"We don't even know each other's names, but that's a lot to do. Why don't we start by introducing ourselves?

Say hello.



"Hey, wait!

I wonder if there is a unanimity, or if there is only one person who disturbs the peace.

"Don't put any water in the corners, they're riding around."

"Don't talk without me! I built this party!!

"Now, please introduce yourself to the founder. Of course I'm the last of the new recruits."

"Eh!? From me? I can't help it...."

I don't think I'm going to be given the honorable seat of introduction number one.

Rough and simple, but not bad.

That's what I want.

"My name is Dotting-Shawward. As you can see, I am a heavy swordsman (Heavy Saber). He was famous locally for being a loser and a rioter! Call me Dottie!!

She introduced herself in such a powerful way, but the reaction of the female team was weak.

Because I'm here.

The women's eyes are filled with expectations that "it will be his turn (me) soon".

Well, let's just leave it.

Dottin is huge, and his tall is nearly a seddle.

I'm about the same height, but Doting is about half as tall as that.

It is also called a heavy-duty swordsman (Heavy Saber), who carries a huge sword (Claymore) on his back and wraps himself in luxurious sheet metal armor (plate armor), even though he is not wearing a helmet.

As expected, the Great Sword (Claymore) cannot be handled with one hand and does not have a shield.

Even though it is heavily equipped, it does not make you feel dull at all, so it is a big deal.

If the demon (Goblin) is the target, I think it will be enough combat power.

If you can equip something so heavy, you might be able to do it as a warrior, but there is a clear difference between a swordsman (Saber) and a warrior (Warrior).

What does that mean?

A warrior is literally a warrior (professional), so he can handle a variety of weapons, but a swordsman (saver) is literally, basically, only a sword.

Rabbits and horns are overwhelmingly lacking in skills to handle all kinds of weapons for Dottin to become a Warrior.

Of course, it's not that bad.

Even I, a brave man, basically only use swords, and usually even a kind of weapon, if handled properly, can be useful enough for battle.

Rather, it is more natural to dump only one type of weapon, and its skill is higher.

To give just one example, the swordsman, the fine swordsman, the spear soldier.

While I was thinking about that, my introduction continued.

Next, she was wearing a pointed triangular hat, her hair was semi-long, she wore slender glasses, and a tall girl with an intelligent vibe (Sorceress) opened her mouth.

"I am Chattina Arthurcia. The occupation (class) is female magician (Sorceress). Please, call me Shatty. I'm proud that attack magic, especially flame magic, is the skill there."

Then followed by a small girl dressed in black monk clothes with a relaxed feel.

"My name is Netilisa Enduranda. The occupation (class) is a nun (sister). I can't join the attack, but I've mastered simple healing magic, so I think it will help if you get hurt. I'm glad you called me Nettie."

And the last vibrant girl wears a feather hat, her hair is shortcut, wearing green hunter-like clothes, and her bow is hanging on her shoulder.

Is he as tall as the last two?

"Totifa-Surfie. Call me Toty. Job title (class) is Archer. I earned my living by hunting, so I'm good at hitting moving enemies."

I've finished introducing myself to anyone but me.

Everyone but me has the nickname "T".

It's such a coincidence.

It's my turn to think about that.

The women are waiting for my words with such an intriguing atmosphere.

To be honest, it illuminates me when I get this much attention.

But it didn't start even in the light, so I started talking in the guise of being as calm as I could.

"Charles-Sias. Charles is fine. My job title (class) is Light Swordsman (Light Saver). I use my sword a lot."

My mother's last name is "Innocence", but it is too rare and too long, so I use it shortly.

Although I am the same swordsman (Saber), I am not even equipped with a small shield (Buckler) for the longsword (Long Sword) and a chest plate (Breast Plate) for the armor, in contrast to the heavily equipped Dotin.

"Dear Charles! That's a nice name!

"Thank you."

Smile and reply to Netilisa who said so.

Her face turned bright red and she had a look like a dream.

"Do you have a lover now!?

"I want you to tell me about this amazing adventure!

Soon after answering, you will be able to ask questions one after the other like that.

Apparently, all three of them like gentlemen like me.

What was Dottin's reaction to that?

"Oh, look at that girl. That's a nice name."

If I don't even pop out, it will be very easy to understand whether it was quite difficult or as expected that I was prevented from forming the Harlem party, which was all women except myself.

"I won't deny it. It's not an unusual name for both men and women."

Dotin looks at me again as if I'm not getting provoked.

It doesn't seem to differ from me by three, but mentally she's still a child.

As far as emotions go out honestly, they don't seem like bad guys.


"What is it?

When I speak, Daotine replies, although it may seem evil.

"I've been blessed with the opportunity to form a group (party), so why don't you get along? It's ridiculous how humans compete with each other in a world where monsters make a difference.

"I don't think so. I'm not going to get along with you."

I see. Well, that's fine. I'll do my best to get along. "

"I hope it's not a waste of effort."

You're going to slap me in the face with such hate.

As the person said, the journey to get along is quite distant.

"You're a skilled veteran. You're outfitted."

Next time I'll look at my outfit and say something like that.

He's right, I'm not wearing any protective gear, and I'm wearing something that novices (rookies) can reach besides swords and shields (bucklers).

"I'm sure you're right, I'm not using that kind of good stuff, but I don't need that kind of equipment."

I don't have much luggage because I value lightness over performance.

Oh, yeah.

"That's how you're equipped to run away."

"Hehe, that's good!

That's what I'm saying, I'm holding my chest as if I were showing off the armor I'm wearing.

It's certainly a good armor, but it looks like it's going to be heavy.

Even with that in mind, I didn't say anything extra because it didn't hurt my feelings.

"I've already introduced myself."

Chattitina cuts it out.

"Don't you want to decide the leader?

"That's right. The presence of a commander (leader) is imperative, rather than forming a party."

"I'm not different either."


I see.

No one seems to disagree with that.

"It's my party. I'm the leader, of course!

Dottin runs for office as a matter of course, pointing at himself with his thumb.

In that case, the gaze of the female team was poured on me, looking at Dotin, who was full of concern for the commander (leader).

He wants me to be a leader and a veteran.

But I can't stay in this group forever.

I can't be the only choice.


I opened my mouth.

"You are the leader. But only follow my orders when it comes to life. Ready?"

That's what I replied to keep Dottin in good company.

I think it may have dropped around here.

"Whoa, whoa...."

An unexpected reaction (reaction) returns to my unexpected response.

After all, the story seems to have come to an end.

Now, let's move on to the next action.

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