the endless void of the outside universe.

Before coming to the main hall, the old and desolate, the old and heavy atmosphere came to the surface.

"After the ruin, it has been there for a long time, quietly floating until now...?" Yan Zhao’s eyes swept through the faint black light: "It’s not like the erosion of the nine secluded, but it is not in my memory. The same."

"Is it the cause of the great destruction, or the reason inside the Dan Palace?"

While thinking about it, he turned his head and said to Yan Di and others: "Let's go in, the future is uncertain, everyone is more careful. If it is lost, first save yourself, remember what I told you when you came." ”

"Advanced people come to seize the opportunity, if there is any trap, it is also the first contact, it is beneficial." Yan Zhao song laughed.

Nie Jingshen didn't care about it.

Staying up late is still a god, a dull appearance.

Yingying screamed and shook his head: "That is still the first person to take the lead."

Yan Di also smiled and said: "If you come, you will be safe."

"Yeah..." Yan Zhaoge, after hesitating a little, looked at Nie Jingshen: "However, you still need to be extra careful."

Nie Jingshen looked back and Yan Zhao said: "We are all special, maybe it is the prey that the other person dreams of."

Yan Di and others are thoughtful.

Nie Jingshen does not have to say that the innate congenital fetus, which is rare in ancient and modern times, is one of the best existences of congenital physique. In many cases, even the word "one" can be removed.

Yan Zhaoge, from a physical point of view, innate is about to be in the middle.

However, after so many years of continuous cultivation and constant subtle changes in tempering, from the current situation of the day after tomorrow, his body is probably the most powerful human warrior in history.

Exaggerated point of view, the Tailing Era creator of this race, the niece of the race, can be surprised, and it is not expected that the human beings created by this kind can have such a powerful human being.

Yan Di’s situation is similar to him, but he is not so exaggerated.

Ying blame, although it is a weapon, but the soul of the seal is the former strong Ye Hao, that is the real immortal Emperor who pushed the fairy door.

Although nowadays, it is a stunned singer.

According to the information that everyone now has, he may be the first close to the fairyland powerhouse after the Dan Palace has changed.

In other words, it is the hunter who placed the trap, the highest level of prey that has been encountered so far.

Staying up late, Yan Zhaoge had a limited understanding of the previous, but this time Yan Di contacted Bi Youtian to find a helper. Gao Xuebo and Long Xue were sent to stay up all night and mentioned two sentences.

I heard from Yan Di, Yan Zhao’s heart has roughly counted.

This self-employed sister, who seems to be often on a bad day, is so instinctual, passionate about martial arts and not too concerned about other things, and the style is close to the singer of the singer and the people like Sum Ming and Si Kongqing.

On the other hand, it is because she is innate and different from ordinary people.

In this number of times, five people have their own specificities in different aspects.

"You don't get into the tiger's nest and you get a tiger." Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Not contempt, but not afraid.

"It can also be said that the children can't bear the wolves." Yan Zhao sings and laughs, his eyes are recovered from Nie Jingshen.

In fact, what he is most worried about is Nie Jingshen.

If the guess in his heart is not false, Nie Jingshen is the easiest target.

Only his guess is not easy to explain, so it is inconvenient to remind Nie Jingshen alone, and instead put all five people together, it can also be used as a warning effect.

When everyone talks, they have come to the main entrance of Dan Dian.

Yan Zhao Ge and Yan Di next to him looked at each other and one side, and they reached out and pushed to the door like a scorpio.

It seems to be a heavy threshold, but it seems that there is no weight, no sound, open to both sides.

In front of Yan Zhao’s song, there is only one darkness.

As I walked in, I suddenly felt that time and space changed.

When the light is reappeared in front of you, Yan Zhaoge looks around and has only one person left!

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