As the bus made its way to the town's center, Kyra started to feel uneasy. Her knuckles started to turn pale because of her strong grip. 

It's been more than a decade since she came here and something's remained the same. The more familiar she felt to this place, the more nervous she started to feel. 

Oliver and Jennifer shared a worried look as they looked at Kyra's nervous eyes. 

She was around fifteen or so, when she left this place. And, her stay here was not smooth and it is obvious. She tried to commit sucide two times!! 

Oliver could only thank God for sending a savior to help her both times. Although the second time, it was her mother who saved Kyra, he can't ignore the fact that she saved Kyra from taking her own life. If she didn't rescue Kyra at that time, he wouldn't have got an opportunity to meet a wonderful person like Kyra. 

"It's okay, Ky." Jennifer whispered to her friend and placed Kyra's head on her shoulders and patted Kyra's cheeks. 

"Thanks, Jen." Kyra all of a sudden thanked her friend. 

"For what, silly?" Jennifer asked. 

"For coming back into my life and being there for me now and then." Kyra said. She came to realize that she never thanked her friend for doing all these things for her. 

Jennifer smiled.

"You are making me cry." she said, getting emotional. 

Kyra's eyes watered too and they shared an affectionate glance. 

Oliver didn't know whether he should get jealous or feel happy for these friends. He decided to go with the latter for now. Jennifer managed to distract his girlfriend from recalling her past and got distressed. 

The bus stopped at the local hospital which is a two storeyed building. 

As soon as it came to halt, everyone started alighting the bus and Kyra looked at the hospital through the windows once and sighed. 

She got admitted here for a two weeks or so when she tried to commit sucide for the first time. It was when her step mother spread the rumors that Kyra has gone mad and has some psychological problems. 

Kyra's grip on her arms tightened as she bit her lips. 

A worried look morphed Oliver's eyes as he looked at his girlfriend. Maybe he can change the venue even now. The group that has gone to the neighborhood town could come here and they could go there instead of working here. 

"I… I can handle this." Kyra said, although she sounded uncertain the meaning was clear in her eyes. She doesn't want to run away no matter what happens. 

"Are you sure, Ky?" Oliver asked as he held her hand in his. They are freezing!

Kyra nodded her head and gave a gentle squeeze to his hand, assuring him. 

"If you can't take it anymore, let me know, okay?" Oliver whispered to her as he quickly placed a kiss on Kyra's forehead. As no one in here and everyone except him, Kyra and Jennifer have already disembarked, he took this chance to spread some warmth to his girlfriend. 

Kyra nodded her head. She would have preferred to stay in his embrace for a longer time but she knows that she can't risk it. 

The trio together alighted the bus and the town mayor was already waiting for them with a big flower blanket in his hands. Kyra right away recognized him. He was their neighbor when she was a kid. She went to school with this guy's kids and he was a good person back then. 

Now, she is not sure. 

"Dr. Miller, it's a pleasure to have you here." the man said as he gave a bouquet to Oliver and shook his hand. 

Oliver nodded his head and like always, his indifference only added more respect to him. 

Kyra looked at her boyfriend and smiled. She sometimes forgets that he is one of the top five neurosurgeons in the world. He is actually unapproachable and she must have been blessed to share her life with him. 

While Kyra was busy looking at Oliver in awe, another man beside the town mayor was busy looking at Kyra. 

She… she looks familiar. 

"This is my son Justin. He will be looking after all the arrangements for these four days. Please look for him anytime, Dr. Miller. He will be glad to help." the town Mayor said as he introduced Oliver to the person beside him. 

Oliver has long back noticed how this 'Justin' guy is looking at his girlfriend. 

For now, Oliver decided to let it go. He gave a firm handshake to Justin and gave an aloof nod. 

"Welcome to Ash Ville." Justin welcomed and gave a smile to everyone. His eyes lingered on Kyra for a brief second before he shifted his attention back to Oliver. 

"Your stay is at Jackson's breakfast and bread. They have agreed to take care of the accommodation and food for these four days." Justin said. 

When Kyra heard Jackson's name, her face stiffened. 

It's her former family. 

Yes, her surname was Jackson's till she was fourteen and it changed to Roberts after that. Then, her mysterious savior gave her a fake identity and after that she got adopted by Collins. Maybe she is the only one who has changed her surnames many times!

Jennifer noticed her friend's emotions and she right away understood what happened to her. She remembers hearing from Kyra that her family used to run a breakfast and bed at her hometown. 

So, Jackson's are the ex family!

Oliver and Jennifer shared a glance and he understood what Jennifer was thinking. He turned to look at Kyra who shook her head horizontally. She knows that her boyfriend was thinking of asking for the change in the accommodation facilities. 

Kyra didn't want that to happen. She can't let her discomfort make the other people suffer. Although she hates Jackson's now, she has to agree that they have the best accommodation facilities in town. 

Oliver could only sigh and let go of his plan. 

Justin didn't know why but he could not let go of his suddenly developed interest towards Kyra. He, coincidentally, noticed everything but didn't give it a much thought. Maybe these female doctors and Dr. Miller are close. 

Justin finished showing around the hospital and then turned to look at everyone. 

"This part of the town is called Upper Town. It accommodates all the well established families who can afford a little bit of luxury and of course, they have capacity to go to the city and afford the hospital bill. The second part of the town is what everyone calls 'Lower Town'. It has working class families who barely could meet the ends. The main reason why the mayor has requested the help from the hospital is for the wellness of those people." Justin said. 

Everyone now understood why a well established town wanted these facilities. 

Justin smiled and a dimple formed, making many girls get attracted. He is handsome and looks rich by the way. 

"Ky, you know this guy?" Jennifer asked as they walked around the hospital. After a few minutes they would be going to rest for a few hours and then start their work. By then, the staff would finish setting up the required equipment. 

"Of course, I know. He was my classmate and neighbor. Thinking of the past, I came to realize that he was the closest friend I had. I think… I had a kind of crush on him when I was young." Kyra said. 

Oliver was walking not far from them and when he heard Kyra, he could only purse his lips. Another guy! 

He took a long stride and he was now walking at the same pace as them. 

"I think he recognized you. But you don't have many similarities if we compare you with your childhood picture." Oliver said. 

This is what he is more worried about. He is slightly jealous that he is not Kyra's first crush and didn't get to see how Kyra from childhood used to be but it's okay. He gets to see her for the rest of his life. 

"Maybe he didn't recognize. He just found me attractive." Kyra said, intending to tease her boyfriend who is already sounding slightly jealous.

"Hmm. My girlfriend is indeed attractive. But that poor guy has to back off as her boyfriend is possessive of her." Oliver whispered. 

Kyra chuckled. 

"Of course… of course. I am already taken." Kyra agreed. 

"Yeah, she is taken by someone who is far better than him." Oliver said. 

"Guys, I am still here. Please refrain from throwing dog food like this." Jennifer said. 

"Yes, right. Her boyfriend is not here to give her the affection she wants." Kyra teased jennifer. 

While the trio were having fun, Teressa and Lillian looked at them. 

"Why do I feel like these three has become quite close? I feel like Oliver's girlfriend could be one of these both." a girl who is more observant said. 

"Don't guess around! Dr. Miller could be lying about having a girlfriend. He doesn't like it if someone invades his private life. How can he have a girlfriend?" Lillian said as she gave a hurried look to Teressa. 

"I have a friend who studied in Oliver's school. I heard that he and Jennifer were close back then. Maybe Jennifer is his best friend.. We have seen how she asked Oliver whom he would save if his girlfriend and bestfriend were drowning in the sea, right?" the girl from before said.

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