High Above

Chapter 85: peace and tranquility

  Chapter 85 Peace and Tranquility

   "You killed the survivor of the **** team, even for the sake of insurance, it was too rough. At the very least, you should let me ask the situation first, maybe you can get more information."

Yam's accusation was quite bitter and merciless: "If he could take us to the 'Holy Land' he escaped from, maybe we would have achieved our goal a few years ago, and we wouldn't have to fight the natives now. A muddleheaded fight, so many well-trained good guys died."

   "This is indeed my mistake."

   After being silent for a while, Viscount Grant waved his hand wearily: "I know what you mean by telling me not to be impulsive, and to let the natives realize that we already know the existence of their real holy land...but it may be too late."

He shook his head and said, "Molin, that guy who was lucky enough to run back from the big storm. He is a devout Huaiguang believer—he said that he would tell the bishop about the aborigine holy land he discovered, and then dispatch together to destroy the vicious trap A strange place with an altar of adultery."

   "I didn't want to kill him at first, and even planned to reward him later, but when I ordered him to keep silent and prepared to let you come and put him under house arrest, this guy actually wanted to run away..."

   Speaking of this, the Viscount gave a 'tsk' sound: "Rough? I even think I'm easy to talk! Can't he see that this matter is not something he can participate in?"

   "Do you think I don't want to save those possible **** survivors? They are all knights I trained myself! All young guys I watched grow up!"

Until then, it was only from Viscount Grant's weary tone that he could be heard that he was an elderly man who was close to sixty years old: "But if the Huaiguang Church and even the emperor know about this... the father's order, the late emperor's order The mission, the mission of the family, and my dream... nothing will remain..."

   "But master, you can still save his life..."

  Yam didn't really want to accuse his lord, he just reminded Viscount Grant to stop being impulsive: "The bishop seems to know something already, if it doesn't work, maybe we can also cooperate with him 'himself'."

  The knight emphasized the tone of the word "I", obviously wanting to put aside the Huaiguang Church and cooperate with the bishop personally.

   "Yam, it's not that simple."

  Grant said helplessly: "Unlike the Church of Spiritual Equipment, the Retreating Order is different from the Hall of All Souls. The clergy on Huaiguang's side will never betray the order."

   "Their spiritual power comes from their belief in the 'Light of Huaiguang' and their 'firm belief' in the 'Proverbs'. They will never lie, they will uphold justice, they will be selfless, and they will abide by their creed."

   "But also because of this, there is absolutely no way they are 'our people'."

   "This is troublesome."

  Knowing the strictness of this psionic ability, Yam frowned: "It seems that it can only be postponed."

   "Yes, hold off on planning."

  Close your eyes and sit back in your seat, Viscount Grant lost in memory.

  Since the Dark Moon turmoil more than 20 years ago, the originally revived empire was on the verge of civil strife.

  But when the former emperor Inaiga II died, the crown prince died, two princes, a duke, God knows how many noble knights and high-level sublimated people returned to the sea of ​​​​underworld.

  The current emperor Axel, the 'Guardian of the Land', with the support of the Eastern Cavalry, defeated several of his brothers and sisters and ascended to the throne.

  He stabilized the situation in a very short period of time and reorganized the military and political core, so that even if the empire suffered such a major change, he did not lose even a piece of land under the prying eyes of any foreign enemies.

   But the national power of the empire cannot be unaffected.

  During the reign of Emperor Xian, he carried out large-scale construction projects, and at the same time sent a large number of pioneering and immigrant groups in the south, west, and northeast... This is certainly a waste of time and money, but it is also the first time that the empire has opened up new territories since the third Dark Mountain turmoil.

  Harrison Port, located at the edge of the southern border, is one of them, and it shoulders an extremely important task.

   "The Great Relics Group of the South China Sea..."

  The viscount murmured.

  The Grant family is the late emperor's confidantes, and they have a secret mission to open up the southern border. While constructing the port in the far frontier, it is also necessary to make preliminary preparations for the future development of the ruins.

   This is a long-term task of more than 30 years, but it is not too difficult, because with the emperor's secret support, the most difficult early accumulation can be skipped directly.

But no one could have imagined that, just as the sun is rising, Inaiga II, who overwhelmed the entire continent of Terra, would die suddenly... Even the Seven Cities Alliance, which has the closest relationship with the empire, and the Flying Flame Kingdoms, which have been at odds for many years, could not believe it , I think this is an overly exaggerated strategic deception.

  When the emperor passed away, the secret mission really became a secret, especially since the Dark Moon riot almost wiped out all the noble ministers in the court from the very beginning. The Grant family who shouldered the mission really couldn't tell.

  —These people are all dead, who knows their identities and hard work!

  After many years, no one knows why Harrison Port was established. The development of Nanling was attributed to "another big plan of the late emperor who was very successful and costly", so it has always been ignored.

   Until recently, perhaps the imperial capital wanted to build a maritime trade route center in the south, and then turned its attention back to Port Harrison.

   "The natives of the redwood forest cannot be eliminated."

Opening his eyes, Viscount Grant confirmed his thoughts: "Otherwise, our construction and achievements will be easily taken away by visitors from the imperial capital—my father and I have fought on this land for 50 years, and I don't mind fighting for another 50 years." , but we must not let the group of brainless fat people in the imperial capital think that our place is a good piece of fat."

   "Until the real entrance to the South China Sea Great Ruins is found, everything will remain as usual. Yam, I don't trust anyone except you."

   "Master." The knight also sighed. He looked tired but determined: "I will fight for you."

In the 766th year of the Terra calendar, on September 18th, a big storm started from the far south sea, and hit Harrison Harbor, the Big Sequoia Forest, the Elephant Bone Mountain, and the Sighing Cliff in turn, and collided with the Borat Lore Peak in the Baisen Mountains. Afterwards, wandering towards the northwest.

  The huge waves it set off along the way destroyed seven coastal fishing villages in the Frodo Autonomous Region. Both the Empire Odor and the Moldore colonies were hit by flash floods and mudslides, and the losses were extremely heavy.

   On the day when the storm started, under the call of the great shaman, Animu Mire, the indigenous tribes of the Sequoia Forest formed a coalition force and simultaneously attacked Port Harrison, Three Rivers City, and Anmore Town.

  Under the heroic counterattack of Viscount Grant, Governor of Port Harrison, the aboriginal coalition forces were repelled, and the aboriginal totem master, the spirit of the mountain tide, was severely injured.

  However, as the main battlefield, Harrison Port suffered heavy losses. More than 300 soldiers were killed, citizens died successively, and more than 2,000 people were missing.

According to the follow-up interrogation of the captives, it can be known that the plague of "Flickering Mosquito" that occurred in the Midra Mountain Autonomous Region and the Odor Colony was deliberately spread by the indigenous people. From time to time, flashes like flying mosquitoes will light up in the patient's vision, and appear Strong, mosquito-like auditory hallucinations, although not life-threatening, make it difficult for the patient to work and move.

In the 766th year of the Terra calendar, on September 21st, a large storm completely merged into the Wandering Ocean, and the huge amount of rainfall created many barrier lakes and new swamps in the northwest of the Baisen Mountains. The flying flames at the other end of the Absalom Mountains have sensed it.

  On September 22, the distant sea was calm, the clouds dissipated, and the sun shone on the land again.

  The storm also ceased.

  Harrison Port, a city that has experienced storms and wars, has become dilapidated due to continuous battle damage and heavy rain.

   But at this moment, it still ushered in the final victory, as well as peace and tranquility.

  (end of this chapter)

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