I was waving in a carriage with six future brave mother candidates.

This is because Bladia requested the elimination of the pig demon (oak) from Sausarus, the magical power of the neighboring country located in the northeast.

Bladia is a country ruled by brave men, so whoever the country really seems to be in trouble with the monster, he basically says he will rescue them.

That's why I'm on my way to a country I didn't make an alliance with.

In a word, the number of pig demons (oaks) is over 300.

The pig demon (oak) is a two-legged monster with a pig's head on.

The height is as high as the head of an adult male, and if you are a fleshy body and a side-by-side adventurer worthy of the name of a pig demon (oak), it is strong enough to be defeated by three to five.

That said, unlike the Demons, they do not have particularly tough skin, but they are basically armed and thick in flesh, and it is difficult to inflict fatal wounds unless they have more sword arms.

The threat increases dramatically just because there are multiple of them, even though it is so troublesome alone.

Moreover, the wisdom there is that the magical power with its many magical knights is also burning, and it hardly appears from the woods where it can be advantageously fought.

So, it seems that the Bradian army, which is the country of the brave, has arrived.

The scaffolding was narrow, so a few of the best, plus, it was easier with a lower budget than moving the army, so we were actually dispatched.

But I'm the only one who actually fights, and all they have to do is get my kid on board.

Although it is a pig demon (oak), it is much easier for me to slash them alone than to fight with only a few of them taking care of their safety.

In addition, pig demons (oaks) have the habit of breeding through a wide variety of women.

I definitely want to avoid engaging with a female escort.

Bladia is a fairly trusted nation, but there are few allies.

There are two main reasons for this.

First of all, we know that the surrounding countries will never start a war from Brady, so there is no taste in making alliances.

It is also proof that there are not many countries that are targeting the rich territory of Bladia.

Sometimes it is a country ruled by brave men, and since there is a day longer than other countries to defeat monsters, and it is seen at first glance, there is no such stupid country to start a war.

And that's the second biggest reason.

Three hundred years have passed since my ancestor, the First Brave, founded the kingdom of Brady, but the fact remains that most countries still discriminate against the Demihumans.

The last 300 years or so have seen a dramatic increase in human-controlled territory.

But still less than a tenth of the world.

According to the country, the world's population is saturated.

As long as I envy Bladia, who lacks manpower, the reality is that most of her births are not happy.

There are many reasons for this, but it is not uncommon in the world for orphans to be born and abandoned.

That's why the land is small and crowded.

Most countries are by no means rich.

Among the limited lands, a small number of subhumans have become discriminatory in their outfits.

Subhumans have a much longer life span than humans, so according to the laws of nature, their numbers are by no means large.

In short, humans dominate subhumans with a few brutes.

Worried about the world, my ancestor, the first brave man, founded Bladia.

It coexists in Bradia, regardless of the clan that has lived there since its inception, the new arrivals as immigrants.

Paradise, if not the ideal place, is certainly a more comfortable place for them than any other.

At least there's no discrimination here.

Bladia does not tolerate discrimination against subhumans by raising the country.

Apart from my brady in such a heretical country, it is by no means unusual to construct human beings who hate subhuman beings (Demi-Human) and subhuman beings (Demi-Human).

Sadly, this is the state of the world.

"Mr. Ushalrush."

When I was obscured by such thoughts, I was shouted by surprise.

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