Allen checks with Freya, the god of fire, to see if the power to defeat the superior demon resides in Dogora's artifact Kagutsuchi, depending on the number of worshippers.

Keel seemed to know what he was trying to say.

Dogora is too skippy to understand.

I've heard all this from Dogora in the last few days, but I'm running out of prayer power.

I was going to say, "Pray again," to the old Mercian kingdom, absorbed by the Baux Empire, which believed in the God of Fire, Freya.

Dragola, who became a human pillar, needed the power of people's prayers to Freya, God of Fire.

Faith in the God of Fire, Freya, dwells in the artifact, and is the power of Dragola.

Freya the God of Fire, who was provoked by Dogora, used all his powers to defeat Basque without thinking about the future.

Freya the God of Fire is quite likely to be an intuitive and unplanned God.

Currently, Allen calls the dragonfly in this state "Gas-deficient dragonfly" when the power gained through people's faith is exhausted.

We have to move into action to pump gas.

There are several reasons why there are few believers in Freya, one pillar of the four great gods.

First of all, the believing blacksmiths reduced their numbers because of the huge amount of weapons and armor coming out of the dungeon.

Many have lost their faith itself.

The faith gathered by Dungeon Master Diglagni is used like hot water to reward S-class dungeons, weapons, armor, magic equipment, dungeon expansion, and more.

Just because he is the god of fire, the wizard does not pray to Freya, the god of fire.

Magic has its own god.

It is called the magical god Isilis.

It is said that the geometric patterns that wizards make up when using magic, including Cecil the Wizard King, are the theological characters necessary to negotiate with the magical god Isilis.

The elves pray to the Spirits of Fire before Freya the God of Fire.

Then, thanks and prayers to nature itself, such as the earth, wind, fire and water, but the first thing that comes to mind is the rich god Mole, the god of grace.

And people think of Gaia, the god of the earth, and Aqua, the god of water that soothes their thirst, as the object of prayer.

It is not that there are no prayers, but the temporal background of being attacked by the Demon King overlaps, and those who want to pray only for the God of Fire follow the path of decreasing year by year.

There are 5,000 believers here who do not believe in Ermea and have lost their place of prayer.

There are over 10,000 persecuted believers across the continent.

How powerful would they be if they prayed?

Shut up, Allen asks if it will be enough to hunt demons.

Yes, 10,000 followers?If so, it will take time, but it will be as powerful as defeating that big bug. "

Freya, the god of fire, is not interested in the name of Basque and is called a "big bug."

Basque couldn't remember one name, not two.

(Seriously? Will it be enough to hunt the basque that became the superior demon?)

I don't know how long it will take, but this is pretty good news.

The presence of an ally with a Special Attack on a higher demon can broaden the range of tactics.

"Of course. Let him pray as he pleases."

Allen said with a bad face that it would cook as soon as it was cooked and like it.

Cardinals and priests wonder what they're talking about with Keel, but Keel shakes his head and asks him to wait a little.

I see.You're a stray believer. Fufufu "

The voice of Freya, the god of fire, is turned upside down with joy.

"But, Lord Freya, God of Fire, may I see you here for a moment?"

"Mm, why?

"Ah, Allen, I'm really going to do this...."

Cecil became even more stunned.

And as everyone dazed, the conversation between Allen and Freya, God of Fire, continued.

"There are many parts of people that are missing compared to God.I thought it would be better to clarify who reached out for salvation. "

It makes no sense to thank someone else by mistake.

Allen says people should know who saved the situation, who owes it to, and who to pray for.

Allen thinks it would be troublesome to pray like the beast god the beast man prays with all his strength.

That's true.But I can't show myself without any conditions. "

God has a reason for God.

That's why Fire God Freya says he can't come out.

I have heard that it is a broken world of harmony if God easily exerts his power on the earth.

Therefore, the Spirit God suppresses the appearance of the original lion, remains the appearance of Momonga, and only helps "Spirit King's Blessing".

That's why God asks for a contract or a price to listen to people's wishes.

As a result, Crown Prince Makris of the Prostian Empire became a fish, and one country only produced the fruit of guinea pigs.

It seems that God cannot easily come out in front of people because it can lead to the breakdown of harmony among people.

"Indeed, it is as Freya said.But this is a special time.Do you recognize this situation?Welcome to the descent festival. "

Here, the descent festival.I see! This is the descent festival staircase!!

Allen makes full use of his knowledge to persuade Freya, the God of Fire.

I used it for the "descent festival".

Once a year, the gods of the pillars that descended into the temple of the Catholic capital Theomenia are said to show the power of God to the crowd that gather down the stairs from the temple above the high ground.

(After all, do the gods want to come out for the coming festival?It's a chance to gather faith.)

Allen smiles deeply at what she was proposing.

During the coming festival, the Creative God Hermea appears, and a few columns of God descend together.

Among the many gods, there are very few boundaries that appear once a year.

Allen remembers that Freya, the god of fire, has not been chosen here recently at the Coming Festival.

I remember that it was Aqua, the god of water, and Gaia, the god of the earth, who recently came in the framework of the Four Gods at the Coming Festival.

"This is an important crown ceremony where Keel becomes Pope every few decades.This is how the nostalgic God of Fire, Freya, showed his beautiful appearance to the people. "

He whispers to Freya, the god of fire, that it is a special circumstance and it is not easy to show his appearance.

Keel becomes a papal apprentice on a staircase that mimics a temple staircase.


"And it happened that there was a believer who wanted the salvation of Lord Freya, God of Fire."

Then Elmer might be convinced too.However, the straw cannot be easily saved by the people. "

"Leave that to the pillars.I will show you the will of the god of fire, Freya.That's all we can do. "

I'm an apprentice! Keele's complaint is heard.

Dogora hears without much thought that something has increased her work.

"Sofia Rone, I'm sorry. I'm getting a little sleepy.Ha ha! '

"Eh? Ro, Rosen-sama?

At that moment Rosen, the Spirit God, closed his eyes and fell asleep in Sophie's arms.

From here on out, it looks like you should never see or hear anything.

"So, oh, this is it.It would be helpful if you could do this. "

I see. That's not a problem.You seem to be out of your mind. "

"Not as good as Freya."

I see, I see.You must be Allen.I'll remember that.

"Thank you. I'm happy."

Allen makes a detailed meeting with a bad face.

"Ah, um... Heh, Freya!!

The Cardinal advances to Allen, who meets in front of more than 100,000 people.

The Cardinal only seemed to be talking to a big axe.

Exactly when I was about to speak, Freya, the God of Fire, who had finished the meeting, came out of the artifact kagutsuchi.

A woman with long bright red hair floats slightly higher from the stairs as the fire powder glitters.

As I discussed with Allen, I use my powers to maximize my appearance.

When he saw Freya, the god of fire, covered in sparkling powder, the cardinal slipped out of his waist.

A ripple of admiration spreads across the cardinals, priests, and soldiers.

There she is, mother and child.

"Yes, yes."

"I understand your pain.Let the straw pillar help you. "

"Oh, is that true!?

That way, Freya, the God of Fire, wraps his mother and child in a gentle fire with little heat.

I feel relieved as if I've been wrapped up in everything.

(All right, Meruth Summons)

"Are you sure you want to do this?I don't know, it's Allen's summoner.... "

Allen summoned Meruth, who had become royal and divine.

Kneel and hang the neck of the god of fire, Freya, in the air.

It is as if the Creator Elmer agrees with this one.

Meruth is heartless and tells himself that he was only here as a Summoner.

"Master Meruth!?

"What a divine appearance."

"After all, did the Creator Elmer not abandon us?"

With Freya the God of Fire and Meruth the former First Angel appearing, the people in the square lowered their heads like waves.

The Cardinal also knelt with such momentum that his face was on the stairs in the middle of the stairs.

"Fraiah the God of Fire will not forsake the suffering people.Let's take him!To the Garden of Heaven!!

Freya the God of Fire said that it was an island that should aspire, and set his hands in heaven.

Then, a small ball of fire floats in the air above the scene.

As if the sky were shining.

Fireballs, like fluorescent light, slowly descend to the ground.

People try to touch it, but it is hardly hot to the extent that it is warm.

It is the work of Freya, the god of fire, who suppresses calories with only complete performance.

Freya, the god of fire, declared that it should aim for a floating island.

The voice of Freya is drawn into the hearts of all people.

People stare at the light of fire filling the ceiling with their knees on the ground.

"Yes, yes. Lord Freya the God of Fire.Thank you for your help. "

"I understand your pain.If there are still those who suffer, then all who are here may rely on the pillars of war. "

A voice that appeals directly to the hearts of everyone in the square.

After seeing it, many of the former cult followers were impressed and began to cry.

"Thank you for showing people the way to salvation."

Allen once again thanked Freya, the god of fire, who came back to jump toward the stairs.

Hmm. Nufufu

The god of fire, Freya, faded into the kagutsuchi.

Thus the crown ceremony brought down the curtain, which people were dazed by the work of God.

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