Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me

Chapter 568: extra 99 study abroad

  Chapter 568 Fanwai 99 Study Abroad

  Si Zhong left from the community where Li Qingyan lived. Along the way, her mind was filled with the voice of her trying to distance herself from him.

  Si Zhong didn't want to lose the last bit of decency, so he had to make Li Qingyan explain to Chu Huaijin.

   Didn't she want a divorce? Since there was no room for redemption, he set her free.

  After returning to the company, the first thing Si Chong did was to call a lawyer to draw up a divorce agreement.

Although he is not as rich as before, he is not at the end of his life either. Si Zhong stated in the agreement that he would pay her ten million in ten months as alimony, and give her all the luxuries he bought for her before. She disposes.

  After the official document came out, Si Zhong took a pen and hesitated for a long time before signing his name.


  Peace community.

  Chu Huaijin was fiddling with Li Qingyan's computer while chatting with her.

   "How is the preparation for the exam? Has the application procedure been completed?"

  Li Qingyan opened the drawer, counted the documents inside and said.

   "It's all there. I'm familiar with this professor, so it should be fine."

  Chu Huaijin said again.

   "Everything in your house has been appeased, so don't make any fools."

  Li Qingyan pouted, disdainful.

   "I won't tell them, they are still thinking about selling me again for a good price. If they know that I am going abroad, they must not tie me back. It's not like they haven't done this kind of thing before."

   Li Qingyan’s desire to study abroad is not a whim. Her undergraduate major is drama, film, television and literature, and she also applied for this as a graduate student.

  When she was in school, she was always one of the top students in her major. She won scholarships every year, and the works she participated in also won awards.

  After graduating from a bachelor’s degree, foreign universities offered her an olive branch.

   At that time, the admission notice came, but at that juncture, the family wanted to arrange for her to marry Si Zhong.

  After all, in their kind of family, the daughter has this function, no one cares about learning or something, it is better to marry a rich man.

   It was also my fault that Li Qingyan was obsessed with ghosts at the time. On the one hand, it was the resistance of her family, and on the other hand, she liked Si Zhong herself, so she simply gave up the opportunity to go abroad and focused on getting married.

   Fortunately, her mentor at the time left her a way out. Professor Liu Hua himself is also Asian, and he cherishes talents very much. Seeing that Li Qingyan couldn't be persuaded, he came up with an idea.

   Said to help her apply to retain her student status for three years. If she wants to come back in the past few years, she can come back. She only needs to go through the process again and take the entrance examination.

   This year is the third year, and it is also her last chance.

  In fact, Li Qingyan has also done a lot of professional-related work in recent years, such as writing several novels in her spare time, and two of them sold the copyright to adapt online movies.

   But no one ever cared, and she never mentioned it to anyone.

  Chu Huaijin fiddled with the computer for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion.

   "Your computer... the system is not genuine, so there are bugs from time to time, where did you buy it?"

  Li Qingyan couldn't believe it.

   "No way, the person who sold the computer said it was genuine when I bought it, and said that if you have any problems, you can go back to him."

  Although Chu Huaijin doesn't know much about electronic products, he is a lawyer and knows who to contact if he has any problems.

  He put his laptop in his computer bag and made a gesture to leave.

   "You can review at home with peace of mind, give me the address where you bought the computer, and I will take it to ask."


Half an hour later, Chu Huaijin stood in front of shop No. 91 in the computer city. Behind the cash register was a man in black with a peaked cap. He was playing games with his earphones on and his fingertips were moving wildly. He didn't notice anyone coming. .

  Chu Huaijin was furious when he saw this person's work attitude.

  He raised his hand and knocked on the table, and raised his voice.

   "Hi, excuse me."

  Jiang Dong first noticed the hand on the table, and then took off the earphones.

  He raised the brim of his hat and looked over lazily.

   "Who are you looking for?"

  (end of this chapter)

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