"What are you both talking about? You were pretty serious back then.", Kyra said as she walked into Luther's room. 

"Nothing. Just telling your brother to take good care of you and he is complaining about his work stress and how he was not able to look after you properly.", Luther said. 

"Don't worry about me. I am fine and I will be fine.", Kyra said as Luther wrapped his arm around her shoulder. 

"It still worried me, Ky. All this revenge and 'taking back what is mine' is not giving me a good feeling." Luther said. 

"I know. But I have to do this. I am not doing this to destroy my biological mother's family but to liberate myself from my past."

"I don't want to be an emotionally sensitive and fragile person who has insecurities and suspects each and every good thing that happens to me. I can't live a carefree and happy life if I can't make my truma and low self-esteem go." Kyra said. 

Luther and Ryan are a little surprised seeing Kyra's sudden outburst but they understand why she is adamant to do this. If this is what she wants to do, they will help her. 

"We will help you.", Ryan said and Luther nodded his head in agreement. 

"Brother, I know that you are worried. But you shouldn't do each and everything for me. At this rate, I might even forget how to breathe by myself.", Kyra said, laughing a bit at her last sentence. 

"What I meant is, this is something I should do by myself. Only then I would feel like I have grown strong enough to take care of this. Only then, I would meet my savior too." she added. 

"Fine. We will hop in only if you need help.", Ryan said. 

"We will help only when you ask us by yourself, okay?" Luther corrected Ryan's words. 

"This is all I want. Approval and emotional support from you guys.", Kyra said, hugging both Ryan and Luther. 

"I hate to interrupt this heart touching moment but it's getting late for Luther.", Sofia said. 

"I will drop you at the airport.", Kyra said to Luther. 

"You are drunk", Luther and Ryan spoke at the same moment.

"I can ask Hayley to drive.", Kyra said. Her secretary friend doesn't drink because of her less alcohol tolerance. 

"Hayley had to take Taylor and Tayler back to the hotel as they were too drunk to drive,'' Dofia said. 

"Don't worry. Oliver said he would help. He didn't drink, ``she added. Oliver has morning surgery tomorrow though it's the weekend. So, he preferred not to drink. 

"You, Lisa and Oliver can go to drop Luther then.", Ryan said. 

He decided to stay behind as he wants to get some alone time with Sofia. And, so does Sofia, so she didn't reject this arrangement. Luther on the other hand didn't want Oliver and Kyra to be alone when they returned from the airport. What if Oliver takes advantage of her and seduces her? What if they do something as Kyra is drunk and Oliver asks her to take responsibility?

So, he wanted Lisa to come with them. Kyra on other hand misinterpreted that Luther likes Lisa. 

As she is bad when it comes to identifying a person's feelings and interpreting their inner thoughts, she could only think this way. If she is not this clueless, she would have long back realized that Luther likes her. She wouldn't have gotten betrayed by her family in the first place. 


Lisa was ecstatic when she heard that she would be tagging along. 

Two handsome and sexy men!!

She doesn't mean any harm and she is truly happy that Kyra has got Luther, Ryan and her other four brothers but she has to admit that she is jealous. 

They soon reached the airport and Kyra insisted on following inside. As Kyra and Lisa have changed into casual attire, they are not overdressed. 

Although Oliver didn't want to follow Luther into the airport, he couldn't suppress the thoughts running inside his mind. 

What if Luther proposes to Kyra before he boards his flight? What if he uses his Trump Card to trap Kyra in guilt consciousness and lure her into dating him? With these going on in his mind, he could only cave in and follow the trio inside. 

"What happened, Luther? Do you have something to tell me?" Kyra asked when she saw Luther's anxious behavior around her. 

Luther opened his mouth but no word came out, so he could only purse his lips. Why should he be so cowardly?? 

"Nothing. I am just worried about you." Luther lied. Oliver sighed in relief when he heard Luther's words. 

Truth to be told, he feels insecure when Luther is with Kyra. They have such a great relationship and Luther has done so much for Kyra and Kyra owes him a lot. 

She would do anything to return that gratitude and she might really give Luther a chance if he begged her. Who knows?? 

Luther looked at Oliver and it is obvious that he is relieved after hearing his words. 

Luther started to feel uncomfortable and restless after witnessing this. What if Oliver makes a move when he is not around?? 

Luther, as well, feels insecure when Oliver is with Kyra. Oliver is Kyra's idol, the inspiration and role model for her. He was once her crush, which proves that she had or still has romantic feelings for him. 

And, after witnessing the relationship Kyra and Oliver have in their work, he could tell that they go along pretty well and that they are becoming close to each other for every passing day. 

'Should I tell her?' Luther thought but his fear of rejection made him back off. 

"It's time. I have to go." Luther said as he took a glimpse at his watch. 

Kyra pursed her lips and her eyes brimmed with emotions. She will miss him. 

When Luther saw her moist eyes, he could only look at her dotingly. "Come here," he said, opening his arms. 

Kyra obliged and they hugged each other. "I will miss you." she said. 

"Me too." Luther said. 

"Don't overwork." Kyra told him. 

"You as well." Luther replied. 

"And, take care of yourself. Eat at time and don't spend much time at your garden house, painting. It's getting cold." Luther nagged. 

Kyra suppressed her sobs and nodded her head. 

Reluctantly they parted. 

Lisa gave Luther a brief hug. 

Luther and Oliver shared a handshake and after that Luther looked once again at Kyra and walked to his checking point. 

They stayed till Luther was out of their sight and only after that, they left the airport. 

'If Luther had proposed to Kyra at the right time and the right situation, maybe they would have become a couple.' Oliver thought, remembering how emotional Kyra became earlier. 

Even though she has feelings she couldn't identify what kind of feelings they are. As she is clueless when it comes to reading people's hearts, she needs assurance and clarity. 

Luther should have delayed expressing his feelings when Kyra's feelings were at a crossroads. As she didn't get any clarification from the other side, she confirmed to herself that her feelings are purely friendship based and not romantic. And, it went on like that. 

'I am lucky. If Luther didn't back off back then, I wouldn't have got to date such a wonderful woman." Oliver thought and looked at Kyra who was sitting in the passenger seat next to him. 

"What happened?" Kyra asked, noticing Oliver's gaze. When Lisa heard Kyra's words, she lifted her head up to see Oliver and Kyra. 

"Nothing, Ky." he said and placed his hand on her head as he gave her a smile. 

Kyra smiled in return and took his hand into hers and then pressed her cheek to his palm. 

"I feel sad." she said. 

Oliver caressed her cheek. "Don't be. He said he would return soon." He comforted her although he was jealous. 

Meanwhile, Lisa was too shocked to speak. She could only gape at the scene unfolding in front of her and if it is possible, her lower jaw would have touched the ground. 

"You...you guys." she stammered. 

What the fudge! She was forced to witness the shocking PDA from the most unexpected couple. 

She couldn't believe what she saw!! 

"Oh. I almost forgot that you are in the car, Lisa. Sorry for acting inconsiderately." Kyra apologized. 

'But why do I feel like you did this on purpose, Ky.' Lisa thought inside by making a puppy face. 

'You just said 'He is my man. Stay away' with this short PDA. Cruel!' Lisa thought, crying inside. 

"Sorry for the late introduction. Lisa is my boyfriend, Oliver. Oliver, this is my best friend and business partner, Lisa." Kyra introduced. 

Though they both know each other, this introduction is to let them know that they two can trust each other. 

This is a way of telling Oliver that he could trust Lisa when it comes to her and their relationship and as for Lisa, this is to tell her that the girlfriend she just spoke about is none other than herself. 

Besides that, she is letting Lisa know that she can trust Oliver if she wants any help.. Oliver is a powerful and influential man and they might need his help in the future to stabilize their company.

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