Heibon na Watashi wa Tonikaku Hibon

Four in the conference room.

One of the military conference rooms in Royal Castle.

There were Ray and Tonic, and Ray's aides, Alamy, and four Kleehardt, captains of the Front Pioneer Corps.

"What do you say? Leifaras."

Ray, who was looking out the window at Kleehardt's call, turns around.

"Looks like one of the Demons came on a dragon. I don't think I'm willing to attack. Looking for something, huh?

Everyone thinks with a strange face in Ray's words.

It was a few dozen minutes before the final coordination meeting of the Demon King Crusaders, whose departure was imminent, was reported to have appeared in the King's capital.

The four remaining people on this scene were using Ray's "far-sightedness" abilities to explore the demonic trends, sidelined by key figures and goddesses from the country who followed the conference room as if they had been played shortly after the report came in.

"Dragon... Dragon... That doesn't mean a territorial line if you come from the sky. Well, if you're not willing to attack, we're gonna be fine."

Ray and Alamy grinned bitterly at Kleehardt, who said to the absenteeism mix, and Tonic turned a frightened gaze.

"Dear Kleehardt, aren't you a little too motivated?

"Ah? So you, every military meeting of the Demon King's Crusade, the goddess makes it an elegant tea party, huh? Motivation and everything will be cut off."

Words you told me to throw up.

I agree deeply with that.

"Well, that's true,"

"In the first place, the enemy is alone and unwilling to attack. If it's a battle, the King's Capital Guard and the King's Guard are out. If it takes just one person to get rid of them, even if they have little experience in action. It would be a good field experience. We don't even have to go out of our way."

Kleehardt went on to say that he didn't care.

"The problem is that the Demons are in the Wang capital (here). It means we can get to Wang Du (here). Besides, without our guys guarding the territorial line noticing."

"Sure. Although it sounds good because they are alone and have no intention of attacking, if this..."

"? Leifaras, what's up?

Clyhardt speaks to Ray as he suddenly cuts his words and starts staring out the window.

"Hey, Leifaras?

"... go home"

Ray continued to look out the window, ignoring such a Kleehardt, grumbled small and took his seat, leaving the conference room early as it was.


Unexpectedly, Kleehardt raises his voice and stares at the door where Ray left.

Tonic and Alamy, who were at the end of the chilling gaze, were also stunned.

"What the hell?...... hmm?

It was a blurry Kleehardt when I didn't know what it meant, but I noticed a small noise coming from the window, and I just put my hand on the sword pattern and approached the window without sound.



If you call the name of the tonic next to Kleehardt with your hands on the sword pattern in the same way, that's all the tonic that caught your mind opens the window.


Kleehardt, who pulled out his sword at the same time Tonic opened the window, could only raise his voice of confusion to the little black creature who jumped into the room.


"No, I have two heads. It's a monster."

"Nigi? You, why are you here?... and, uh, well, did Rio come back? That's why Ray left."

Three looking up at a wuss with two heads flying around the ceiling with a bass.

Unlike confused Kleehardt and Alamy, Tonic is convincing of something and sighing out.

"Tonic, do you know anything about him?

"Uh, he's a nigi. It's a monster named after Rio."


"Give the demon a name?

"Yes. Uh, right... do you dare us to go too? Nigi, let's go home."

Gah, a wuss demon with two ringing heads stopped on Tonic's shoulder.

Nigi, Kleehardt and Alamy get more and more perplexed when they see Tonic walking out with two alternating strokes on the head of that demon they called.

"Where are you going?

"It's at Rio's house. Ray must have gone there, too. That's where we're going to talk about it."

Two people who are still puzzled but unable to follow Tonic's words about moving before the troublesome people return.

Wouldn't it be a bad idea to walk in the castle with a demon on his shoulder, because that demon himself flew in through Tonic's shoulder and out the window where he came in, before I said, maybe he's very smart.

With that in mind, Kleehardt put a penetration into Ray and Tonic's word 'go home'.

It won't be your house. [M]

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