This is an unimaginable loss to the Holy Empire.

First, the legions of the Church of Light were wiped out, then the Sealed Land was breached, and then the turmoil of the Dark Elves and Orcs.

The Holy Empire suddenly looked back, only to find that everything had suddenly developed to such a serious level.

Things are developing so fast, so fast... people in the Holy Empire can't believe it.

But in reality, they can't help but hesitate! The demon army that has spread out from the sealed land has all marched towards the next sealed land, and a large number of demons have also spread out and started attacking every village and town.

The demons bring only destruction! If there is no way to block the sealed land, then more demons will come to the Holy Continent.

Immediately, all the legions of the Falcon Principality, the Griffin Principality, and the Bull Principality all evacuated and returned to defend their own principalities.

The sealed land is surrounded by these three principalities, and the ravages of demons will surely ravage the three principalities, and it is impossible for them to stay to fight the dark elves and orcs now.

However, the rest of the principalities are still increasing their troops, the Greyhound Principality and the Unicorn Principality are both increasing their troops, and the army of the Wolf Principality is also increasing.

The chaos of the dark elves and the orcs is all controlled by the dark messengers.

The main force of the Church of Light was ambushed by the dark messengers, and the entire army was annihilated with heavy losses.

After talking with the Dragon Knights, they finally determined that the enemy who attacked the Sealed Land was the Dark Messenger.

Everything is brought together, and the threat brought by the embers is piled up to the highest point, which is the greatest threat shrouded in darkness.

Even if the devil is terrifying, after all, it has only broken a sealed place, and it has not yet reached the point where it can no longer be controlled.

The current Holy Empire is not the previous Holy Empire! In comparison, they had to completely destroy the embers before they could find a way to deal with the demons.

Therefore, the three 3 principalities have all gotten serious and started to mobilize legions.

In the western battlefield of the Crow Principality, the Unicorn Principality and the Greyhound Principality also joined forces to launch the most violent attack on the Dark Elves.

In order to attack Lin Jin, you must cut off Lin Jin's wings, and you must first get rid of the dark elves and orcs.

If Lin Jin's old lair is in the Desolate Forest, in fact, Lin Jin's base camp is on an island.

Judgement Knight Benadict is a veteran hero. When he passed through the portal, he had already recorded the current coordinates, and the location displayed on the magic map was on a remote island overseas.

As for going through the portal and attacking the embers! Then Benadict is... a lesson from the past! Going through the portal in the wild is extremely vulnerable to the enemy's ambush. If you don't have enough strength, no one will dare to do so.

They couldn't have taken... such a stupid way.

Therefore, if they want to attack Lin Jin, they must take the sea route and conduct an expedition.

No matter how bad it is, it is necessary to assemble a certain scale of crown troops before they can attack Lin Jin.

But the distance between the two sides is very far! Once they go on an expedition and gather their troops to attack from the sea, then Lin Jin leads the main force, mobilizes the legion, and cooperates with the dark elves and orcs to attack the Holy Empire in an all-round way.

In this way, everything is really irreversible.

If Lin Jin still has the remaining maps of the Sealed Land in his hand, or if he runs to help the demons, then even if the Holy Empire destroys Lin Jin's base camp, their Holy Empire will fall.

They couldn't have taken... such a stupid way.

Therefore, after considering all the factors, they can only honestly defeat the dark elves and orcs, restrain the demons, and then gather their strength to kill Lin Jin.

Perhaps, they can also force Lin Jin out and let Lin Jin fight them here.

In the eastern battlefield, the pressure faced by the dark elves instantly doubled.

However, at this time, all the dark elves had increased morale and were trying their best to resist.

When the sealed land was breached, they all discovered it immediately, and they all knew that the devil had returned to the world.

When the demons return to the human world, the pressure on the Holy Empire will instantly expand. As long as they persist, the Holy Principality will retreat again.

Compared to before, they now see hope.

"Queen Brianna, withdraw, we can't hold back here!"

In the dungeon of Coron Forest, a dark elf queen said in a deep voice.

After the Sealed Land was broken, the Sanctuary no longer cared about casualties, and attacked all the way, and the dark elves were defeated by the fierce attack.

After the defeat of the dark elves, the Sanctuary also specially assembled troops to attack the dungeon of the Coron Forest.

They know that this is the headquarters of the dark elves, the most powerful place.

Generally speaking, if they attack slowly and strike steadily, the sacrifice of troops will be minimal.

But now the situation is urgent, they can't care about playing steadily, they just want to eliminate all threats as quickly as possible.

Therefore, they resolutely attacked the place where the enemy's troops were the strongest.

The sanctuary is really in a hurry! "Well, shrink your strength and prepare to retreat!"

Brianna also nodded solemnly.

It has been going on here for a long time, if it persists, the loss will only get bigger and bigger, and it will be in vain.

She knew that now was not the time to fight recklessly.

The dark elves are different from the sanctuary. When necessary, they will not hesitate to give up the land where they have lived for many years.

However, just when Brianna was about to give an order and was about to retreat, she saw another dark elf running in: "Queen, the reinforcements from the Dark Messenger are here!"


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