In the absence of a rider, Megadeth says that only Haku can fight the gatekeeper.

Allen's people who wanted to fight all of us are constantly fighting.

So Haku wants to fight the gatekeeper alone?

Allen confirms the meaning of Megadeth's words as a precaution.

The conditions for fighting the boss were indeed the experience of previous generations.

There were also configurations in which the protagonist had to be included, and battles between people.

I suspect that this trial gate is close to that condition.

That's right. I don't have any rider dragon cavalry either. Even though it's a young child, the claw gate is not that strong, so don't fight it well. "

Of the three gatekeepers, the first one seems to be weak.

"Is it a good fight?" Are you saying you can win? "

Maybe I'll lose. I don't think I've ever crossed the gate of my claws with a young colored dragon alone.

What's the next challenge after you lose?

I checked to see how many times I could rechallenge.

Basically, no.

If I lost, I couldn't fight the gatekeeper again.


Klenna accidentally cracked between Allen and Megadeth.

Klenna swells her cheeks and tells Haku not to challenge the gatekeeper.

(Because Haku is a juvenile. It basically takes 100 years to become an adult.)

It seems that it will take about 100 years to confirm how long it takes for a white dragon to become an adult.

Dragons are long-lived species that live for thousands of years depending on the individual, but it takes time to become adults.

"Hey, I've been trying for almost a month!" Why don't you tell me such an important thing quickly!! "

Cecil was furious as everyone became pessimistic and Klenna stopped.

It is a story about what I have worked hard for, whether it was hot or cold.

Sophie was desperately trying to stop Desperado from hitting him from behind.

Allen was the only one staring at the suspicious Megadeth.

Cecil has spoken for me, but I think there's a reason for this.

"Why did you show me here?"

(Even if you miraculously defeat this gatekeeper, the battle ahead will be tough.)

Haku's level just kanked to 60.

I don't know how much my stunts will grow, but I don't think there's any more future for Haku without weapons or armor.

The gatekeeper seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and I don't feel like I can defeat the second and third gatekeeper.

Well, I didn't think you'd ever ask the Dragon King that kind of thing.

Megadeth's silly attitude remains unchanged.

“So, what can I do for you?”

I also thought you would do something from this attitude.

In response to Allen's question, Megadeth moves slowly in front of Klenna.

"Well, if you ask me, I can transfer you to one of these riders." How about you, Klenna? "

It seems that the use of Space-Time Gods has the power to change jobs.

Megadeth adds, “Haku and I seem to be getting along,” as the reason for choosing Klenna.

"Really!? Then we can fight together!" I'm going to change jobs!! "

Klenna's face turned puffy and bright.

“What exactly do you mean by switching to a rider?”

It's too early to draw conclusions, so Allen breaks the conversation between Klenna and Megadeth.

If you're a dragon cavalry soldier, you can change jobs. A dragon cavalry is born from a human race. That's why it's not just a dragon man's profession in the first place. "

Megadeth pushes to change her profession specially because there was not enough explanation this time and there was also a rough outline.

Dragon cavalry seems to be a very valuable talent born in the proportion of one in ten million people.

About one in a million people is born a dragon.

This seems to be one of the traits of the race.

By the way, how talented is the Sword Saint?

One in ten million people thought there were about three stars.

It's hard to be born, but it's like a sword.

(Two stars. Five stars. Klenna, the Sword Emperor, loses three stars.)

The Dragon Cavalry seems to be as talented as the two swordsmen.

Measure Klenna's loss by the number of stars.

Excuse me. I'd like to check a bit, but when the gatekeeper's challenge is over, will you return to the original Sword Emperor?

(Somehow, they were after Klenna. Is there a reason for selection?)

Allen confirms that this is a temporary transfer to conquer the trial gate.

No, I'm going to be a dragon knight.

Well, what do you mean?

I got a completely different answer than I thought.

It wasn't like I was going back to the five-star Sword Emperor, or the two-star Dragon Cavalry.

Megadeth explains further and decides to ask more about the rider.

"As I told you before, the trial gate was prepared by God to go to the God Realm." Conquering the gate, defeating the gatekeeper, and collecting the certificate means getting closer to the God Realm. ”


Make a mistake in listening and listen seriously to avoid making the wrong choice.

My memories of my previous life come back to me.

I feel like this is a very important story.

That's why every time there is more than one gate, the dragon and the rider of the challenger gain new power as proof of their proximity to the divine realm.

It seems that it is not only the certificate that can be obtained.

New power?

Simply put, the White Dragon is promoted to one or more races. The Dragon Cavalry will be the equivalent of the Dragon Knight of the Sword Saint that Allen just said. "

I see.

Every time I crossed the gate, the challenger and the rider were rewarded.

We have rewards beyond Allen, our allies, who have crossed the test gate together.

From now on, whenever the white dragon exceeds the gate, the race will rise by a maximum of three steps.

And riders say they can change jobs three times each time they knock down the gatekeeper.

It seems that if you change three jobs, you will return to the same five talents as the five Sword Emperors.

What do we do?

"... erm..."

Allen, who always responds quickly to something, gets lost.

Become a dragon cavalry soldier!!

Klenna replied immediately instead.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Allen stops Klenna's determination.

Allen had experience in this situation over and over again in his previous life.

Because there are many previous games that have failed due to job selection or change of job without any information.

No modifications have been made to the stats or skill choices, and the character has been remade many times.

I've lost my name and what I've built up so far.

However, in the real world, we are in a situation where the word "loss" cannot be cleared up.

Megadeth is quite suspicious, and if he fails, he will lose Klenna and Haku.

"Perhaps Klenna-kun's power will do something about the gate of her nails." Oh, and the next gate will give you something better. ”

Something better?

Yes, this isn't just a tough place. It was built by the power of the space-time god Desperado and his wife, the magical god Isilis. "


(Speaking of which, is there a conjugal relationship between the Temporal God and the Magical God?)

When I studied the gods of this world, I knew them again.

It seems that in this world, like in Japanese and Greek mythology, Gods marry each other and have children.

What you can get beyond this gate is huge.

I heard that Megadeth had previously entrusted this trial gate and the judgment gate to Desperado, the temporal god.

I think that the God who rules time and space has the power to divide the three worlds.

His wife, the magic god Isilis, also cooperated with the temporal god.

From the next tier, the magic god Isilis says that she can get items that are full of power.

My allies, Allen, say the profits will be huge if we continue to conquer the gate.

"The magic god's item..."

Cecil takes a breath.

You're a wizard, aren't you? Ahh, there's a "thing" that's perfect for a wizard. "

Construct the Dungeon Master Degragni, and emphasize that the items created by the magic god Isilis, who controls magic tools, magic tools, and magical talents, are powerful.

Cecil unexpectedly shouted.

She looks disgusted at the unexpected delight.

(Now, it's time to make a decision. Maybe you were guiding us from the beginning when you knew we were going to try. Because Klenna is in extra mode.)

You're still an opener, aren't you?

I forgot to ask you something important.

Rediscover Extra Mode to the Opener, the word used in this world.

Of course, you can't take away the power that God has given you.

Megadeth knew that Klenna was the only extra mode in the party.

Inside Allen, there's a step up in vigilance against Megadeth.

Is the Summon Monster's participation strict?

Allen once asked Megadeth about the terms of his battle with the gatekeeper.

You can't take a summoning beast with you. From here onwards, the dragon and the rider's power are tested. All auxiliary magic will expire. "

They said they couldn't carry anything but gear and items inside.

Allen looks over at his people.

Both Cecil and Sophie believe that party leader Allen will make the final decision.

Looks like it's up to you again this time.


"Hmm? What's wrong? Master Fabre."

The spirit king with a squeaky face entered his gaze.

Eh? Uh, nothing.

Fabre, who was held by Luke, lowered his gaze.

I felt like I had a sad gaze somewhere.

"Allen, it's okay." I'm going to beat the gatekeeper with a bang. "

For a moment, Klenna smiled and told Allen to take care of the Spirit King.

"... I see. Can I leave our future to you?"

Klenna said she would try, so Allen decided to agree.

I tell myself that I sometimes make these kinds of decisions.

Yeah! Leave it to me!

Somehow, I was surprised to see Klenna's smile on her face.

I feel like I have been entrusted with this many times, but I made a strong body and said, "I have been entrusted with it," and Klenna replied cheerfully.


(Say cheeks.)

When I thought that Megadeth's rainbow feathers glowed with an unfamiliar call, the same light enveloped Klenna.


"It doesn't change anything, does it?" Are you really a dragon cavalry? "

There is no change in appearance.

"No, Klenna's profession became" Dragon Cavalry. "At the same time, it's level one."

Allen looked at the grimoire, but it was definitely done.

Thus, Klenna was transferred to the Dragon Cavalry to fight the gatekeeper.

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