Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 49: The Game Begins

"Huh? And what's an iron mask!? Oh, that's terrible..."

Against Fran, who lays face down powerless after being surprised by the shock...

Words can be thrown from the Celturi, as they do in the chase.

"Because! You, yes, the students were calling me. I usually don't show my emotions at all."


"But since that raid... Fran, you've changed completely"


"Few students call me by my nickname anymore. On the contrary... why are you so pretty these days? There are rumors everywhere."

Fran was unaware of Kelturi's sarcasm.

For this reason, I returned it with questions like love.

"Not called the iron mask anymore? And what do you mean I'm beautiful?

Unexpectedly, Certuri clasped his shoulders.

Fran is an indifferent daughter to herself.

I don't really realize what I'm being thought or seen at all

Kelturi, who hated the roundabout, threw a straight ball in there with Zuba.

"Girls like to talk about that. But in your case, you know too much."


"Let me get this straight. You like Lew, don't you?

"Oh, yeah!

It was a wolfish franc, but it was then.

"Kelly, can we talk now? Enemy."

Lou's sharp voice flew.

Apparently it is an enemy attack.

Kelly looks even more stunned when she asks.

"Lew, are you seriously going to take this [battle]?

"Oh, hold on to the witness, Kelly"

In response to Kelly's inquiry, Luu kept grinning and staring straight into her face.

"Wow, I get it! I'll do it right!

Kelly was awkward for a moment.

Even though you're human, you don't look alike at all...

Lew's face was now shadowed by the late Sowell, Shrvestel Ayrtvara.

Lew turns right back to Fran.

"Fran, it's an enemy attack. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah! No, it's okay!

After many bites, Fran also tempered.

Lew, tell Fran about the situation.

"It's a flock of oaks 300 meters away. The number is 10, we'll lure them out, so let's go with the same coordinated attack as before. Same procedure for signaling and timing."



Lew calls me by my name. Kelturi is thrilled.

"Your arm will be fine, but protect yourself."


That's what Luu told me, leaving Kelturi with a slightly lonely look and Fran in a combat posture...

As earlier, Lew snuck up gently to the herd of orcs.


By the way...

Demons have superior species, or 'irregular' species, also known as rare species.

Within the same species, individuals born suddenly are called to have an advantage over the size, abilities, etc.

And now there's a superior species in the herd of orcs that the Lews are trying to defeat.

It is a special individual called Oak General.

It is about three times more powerful than a regular oak and uses the weapon cleverly.

There are some who understand human language and speak slightly.

It seems to be a human child level, but it also has the intelligence to judge things.

And this oak general was leading the herd as a leader.

The herd was moving through the woods, mainly Oak General.

But the herd, made up of 10 oaks, was quickly defeated by an intruder who suddenly appeared.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stunning about what happened.

And perhaps carelessly, Oak General roared loudly.

Beyond the gaze of the stunned orcs...

A long, skinny person with no weapons whatsoever, or Luu, stood up.


That's how Oak General recognized Luu.

And he commanded the flock to surround themselves in groups, and to perish once and for all.

Exactly what used to be remarkably different than when Lew got into a mess and fought the oak.


The remaining seven oaks, with the exception of Oak General, surround Luu with a twist, gradually narrowing its circle.

But Lew doesn't move with his arms around.

I see frustration in the look on Oak General's face.

It was uncomfortable.

Ordinary people should let fear seep into their expressions...

That human man has absolutely nothing.

Yeah! Keep it up.

Oak General shouts and commands the herd to storm.

There was no choice but to come this far and order the herd to retreat.

The orcs of the herd strike at once.


Oak General feels like Lou's appearance has flashed for a moment and quickly loses sight of him.

And it got into his eyes...

He was the figure of a fellow who was killed when he was splashed in the neck or had a big hole in his belly.

Yes, what the hell happened?

When Oak General was surprised.

Something even more unusual happened.

Suddenly there were signs of humans in front of us.

Luu tells the man with the long skinny body who stood in front of such an oak general.

"With you... the herd doesn't seem to be able to lure you out. I'll have you dead."

Oak Generals are too fearful, and their bodies are rigid to move.

Moments later, Lew's fist was as brilliant as a flash, wasting the neck of Oak General.


"Oh, here I come!

Lew took five oaks and appeared in front of Fran and Kelturi.

He'll be absolutely fine...

With that in mind, Fran still worries.

But there was a kertuli grudge. When I felt my gaze...

Fran rushes to begin preparing for the magical chant.

Yes, because Giselle and I are in the middle of a battle right now.

Eventually, where there is ample and increased magic, Lu's name is called aloud, and Fran begins to perform a magical ceremony.

"I will be in heaven, my great apostle! Give me that holy fire of purification! Marcto, cuff!

Lew leaves the scene at once.

and multiple flame shells released from the franc fly towards the oak.

Three of them instantly extinguish the oak, and the two orcs that have been shot off will also be buried with a fist by Lew.

Defeat all enemies in a collaborative play...... Lew slowly returns here.

Fran gives a relieved look as she waves at Luu like that.

"Oh, good! We won!

"Oh, my God, no oak. If I hang it in Lew's hand, it's not a clutterfish. It's a farce, like this..."

But Kelturi groaned boringly, and turned to Tung.

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