Hero Manufacturing Machine ~A Job to Make Children~

The night before? Episode 5: The Crusade against the Devil (Goblin)

"It would be annoying to get in here with this number of people. I'll be right there, so just wait here."

That being said, I stepped into the store.

So a thin blanket came into my eyes, and I thought I might need it if I had a prisoner daughter, so I decided to buy some just in case.

I took the blanket with the items I wanted, and I settled the bill.

"What's that?

Totifa asks me when I come back with a bigger package than I thought.

"Blanket. You might need it."

"There may be some of the adventurers ahead of us, right?

Yeah, that's right.

"I hope you're okay."

I see.

Experience has made it easy to imagine that even when I was alive, it suited my hard eyes, but I decided not to say anything extra.

Anyway, when I finished shopping, I put the blankets together and gave them to everyone, Matsuaki and the antidote (antidote).

"This is the antidote (antidote), right? I've never seen anything real before."

Interestingly, Chattina stares at a vial containing an antidote.

"There aren't many monsters that use poison."


"It doesn't hurt to have it. If you are prepared correctly, you will not be sad."

"I appreciate you giving it to me."

Dotin cuts it out like that.

"As I said, I don't really have much money. Money is good after the demon is eliminated?

"It's quite a triumph, but I don't need payment."

"What did you say?

"It's a gift from me to the beginners. Use it meaningfully."

That's what I told you, and I'm not going to take the money from these runaway young people.

"You said you didn't want the reward, right? You don't deserve anything, but you don't like it.

"I'm not in trouble with money so much as I have to make that kind of money."

I mean, I've got a lot of equipment.

"You may not have understood."


"Swords and shields (bucklers) use pretty good stuff, huh? This is beyond my reach after a hundred or two hundred demon crusades."

"Really? I don't know because I don't have a good eye."

"And about my strange kindness."


"I'm just having a group (party) for a while, so I may not get to see you anymore."

"Oh, yeah."

"I think it is important for a skilled person (veteran) to nurture backward. If the backwards grow, the monsters will do less damage."

"You have nothing to gain?

"It's in everyone's interest. I'm earning enough."

I went on.

"Few of them are breathing because more competitors reduce their prey."


"The land that humans control is truly tiny. Such off-the-beaten-line dialogues should at least increase the area by more than half before you say it."

But I can't imagine how many hundreds, no, thousands of years it would take.


Shatina screamed as she quietly listened to the conversation between me and Daotine.


"Ever since I first met you, I didn't think this guy was anything like a regular adventurer, but I didn't think he was so great!!

Chattitina stays excited.

"Most adventurers put their interests first, and I don't care about anything else. I don't deny that it's in the public interest as a result, but I thought it was too low."

Chattitina's enthusiasm continued.

"But Charles was different! You're trying to guide us without looking at your own interests!! There is really no other way to get around with such a wonderful person in the first group (party)!!

"I don't feel bad for getting compliments like that."

Continue to express your honest feelings.

"It's not that big a deal. I wonder if this world of monsters will be as good as it gets."

That's right.

Agree with me, Totifa.

"There's no doubt that more and more land is being controlled by humans, but there are still plenty of unopened places."

"That's what it is. I'm proud to be an arm there."

Now I'm going to be a swordsman, so I'll declare it modestly.

"There are many monsters. I know what I could do on my own. I'm counting on you to grow."

Run away, but they're young.

With all my thoughts on the possibility, I tied it together.

"Now, let's go to the weapons store."

Having finished talking, I cut it out.

"You? You have a sword. Decoration, that's..."

Dottin looks at my longsword and asks.

"It's not mine. I'm going to buy your weapon."

"Mine? Can't you see I have this love sword?

Dottin proudly shows off his big sword (Claymore).

"Are you going to swing such a big stupid sword in a narrow cave?

I could easily imagine being stuck by an obstacle and not shaking properly.

"What about you?

Dottin says that again, looking at my sword (long sword).

"I know a hundred things about how long I get. I don't have a problem with this guy."

I'm not alarmed, but I don't inadvertently change my gear unless I think it's quite ready.

I am accustomed to dealing with the sword (long sword) in a narrow labyrinth (dungeon), and I can deal with anything as long as I am a little demon (goblin).

"Yes, yes, I see. That's what a skilled veteran would say."

Dotin with an unfaithful face replies in a thorny way.

He doesn't really like being treated like an amateur.

"Such an idiot has the power to swing a big sword (Claymore). Even if you had a dagger (short sword), you'd be able to defeat the demon."

If you bend your umbilicus any further, it will be a lot of trouble, so I will go ahead with the conversation while tickling Daotine's self-esteem (pride) well.

"Well, I know it's as easy as a dagger (short sword) and a demon (goblin)."

Alarmy is a big enemy, so I listen to Dottin while suppressing the need for nails.

"What about the money? Like I said, I don't have much.

"That's what I told you. Of course I have the money. It won't hurt to have it, so keep a regular sword for a swing."

"You're really generous. I respect that area."

"If you don't function, the three backers will be more dangerous. On the contrary, if you do your job properly, I can look at it with confidence. Given that, it's a cheap investment. Please, Commander."

"Whoa, leave it to me!

Dottin, who cares about the word "leader," replies nicely.

After all, it's simple, but it doesn't look like a bad guy.

While having such a conversation, he finds a weapon shop on foot and quickly buys the desired item after a light glance.

The price is neither high nor cheap. It was even appropriate.

And hand it over to Dottin.

"It's a very ordinary dagger (short sword), but it should be enough to defeat the demon (goblin). Use it well."

"Well, thank you. What about the Great Sword?

"If you're not comfortable without a familiar weapon, take it with you. As far as I can see, it doesn't seem to be bitter to carry it with you. I don't think it's a beginner (rookie), it's a lot of health."

There was no compliment or anything about it, and I had to give a compliment.

It's not that short. I've never seen an adventurer deal with a dagger (claymore) as easily as Dotin in my adventurer life.

"Well then, I'll take it. I can't leave my partner behind."

Adventurers are mostly attached to their specialties.

Though it was a rush, Dottin seemed to be the same.

"Well, I've been making preparations for a long time."

"Oh, I'm so impatient!

Dotin has the strength to return such a favor.

"Preparation is important. Especially for beginners like everyone. Lack of preparation is not a big deal, it is a matter of life."

Everyone makes a serious look at my words. [M]

"That's a nice look. Okay, let's go."

So we headed to the nesting cave with the demons.

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