Upon returning to the royal castle, we made a speedy report.

Though there are some casualties, there have been no significant injuries.

It may be said that this pioneering mission was a great success.

"Even though I was prepared for some damage, I didn't think I'd have to take one casualty...!

"Even though there were two brave men, it was a wonderful result!

The ministers stopped to stand when they heard the results of this report.


The king called out to her.

"The work this time was truly splendid, worthy of the name of the brave. Praise and send."

Masayano's response to that was:

"I'm still young compared to the heroes of the ancestors."

Continue with that in mind.

"I am honored to receive your compliments."

Sometimes in public, her attitude is magical.

"Thank you, Eusharruche."

"No, I didn't do anything this time. It's all Masayano's fault when it comes to killing snakes."

"Those who participated in this pioneering mission deserve a reward. Thank you all so much."

Just because territory has spread doesn't mean wealth is immediately available to the Kingdom, but rewards are paid quickly.

Even though this was not a dangerous assignment, if there is no legitimate reward for work, there will be no volunteers.

My father's king has nothing to do with things around here.

He has a good understanding of the art of grasping people's hearts.

I opened my mouth when I heard about the prize.

"I'm afraid, Your Grace."


I'm not being modest. I'm not doing anything.

I don't think it was completely useless to accompany Masayano, but I don't really work, so I will continue with that in mind.

"If you're going to give me a prize, I want you to distribute it equally to the troops who participated in this development mission. Their work was incredible."

"If you say so, let's do it. Try to get rewards for others by today. Everyone will be tired. Rest well and feed your spirit."

It is also the beauty of the King not to waste any time talking.

I'm not tired of hearing long and wasted stories.

Anyway, this report seems to be over.

I thought so.

"We need to talk to Ushalrush and Masayano. Stay here for a while after everyone leaves."

"I understand."

Leaving me and Masayano is the only thing that matters.

The king opened his mouth to see that everyone had left.

"This award is not meant to be a reward, but I will prepare a date with Masaya in the near future."

"Really!? Grandfather!

Masayano is excited by the king's words.

"Oh, it's true. Sorry to keep you waiting so long."

"No, there's nothing your grandfather can apologize for. I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity."

"It would be helpful if you could say so. My grandson has grown up to be a good daughter, Masaya."

"Ehehe, it's your grandfather's grandson now."

Masayano says something like that.

It seemed understanding, and the king went on without any particular hesitation.

"I'm relieved to honestly be able to make plans."

"Thank you for your patience."

I lowered my head deeply.

"Don't be afraid. Even with me, your two children are looking forward to it. However, Charles seemed busy, and I didn't have any plans."

"Thank you for your time, Charles."

Masayano thanked me again.

It seems likely that your day of service with her will come soon.

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