Of course, as a half-blood, marrying a holy twenty-eight pure blood as a wife is undoubtedly a symbol of the lintel's rise. However, Lockhart was not very interested in this, because he understood that the wizarding world was about to usher in a populist revolution, and it was difficult to say that this marriage would have any positive impact on his career.

\"Let me change my mind first, okay? Let's date for a while." Lockhart asked tentatively.

He was only nervous because of Rosmerta, but now it seems that women understand women better. Although he had already discovered some clues, he could not be sure until now

"Of course you can." Gemma Farley replied with a self-confidence, \"You have plenty of time to think about it, but as a first step, I hope you start today, call me "Gemma\' , instead of \"Miss Farley\'"

Lockhart agreed with a wry smile: \"Okay...Gemma."

Gemma Farley was instantly overjoyed.

Seeing her like this, Lockhart finally understood where her hostility to Hermione came from.

Although he had already vaguely felt it, he really didn't expect the other party to be so willful.

He was going to explain to her after a while why he valued the Muggle-born Hermione so much, and I'm sure smart people would understand.

As for the original "taming" plan, it is also a good idea to use subtle means to conduct authoritative training for a long time, but if it is really related to one's own life events, it is another matter.

-A woman who obeys and has no ego is not a wife, but a slave, and a magic doll made of silicone and movable can do better than this.

To put it bluntly, even if he is a narcissist, he needs someone beside him who sincerely appreciates him.

Lockhart decided to change his tactics, but before that, he did need to restrain himself and associate with as few other women as possible.

Let's go step by step

While Lockhart was sitting at his desk thinking about the events of his life, a woman came to him.

Lockhart saw that it was too late. In order to avoid other people's gossip, he could only ask them to come back tomorrow.

"Who is it? The office has stopped today. If you have anything to do, please come back tomorrow." Lockhart shouted at the door.

But the other party did not retreat: "Gidero, there is one thing I must ask today!"

— Hearing this voice, Lockhart felt relieved.

It turned out to be Professor McGonagall, and Gemma Farley couldn't eat her no matter how jealous she was.

So he put on a coat and opened the door.

\"Come in...it's really cold today, what would you like to drink? Tea? Cocoa?"

"Maybe have a cup of hot water." Minerva McGonagall patted the snow on her body and entered the screaming shack. "Let's make a long story short... Did you buy Potter a Firebolt."

The **** dog by the fireplace suddenly pricked up his ears.

Chapter 217 Superfluous action is the enemy of planning

Hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Lockhart was very surprised: "Firebolt. That broom that may cost thousands of Galleons to buy? Why do you think I bought it?"

"Because I really can't think of anyone else who would buy him such an expensive thing." Professor McGonagall sat down, looking a little irritable, "I, Filius and Severus checked the Dozens of times with the broom, Severus stayed up for two nights and tested thousands of spells, but we found nothing, from detecting maliciousness to other known black magics."

"So that's the case." Lockhart also sat down. "If it's a magic that none of the three of you can discover, then I definitely won't be able to use it. I doubt that Black will use it either."

"That's why I want to find out who did it." Professor McGonagall looked at Lockhart with a serious expression, "but I think it's very likely that you did it... You don't have to worry about Ravenclaw House complaining. You are biased, and I will keep it a secret for you."

"It's not really me," Lockhart firmly denied. "Why do you suspect me?"

"Because Randolph & Bardmore wrote back that although they hadn't noticed where the owl that ordered the Firebolt came from, the species was a short-eared owl endemic to northern Scotland...and they put that order letter as well. It was sent to me, and we found that the letterhead used was the official letterhead of the British Ministry of Magic." Professor McGonagall stared at Lockhart and pointed out the clues he found one by one.

Lockhart's face remained unchanged on the surface: "But the range is still a bit large." In fact, deep down, he resisted himself so that he didn't scold the **** dog - you won't find it Gringotts borrow pen and paper? Have to get it from my drawer?

And by the fireplace, the **** dog was also sweating coldly on his head. He did forget about it, and because he was worried that Gringotts would use "handwriting reproduction" magic to detect the content of his letter, he was not at Gringotts. To write a letter, I took pen and paper from Lockhart 5 but I didn't expect it to end up revealing the filling.

Finally, we asked Gringotts who had withdrawn 5,000 Galleons from the bank recently, and the goblins told me that the identity of the client is strictly confidential according to the contract, and even if the Ministry of Magic sent someone to ask them, they would not answer. . "

When Professor McGonagall said this, the skepticism in his eyes was no longer concealed: "As far as we know, only extremely distinguished and large customers can enjoy this treatment."

"And I'm such a big client, aren't I?" Lockhart smiled wryly, "but...there are still a lot of people who work at the Ministry of Magic and have big savings at Gringotts! And people who can afford this stuff. People, the entire British magical world will not exceed 30 people, right? Although I am not sure if there will be outsiders..."

As he spoke, he took a piece of paper from the table next to him, wrote a line on it, and handed it to Professor McGonagall.

"Take it for handwriting identification! I think my handwriting should be different from the handwriting on the order letter."

Professor McGonagall took the paper suspiciously: "So, you really didn't do it.

"It's not me. If I want to buy a Firebolt, it's impossible to buy it. At most, I can buy a Nimbus with 200 kernels. Do you have any old textbooks or notes from Blake's past? I suggest checking it." In the blink of an eye, Te came up with an idea.

Professor McGonagall shook his head: "If there was, we would have checked it long ago. Unfortunately, the four robbers took all their textbooks and notes when they graduated, and used them to light a fire and have a bonfire party. They say these "damn things" have tortured them for seven years and they're going to get their revenge. "

By the fireplace, Sirius Black secretly breathed a sigh of relief—looking young

Crazy is not without benefits, at least no one can confirm that he did it by himself.

"Even the Ministry of Magic has nothing for him to write a confession or other material?" Lockhart was a little surprised.

"No, the guy confessed to everything, so Crouch was spared that step."

Lockhart looked very distressed: "That would be troublesome, I really can't think of anyone who would be crazy enough to send a Firebolt as a trap to kill. If this is a trap, it may not be too obvious... The broom is really Is it alright?"

"I really can't find Tian Ke." McGonagall admitted, "Bardmore told us in his reply that he had several anti-disassembly mechanisms inside the Firebolt, and once disassembled, it could not be put back. And he sent it by direct mail. The broom went to Hogwarts, unless someone in the middle accurately intercepted the owl, otherwise there would be no chance of hands and feet, but the delivery owl has a normal round-trip time, no scars on its body, and it looks very good. …”

"That's no problem," Lockhart advised. "Maybe someone owes the Potters a favor, but they're too embarrassed to say it publicly, so they have to use this method to repay. oo, take it easy, at least this year Quidditch The odd cup is Gryffindor's."

Of course he knew who ordered it, and he knew there was nothing wrong with it.

When it comes to Quidditch, Professor McGonagall feels better: "I hope so." The old professor's enthusiasm for Quidditch is probably no less than that of any Gryffindor.

Although it was not possible to reveal who sent the gift, after confirming that the broom was fine, Professor McGonagall returned the Firebolt to Harry Potter.

An elated Harry immediately took it to the Quidditch training ground, and received comments from Gryffindors that "this year we're going to win".

Everyone was still driving go-karts on the road, but suddenly there was a

A Lamborghini, if those who drive Lamborghinis like this can't bully these kindergarten children, unless the road is full of ditch.

And Sirius o Black knew that his godson finally accepted his gift after Professor McGonagall came, and a wish surged in his heart.

Although he had obtained the passphrase that Crookshanks threw him, he still wished to see his godson on his broom again before he started.

Because he was worried that after he attacked Gryffindor Tower, the house would cancel the Quidditch Cup, and even he might die, so that he would never see that scene again.

Speaking of which, the cat raccoon is really smart. Although it can't read the English alphabet, when it sees a student entering and exiting the tower with the piece of paper, it knows that there must be an entry and exit password on it. stole it. Without this stuff, Black wouldn't be able to get in even if he tried his best.

Now Sirius has a week's order to import and export Gryffindor Tower, and all he has to do is to do it this week and send the rat to the end.

He planned to go to a Gryffindor game in the morning, sneak back to the Screaming Shack for dinner at noon, take a nap in the afternoon, and then sneak into the Honeyduke's secret tunnel at night while the villagers go to the movies, straight into Hogwarts internal.

Originally, the secret passage of the screaming shack was more concealed, but Blake suddenly felt that it was better not to entrap the person who was taking care of him.

After this incident is revealed, the secret passage of the screaming shack will definitely be exposed no matter what, after all, Lupin also knows that secret passage. After he succeeded in the attack, he would confess to Dumbledore as soon as he left, and Lockhart, who was stationed in the Shrieking Shack, would definitely be responsible.

Although this person is a bit bad, at least he has helped himself so much unintentionally. If he can implicate one less person, then one less person will be implicated!

As he thought, he hid the paper with the password for Gryffindor Tower in the shed.

In the grass behind the house.

Just wait and see, Peter Pettigrew, you only have five days left.

Chapter 218 The top three become the top five

To be honest, if it wasn't for the various preparations he had made earlier, it would have been possible for Lockhart to let Blake secretly hide from himself and succeed in sneaking away.

Fortunately, he also took some precautions. It was this precaution that allowed Lockhart to still notice Blake's small movements despite his busy schedule.

Probably because of a broken jar, after Fudge gave up continuing to keep the competition secret, he was worried that Dumbledore would expand his influence through the semi-final competition, so he simply sent an invitation to Ilvermorny College in the United States.

Although the Beauxbatons College in France seems neutral, Madame Maxime's thoughts are biased towards the lions, and the legendary alchemist from Beauxbatons College - Nicole May and Dumbledore have a very close personal relationship, even if After his death, Beauxbatons also maintained a good relationship with Dumbledore.

Therefore, in order to balance the influence, when the Ministry of Magic chose another academy, it specifically chose Durmstrang from the Snake faction, and its principal Karkaroff was a Death Eater before, so he must not deal with Dumbledore.

But now that Dumbledore has brought Vagado from Africa, in order to balance the influence, Fudge has to pull another school.

So he chose the magic school created by the descendants of Slytherin - American Ilvermorny. I believe that the people of Ilvermorny should be able to neutralize the influence of the Lion faction.

Anyway, the relationship between Britain and the United States on the Muggle side is also very good, and Fudge thinks so.

Fudge was proud of his decision, but he did not know that although Ilvermorny was founded by a descendant of Slytherin, its school philosophy was "teaching without distinction", which is quite populist.

On the contrary, it is the Waggardu in Africa, because they uphold mysticism and adopt the "Trust"

The method of secretly selecting students by dreaming of runestones is somewhat elitist. That is to say, because of the increase in the population of Africa, especially Egypt, in recent years, the number of wizards has soared, and they had to change some ways of running schools.

Therefore, although Babajid and Dumbledore still have some contacts, the school philosophy of the two schools is to retain their own characteristics. The result of Fudge's miscalculation was to unintentionally balance the power of the participating parties, even if the process of "balancing" was completely different from what he thought.

The leader moved his mouth and broke his leg, and Lockhart was very busy for this.

From the top three to the top four, and finally to the top five, the plan that needs to be changed in the middle is not a single point, and even the whole plan needs to be re-planned.

He is like those Party B who worked so hard to make plans, but when Party A's father suddenly changed his mind and asked for "another window here" when the plan was handed over to the deadline, it was really inhumane.

\"...In this way, Americans prefer individual heroism, so Ilvermorny's students are arranged to live in Gryffindor; Vagado emphasizes the harmony between man and nature, I think they have produced Master Newt and Professor Sprout's Hufflepuff would be nice to talk to; the maverick and self-important Beauxbatons will be handed over to Ravenclaw, and Durmstrang will be entertained by you Slytherins ...is that okay?" Lockhart looked at Gemma with red eyes.

"Very appropriate, I'll let the heads of male and female students pay special attention to ... and the prefects of the various houses." Gemma said.

Expanding the authority of the student union is a good thing. Lockhart can also assign tasks, and he can even call it "experience".

"Let's assign the task then...the person in charge...Percy Weasley in Gryffindor, Robert Hilliard in Ravenclaw, Gabriel Truman in Hufflepuff, and yours …Uh?"

\"Lucian Pol." Gemma reminded him.

"Okay, that's it... Oh!" Lockhart's expression changed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Gemma asked quickly when she noticed that his expression was different.

Familiar, auntie, and auntie, please forgive me!锭骞Qi⒖ bare fingers and poke like arrogant glass, Ao Weiwei is stupid and obsessed with secondary industryケ  penalty       only Sheng Xing   Ao! �/

Gemma was a little disappointed, because watching a movie with Lockhart was her most comfortable time in a while.

"I'll deal with them, they don't dare to attack Ministry of Magic officials." Gemma volunteered, "Besides, they may not be willing to come, Gilderoy... You can rest well.



Lockhart sighed. "I wouldn't want to do it if possible...but I'm so sleepy, sorry, Gemma."

"It doesn't matter, it's really not very good to see your mental head, I should have noticed it earlier

After a while, Lockhart was back in the back room and fell asleep.

Gemma shook her head when she heard the snoring in the back room, and then called Dobby to let him pay attention to Lockhart's warmth.

"If I find out the next day that he has a cold...even if it's just a sneeze, don't let your nose and ears go where they are now, understand what I mean?" She said softly but harshly. than said.

Although Dobby considers himself a free house-elf, in the face of this would-be "mistress of the future," he is once again showing the ingrained quality of house-elf obedience

"Dobby promises it won't happen, Mistress."

The sound of \"hostess" made Gemma Farley instantly relieved.

"That's good, do your job well, maybe I'll consider you as me in the future

butler of our castle. "

She walked out proudly.

But not long after she went out, Lockhart in the back room got up.

The mere amount of overtime is not enough to tire him, and he is nervous for another reason.

Because he had been with Lupin for a long time, Lockhart found an opportunity to ask him about the magic of tracking and displaying people's names on a map while drinking.

Lupin laughed and said nothing.

He told Lockhart how the four of them had invented the "Hmnculus_Charm".

"We used the principles of how the owl finds people, the Sorting Hat knows and the Ministry of Magic traces. To be honest, these were all very difficult, but the four of us managed to overcome them one by one. It's incredible to think about it now, I don't dare to dare. Guarantee I'll still spend time on some boring stuff now..."

Since Lockhart was not good at shape-shifting, Lupin simply did the job—he helped Lockhart with a permanent synch-transfiguration spell, with a tracer-like tracer on one end and an alarm sight glass on the other.

"That way, as long as someone uses magic around the tracer, this looking glass of yours will vibrate. As for the map... sorry, I can't give you Hogwarts access."

\"It's okay, that's enough.\"Lockhart expressed his satisfaction.

Just as Lockhart was talking to Gemma, the speculum in Lockhart's arms suddenly vibrated and reported the new situation to Lockhart.

\"Very good...you guy, finally moved."

Lockhart clenched his wand and looked in the direction of Hogwarts.

Are rat tonics any good, Peter?

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