He led the audience (gallery) to the arena (colloquium).

It seems that there are regular matches, and the size is quite large.

That means you haven't missed the drill, even in your knighthood.

I would like some of the people in my country who are sitting down as knights to take an apprenticeship.

And, well, let's sort it out from the problem in front of us.

The goal is to show the overwhelming power of the brave, so it goes without saying that victory is unacceptable, even to struggle.

Let's make sure you use both magic and Brave Arts.

When I thought about it, as I ordered, the magical swordsmen who would be the best in this country were showing up.

All four of them.

Apparently, it's been challenged by a handful of elites.

Well, there must be some face over there.

One is a man of good physique who seems to be very good at white warfare.

He's taller than me, and he's got an axe spear (Halvard).

The second is a slightly taller, thinner man than me.

The object is a sickle (size) that is unusual for the user.

The third one is smaller than me and is still a boy.

As you can see, I don't seem to have the strength to hold a mangosh.

From my point of view, it's like laying iron wall defenses and attacking magically.

The fourth one is surprisingly female and slightly shorter in height than me.

The specialty is the Moon Sword (Falsion).

The knights are lightweight and do not wear protective equipment.

Though magical swordsmen, they stand in knights.

However, their rise is quite different from the general image of a knight.

Because using magic as a means of attack is different from normal knights, no one has the shield (shield) that the knight should normally be equipped with.

Sometimes we have all the talented people, and we all look good.

I would have said something that was not interesting to them, but I felt uncomfortable with it, but I didn't have any sense of alarm or slowness.

"Well, how do you judge it?

If it is a one-on-one stand, I don't mind edging, but since it is one-on-four, I don't have time to make such a judgment for a long time.

When I said something like that, I was presented with a simple wooden doll saying, "How about using this?"

"How do you use it?

I am not familiar with it, so I ask.

"This generation will take care of the pain (damage).This means that those who were destroyed fell out. "

There is no such substitute for my Brady.

"It's just a magical developed country, and there's something useful about it."

I'll give it back.

"Too much pain (damage) cannot be absorbed, so attacks leading to death are forbidden.Remember, it's just a game. "

So embarrassed. Well, I suppose you're talking to the killer sorcerers rather than me.

Any kind of painful (damage) replacement would be terribly useful when interacting with life, but it would be quite difficult to make that much.

Regardless, the judgment method has been decided.

"Are you ready?

The oldest man asks me.


That's how I answered and smiled.

Here we go!

A man shouts with a torn temper.

He wants to take proper steps to defeat me so he doesn't ambush me immediately after the start.

Well, that's the same for me.

We must stand up squarely and win before we can say anything.

For that reason, the battle begins with one breath.

It was a magical swordsman attack at first.

Magic, commonly known as magic shots.

Shoot the Magic (Mana) itself as a bullet, not an attribute.

Although it cannot be expected to have a special effect, it has the advantage of being effective 10,000 times other than in liquid organisms such as slime.

Depending on the user, the bullet speed is pretty fast this time.

You can't help but frustrate the other person's nose.

There is no doubt that there is only a top-class magical swordsman, and the magical strength is considerable.

Well, no matter how fast it is, it doesn't matter to me.


A magical bullet that captured me perfectly will vanish without touching me.

I couldn't hide my surprise in the unexpected.

The magic I cast at the beginning triggered that effect.

It is a completely magical incapacitation barrier that only the brave are allowed to use.

That said, it's not such a complete substitute.

The subject is limited to magicians only, and no matter what magic it is, it loses its effect only once.Even if it was healing magic or auxiliary magic.

I suppose it's Theory who uses subordinate magic to wipe it out and knock in the superior magic.

However, it only works if the opponent is unable to use an indestructible shape (snail).

It is hard to inflict pain (damage) on heroes.

Brave men must be quite troublesome to turn against enemies.

As a brave man in such a troublesome existence, I had a sword blow with sufficient effort.

It was in a completely surprising shape, so it won't allow defense or evasion, so it's decided beautifully.

At the moment, as explained earlier, the generation of those who suffered pain (damage) above the upper limit was shattered.


I murmured to make sure.

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