Read through the materials you received as usual.

According to that, my job tonight is with the Dark Swordsman.

To speak of the Dark Sabre, you will first have to touch on the Dark Sword.

Dark Sword.

It is a generic term for a sword with "negative power (Dark Force)."

As its name suggests, with no exception, the Dark Sword has a curse (risk).

However, the Dark Swordsman (Dark Saber) who handles it is not cursed by the Dark Sword (Risk).

A swordsman with a strong spirit who holds a dark sword.

Because that's the Dark Swordsman.

Above all, dark swordsmen (Dark Sabre) line up with other swordsmen.

That's it.

The Dark Sword's Pain (Damage) cannot be recovered.

Ends at that point.

The inability to recover from itching (damage) means that even a grab wound can be fatal if you talk about it in extreme ways.

As a result, Dark Swordsman (Dark Saber) will not allow other occupations (classes) to follow him in relation to the killing of living beings.

Conversely, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is almost the worst compatible with non-living beings like the Magic Giant (Golem), and if you have not mastered blade art like iron slashing (Zantez), you will be stuck.

Because I am a brave man, blade art is not necessarily an exclusive patent for samurai, but few people have mastered it in other professions (classes).

Samurai samurai are the only samurai who hang everything on a unique base called the sword, so it's probably the secret technique they can learn.

The fact that they don't use magic rather than other magicians is also the adage that "advanced moves (skills) are indistinguishable from magic".

Had there been a Dark Swordsman (Dark Saber) who had mastered Blade Arts, the dragon would have won the wings.

With that in mind, I felt for my partner tonight.

It's time for tonight's opponent to show up.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Luciferis-Enzefore and I am here to serve you tonight. Please call me Ferris."

This is the usual exchange, but there are definite differences.

That's it.

The fact that she is wearing a good armor when it comes to making babies.

I felt as if I had seen Iona for the first time.

However, she is wearing an even more boneless helmet.

In that sense, the guard seems to be stronger than when Iona was there.

A black armor that is about to melt into darkness makes me feel that way.

"Nice to meet you. It's Ushallush-Brave Road. I'll do Charles, too."

Well, that's what I'm going to call you.

Her face is under the cold helmet. I can't see the look on his face.

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm not just here to make babies."

"We appreciate your understanding."

That's the answer. My gaze is irrevocably drawn to her sword.

Without asking, the sword is nothing but a dark sword.

Until then, the sword was wrapped up with terrible signs (aura).

"As you already know, this sword is a dark sword."

Looks like it.

"Death Blade (Death Bringer). The slash will kill the subject."

Summoning Blade (Death Bringer).

A dark sword that calls for death, not to mention its name.

Its ominousness lies at the top of a number of dark swords.

I've heard the name before, but I've never seen the real thing before.

Even an adventurer like me who was walking around the world had little chance of dealing with the Dark Sword and the Dark Saber who handled it.

She is so rare in front of me now.

It seems that there are other painful blades (Pain Blades) that increase their attack power due to the frequency of user injuries, and retaliatory blades (Avengers) that jump up their power only if they return the attack to the attacked subject.

"I'm telling you eloquently that you're willing to stand up to me just by dressing up like that."


"Can you tell me why?

"Yes, of course."

She nods.

"It is the usual rush that easily retreated the Iron Magic Giant (Golem) and the Demon Clan. There is no doubt about your strength as a brave man, but before you make a child, there is something else you need to see."

"Otherwise, what?

While realizing the answer slightly, I ask.

Spiritual strength.

That's exactly what I expected.

"The Dark Swordsman and the Son require mental strength above all else. I would like to confirm that, so I will take it seriously to stand up for you, but is that okay?

If you take a dagger, you die.

She keeps telling me that and pushes me to be careful.

Whether I deserve to be a Dark Swordsman or not begins the moment she asks.

My answer to that is no.

"I don't mind."

"That's a lot of guts. I'll be honest with you."


"I didn't expect you to answer immediately."

Death interrupts choices.

Her view of me, without even showing her how to patrol, is not at all out of the question.

Though I can remember a little bit, I may be somewhere broken because I immediately make such a decision in search of a sense of tension (thrill).

I think so.

"What's the limit?

"It doesn't matter. It's not fair to impose restrictions only on Dark Swordsmen (Dark Sabre) when they use Dark Swords."

Move the location to the practice arena and confront it.

"What are the rules?

"How about edging, or until one of you declares surrender? If the judgment is delicate, we will leave it to Charles to decide whether to win or lose."

"You seem to trust me a lot."

"If you're as good as Charles, you won't be faked for winning or losing."

It would be okay to interpret it as meaning according to words, not disgust.

There is no hostility to me in the atmosphere she surrounds me.

Rather, it's because you have more than half the expectations of being an excellent breeder, that you're carrying your legs to this point.

"Doesn't Charles wear armor?

She asks me if I can't even pretend to wear armor.

"If you put it on, you won't be able to see what Ferris wants to see, and my readiness will be slow."

"I'm ready. Let's get started."

"Yeah, anytime."

Thus began the fight with Luciferis.

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