Hidden Corners

Chapter 272: Chapter 272

After opening the door and getting in the car, Li Chengyi paused, but didn't say where to go right away.

"Boss?" Zhou Xingtong looked back at him.

The cultivation method has been found, and now the most urgent task is to find a holy baby with good talent and good background, and start to help him practice.

Li Chengyi is very busy. After choosing the Holy Infant, he has to continue to search for the Palace of Sinking.

The threat of the blind spot is approaching step by step, and if you slow down a little, something may happen.

"Suiyang is still too young." He suddenly sighed.

"Yes, it's only a small town after all." Zhou Xingtong replied.

"Let's go back." Li Chengyi didn't plan to find someone in Suiyang. The plate here is too small. Even if he finds one or two suitable ones, it will be because of insufficient background and insufficient resources.

What kind of person would be willing to practice a practice of unknown origin?

This is the major prerequisite for the selection of the Holy Child.

The answer is that those who are desperate and need strength must have the endorsement of someone who can prove the practice.

Individual choices and methods kept flashing through Li Chengyi's mind.

Suddenly a person jumped into his mind.

Taking out his mobile phone, he found the address book and made a call.

After picking up the phone and saying a few words, he hung up.

"Boss, where are you going?" Zhou Xingtong asked again.

"Book me a Korean ticket."

"Korean language?" Zhou Xingtong was stunned. It is the second largest super-giant city in the entire Yi country, and it is also a self-circulating city.

Why do you suddenly and inexplicably want to go to Korean language?

But she immediately reacted and agreed.

"Okay. It's just that the Korean side needs to apply for an additional certificate"

"I'm a member of the local federation, I don't need it, just book it directly." Li Chengyi replied.

The first holy baby, he plans to go to Chaoyu to find the target.

As for Suiyang, the provincial capital, and even Fengnan Province as a whole, are too small.

There are too few targets to find.

Moreover, with Big Bear and Boss controlling the company, Longmen Hang and Rainbow Candy are now in the third rank, so it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the Quanxin Group.

After all, third-tier strength is enough to run rampant in most small places.

No matter how bad it is, there is still Liu Tongbei to help. The most urgent task is to quickly find the Holy Infant and start practicing the exercises.




Long An City.

The teacher's dormitory building of Long'an University of Science and Technology.

Tang Yuwei put down the detailed explanation of the principle of the flying instrument in her hand, and sighed.

Without the injection of strengthening needles, the body cannot be strengthened, so there is no way to become a real pilot.

She was born with a drug allergy constitution, which completely cut off all hopes on the road of flying instrument master.

Even if she is talented, but her physical strength is not strong enough, her consciousness is not strong enough, everything is false.

Picking up the cup and taking a sip of water, Tang Yuwei saw a small note stuck on the outside of the cup.

'Drink plenty of water, there is a bowl of white fungus and red date soup on the table'

It's Dad.

Tang Yuwei was slightly touched in her heart.

That's why she worked so hard and desperately to become an instrument pilot and change the status quo.

Her father spent too much money and energy to treat her allergies.

But until now.

Even an ordinary pilot, she couldn't do it.

The result that cannot be strengthened is that in the future, only logistics and theoretical research can be done.

Her father has already arranged her work.

Stay in school and join the job, clerical. Fifteen thousand a month, not high or low, but stable enough.

An iron rice bowl that has been able to work for decades.

Thinking of those classmates who looked at her with a little look down and pity, Tang Yuwei felt as if a needle was pricking her heart, feeling depressed and uncomfortable.

But she can't help it, since graduation, she and other classmates will take two completely different paths.

Can't become a flying instrument master, her father has already started planning a blind date meeting for her.

Perhaps, he has pinned his hopes on her next generation.

But. She doesn't want to do this.

In no mood

Jingle jingle.

The phone rang.

Tang Yuwei's clenched fist suddenly loosened, and she picked it up to have a look.

Li Chengyi.

She paused and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Junior Brother, what's up so late?"

"Senior Sister, have you tried the medicine I gave you last time? Did it work?" Li Chengyi's voice came from the microphone.

"Not yet. I've been busy recently, so I didn't think about it." Tang Yuwei was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, let's use it quickly, just take it with you, the effect is really good, you try it quickly, if it works, I also have a matching health exercise here, which is good for your body." Li Chengyi said.

"Okay, I'll try it in a while." Tang Yuwei agreed.

After hanging up the phone, she opened the drawer and took out the small bottle that Li Chengyi gave her earlier.

In the dark brown glass bottle, there was a purple-red ball, which rolled around in it with a slight shake.


Pulling off the lid, Tang Yuwei poured out the Hua Yuzhu and rolled it around in her palm.

This thing looked like glass beads, and she wondered if it was really edible.

But hearing what Li Chengyi said clearly and logically, he probably wouldn't lie to her about such a simple matter.

After all, this kind of thing is too easy to falsify.

'Then... try it! '

In any case, she had no other choice now.

Thinking of this, Tang Yuwei just started, closed her eyes, and stuffed Hua Yuzhu into her mouth.

She believed that her junior brother would not lie to her, maybe it would be useful?


The moment Hua Yuzhu entered her mind, she suddenly disappeared and disappeared completely.





Korean Language City.

The huge silver Milky Way flows slowly in the morning sky.

The entire city is in a huge circular shape, covering an area equivalent to fifteen Suiyangs.

In different urban areas, silver transport planes soared continuously, merging into the huge Milky Way in the sky, and after passing through the airport, they accelerated and flew towards the distance.

Some even fly into space.

Large and small aircraft, spaceships, drones, and even armed merchant ships are all coming and going in and out of the Tianhe River.

This is a river, and it is also a huge acceleration channel.


North Korea East District Catherine Bar.

All kinds of luxury cars and luxury aircraft are parked outside the bar.

This double-decker white bar, which looks like a huge Frisbee, is the leading and famous entertainment venue in the entire East Side.

The main body of the bar is not a building, but an abandoned disc-shaped spaceship, which was transformed.

At the entrance of the bar, a group of young people who got off the aircraft and luxury cars, dressed in all kinds of metal jackets with cool light and shadow, entered the hall talking and laughing.

On the right side of the hall entrance, a taxi stopped, the white door opened, and a tall man in a black coat and black round cap got out.

The man wore AR glasses, a black windbreaker, a black shirt and black trousers, and looked quite well dressed in black.

But here it seems vaguely out of place.

"This is Korean language." He raised his head and looked at the sharp tower-like buildings all around him.

All the building surfaces are silver, blue, or black and there is no fourth hue throughout the city.

On the surface of some buildings, blue electronic light as fine as eyes will flash.

The man lowered his head and looked at the passers-by around him.

Passers-by here are different from those outside.

Many of the clothes they wear will automatically play different animations or videos.

Behind the T-shirt someone is wearing is a green forest with birds circling. It's like a big mobile screen.

There was a robotic silver bird standing on the edge of someone's hat, jumping up and down with its tail up. Suddenly, it flew into the sky and exploded violently, turning into silver light spots and scattering.

Apparently it was just a projected image.

Someone unscrewed a bottle of a cola-like drink, and the sexy girl on the outer packaging of the drink suddenly moved, calling out in a shrill voice: You have won the lottery, have another bottle, another bottle!

"Really, it's completely different from the outside." The man retracted his gaze and sighed.

He was Li Chengyi who had just arrived in Chaoyu from Suiyang.

Since the circulation city has an extremely strict blockade to the outside world, the inspection of entry and exit is very strict. Because of the situation of the Silent Fortress, information in each city is not allowed to circulate.

So many people don't have much impression of self-circulation city.

And now.

Li Chengyi saw it with his own eyes, this sci-fi city was completely different from the outside world, and was at least decades ahead of science and technology.

"It's a worthwhile trip." He exhaled, and looked at the bar beside him, which was known as the most luxurious and high-end bar in the entire East District.

From getting off the plane to getting into the taxi, Li Chengyi's first words to the driver were to take him to the nearest and highest-grade entertainment venue nearby.

So here he is.

Catherine Bar.

As for why they came, it was naturally this kind of place, where it was easier to find upper-middle-class losers and make choices for the first Holy Infant candidate.

Before entering, Li Chengyi looked down at his somewhat eye-catching attire.

Turning a corner, he walked straight towards a clothing store on the right.

On both sides of the street, there are clothing stores, restaurants, and jewelry stores everywhere.

Not long after, a muscular, long-haired man in a simple black T-shirt and jeans came out of the clothing store.

A white skull was drawn on the men's T-shirt.

There was a cigarette dangling from the skull's mouth, the butt of the cigarette flickered on and off, and wisps of white smoke floated upwards.

It was a very simple outfit for young people, but this T-shirt alone cost Li Chengyi 3,000 yuan.

The dynamic pattern above can only be moved in the Korean language city.

But this is the entry preparation before entering the bar.

Li Chengyi put on the AR again, and stepped into the door of Catherine's bar.

At the moment of crossing the threshold, the original arch-shaped entry passage suddenly flashed and changed color quickly.

Li Chengyi raised his eyes and looked in.

In a huge oval-shaped hall, countless colored dreamy soap bubbles float in the air.

The walls and ceilings change scenes from time to time, from the sky to the cave, to the sea, to the universe and so on.

On a square stage below, there are band singers singing softly.

Surrounding the stage are large private rooms in the shape of soap bubbles.

Li Chengyi went in a few steps, looked at the surrounding environment, and scanned the guests who came in and out, looking for the most suitable baby boy.

The silent fortress of the self-circulation city is far stronger than the external city.

There was no way Skittle Candy could hack in, so he could only rely on him to find out by himself to investigate and collect information.

The most suitable holy baby target, the higher the level, the more suitable.

For example, the fringe children of the upper class nobles who are not valued by their parents, just like Zhu Rui.

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