When Nadia jumped into the kitchen, Fran and Orelly had already struggled with the culinary discipline about the chef.

"Good morning! Sister Fran, you're early, and so is Olerie."

"Oh, Nadia, good morning!

"Good morning, sister Nadia!

The chef who was watching the two hands says as impressed.

"Mr. O'Leary is already quite skilled. Remember the repertoire."

"Hey, what about me?

When Fran glanced at the chef with his gaze, he took a step toward him.

The chef retreats without thinking of the extra force.

"F, so is Lady Francisca, inside. With a little more experience…"

"Oh, yeah! You just have to work hard!

A laugh engulfed Nadia unexpectedly at the comedy-like multiplication.

But Nadia is never human resources either.

And now that she had realized it, she cried out unbeaten.

"Shh, I'm sorry! Bo, tell me too!

"Wow, me!

Nadia accidentally grabs the chef's shoulder and Fran screams out loud, too.

At last, the chef was in tears for the two remaining forces.


Count Dumaire residence 7: 00 am......

It's Saturday and the school class is closed.

Teachers who just have work to do or are in charge of the club go to work.

Breakfast was brought to the hall at the hands of the servants.

The scrambled eggs cooked by Orelly stand out in bright colors.

Then the well-boiled vegetable soup, freshly baked white bread, is lined up and goes.

There was a good aroma of tea from the teapot that calmed me down.

Fran, Nadia and Orelly, who helped prepare, are already in their seats.

Eventually Adelaide and Lew come and sit down, but even then Gisele didn't come up.

"Gisele, I can't help but have some magic martial arts training... but she 'sleeps' badly"

I squeal like Nadia can't help it.

Lola, the miscellaneous lady who heard that, hesitated for a moment to go wake her up.

"Oh, I'm coming."

Lew saw Lola like that and put out a help boat.

Sometimes I woke up before when Fran went to bed.

Sometimes it just so happened that her sleeping minister was bad and they weren't.

If this were a man with no edge or itch for Gisele, he wouldn't be forgiven, but Lew is his fiancée.

It was with one of Adelaide's "favors" that Lew went to wake him up.


Guest rooms on the second floor......

Tong Tong!

Lew knocked on the door first.

No response.

"Ooh, Gisele."

Lew tries to turn the knob on the door.

It was unlocked and the door opened quietly.

"Ooh, Gisele."

Luu calls again.

Gisele is lying down with her back to this one.

But I could see its back trembling.

Is she awake? What the hell is going on?

Lew stroked Gisele's head as he went aside.

Beautiful blonde slightly disturbed.


Gisele is apparently crying.

"It's your fault..."

Giselle shrugged pompously.

"Since I began to love you... I have become so lonely and tearful"

Instead of answering that, Lew dived into bed and hugged Gisele to do it.

When I heard "what's wrong" while stroking Gisele's hair, she started telling me about last night.

Nadia went to you last night.

Lew nodded honestly and whispered, "I did come," he said.

"That's good... I noticed that too. I've been talking to Sister Fran and Olerie about how she can help if she doesn't keep her word."

'Promise' would be the story of an example of the order held by Luu.

But I hear Frans, who knew about Nadia, tolerated it.

Gisele cares about Nadia because she's had that experience.

"Since then she has become very frightened against 'darkness'. You're the only one who can quell her fright."

Gisele sighed, sighing as she was held by Luu from behind.

"But... last night, I was so lonely and anxious. I don't think I'm as attracted to the devil as she is. I was so scared you weren't here."

Giselle complains hung up.

But it's like Nadia restrained herself from pushing herself when she was going under Lou.

"I'm sorry, sir. I am strong but so fragile. She's a pathetically weak woman. But please! I'll try my best from now on, so please don't hate me. I think if my husband abandons me, I'll have to become a nun and join the monastery..."

Here Gisele looked back at Lew.

Her eyes are sobbing and terrible.

"... I was the only one who heard that from Orelly. I envy Olerie..."

Gisele shrugged lonely.

And he approached Lew to squeeze his courage.

"Wow, my... um, my chest was rubbed by my husband when he was helped? Well, how was it, compared to Orelly's chest?

"Oh, your breasts were soft. But I was desperate to help you then. I just sent a magic wave (aura) to my heart, and I didn't rub it or anything."

Lew smiles back to reassure Gisele.

But the word was counterproductive to Gisele today.

"Oh no!

As Gisele stopped Lew from leaving in the student council room the other day when she talked to Cindy... yes, she swoops like a child.

"Wow, me too, like O'Leary...... touch me. Oh, please..."

Rue rubs Gisele's breasts gently as she did to Olerie when she nodded silently.

"Oh, it's true! O, Olerie is right. Why does it feel so good to be gentle when someone you love touches you?"

Golden beautiful long hair spreads wide over the bed.

Gisele's eyes were closed, and the carved, deeply beautifully constructed face looked defenselessly white throat against Lew in comfort.

"You're my treasure, I'll protect you."

Gisele, who heard Lou say, said, "Glad! And when he cried out, he turned his hands upon Lu's back with certainty.

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