Hello 1983

Chapter 60: hot item

  Chapter 60 Hot Items

  Secretary Sun of the commune led more than a dozen branch secretaries and captains of the brigade, and of course they had to go into the shed for a walk.

   Entering through the small door on the north side, you can immediately feel a sultry atmosphere coming from the shed, with a faint smell of manure, and the local atmosphere is very strong.

  The ones who came were all old tricks. Who cares about this, but they all looked around excitedly.

  Inside the greenhouse, it is also busy, and some women in the village are sowing seeds.

  They used hoes to draw out neat little ditches in the flat vegetable bed, and then sprinkled the rapeseed in, and someone behind them was responsible for the landfill.

   "What are you guys like?"

  Captain Wu went up to ask, he looked a bit like coriander seeds, but the taste was not right.

   "Growing celery."

  A woman replied without looking up.

   "Isn't celery transplanted from the roots?"

  Old Wu was a little enlightened. There was also a small bed of celery in his garden, which was the root of celery taken from someone else’s house.

After following along, the big head who acted as the commentator said: "There are too many greenhouses in our village, and the planting volume is relatively large. There is nowhere to find so many celery roots, so we can only plant them. The water and fertilizer can keep up. It can be done in three months." Cut your head off."

  The celery they grow is the common upland celery. At this time, the celery has not been spread here yet.

  This kind of dryland celery is characterized by its firm skin and strong reproductive ability, and it can also cut several crops.

  The growth cycle of leeks is a little longer than that of celery, and they have been planted first. It is estimated that on New Year's Day, they will be able to cut the head of leeks.

  As for cucumbers, the seedlings are raised intensively and then transplanted. This is also carried out according to the book, which saves time and effort in management.

  Everyone quickly figured out that the main crops in the greenhouse are celery, leeks and cucumbers.

  The planting at this time is obviously aimed at the time before the Spring Festival.

  Think about that time, when it was freezing and snowy, you couldn’t see any green, and it was rare to have mung bean sprouts at home.

  How about a plate of stir-fried shredded potatoes with green leeks, or stir-fried vermicelli with celery, take a fresh green cucumber, poke it in the sauce bowl, and drink two cups of wine, wouldn’t it be delicious?

   Gulu, many people couldn't help swallowing quietly.

   "At that time, how much can you sell celery and leeks for a catty?"

  Old Party Secretary Liu suddenly asked a question, and then everyone came to their senses and listened with their ears open: Yes, this is the key, okay?

   As for the price, the big head didn't think about it, he scratched his head, a little bit unsure how to answer.

  Liu Qingshan took a look, and immediately interjected: "It's hard to say now, depending on the market, it may be sold for 10 cents, or it may be 50 cents. If there is strong demand from the people, it is not impossible to sell for 1 yuan."

   "One piece! Isn't that all caught up with pork?"

   Everyone looked at the two and a half boys in the middle: You Jiapigou are poor and crazy!

  Liu Qingshan smiled, noncommittal, the big head was also enlightened, arguing in his mouth: "Pork can be bought with money, and the vegetables we grow, in winter, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it."

   There was a silence around, although they couldn't believe it in their hearts, they couldn't find a reason to refute it.

   There was silence for a while, but the scheming Secretary Liu spoke up: "If you do this and set prices randomly, aren't you afraid of being speculative?"

  Big head remained silent again, while the branch secretary coughed lightly, indicating that he had something to say.

  He discussed this issue with Liu Qingshan in the past few days, and went back to look through the newspaper, and wrote down a lot of what Liu Qingshan said in the newspaper. It happened to be a lesson for his old opponent today.

  "Old Liu, I am not criticizing you. Your thinking is indeed a bit outdated. Our country's reform and opening up is to gradually transform the planned economy into a market economy. Do you know what a market economy is?"

  Old Party Secretary Liu could only resist shaking his head, his heart was so tired: I would have known that I would not come to this poor place like Jiapigou.

The secretary's grandfather smiled and continued: "This market economy is to let the price of commodities be regulated by the market. Just like our vegetables, when the time comes, the common people will need them and are willing to spend a lot of money to buy them. You have to follow the laws of the market, does this have anything to do with speculation?"

  Looking at the old branch secretary Liu who was so angry and had nowhere to vent, the old branch secretary really wanted to yell:


  He chuckled a few times, and continued: "Our country is now proposing to implement a dual-track price system. By the way, Lao Liu, have you heard of a dual-track price system?"

   This was definitely a critical blow. The old branch secretary Liu was so angry that his face was almost green, he simply turned his head and pretended to watch the woman next to him grow vegetables.

   Liu Qingshan couldn't help being happy when he heard it: Grandpa Party Secretary has a good memory. I almost remembered what I told him a few days ago.

  But you can’t be so unkind. After showing off, the old party secretary turned to Secretary Sun Hongtao of the commune: "Secretary Sun, you are more enlightened than us. There are some mistakes in what I said. I still need your valuable opinions."

  Secretary Sun waved his hands with a smile, and decided in his heart: no matter how busy the work is in the future, we should spare more time to read books and newspapers, and strengthen theoretical study, otherwise, we will really fall behind.

  But those branch secretary leaders still had a lot of energy in their hearts. In their cognition, Jiapigou was hanging at the end of each production team and belonged to the last one who beat the wolves. It was not so easy to turn over.

   After watching for a while, Captain Guan of Xiangqian Village finally found a way: "Your shed is good, but there is a place, which is not perfect. In winter, watering and irrigation will definitely be a big trouble."

  That’s right, in winter, carrying water to irrigate the greenhouse, it’s cold and slippery, shouldn’t it be tiring?

Everyone immediately became excited, and just as they were about to chatter and criticize, they heard Datou say slowly: "We are doing a small kill well, three greenhouses use one kill well, this one doesn't have it, let's go to the west courtyard, handsome uncle The kill well at home has already been drilled."

  So I went from this greenhouse to the next one, and soon everyone saw the small well, which was inside the greenhouse.

  An iron pipe with a thick mouth, pierced into the ground, with a pressure rod connected to the top.

Without the need for others to do anything, Zhang Dashuai began to demonstrate happily: "Let me tell you, this well is very old. I used to draw water from the edge of the well, and I couldn't reach the handle of the pulley. Now I can easily draw water. Press it out."

   While talking, he poured two scoops of water into the iron pipe, and then pressed the handle with a puff.

  After a dozen presses, the water below was drawn up, and flowed out along the front outlet.

  The water quality is clear. Everyone took the gourd ladle and tasted it all. The taste was sweet and refreshing. At the beginning, there was a slight rusty smell, but it disappeared after the end.

   Some people felt it was strange, and went up and pressed it a few times, muttering: "Hey, this thing is good, it's almost better than the tap water in the city."

   "Old Zhang, how much does it cost to drill such a well?"

  Captain Wu was also tempted, and moved to the side of the old party secretary, and started digging.

  Speaking of the price, the old party secretary's face also twitched, and he was almost distressed to death.

   But on the lips, he said lightly: "It's not expensive, not expensive, including wages and materials, and a kill well is less than 300 yuan."

  What the hell? Three hundred yuan!

  The surroundings almost dropped their jaws.

  They already understood just now that instead of this one kill well, if there are three households for one well, at least ten wells must be drilled, which is 3,000 yuan!

   After a long time, a sour voice sounded from the crowd: "The buns have meat but not the folds, you are really rich."

   "What money do you have? We also borrowed from the bank. The loan is 10,000 yuan, and it will be spent in a blink of an eye."

  The old party secretary finally couldn't bear it anymore, and poured out the bitterness in his heart. The loan was like a big rock, weighing on his heart, and he wanted to find someone to talk to, so that he could share it.

   "Okay, Lao Zhang, you have courage, I am convinced!"

  Old branch secretary Liu was no longer angry, and he also figured it out: Look at Jiapigou, how dare to play such a big loan, this is a posture of risking your life!

   Regardless of whether it can be achieved in the end, this courage is worthy of admiration.

  Thinking about the brigade I belong to, the foundation is much stronger than Jiapigou, but if I keep lying down and relying on my laurels, I am afraid that I will be wiped out by Jiapigou in the blink of an eye.

  At this moment, old branch secretary Liu suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart, as if he couldn't wait for time.

  This is especially true for other people. They were not very happy to come here, but now they feel that the trip is worthwhile, very inspired and educated.

  No longer in the mood to criticize, the people in the visiting group all adjusted their attitudes and began to humbly ask for advice.

  Captain Guan of Xiangqian Village, with a straightforward temper, asked directly: "Secretary Zhang, can our village build this plastic shed?"

  Seeing that the old branch secretary still wanted to hide it, Liu Qingshan said with a smile: "Of course it can be done, and our Qingshan Commune and even our Bishui County can do it."

   "Aren't you afraid that if you grow greenhouses, you will be robbed of your Jiapigou's wealth?"

  Captain Guan can say whatever he thinks.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head confidently: "No matter what industry it is, only when it has a certain scale can everyone benefit."

   "Think about it, everyone, if our county becomes a greenhouse vegetable base, then we don't need to go out to sell the market, the surrounding cities and counties will automatically come to purchase, and when the time comes, we will sit on the kang and sell the vegetables."

   "Yes, that's the reason!"

  Captain Guan punched his fist. He has made up his mind to build a plastic greenhouse.

  Maybe it’s too late this year, so I’ll start early in the coming year. While thinking about it, I looked at Liu Qingshan and Datou, two half-children: these are all talents.

  Even Secretary Sun of the commune was greatly inspired and began to think about the overall industrial layout of each production team.

   Coming out of the shed, everyone had their own concerns, and strolled to the pig farm.

  The old branch secretary Liu quietly pulled the big head aside, chatting kindly about homework.

  Liu Qingshan leaned over and listened, and immediately couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, only to hear the old branch secretary Liu asking the big head: "Your baby is sixteen, are you engaged?"

Seeing the big head shaking his head, old branch secretary Liu put on a very kind look: "My third granddaughter, who is also sixteen years old this year, is handsome and capable, someday ask your father to lead her to grandpa's house to meet her." Take a look?"

   Seeing Datou making a big red face, Liu Qingshan couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

   This also alarmed the others, so they all turned their guns and aimed at Old Party Secretary Liu.

   "Hey, you old slicker, you're really quick, so you're going to rob someone, right?"

   "You are old and treacherous, old Liu, you are too unnatural. In order to grab technicians, you even used beauty tricks. Do you still want to show some face?"

  Hearing the quarrel, Datou's father, the captain Zhang Guofu, really wanted to laugh three times: My stupid son will become a hot commodity sometime, hahaha...

  (end of this chapter)

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