Chapter 79 - Cruelty to War

I couldn't move my eyes from the glowering eyes of my dead enemy, and an overwhelming sense of guilt assailed me. "His wife and parents must be leaning against the window, looking out, hoping that he would return safely! His children also wanted to gather around him and listen to his stories about being a soldier and being a man. He was chasing him. Maybe he wanted to get a reward so that he could go back and bring some wealth back to his family so that they could live a better life. Yet, I … Even if he wanted to escape home and live a peaceful life, it would be impossible. He would go like this, his old parents, his wife and children were still waiting for him to raise them! What about his family? " When I thought of this, tears welled up in my eyes. I really hate myself now. I hate why I killed him, why I killed an ordinary soldier.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "No!" With another plop, the sword in my right hand fell to the ground. I clutched my head with both hands and screamed hysterically.

With a stumble, I fell to the ground. I clawed at the ground with both hands, trying to find something to rely on to calm my flustered and frightened heart. My left hand grabs something dripping, and I look at what I grab.

It's fine if I don't look! Upon seeing it, his jaw dropped! It was a severed arm! A bloody arm that had been chopped off with a sharp weapon! I threw my arms back and rolled and crawled forward in a hurry. I pushed with my feet and stood up, running like crazy. I want to escape this hell! Escape from this battlefield that was filled with slaughter, corpses, and blood!

I ran forward without caring about anything. I knew to run forward, to run forward, to leave this place! Leaving here is my best wish! All of a sudden, I tripped. When I looked closely, I realized that it was a dead body that tripped me! I was so frightened that my whole body was shaking.

I want to get up and run away from here, but I'm afraid I don't have the strength to stand up anymore! I only have one wish right now, and that is to leave this place as soon as possible! Get out of here!

"Ah!" "Hu!" One of the soldiers shouted out and forcefully waved his blade. The head of one of the enemy soldiers was sent flying by the broadsword! When the head flew out of the body, a thick pillar of blood spurted out from the neck, the crazy stream of blood scared everyone. When the head flew out of the body, a thick pillar of blood sprayed out from the neck.

Fly's head dropped in a parabola in midair, and I was surprised to find that the severed head was coming in my direction. My limbs and buttocks jerked back like a rowboat, and my head landed not far away. The pair of eyes that were filled with grievance after death were completely round, causing people to feel a chill down their spines.

I was so scared that I cried out, "Dad! Mother! Come and save Li Li'er! Come on! Father! "Mother!" I cried and screamed at the sky and the earth in all directions.

All of a sudden, a scene appeared in my mind:

"Brother!" Stop talking! I'm so scared! Don't say anymore! " The huge brother burst into laughter and said, "Little brother, you're a man, why are you so scared!" My body was shaking under the covers, and I was terrified. He continued, "When I was watching the execution, someone told me that if I shouted his name when his head left his neck, he would open his eyes and look at you! The eyes can see. "With his body gone, the severed head was still bleeding, and no one knew what it felt like when it was looked at …"

"Enough!" Enough! Stop talking! Don't say anymore! " I shouted hysterically because my heart was completely drowned in fear. My eyes were filled with pleading towards Fan Ju, and I hoped that he would stop speaking!

Fan Ju stared at me, and said sincerely: "Little brother, you are so cowardly, how can you carry the burden of our Fan Family in the future! You will be the clan leader in the future! " I looked at Fan Ju with a gaze of trust and said, "Big Brother, I won't be the Clan Master in the future! Big brother will let you do it! "

Fan Ju continuously shook his head, and said: "Younger brother, I have been causing trouble nonstop, the clan members hate me to death! If I were to become the Patriarch, I wouldn't be convinced by everyone! More importantly, my uncle was born from a concubine. My father and I were born from a concubine. According to the ancestor system, we are unable to continue the position of the clan leader! As the eldest son, you will be the only one to inherit the position of uncle! The prosperity of our Fan family depends entirely on you! Humph! If the ingrate in the clan dares to do something untoward, I will first let them have a taste of their suffering! The position of Patriarch is yours! "The Fan family will be yours in the future!" "You are a man. In the future, you must learn to be strong and protect your family and friends! Don't be afraid! You can do it! Because I know you haven't shown your full potential! You can do it! "

I looked at Fan Ju and pleaded, "Brother, will you protect me?" Fan Ju answered resolutely, "Little brother! You and I are brothers. As your big brother, I will definitely protect you! No matter when or where! "


"As an elder brother, I will definitely protect you! No matter when or where! " As soon as I thought of that, I shouted to the heavens, "Brother! Come quickly! Help me! Brother! You said you would protect me! Father! Mother! Where are you guys? " My cries attracted the attention of a burly man with a machete, who came at me with a machete in his hand! All I can see is the cold blade!

"I couldn't avoid the trembling, so I just stood there in a daze, waiting for death to come." "Bang!" "Ka-cha!" The crisp sound of bones breaking! One person used his own shoulder to help me block this strike. He endured the pain as he thrust the sword in his hand into his opponent's body. His opponent then fell to the ground while screaming in pain. I hastily held up the person who helped me block the sword. He is my house's servant, Fan Pu.

My tears continuously fell onto Fan Pu's body, because he had watched me grow up. Furthermore, after travelling with my father for so many years, I have always treated him as my own uncle. Fan Pu's powerless hands struggled to my face to wipe away the tears on my cheeks. He struggled to speak. Master is, just this root of yours! Live, live, live … "

I didn't want the rain to fall on his weak body. I wanted his wounds to heal up immediately, although that was impossible, but I was childish like that. I choked with sobs and said, "Uncle Pu, you'll be fine! You'll be fine! You'll be fine! " Two streams of blood flowed out from Fan Pu's mouth. He stared at me with his large eyes, as if he had hopes of death, but how could he ask Fan Pu to rest in peace? I shook Fan Pu and cried, "Uncle Pu, wake up! I promise you! I will live well! " After hearing what I said, Fan Pu, who was lying on the bend of my hand, closed his eyes and tilted his head. I cried and cried as hard as I could.

At this moment! A soldier holding a spear thrusts the spear in his hand straight at my heart! It was too late. It was too soon! As the gun closed in on me, a figure leapt forward and used his own body to block the shot! The spear pierced through his left shoulder! When the person blocked the spear, he waved his sword and the head of the enemy soldier with the gun flew out. It drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed on the ground. It rolled for a long distance before stopping. The headless body took a few steps forward, and with a plop, the headless body fell to the ground, never to get up again. Perhaps when the enemy with guns died, he would only know that if he did not enter the battlefield, how great it would be! Before dying, his body moved forward, probably because he wanted to return home and live a peaceful and warm life with his family. But it was too late! Too late!

I cried out, "Grandpa Xie!" I put down the already ice-cold Fan Pu, flew to his side, and quickly tore off a piece of cloth from my clothes to bandage Liu Jian's wounds. After hearing my cries, Tie Jiu rushed over, he just happened to see the scene of Liu Jian being shot in order to save me. I choked with sobs. "Grandpa Xie, are you alright? You actually blocked a shot for me in order to save me … "

Liu Jian stared at me, and said: "Young Master Fan, you must remember that to be merciful to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself! If you are merciful to your enemies on the battlefield, you might be killed by them! Your brothers and friends will die because of you! There was not the slightest mercy on the battlefield! On the battlefield, there was no right or wrong! In the battlefield, there was only survival and death! Strength was the only truth on the battlefield! In the moment of life and death, he would not think of anything and had no time to think about it. Young Master Fan, if you don't want to die, if you don't want your brothers and friends to die because of your kindness, and if you don't want your own relatives to be enslaved by your enemies, then you can only fight bravely on the battlefield to protect your loved ones! Look, Fan Pu didn't need to die, if not for your weakness, he wouldn't … There was no mercy on the battlefield! Either you die, or I live! Do you understand? Young Master Fan! Pick up your sword and fight! To survive, to win, to protect those you love and those you love! "

Tie stared at me and complained, "Fourth Brother! It's all your fault. If it wasn't for your leniency, Grandpa Hu wouldn't have gotten hurt! Do you want to drag down your own people on the battlefield? "After trying to kill so many more people, you will finally understand that there is no such thing as benevolence on the battlefield!" When I heard Tie's words, my tears began to flow.

At this moment, several enemy troops were charging towards us! Tie Ta only said coldly, "I believe you will do it!" Take your weapons and go to war! " As he spoke, Iron Sword brandished his saber and began to fight with the enemy soldiers that were charging towards him.

I looked at Fan Pu who was lying far away, his voice still reverberating in my ears: "Live on! Live on! " I grinded my teeth, and thought of Grandpa Sha's words. Fan Ju's words also lingered in my ears, "You are a man, in the future you must learn to be strong by yourself, and protect your family and friends! "Don't be afraid!"

I closed my eyes, clenched my teeth, and shouted, "Kill!" Waving the treasured sword in his hands crazily towards the four enemy soldiers that were about to attack Liu Jian. After a few random blows, a few corpses fell to the ground. Broken limbs and bones were scattered all over. Miserable howls sounded out, the sounds piercing into their ears. I was spattered with blood, which mingled with the drops of rain that fell on my face from the sky and ran along my face.

"Drip, drip."

"Woo woo …" I, who could no longer pretend to be strong, kneeled in front of the bodies of the four enemy soldiers and cried loudly. Liu Jian looked at me and Liu Jian also felt helpless about it, because reality is usually this cruel, this cruel …


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