
The sound of a small flying object ripping open the air and approaching breaks the silence.

The ghost quarters are finally close, and a stone baptism awaits us.

Sometimes in the avant-garde, the distance is close, and the aim is all directed at Dotin alone, and the dry sound of kang, twice, is a wooden spirit in the cave.

I suppose he was really aiming for a head without armor, but he didn't seem to be very good at it, and they all hit his chest.

Sheet Metal Armor (Plate Armor) has high defense, does not scratch a single stone, and Dotin is intact and energetic.

The ambush that the demon (Goblin) set up was nothing but to inform us of its existence.

"It's a sling. They're coming."

As I said, three little demons (goblins) who failed the ambush from the dark approached without putting in their hair.

Meanwhile, two demons (Goblins) stopped their feet before they reached the vanguard, Dottin.

Two guards, excluding Netiliza, were hit.

"I got it!

Shatina is delighted by the magic of fire attacks and letting go.

On the other hand, he just said that he was earning a living by hunting, and Totifa's bow arm seemed like a big thing, and naturally it seemed like such a wind.

Only one intact little demon (Goblin), who attacked Dagger with a stone dagger, had his organs scattered by his blow before swinging the blade.


Raise the flashy Terminator and finish it off.

And the little demon (Goblin) 's blood splashed all over the dotin.

Blood sticks to the prized sheet metal armor (plate armor).

"Ugh, that sucks! But it's a blow! It's not a big deal, is it?"

Dotin tells me what you saw.

"Excellent. I still can only swing the great sword (Claymore), and my strength is huge."

"Isn't it?"

"If you can stop showering blood afterwards, I won't complain. I was bleeding out every time I knocked him down, because it's not hygienic."

"That said, Charles hasn't received any blood at all."

Despite defeating the demon (Goblin) just now, Netiliza leaked such feelings when she saw me without a drop of blood.

"I don't want to soil my clothes. The point is, I'm used to it."

"Wow, raw. Is this falling?

In contrast to me, I'm worried about the blood of a little demon (goblin) who doesn't seem to like it very beautifully.

"It's a good opportunity, so get used to it. Now that I'm an adventurer, it smells like I'm going anywhere."

"Is Charles okay?

Chatitina, who seems to be immune to blood, asks me that.

"You said you were peeling the material, right? I'm more familiar with it than the butchers around here."

I answered with as much serenity as I could.



"You're going to have to take another shower of blood, so you can wash it when you're done."

"Ugh! You're staying here till the end of the request!?

"Patience. I don't think there's anything I can do about the overkill in the first place."


"If you get used to it, you'll know how much you can kill. That way, you won't be exposed to blood again. I can only say that it's experienced."

"I've been talking a lot."


Charles has been doing this for a long time.

"This is the time. We have to protect ourselves and our loved ones."

Everyone nods at my words.

I think I've seen more or less the damage caused by monsters.

The little demon (Goblin), who had been receiving Totifa's arrows, died instantly, and the other one tried to break his arms and legs for a while, but eventually died.

"Nice arm. It's not Dad who lived on hunting."

Ehehe. The bigger the target, the easier it may be than hunting a beast!

I've only been in contact for a short time, but Totifa seems to be able to draw a line between what she can and can't do.

This remark is nothing but an honest impression of her.

"Shatty was very supportive. Thanks to you, Dottie only had one partner."

"Dottie protects us with strength. I deserve your backup!

It seems unusual to be happy for her to be calm (cool) because of the excitement of defeating a monster for the first time.

"We're a good party!

Netilisa, who didn't show up this time, says something like that.

"Oh, that was a good collaboration. Keep up the good work."

After that, we ran into a herd of demons about four times and slaughtered about twenty in total.

And we went further into the cave.

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