You can feel whether or not you have entered the area of a required compound (chemistry).

The reason is very simple.

Because the smell of iron rust that irritates the nose drifts, the earth is dyed red and black, and there are carcasses all over it.


There is no consistency in dress when it comes to Imperial corpses.

The colors and shapes of what would have been armor vary.

It's like the adventurers I've seen all along.

"I don't think it's the first time I've seen someone die, but are you okay?

"Of course.... but this is a trace of a pair being killed...!?

Berseria is fighting quietly.

The body she had imagined would have retained its original form as a human being.

But what is in front of us is probably an object that would have been human.

I didn't keep the prototype that much.

It's a monster.

I'll respond quickly.

"This is it....!

Berseria murmured as if I had been good at answering.

"I've heard some talk from Lord Ushallush, but when I actually see it, it's still different...."

Although Berseria was prepared that the scene would be extremely miserable with advance information from me, the reality seemed to have outweighed it.

"Stay close to me.It's absolutely safe. "


"Oh, absolutely."

I nod strongly to the question.

"That's a brave man.As long as it's reliable. "

Berseria smiles when she receives my reply.

We have to hurry.

We rushed our horses further into the realm.

The body rolled sparsely one after the other.

As far as I can tell, the bodies are not the only ones belonging to the Imperial Army.

That's not one or two.

Much to the extent that I notice it.

"Did you notice?

Ask Berseria.

"Yeah, I was probably thinking the same thing as Lord Ushallush."

That's how the beautiful Princess Knight replied to me.

"There are too many bodies of people who are not Imperial troops.Is that what you want to say?

Berseria asks me to make sure.

That's right, I replied.

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