Recently my sister has become beautiful.

She was originally beautiful, but I think it has been polished further.

Even from my sister, who is the same woman, my sister is so beautiful that she can breathe.

My mother has calmed down.

I used to be emotional about trivial things, but I haven't seen that attitude at all lately.

It shows the First Prince's wife the beauty and calm she deserves.

That's all since he came back.

That guy, the usual rush.

Ushallouch-Brave Road.

The Tenth Prince of the Kingdom of Brady.

And he is the only active brave man in my kingdom of Bladia.

It seems that your grandfather has been on the throne for a long time, and the actual battle is not "active", and although there are no boys, even the elderly have not yet acquired the skills to meet the qualifications of a brave man at about ten years old.

Claude, the Ninth Prince, is about ten years old. He is my uncle and sister's uncle by blood, but his age is no different.

I think it was one or two different from my sister and three different from me.

I know little about him until he comes back.

Sometimes, my mother told me bad things.

Still, looking at his face from afar, he thought, "I think it's my sister's favorite."

He gave the impression of neutrality and serenity, because he was so full of confidence that it was the opposite of his father, who was masculine and didn't like his sister.

He didn't come back to the country after running away a few years ago, and the "prodigal prince of fools" was the public's assessment of him.

His activity since his return is said to be.

One after the other, I have raised the shame of the name of the "brave man" to make the masculine and famous knight Iona-Cuccolose teach overnight, to crush the monster (chemistry) with terrible power singly, to reclaim the castle taken by the Empire singly.

Of course, just because I was born as a blood family of brave men, I am not able to name "brave men" unconditionally.

It is only natural that you should have the strength you deserve when you call yourself "The Brave."

Still, his strength was too far removed from the rumors.

Next, I think I'll touch on the personality.

The royal family is a very carefree person.

Throughout the town, people are often seen laughing at shopkeepers and playing with children.

Also, he doesn't seem to have a special consciousness of "being royal" when he buys treatment for wounded people and goes on his own work to mourn those who have died.

He once ordered several evacuations in the name of the royal family.

When I use the royal name, it's not for me, it's just for the people around me.

His mother raised him as a commoner rather than a royal family.

Also, because we are dealing with so many women, it is not strange for one or two people to say bad things about him, but such stories are not heard at all.

It seems that she is very familiar with the treatment of women because it is not a lie about "obscenity".

Thanks to that, the person in charge is also doing well.

It seems that a significant number of women have already confirmed pregnancy.

His popularity is rising rapidly due to the results of the battle, his usual attitude, and aftertreatment in the event of an accident.

Although no name has been mentioned as a candidate for succession to the throne, there are no fewer voices saying, "I want you to be the next king of Ushallush."

It is much more popular than some of the young princes listed as candidates.

Your grandfather seems to have a lot of faith in him, and even if he doesn't give up his throne, I think he is delighted in his heart.

There are a lot of rumors about him.

I can only believe what I see with my own eyes.

I only want to believe what I see with my own eyes.

That's why I decided to observe his behavior for a while.

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