Ling Mengzhu struggled to get up from the ground, raising her head to look at him and ask, "What do you want the car for?"

"To the hospital for reexamination." To put it simply, Long Zhenghao's style had always been this way.

"Ugh …" "You're not fit to drive yet, so I'll get you a taxi. It's safer this way." As Ling Mengzhu spoke, she immediately ran towards the bedroom door, not caring if she was wearing a pair of pajamas with a chicken nest on it.

Long Zhenghao suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her arm and pulled her back, "No need, I'll drive myself."

"But …" Ling Mengzhu was depressed.

"I didn't expect you to be so concerned about others." Long Zhenghao faintly smiled as a mocking expression filled his face. Seeing him act like this caused Ling Mengzhan to feel a chill run down her spine. It seemed like she had already guessed that there was something wrong with the car.

"Where's the car key?" Long Zhenghao asked as he fixed his gaze on her.

Ling Mengzhu knew that she could no longer continue to hide it, and continuing to hide it was not an option either. Without her person coming out of the carriage, she would not be able to get it back. I had no choice but to admit, "The car was towed away by the traffic police, uh... "You can't blame me for that. The situation was really critical that day, so I ran a dozen red lights consecutively to save you."

So he was dragged away by the traffic police. Long Zhenghao heaved a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't run into someone and kill them, or do something illegal, he didn't care. However, seeing how nervous Ling Mengzhu was, he felt that it would be a waste of the opportunity if he did not take this opportunity to tease her.

Pretending to be angry, her brows slightly raised as she said angrily: "What did you say? Took away by the traffic police? Then why didn't you bring it back? Don't you know that the car is expensive? "

"Of course I know, but... I didn't do it on purpose. It was a critical situation and I didn't have a driver's license. I even went through so many lights, so of course they would drag the car away. " Ling Mengzhu tried her best to act innocent.

"How critical is it?" Long Zhenghao suddenly leaned over and stared at her as he asked.

Unconsciously, Ling Mengzhu took a step back and said, "You were stabbed by a knife and lost a lot of blood. You almost died. By the way, why did you get stabbed? "Who did this to you?"

Long Zhenghao looked away and casually replied, "Nothing, I just met some crazy people."

He didn't tell her that those people were Brother Liu's men. His injuries were obviously caused by her, because telling her wouldn't make much sense. Since the matter had already been created, she couldn't help herself.

As for how desperate the situation had been that day, he no longer felt anything. When the car hit the sidewalk, he lost consciousness and when he woke up again, it was that morning, the first time he saw this woman who had caused him so much harm.

"Then... What about the car? Would they have to pay a lot of money? " Ling Mengzhu cautiously asked. Such a large fine would need at least ten or twenty thousand yuan. She was worried that she would have to pay for herself. That would be the real tragedy.

"I think so. Make sure you prepare well." Long Zhenghao walked out after he finished speaking.

"That... Let me accompany you on your reexamination. " Ling Mengzhu chased after him, "Wait for me for a while, I'll go wash my face first." After saying that, she ran to the bathroom, unscrewed the water cage, but there was no water. She used her palm to pat it, but there was still no water.

"Why did the water stop?" Ling Mengzhu stuck her head out and asked him. In her heart, she thought to herself that it was outrageous for such a high class residential area to be shut down!

Long Zhenghao walked over to the phone and pulled out a string of numbers. After listening for a while, his face darkened and he said quickly, "I know … I'll hand it in right away, please bring up the water and electricity first... "Alright, thank you …"

After hanging up the phone, he looked back in the direction of the bathroom, and the guilty Ling Mengzhu immediately shrunk back into the bathroom. The moment she heard this, she knew that she owed him water and water. She wasn't intentionally stalling for water and water … Since she had taken a leave of absence last month and had no performance, her salary was not even enough to cover her expenses.

"You haven't paid for hydropower yet?" Long Zhenghao frowned as he stood at the bathroom door glaring at her. It had been a month since the date of the water and electricity production and yet he still hadn't handed it over. Not to mention that his image in this district was ruined, he would have gone mad if he didn't stop halfway when he met someone who didn't have water.

"I... "I'll pay the salary for the 10th." Ling Mengzhu laughed dryly as she tried to curry favor with him.

The waiter came quickly and knocked on the door. Long Zhenghao turned around and opened the door, and before the worker outside asked, he took the initiative to ask, "How much is it?"

"Hello, Mister Long. All the expenses added together are one thousand five hundred and sixty yuan."

Long Zhenghao didn't ask for more details. He turned around and took out 1600 yuan and handed it to him, "Don't stop the water and electricity every now and then when you need more money next time. Remind this guy of my family he has bad memory."

Long Zhenghao's face was clearly filled with dissatisfaction, and when he spoke, he looked at Ling Mengzhu meaningfully. The man at the door had an innocent look on his face as he carefully defended himself, "We've already tried at least ten times …"

Ling Meng Zhu withdrew back into the bathroom, Long Zhenghao's expression changed again, and the real estate agent ran off with the cash in his hands.

"Aren't you happy that I lost all my face?" Long Zhenghao scolded him with a dark face in the direction of the bathroom.

Ling Mengzhu walked out with a dry smile, and solemnly said, "Don't worry, when I give you my salary, I'll definitely return it to you. I definitely will." "As long as you don't kick me out, that's enough," Ling Mengzhan added in her heart.

"Next time, don't force yourself when you don't have any money. Otherwise, you might harm yourself and others." Long Zhenghao turned and walked out the door after he finished his sentence. Ling Mengzhu quickly cleaned herself up and ran to catch up with them. When the elevator door closed, she squeezed in.

"I'll go with you. The doctor says you're in danger of dying from shock at any moment." Ling Mengzhu did not have a dog's leg. The doctor had indeed told her so, so she had to stay by his side. As for why she was so worried that he would die from shock, she had not thought about it for the time being, and she had no intention of doing so.

The two of them got on a taxi together. Long Zhenghao suddenly turned around and asked Ling Mengzhu, who was beside him, "Which game?"

Ling Mengzhu was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered as she pointed the way for the driver. The car skidded down the driveway. Arriving at the police station, Ling Mengzhu sat on the chair in the outer room and watched Long Zhenghao casually talk with the people inside, showing his ID card. The captain who had chased her out of the police station several times immediately led him to the back with a smile.

While Ling Mengzhu was still indignant at the captain's low opinion of others, the sound of a car horn came from the entrance of the police station. She turned around and saw that Long Zhenghao was looking at her from the driver's seat.

It was the advanced A8. Other than the fact that the car was covered in dust, there was no other problem. Ling Meng Zhu was finally relieved, and quickly walked over and opened the car door, sitting inside. She looked at him and asked: "How is it? Is the car okay? "

"Ugh …" I haven't found any problems with it yet. " Long Zheng gave her a sidelong glance before he started the car and drove in the direction of the hospital.

Having finished worrying about the fines, Ling Meng Zhu asked, "How much was the penalty?"

"What is it? Do you want to pay the price? "

"Ugh …" Can I pay in installments? You know, I'm poor. " Ling Mengzhu's face fell. It couldn't be that he really wanted her to compensate him, right?

Of course, Long Zhenghao didn't dare to expect her to compensate him. He knew that she was very poor, and what she said wasn't wrong. She drove without a license and went through red lights because of him. She was his savior, so naturally, he would not repay her kindness with hatred.

Although he would not casually express his gratitude, it did not mean that he did not know how to be thankful. Otherwise, he would not have helped her pay the electricity and water bills to settle the matter of breaking the lights.

Seeing that he did not answer her, Ling Mengzhu did not ask any further. She was ashamed and returned to her trance state. The man beside her was her ex-husband, but she didn't even know about his basic family situation or his job details.

From what she knew, Long Zhenghao was a pharmacist and occasionally a doctor. Long Zhenghao had said himself that when he was in a bad mood, he liked to sue. As for which profession was his real occupation, she had no idea.

He seemed to be quite rich. If he was just a doctor or a pharmacist, it would be impossible for him to earn that much money, right? There were many questions she was waiting for Long Zhenghao to answer. Unfortunately, with Long Zhenghao's nonchalant personality, it was impossible for him to ask so many questions. She could only dream about it every day.

Long Zhenghao went to have a check-up, and the report indicated that he had recovered quite well. He was teased by Dr. Zhang, "Doctor Long, you did a really good job of keeping the secret. Such a beautiful and wise wife has been hiding her at home all this time."

As she spoke, she cast an ambiguous glance at Ling Mengzhu, who was answering the phone at the entrance of the treatment room.

Long Zhenghao pointed at the direction of Ling Meng Pearl with a disdainful expression on his face, "She? You said she's wise? "

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Dr. Zhang did not understand.

Long Zhenghao shrugged, "It's nothing, I just don't like your looks." That's right, in his eyes, Ling Mengzhu was just a woman who had been careless, spicy and hateful. She was also the woman who had brought him disaster. She was not even close to the word 'virtuous'.

"What's wrong? I thought she was very wise. She took care of you so much during your stay in the hospital that I was touched. Although I said that I didn't want to stay in the hospital, I really couldn't bear to let her hand you over to a nurse. " Dr. Zhang shook his head and smiled, "This kind of woman is the one who truly cares about you.

Long Zhenghao quietly listened to Doctor Zhang's words. He knew that it was Ling Mengzhu who took care of him during those few days, but he had always thought that she was willing to stay in the hospital because he took her in. Furthermore, he had been constantly clamoring about wanting to leave. As for whether it was as Doctor Zhang said, he really didn't know.

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