Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 17: Captain Knights

As Lu and the others went to work at the school......

It was just before lunch that I arranged to pick up the carriage again and return to the mansion.

Meetings at the school continued after the head teacher, Kelturi, left the board president's office.

The Knights of the Kingdom Captain, reporting to Count Calvin Ryan, was packed with details.

Afterwards, after a light lunch, the promised time came.

Count Calvin Ryan appeared on time, accompanied by three of his men, at Count Dumaire's residence.

As Adelaide said, Adelaide, Fran Mother and Daughter and Calvin are a pattern of old knowledge.

This training in magic for Rodonia was also chosen by Captain Calvin himself.

I was going to accompany a selection of my men.

Is that what happened...

According to reports from the guards, all five of his men died in battle.

Adelaide's daughter, Francisca's crisis, says an unidentified youth helped.

Fortunately, Francisca's life was saved.

Because the martyred men will not die as dogs.

It was Calvin who lost a dear man and stroked down his chest, though hard...

He wanted to know the nature of the young people he helped, as well as receiving reports of detailed incidents from his victim, Francisca.

"This is Dear Calvin, Welcome!

Count Dumaire's family order, Zimon, greets you with several servants.

Similar to Adelaide and Fran's mother and daughter, Zimon doesn't call him Count Ryan or anything like that because he's known Calvin for a long time.

Cage your intimacy and call it by your first name.

Calvin was surprised to see the look on Zimon's face like that.

Because a giant man, usually called Black Steel with a harsh expression (Kuroha), had a full grin.

"What? Zimon... wouldn't something bad happen to you, like making you smile like that?

"What, as always, I am at your service. That's all."

"Ha, yeah?

Lie to me! You muscle masterpiece!

I put my thing on the shelf in my heart, and Calvin poisoned it.

There must have been something very pleasing about this difficult ordinance recently.

Could it be caused by an unidentified young man who had a report?

Thinking about it, Calvin wanted to know more about the identity of the youth.


Reception room at Count Dumaire's residence......

"This is welcome, Calvin. Do you think the deputy captain and his men can handle this later?

Adelaide greeted Calvin with a smile and the two gently embraced him.

The other three are named Schnall by the deputy captain and Carmel and Dandrew by the crew, respectively.

Of the four, Calvin and his deputy, Schnall, sat on the bench, and his men's knights stood behind it.

"Adelaide, is Fran okay? According to the guards, it was a long time ago."

Calvin shrugged with a sinking face.

Whatever, even though the number of enemies was high, the Knights' chosen and benign elite was lightly defeated.

Fran alone must have had a hard time surviving.

"Yes, my sincere condolences to the five deceased knights. Including that, I'm going to have Fran and whoever helped her and made her a squire present, and I'm going to report it to you."

Oh, no!

Did you turn that young man into a squire?

Calvin was a little surprised.

Adelaide is not as inclined to magic as they say in the alley.

Common sense, of course, must have an eye for man.

... that's... what makes it so easy to make a stranger a valiant daughter's squire?

Calvin listened to Adelaide and wanted to see the man more and more.

Fran, Lew, come in.

Oh, no!

This is...

I came into the room. Fran was a little messed up...

A soft smile, coming towards Calvin.

What bothered me more than that was that any dark shadows that had occurred since the loss of my fiancée Reinhardt had disappeared.

"Welcome, Master Calvin, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sorry for what happened to me this time."

Fran bowed his head deeply.

Condolences are conveyed to the knights who were murdered unharmed.

But Calvin shook his head slowly to the side.

"No, no, I'm sorry to hear that, but that's not surprising, including me. Fran, they'll be floating around saving you."

The death of the knights is never in vain...

Calvin tells me that Fran gets a slightly more hospitable look.

"That makes me feel a little easier..."


At the diagonal rear of the flan, there is a long man who refrains from slightly bending over...

This is the example... of a man...

Calvin observed the man very naturally.

He's quite tall.

It would be easier than 180cm.

Dark hair with black eyes with just a little wavy.

In the deep face of the sculpture, the expression… is perfectly serene with no danger.

I don't see a face here.

Are you from the Yamato Empire to the east?

... and skinny, and unlikely to handle weapons satisfactorily, a guy like this fulfills his enemies?

"Come on, Lew, introduce yourself"

When Adelaide prompts Luu...

Lew put one hand on his chest, knelt one knee on the floor, and greeted Calvin and the others.

"This is to Count Ryan. The Knights of the Kingdom. My name is Lou Brandell."

Lew stares at Calvin with his pitch-black eyes.

Calvin looked back into his eyes...

I feel the illusion that my soul will be sucked into Lou as it is...

How about it!

What is this!?


Now I can put him on his pace.

Calvin shook his head hard, trying to get his consciousness back.

And urge Fran to start reporting the incident.

"Then why don't you follow the lead, Fran?"

In response to Calvin's words, Fran began to talk "pompous".

He was suddenly attacked on his way home to Valentine.

The enemy is a little over 1m tall, and the appearance is more like a human being. A monster who uses magic similar to a little ghost (a goblin). That's about 100 of them.

The five knights of the escort have all been killed protecting Fran.

The fact that Luu helped me magically where there were too many enemies and my magic ran out.

He returned to the site of the raid to mourn the body and retrieve the sword and other artifacts.

And Luu sent me to St. Helena, the king's capital.

Speaking calmly, Fran seems to have recovered a lot from the shock of the incident.

"As far as I can tell, I know what happened."

Calvin, having finished hearing the case from Fran, nods as he is convinced.

Once you have a refreshing smile...

But a turn.

"After (and after)...... about that lu, right? Tell us as much as you can about how he worked."

Calvin looked surprised and asked again.

It's like saying that's the point.

"Calvin, Lew is an orphan of the human race, a wizard from the Arves."

Here Adelaide pinched her mouth.

She hides her willingness to say that she wants to know who Lu is.

"Oh no! Really?

"Yeah, there's a lot of magic you can use like fire attribute magic, healing system, funeral magic, etc. As I learned later, he was the brother of the head of our school, Kelturi Ayrtovara."

"As long as it takes! Of that talented woman, Art?

Calvin nodded once convinced.

Adelaide is also nodding lightly.

As if my intentions were well conveyed to Calvin.

"Yes, by total coincidence... I also decided to hire her as a temporary teacher at a school that I just didn't have enough hands on, as well as an escort to be Fran's squire"

Fran, who heard Adelaide, is smiling.

This reminded me of my face like I chewed up a Celturi bitter bug and I was desperately laughing...

I could never say that.

"Thank you for your continued support."

Here's Lew, once again, bowing his head to Calvin and the others.


The story goes through.

First, there is no sign of evil in the man in front of you.

That's extremely vague though......

It was a unique feeling Calvin gained from his years as a knight.

Now you've decided you're done talking...

Adelaide slapped her hand and called Zimon.

"Zimon, you're home."

"Please wait, ma'am. Before you return, I will give you the knights' artifacts and examples of evidence in the garden."

As he returns to Adelaide's words, Lew ascends.

"Hehe, you did. Lew, I totally forgot."

Adelaide smiled bitterly and gave instructions to Zimon.

"Adelaide. Whatever the artifacts, why the garden?

Calvin asks strangely.

Because I couldn't figure out what Adelaide meant by "handing it over" being a garden, not a mansion.

Again, this is Lou, who just answered Calvin's question like that.

"Count, if you still see it, Francisca is reminded of the case and physically handicapped."


You're thinking about your husband, Fran.

Feeling Lou's concern, Calvin's mouth angle rises slightly.

But it's not a grin coming from malice.

"Come on, Master Calvin, ladies and gentlemen, I'll show you around."

With Zimon's harsh voice, everyone who was there headed to the courtyard of Count Dumaire's residence.

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