The West Sea community's first-class community service chair not only contained a variety of recreational facilities, but also an air-car beauty center. Everything was for free. Long Zhenghao had stayed here for too long, the moment the car entered the beauty salon, the waiter came out and asked with a smile, "Mr. Long, do you want to clean up inside?"

Ling Mengzhan pushed the door open and jumped out, saying: "It's mainly about washing up inside. Wash it clean."

When the waiter saw the blood in the car, he was shocked and stared at it in astonishment. After a long while, he finally shifted his gaze onto Ling Meng Zhu. Ling Mengzhu innocently shrugged her shoulders and said, "Mr Long was in a car accident. I helped him wash the car."

"May I ask who Miss is?" The waitress immediately looked at Ling Meng Zhu warily. After all, it was someone else driving Long Zhenghao's car and there was a pool of blood inside. Anyone who saw it would suspect that something happened.

Ling Mengzhu laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a murderer. Long Zhenghao is now in the First Hospital for emergency treatment." My name is Ling Mengzhu, and I'm her friend. I live in the same house as her.

"Really?" Although the waiter asked this question, he still hinted to his colleagues to go to the properties to find out more information about Ling Meng Zhu. If she was a good friend and Long Zhenghao was in the midst of emergency treatment, there was no reason for her to not be worried at all.

Ling Mengzhan was speechless, and nodded, "Do I look like a bad person? "Hurry up and wash the car, I'm going back to rest."

The attendant lowered her head and began washing the car. She waited until someone else had finished looking up the information and returned and confirmed that Ling Mengzhu was not a bad person before handing the car over to her with relief. She also said that she hoped Long Zhenghao would recover soon.

Ling Mengzhu thanked them and turned on the engine to leave the beauty salon. Just as she was about to drive the car back to the underground parking lot. The phone suddenly rang at this moment. Why was he calling so late? He took out the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. Since he didn't need any money to answer the phone, he pressed the answer button and asked, "Hello, am I Ling Mengzhu?"

The voice on the other side of the phone said urgently, "Hello, Miss Ling. This is the First Hospital. Mister Long needs to perform a cardiac suture surgery. Please come over and sign your name. The injured are about to die, so please come over quickly."

Ling Mengzhan was stupefied at these words and cried out in alarm: "Wait! Why should I? I... I'm not his relative, and isn't Liang Jia his confidant? If you want to sign, she should be the one to do so, right? "

As Ling Mengzhu said this, she pulled the steering wheel with her other hand and drove in the direction of the district's entrance.

The doctor asked in bewilderment, "Miss Liang said you are his cousin, so you can sign. As for Miss Liang, doctors are not allowed to casually sign her. If you don't sign it, you won't be able to... "

"Hey!" Are you sure you're not mistaken?! " Ling Mengzhu cried out in shock, "Didn't you say that it was a heart suture procedure? If you don't do it, won't he die? Who's a doctor like you? He's a colleague of yours, isn't he? "

The person on the other side of the phone replied in a friendly tone, "Miss, this is a rule set by the hospital. If you don't have a relative's signature, you won't be able to perform the surgery. Otherwise, if there's any accident, our doctor will be responsible."

"That …" If I sign, I won't be held responsible? " Ling Mengzhu was depressed. If Long Zhenghao died, didn't they want her to take responsibility? What kind of responsibility could she bear? If his true kin were to ask her for someone else, then...

Forget it, let's take responsibility for it! At most, she would just go to the Heaven's Cliff. Ling Mengzhan steeled her heart, gritted her teeth, and said, "Then you have to operate on him as soon as possible. I'll be right there. I'll definitely sign your name!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone and stepped heavily on the accelerator. The car shot out like an arrow.

The car sped along the main road. Fortunately, it was already past midnight and there were fewer cars on the road. Along the way, they didn't even see many red lights. As they drove out of the West Sea area, she was still secretly rejoicing at the good conditions of the road. In front of her, she could see the glaring red and blue lights flashing.

Although she hadn't driven a car in the last two years that she could remember, no … Yesterday, he opened Hu Chang's mini. However, he still knew about the lights of these Night Devils. He immediately panicked … Could it be that he was that unlucky?

But the road didn't take a sharp turn, and the police wouldn't be so stupid as to find a place where they could turn the corner. Like a fish caught in a net, Ling Mengzhu had no choice but to step on the brakes. Before she could stop the car, she saw two policemen in uniform waving towards her and knocking on the window with a serious expression on their faces.

Ling Mengzhu rolled down the window and, without waiting for the police to investigate, smiled saying: "Sir police officer, I'm sorry. Can we talk later? "I have something urgent to do right now, so it's really very urgent."

"I'm sorry Miss, please show me your driver's license." Without giving her any face, the police officer stretched out his hand to her.

A driver's license, if she had a driver's license she wouldn't have such a big head, just that she didn't have one. He could only continue to plead, "Sir police, I really have something urgent to do. My husband is in a hurry to get the operation done, the hospital is calling me to come over and sign it. If I don't go now, it'll be too late."

"Miss, if you save the time to talk nonsense and get your driver's license, you can save each other a lot of time. "Also, I just received a notice that someone here is running through dozens of red lights and the number plate of the car is your Audi." This is his job, and he doesn't care if you're in a hurry or if your husband is in a hurry for surgery, and he says that most people who are in a hurry are probably faking it and trying to fool them. No way!

Ling Mengzhu was depressed, did she just run dozens of red lights? Did he just charge so much? She didn't even feel it herself. Even if there was, it was to save Long Zhenghao's life, she was innocent!

"Miss, your driver's license." repeated the policeman, tiredly, and crooked her a finger.

Ling Mengzhan's mouth opened but no words came out. She could only say shamelessly, "Sorry, I forgot to bring it out …"

"Then that's it. Miss, please get off. There's something wrong with this car, we need to drag it back and investigate it properly." The police opened the door and motioned for her to get out. He also posed as a traffic police officer, preventing them from committing even more crimes.

Ling Mengzhu clearly knew that her little arms and legs couldn't hurt Long Zhenghao, but it would only buy her more time. Long Zhenghao was still waiting for her to save him. She had no choice but to get out of the car, thinking that she could leave just like that. Unexpectedly, she still had a lot of formalities to complete, and by the time she could finally leave, an hour or two had already passed.

In desperation, she saw a rare taxi coming from afar and immediately rushed forward fearlessly. She stopped in the middle of the road and waved her hands as she called out, "Stop! Stop the car right now! "

The chauffeur stopped the car, she rushed up to open the door, and got in the car, only to be scolded by the chauffeur, "Miss, do you want to die? Do you know that this is dangerous? Do you know that even if you don't want to live, I don't want to die either? "

"I know, I know …" I'm really sorry, we've troubled the First Hospital, I have urgent matters to attend to. "

The driver shook his head as he started the car's engine. Ling Mengzhu speechlessly propped up her forehead. If such a good car was taken by the police, would they still be able to get it back? What if I can't get it back? Long Zhenghao didn't know if he'd give her her skin or not. "Ugh …" Now, it was unknown whether Long Zhenghao was still alive or not. Although he didn't want him to live, he still wanted him to live!

When they arrived at the hospital's emergency room, Long Zhenghao was in the midst of performing an operation. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait for her signature before doing so. Ling Meng Yu let out a sigh of relief and went to the nurse to sign her name. She felt that she had gone crazy, to sign her name on Long Zhenghao's family list, how could she just randomly sign it!

Besides, what kind of relationship did she have with Long Zhenghao? It had been two or three months since he'd gotten to know her. It was either noisy or noisy when he met her, and it was more appropriate for them to have a relationship as enemies.

Perhaps because she was too sleepy, Ling Mengzhu leaned back in her chair and fell asleep. After who knows how long, she was suddenly shaken awake and opened her eyes to find a doctor. Seeing her wake up, that doctor patted her on the heart and said, "It's okay, I thought you were too sad and fainted, it's good that you woke up."

Ling Mengzhan unconsciously wiped the corner of her mouth, and tidied up her messy hair. Looking at the wide open door of the operation room, she asked: "Doctor, is the operation done? How is my cousin? Is everything all right? "

The doctor nodded. "It's not bad. The operation was successful. If we could survive for the next three days, we would be able to survive." The doctor straightened his back and continued, "The nurse has already transferred him to the intensive care unit. Miss must take good care of him. If anything happens, inform the staff immediately."

"Ah?" Oh... "I understand." Ling Mengzhu could only agree in her desperation. She was wondering why none of Long Zhenghao's relatives or friends showed up. Were they all so cold-blooded? At any rate, he was already critically ill.

The doctor left after giving his instructions, leaving Ling Mengzhu in a daze as she sat on a chair. After being stunned for a while, she stood up and walked towards the so-called intensive care ward. Through the glass door, she saw Long Zhenghao lying on the bed with a pale face, motionless, as if he had lost his life. This was the first time she saw such a quiet Long Zhenghao.

In front of the bed, Liang Jia was making up a bed for him while crying. She probably cried the moment she saw Long Zhenghao, her eyes red and swollen. At this moment, he was wearing a white robe and had a sleepy look on his face.

Ling Mengzhu pushed the door open and walked in. She looked at Long Zhenghao, not knowing what to do. She wasn't Long Zhenghao's relative, nor was she his friend. She had only interacted with him a few times, and they had always been at loggerheads.

"Miss Ling, you're here." When Liang Jia saw her enter, she sniffed and lowered her voice.

Ling Mengzhu pointed at Long Zhenghao on the bed and asked softly, "Where's his family?" Why didn't any of them appear? "

Liang Jia's face was filled with surprise. She looked at her with a puzzled expression and asked, "I was just about to ask you this question, why didn't you contact his family? Although we are colleagues, no one knows how to contact his family. "

"Ugh …" I can't get in touch either. " Ling Mengzhu was speechless. How could she have forgotten that she was currently appearing as Long Zhenghao's cousin? The hospital was counting on her as a relative to take care of everything. This could be considered as... What bad luck?

"Fortunately, Zhenghao and your cousin are here. I really wonder where he went to find his relatives." Liang Jia said.

Ling Mengzhu dryly laughed a few times. Other than dryly laughing, she didn't know what else she could do to express herself. It was really good …

Liang Jia put on her mask and spoke again, "Miss Ling, please take good care of Zhenghao. I am still on duty and will come to see him when I get off work. We must pay more attention to his reaction. If there is anything, inform us immediately. "

"Alright, I understand." Ling Mengzhu promised with a bitter face. She also had to work early next week, so how could she have the time to take care of this man? Although CEO Liu had asked her to stay, she was still very reluctant. She was just waiting for her little braid.

After Liang Jia left, Ling Mengzhu looked around the ward, it was frighteningly quiet. She walked to Long Zhenghao's bedside and sat down. Her sleepiness quickly caused her to fall asleep. After a busy night, she was truly tired!

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