Her Mysterious Life – In love with her secret savior

Chapter 119 - The Proof Of Their Love.

"Well, as I already said, I can only answer vaguely to this question as it is not my place to tell you about Kyra's history.", Lisa told Oliver who nodded his head in agreement. He doesn't expect Lisa to give him a detailed answer as he is patient enough to wait for Kyra to tell him to be herself. 

"What do you know?" Lisa asked as she didn't know how much Kyra had told him about herself. 

"All I know is, she had a bad past which led to her fear of abandonment and insecurity. I know that she is afraid to trust people so easily and that implies that she was betrayed once in her past.", Oliver answered. 

``She really opened up!", Lisa thought, surprised that Oliver already knows this much about Kyra. She couldn't help but get a little jealous of Oliver in this case. Kyra told her this almost after one and half years they met. 

"She had a difficult life from the time she was born, Oliver. She had lived her childhood in constant fear and inferiority. It became worse as she entered her teenage years. At least, in her childhood she knew that she was being hated by others but in her teenage years, she was betrayed and backstabbed."

"All the emotions she dammed up in her heart, started to drown her and it left her with many traumas. She stopped trusting people and she started to isolate herself from the world, scared that she would get hurt again if she gets close to other people."

"Even after all these years, her nightmares haunt her. Her trauma still tortures her in a way we, the onlookers, could feel that pain. Although she is getting better, it happened only because of the people around her. They didn't let any bad things happen to her and they have protected her in such a way that she didn't suffer even a tiny bit."

"So, Kyra has not done things that could challenge her emotions and trust for years. She was protected and prevented from doing anything that could trigger her trauma and push her back into that dark void she just got away from. In order to make her a normal person, many people have put constant effort for years and made Kyra like what you are seeing."

"Now, all of a sudden a man enters her life and can put her in a position where she has to challenge and question herself. It is good, good that she gets to walk out of the protective barriers that are built around her emotions by the people around her. At the same time there are equal chances of her getting hurt and plunged back into hell from which everyone around her is protecting her from."

"That's the reason we had to make sure again and again that we are trusting the right person. If it is another girl who has not been through what Kyra went through, they wouldn't be affected to the extent Kyra will be affected if you betray her. If you betray her, she won't be able to take it, Oliver. She has been betrayed by the people for whom she devoted her life."

"Kyra devotes her soul and heart if she gets close to a person. Especially if it is a man with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life with. You are understanding how much impact you will have on her, right? To be more simple, your actions towards her will decide her future. If you are good to her and don't betray her, she would be able to have a breakthrough both emotionally and mentally. If you betray her, she might not be able to get through it and she will never be able to become a normal person."

"If that happens, you better run for your life. Your days will be numbered from the second you betray her. That is the reason, we all are warning you at the starting stage itself. If dating Kyra is just for fun and you don't have any plans of taking it any further, you better stop or else, your life and career will be destroyed by her family and friends."

"If you are really serious about her, you better remain loyal and take care of her properly. It wouldn't be enough as she is emotionally fragile. A small misunderstanding is enough to break her. This is as risky as walking on ice."

"However, if you are able to make your relationship pass through it, Kyra will be the best person you could ask for. She will be a blessing. She will be with you in your highs as well as lows. She will support you in everything and love you unconditionally. You just have to be cautious at the starting stage and for the rest of your life a smooth sail with her, provided you stay loyal and love her back.", Lisa finished her long lecture. 

She has been preparing this speech for a long time and finally, the day has at last arrived. 

After that she walked away as she knows that Oliver needs time to process it. 


Oliver doesn't know how but he managed to return to his penthouse that is fifteen minutes away from Kyra's house in Crescent Gardens. 

However, his mind is filled with what Lisa has told him earlier. 

He has to admit that it scared him. Even a thought of how it would affect Kyra scared him. But, one thing has not changed. He would never stop liking Kyra just because of the fear of future consequences. 

Lisa's warning has only served as a guidebook to him, giving him a detailed analysis of what he should do and what he shouldn't. 

A beautiful, smart and kind woman like Kyra is worth that hard work. Nothing comes freely, especially the ones which are precious and have to be cherished. 

From Lisa's words, he understood that all Kyra needs is love, loyalty and assurance. He will give it to her and will be cautious till they cross the crucial stage… dating. 

'Any plans for tomorrow?' Oliver texted Kyra. 

Meanwhile at Kyra's place. 

After Lisa came back, Sofia looked at her, expecting that she would say something. However, Lisa just shrugged her shoulders and went to the guest room she is using now. 

She is staying in Kyra's house for a few days to spend some time with her bestest friends Kyra and Sofia. 

It's been more than half a year since they spent time together, all alone. They didn't have girl's time for month's!! 

"I can't believe one of us is no longer single!" Lisa chimed as she entered Kyra's garden house. 

Ryan has just left for Los Angeles and it's just the three of them. He should be going tomorrow morning but after hearing that tomorrow's weather is not going to be good from his assistant, Ryan booked the last flight and has left just now. 

"And, the guy who snatched her away from is Oliver!" Sofia teased Kyra who is now sitting in front of her painting canvas, trying to start a new one. 

Kyra smiled while listening to her friends but didn't say anything. She couldn't help but remember how Oliver confessed how he felt for her in front of Lisa. 

Her heart is still warm with the lingering sweetness Oliver's words left on her heart. She didn't want to forget this warm, beautiful feeling bulging in her heart, so she wanted to secure them in the form of a painting. 

"The way they confessed about each other in the car sounded like the vows promised at marriage. Sofia, their PDA started making me lonely." Lisa told Sofia as she wiped away her imaginary tears. 

"I know that feeling, Lisa dear. I am lonely too." Sofia said, wiping her imaginary tears as she imitated Sofia's dramatic acting. 

Kyra snickered and an image started to build in her mind. 

It happened in the car. The way he held her hand in his as he confessed in front of Lisa. 

She wanted to paint their instance of him kissing the back of her hand as he held her hand in his. 

In the previous day's, she has painted almost three paintings. 

The first painting was in Oliver's research facility. It is a picture of them embracing each other as their foreheads rested against each other's. That's the first time they have shown their feelings openly. So, it's a memory for her. 

The second painting was them at the lake in the park. They were sitting beside each other and her head was resting on his shoulder while his head was leaning on her head. He was kissing her head affectionately. 

It is a previous memory for her as it is the time she confessed her feelings and they decided to date. 

The third painting was of them on their first date. They were dancing and it was romantic and surreal.

This painting would be the fourth one. Be it a small or large, it is still a memory to be cherished. 

These paintings are proof of their progress and love. 

"Ky, your boyfriend texted you. Maybe it's pictures we are not allowed to see." Sofia teased, bringing Kyra out of her thoughts. 

"We didn't progress to that level, my drama queen." Kyra said as she took her phone from Sofia. 

"Really? See this.." Sofia said and showed a few pics in her phone that made Kyra turn into a delicious tomato.

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