High Above

Chapter 101: bitter dream

  Chapter 101 Bitter Dream

  Terra 768, June 23, twelve o'clock noon.

  Accompanied by the ringing of the church bell in the city center, another drizzle fell, filling the world with velvet-like rain.

  The brilliance of the sun has not weakened in the slightest, the rain clouds parted the cracks, and the beams of light like a ladder of swords fell down to the land and the sea one after another, interlacing and flashing.

  Coastal street, in the courtyard of a single-family stone house, a little boy with white hair is squatting in the corner of the yard, watching the ants with great interest.

  This boy is about three or four years old, with smooth white shoulder-length short hair, purple eyes staring at the bugs crawling on the ground, the corners of his mouth are raised, and he looks very happy.

  The boy's ears are slightly pointed at the top, which is the characteristic of an elf, but if he has to say it, he is a pure-blooded white people in a certain sense.

  On the continent of Terra, there are many tribes. The people of chalk, the people of red sand, the people of gold, the people of black iron, elves, dwarves, sea-born and sub-humans, halflings and bug-men... I have to count them one by one, and then count the branches below each big clan , I am afraid it is enough for a book.

  However, no matter who they are, whether they are orcs or elves, insects or people of gold, all races can intermarry and give birth to offspring that can reproduce normally.

   It's just that offspring of different ethnic groups cannot give birth to mixed blood in the true sense, but can only breed pure blood with some characteristics of another ethnic group.

   Even, there will be a strange situation where demihumans and iron people marry and give birth to twins, the elder brother has animal ears, and the younger brother is the iron people.

  According to scholars' research, the ancestors of the various races can even be traced back to almost the same group of ancestors. The initial ancestors called "primitive people" were the common ancestors of the Terra races and even the pre-epoch civilization.

  The boy watched the ants intently, even though it was raining lightly outside, he didn't realize it.

  Grass ants in the Baisen Mountains are smaller than ordinary land ants, only less than one centimeter long. They generally don't appear in cities, because there is no leaf rot for them to "cultivate" in human cities.

They feed on fungi, and the rotting leaves of plants and trees are their natural farmland. It is said that in the underground of some deep mountains and old forests, there will be huge cities of grass ants, where there will be extremely rare ectoplasmic fungal flora, whose value is far greater than Royal jelly is the best nutrition.

But even so, some grass ant colonies occasionally appear in the city—maybe the huge city edge of grass ants has spread to this place, or a group of immigrant ant colonies decided to develop their homes here, in any case, this is a soul-stirring enough The grand story, the legendary epic.

   It's just that most people can't see it, and they won't pay attention. Adults always think about things that are too grand and ethereal, while children are always keen to find these small pleasures.

   "Ant, hardworking, cute."

  Muttering in a low voice, the boy didn't touch these grass ants, not because his brother told him to, but because he didn't want to disturb the lives of these little creatures.

  In this way, in the drizzle, the boy watched quietly as the ants carried the leaves and cut weeds into the pit not far away.

   Between the clouds and the light, there was the sound of slow footsteps, and then stopped.

    嘿, 咱, 咒.

  A figure stood by the courtyard, the sound of iron boots hitting the stone path stopped, and a man watched the child with interest.

The man was wearing a black full-body heavy armor with golden-red lines on the edges. The bright eyes of the sun were engraved on the arms and shoulders, and the helmet with the same emblem on the forehead was held in his arms, revealing a Zhang Junmei's face.

  With pure black seaweed-like hair, the decadent-looking man squinted at the boy, and the boy was also engrossed in the ants.


   After a while, it was confirmed that the child was indeed concentrating on observing the ants, and he didn't even notice that the man he came was approaching the courtyard. He squatted down, and said through the wooden railing that was indistinguishable from the original: "Are you watching the ants?"


   Sensing that someone was talking to him, the boy with purple eyes responded with a big smile. He said happily: "Ant, very responsible! Admiration, cute!"

   "...Is that so?"

  Noticing the child's peculiar way of speaking, the man lowered his eyes and said thoughtfully: "But all the actions of the ants follow the orders of the queen. It is not so much a responsibility as a blind loyalty."

   "Working all day long, without thinking or dreaming, is such a purposeless creature that exists only for the queen and the continuation of the group, is it really cute?"

   The boy obviously didn't fully understand this, but after thinking about it, he said seriously: "Loyal and cute!"


  Afterwards, he looked at the ants and smiled slightly: "The ants don't, but I do!"

   "Haha, what do you compare to ants?"

  The man laughed dumbfoundedly: "Really...you are so young, do you know what thoughts and dreams are?"

  He didn't laugh at it, but just sat down cross-legged in the rain like a very boring person, and asked patiently: "Then what is your dream?"

  He just wanted to admire the child's distressed or slurred speech, but he didn't expect that the boy would think seriously and then give an answer.

   "Get rid of it, stuttering."

  The sharp ears trembled slightly, the boy raised his fingers with a serious expression, and counted them one by one: "Learn, math."

   "Help, brother."

   "It's big, take care, uncle."

   "Become, big shot!"

   "It seems that it's gone... That's right! And! My brother said..."

  At first, the man just planned to listen to the fun, but his expression became more serious later on, and the boy was still wringing his fingers with a happy face: "Let Nanling, peace!"

   "Go everywhere, look at the stars!"

   "Everyone, eat a lot, a lot of meat!"

   "Build a super-large ship that can fly!"

Several times, the man wanted to speak and say 'enough' - he already knew that this child might have a stutter, but he was actually very smart, even if he didn't understand it, but being able to say so many concepts was enough to prove the other party's thinking ability Not ignorant children.

   But he was still silent, listening to the toddler cheerfully counting to ten: "Finally! Finally!"

   "We, go together, the end of the world!"

   "Yeah!" Nodding seriously, the boy was very happy: "This is, wish. Brother, tell me!"

  “…clear, definite, passionate.”

   "Your brother is a good brother. You are also very good."

   Standing up slowly, the man silently raised his head, staring at the blue South China Sea in the distance.

  His eyes went straight to the bottom of the distant deep sea, the deep and deep shadow, and then shook his head slightly: "It's a pity... I don't dare to expect so much."

   Lifting his head, the man glanced at the dark clouds in the sky, then stretched out his hand, touched the white-haired boy's head, and urged: "Go back to the room, the rain will become heavier soon."

   As soon as the voice fell, a flash of lightning pulled out a branch line in the sky, thunder exploded, and the rain suddenly became heavier.

   "Yeah! Brother, I also said that."

  Seeing that the rain was getting heavy, the boy also got up, and he waved goodbye to the man who also waved goodbye with a smile! : "Goodbye! I don't know you, big brother."

   "Goodbye. You should be called Uncle."

  The man smiled and watched the boy trot all the way back to his home.

  He stopped in place. In the heavy rain, the smile on the man's face slowly faded and he became expressionless.

  Standing in silence, he thought for a long time, then squatted down and looked at the ants on the ground.

  The torrential rain broke up the grass ants' team.

  Some returned to the cave early, some were drowned in the water, some were dispersed from the team, and some were still desperately paddling ripples under the impact of the water.

   Those ants that had been rescued long ago naturally disappeared, and the ants that had died long ago were washed away.

   Those who can be seen are still struggling.


  He stretched out his hand and picked one out of the ants submerged in the water. The man looked at the grass ant that kept waving its tentacles and forelimbs and opened and closed its mouthparts, and whispered to himself: "We are very similar, aren't we?"

  He crushed the ant and tasted it.


  The man stood up, and he put the helmet back on.

  The imperial envoy stepped away, and the sound of heavy steps sounded again.

   This time, the direction he was heading was the city center where Viscount Grant's mansion was located.

   "I'm back...Elan, didn't you foolishly watch ants in the rain today?"

  In the evening, after returning from making up lessons from Elder Purdue, Ian heard a cheer on the spot, and then saw a mass of white shadow rushing into his arms.

Ian's body trembled slightly, dispelling the force of his younger brother's charge—although he was only ten years old and his body hadn't grown yet, but under Hilliard's two years of intensive training, even a wild boar's charge, he Can completely dissipate, let alone a four-year-old Terran cub?

   "No, I'm very good!"

   "Oh? Well, very good."

   Rubbing his head against his brother, Elan said cheerfully, while Ian calmly reached out and touched his brother's hair and clothes. Well, it's not very wet, and it will take a while if it really gets wet.

  Although the people of Terra don't care about this light rain at all, it is almost impossible to catch a cold because of it...but what if? There are no antibiotics and antipyretics in this world.

   "Go and play by yourself. After dinner, I will continue to teach you how to read and count."

Patting his younger brother on the head, Ian signaled Elan to continue taking care of the potted plants in his own room—strange to say, Elan usually likes to watch ants and grass sprout, and he can stare at a potted plant happily. A small grass did not move its nest all afternoon.

  At first, Ian thought it might be a sequela of sleep powder, but after hearing Hilliard's reminder and thinking of the "elven blood", the boy couldn't help but understand.

  —Know everything, elf.

  Although he still doesn’t know what an elf is in this continent of Terra, which is inexplicably armed with super giant beasts and ethers, and has genetically modified people per capita, but now it seems that it is probably not too outrageous.

  Since Elan likes it, then Ian will let him go, especially after he realizes that this kind of happy emotion can more or less heal some of Elan's perceptual obstacles.

  Especially this little guy can sing very well, much better than him.

   "Teacher has been working hard recently. After the disguise work is over, I will go directly to the open sea to investigate."

  After predicting for a while, Ian planned to cook. He felt that there was a high probability that Hilliard would not need to be prepared today. The other party must have settled the matter outside and came back the next morning.

  But after thinking about it, he still shook his head: "Forget it, let's save a few meatloaf sandwiches. It's a pity that we can't bake bread at home, otherwise it would be really easy to make a cod castle."

  Thinking of this, Ian's eyes lit up with water-colored brilliance.

   This is a daily routine—he would habitually use his psionic powers to scout his surroundings every day when he came back.

  Ian thought that today is the same as every day in the past, life is like this, always day after day, there is no difference, and there is no abnormality worthy of praise.

  However, the boy who was preparing to chop meat suddenly stopped what he was doing.

  He frowned, turned his head sideways, and looked in the direction of his brother.

  Ian's eyes flashed with a warm light blue aura, like a faintly shining firefly in the dimly lit room.

   And now, extraordinary colors are reflected in the fireflies.


  He murmured in his heart: "I haven't seen you in two years, **** mist..."

   "Also, the new dark purple mist?"

   Today's update has a total of 14,000 words, which is the last big explosion of the free period! It will be on the shelves at 0:00 on April 1st, and there will be 10 more guaranteed outbreaks!

   Seeing that I have updated so many times, if you are destined, please support a first order!



  (end of this chapter)

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